Chapter 49: Conviction

"The Gaia Calendar: Years

The way to tell the year differs greatly, depending on which region of Gaia you find yourself in. In the Kingdom of Karash, the calendar is built around two major periods of time: the years before the founding of the Kingdom (Before Kingdom) and the years afterwards (After Kingdom). In certain Alliance territories, like Woltz and Undinia, their calendar follows the same principle, but because the years of their kingdom's respective creations being different from Karash, their years are, therefore, different. Currently in Karash, it is the year 4100 A.K. For Woltz, it is 3600 A.K. And for Undinia, it is 5300 A.K.

The Ifritz calendar is built around the industrial revolution that occurred many centuries back and allowed the fiery territory to become the military powerhouse that it is in the present. Although its kingdom was founded years before that revolution, its calendar is divided from the moment of the discovery of the Geo Matrix, the cornerstone of Iftriz's geothermal prowess. So, if one goes to that kingdom, they'll find the year to be 1460 P.G. (Post-Geo).

Gnottus attributes its year to what is called the Great Drought, that created the desert regions the kingdom is known for. Researchers theorize that it was a consequence of the harsh wars at the genesis of the planet (aptly named the 'Genesis War'), in which the forces of Darkness delivered considerable damage to the fauna of that region. It nearly made it uninhabitable, but the ingenuity of the Gnottunians capitalized on the presence of various oasis to build their homes around of. So, its current year is the second largest, being at 7540 A.D. (After Drought).

Lastly, the Sharem calendar is the both the longest running and most mysterious. It attributes its calendar cut to the turning point of the Genesis War, after Lightus and Darkus ascended to defeat the Darkness. Many Sage researchers attribute this to the fact that the Sharem region once housed many Lightus and Darkus tribes, its folklore and culture still very much based around them, even after those Elements' extinction. But because the Genesis War happened so long ago, the exact year is lost on time, resulting in many countings in Sharem's records contradicting with each other.

Recently, though, Queens Sheeva and Carmilla of Sharem reunited their council and Sages to decide, once and for all, on a definitive year for Sharem. They examined various records that were left in the tribes' legends and Kingdom's files. Many of those records belonged to the First Sage itself, who supposedly lived at the time of the Genesis War and left with them various knowledges that would persist throughout the millennia. Piecing the puzzle together, they finally agreed on a year: 10020 P.W. (Post War).


The Gaia Calendar: Cycles

Although the year numbers may differ throughout the various countries in Gaia, they all pass by the exact same way, as in, they possess the same number of days and months. This knowledge is one of the first that was left to humans, supposedly by the goddess of History herself, Mistral. By her guidance, the year was divided into four Cycles.

Each Cycle is named after one of the four main Elements and is comprised of a three month (that being 30 days per month) period for each one. From the beginning of the year to its end, the Cycle order is as follows: Aqua Cycle, Tera Cycle, Pyre Cycle and Mistral Cycle. After Mistral ends, the loop begins anew, with Aqua following next, that particular cycle placed at the very end and beginning of each year.

With each Cycle, comes a change in weather: Aqua Cycle signifies colder times, filled with heavy rains and snow; the Tera Cycle brings with it warmer times, where the plants bloom again and animals wake from their long hibernation periods, being the main period for agricultural harvests; the Pyre Cycle is signaled by very warm days and little rain; finally, with the Mistral Cycle, the air begins to cool and harsh winds blow. The plants begin to wilt and people spread the seeds for the next year's harvest, while stocking up on food for the coming chilly period.

The Cycles repeat themselves in these 90 day intervals and functions the same in all Kingdoms, although their geographical differences, of course, affect each season's climate changes, in their distinct ways. A Pyre Cycle in Ifritz is much harsher and warmer than, say, an Undinian Pyre Cycle, for example.

Now, that is not to say that only the four main Elements are represented in the Cycles. While each of these has the 90 day period, a year in Gaia is comprised of 362 days, leaving two days left out.

That duo is special, for they honor the gods that have ascended. The Darkus Cycle signals the 362nd day of the year, the final one. People honor and celebrate the passing of the past year and ready themselves for the next, that being signaled by the Lightus Cycle, the first day of the year, which brings with it new hopes and new challenges for the children of Gaia.

Although, those two days are technically inserted in the Aqua Cycle. Such an abrupt intersection can be attributed to the fact that water is a symbol of life. Those two days, being right next to each other, being tied by 'life' is theorized by Sages, to be a hidden reference to Nexus, that being a new 'life' created by the union of the two gods. But that assumption is wildly frowned upon by the more conservative religious groups.

And, finally, on a more human note, the Aqua and Pyre Cycles often signify, in most Academies and workplaces spread throughout Gaia, a break in the people's works. The Aqua Cycle offers a period of rest in its middle period (which can vary from a month to a few weeks, depending on the workplace or Academy), to allow the workers to celebrate the Darkus and Lightus Cycles with their families. Meanwhile, the Pyre Cycle works the same way. In most Academies, even, it signals the end of the school year, giving a resting period for the students to prepare for the challenges that await them on the next term.

But, just like Pyre himself would conjure, a test must always precede a resting period. In a sort of ironic sadism, Academies usually put harsh exams just before each Cycle break..."

-"Customs of Gaia", from Eldus Egas.


There were only a few days left until the final exams arrived, so Noah hadn't any time to lose. When they were announced, It seemed so far away for the boy, so much so that following Axel to Aireen seemed like a good idea. But now, with them just around the corner and Noah's Element mastery still incredibly flimsy, the boy was introduced to a whole new feeling: pre-exam anxiety.

For the next following days, he would follow his routine as normal, but with a tinge of restlessness alongside it. Which, in one hand he thought was good for him, because it pushed the Tera-born to try harder at everything he did, out of a strange fear that, if he didn't do well, he'd automatically fail the exams before they started!

As a result, the morning runs were suddenly producing much better results. He didn't realize when it happened, but suddenly he could spot Terri running in front of him, the Titan not being just a blur zooming by him. Sure, she was still dozens of laps ahead of him and even the more experienced Twins were a handful of laps behind her. But her pace no longer seemed that unimaginable.

Axel was actually doing super well. No longer keeping pace with Noah, he zoomed ahead, better accompanying Mercedes and Merceny's pace. A quiet frustration filled his steps as he ran faster and faster.

Noah had tried talking to him, but he'd always brush it off with a laugh.

-Me leaving for the Tower by myself? Why would I do something so stupid? Silly Noah, even I know the odds would be stacked against me that way.- he had told the boy after one morning's exercises, as they were back in school, only having missed first period by now, the students enjoying their 15 minute break between classes. The two stood in the hallway close to their classroom.

-I know, I know! But with what happened with Aireen...- Noah started, before Axel placed his hand on his shoulder.

-We're all affected by it. And I'm going to make sure the Order pays for what they've done. Whether it's Zanten or Balthazar or even Tal...someone will answer for what happened.- he said with a nod, although it seemed more directed more to himself- But I won't be stupid like in Aireen. I'm done trying to play some...hero of justice and charging head-long into danger. It doesn't matter how strong I am, that's just stupid, as I'm not only endangering my life, but my allies' as well. I want...I want to find a good balance of being smart, but not being scared by a seemingly insurmountable challenge. That way, I can truly fly freely, like Mistral told me that day.

Noah gave him a firm nod.

-And you can count on me all the way, Axel. If it weren't for your plans in Aireen, we would have died! So we'll help keep you grounded, so you can better lead us.- he said, clenching his fists in front of himself.

Axel laughed, shaking his head.

-Hopefully there comes a day where I won't need you to babysit me. That's my job, after all!- he said, before walking towards the classroom, Noah quickly following him, but suddenly jumping to the side as a blurry form slithered past him and latched onto Axel's back.

-Your job is to be my chariot, Mr. Romantic.- Zeke gave off a lazy smile, placing his chin on the Mistral-born's shoulder- I require full access to your notes from here on, to compensate my efforts in Aireen.

Axel gave off a wry smile.

-Fine,'s the least I could--

-And you should do my homework for the coming month. And let me cheat on the written exams.- Zeke added with a sly grin.

-Now that's pushing it!- Axel retorted, pulling on the lazy boy's cheek. my wound aches..!- Zeke let out a ghastly moan, clutching his stomach- I did so much for my friends and they won't repay my kiiindnesss..!

-Friendship isn't supposed to be used like that!- Axel exclaimed.

-Well, then I'll just have to tell Allie that the profound fist-to-face rhetoric you gave her was just a bunch of baloney.- he simply shot back, making Axel grit his teeth.

-I liked you better when you just slept!- he said, pulling on both of Zeke's cheeks now, who presented him with a dopey smile.

-Call it "character development".

-I call it "showing your true colors"!

-Love you too, Axel.- and with that, he buried his face on the lilac-haired's shoulder and soon began snoring, leaving Axel to groan before his remaining shoulder was met with a hand.

-Don't worry, Axel!- Guy presented him with a wide smile- Some of us are trying their best for the exam!

Axel sighed.

-OK, thanks. Glad at least you---

-The...practical exam, I mean. I was never too good with Math...- Guy cut him off with a guilty grin, making Axel rolls his eyes, but a smile also coated his lips.

-Well, since I'm offering...- he then turned to Noah- How about you, Noah? Any subject you want "extra help" with?

Noah vehemently shook his head.

-No thanks! Cheating just feels wrong, ya know! Especially if I was a true whizz kid before coming to Soula!

-Geez, thanks for making me feel bad...-Guy pouted, before gazing to the ceiling- But yeah, it's like cheating on a diet you never knew you had started...

-Strange analogies aside...-Axel scratched the back of his head- There's no shame in letting your friends, at least, help you memorize the subject with some cheat sheet---um...special notes that you might require mid a last resort..!

-Axel allowing cheating? Now that's weird. Are you sure you're still not Mr. Romantic?- Noah asked.

-I'm not "Mr. Romantic"!- Axel said, blushing deeply, shuffling in place, Zeke swaying around on his shoulder- Like I told Zeke, it's just for the written exam. For the Elements exam, we each have to figure something out.

-Well, I'm already training with Jackson, so I'm covered on that part.- Noah pointed out.

-And I've been having some...independent training.- Guy said, looking away to the side.

Axel looked towards Noah.

-But your Tera abilities are still crummy, right? You can't do much yet without Astral Soul. There's no way you can make a decent stone hand in the few days we have left.

-Way to remind me...-Noah pouted, puffing his cheeks.

Axel grinned, placing a hand on his hip, making Zeke's body lean to one side a bit, his cheek sliding off Axel's shoulder until his upper body was nearly slumping over towards the floor.

-Don't worry! I've got some training ideas that might help all of us out!


Standing a few blocks from the Academy, the Lion and Eagle dojo was looking as dignified as ever. Unlike the run-down Angel's Crow HQ, the wooden building looked clean and crispy, like it had been built just the day before, the sign above the door with the title written in bold strokes of black ink striking to say the least. Noah and friends made it a habit to stop by regularly to brush up on their Astral Soul, but the dojo always invoked a sense of out of this world serenity.

Which made sense, since the art of Astral Soul was so distinct from regular Element mastery BladeMasters were used to. It only made sense for the Masters' abode to feel so detached from everything else, no matter how many times the academics frequented the dojo.

-Huh, the Lion and Eagle?- Noah asked, looking towards Axel, who stood beside him, hands on hips and shooting a satisfied look at the sign of the building- The teachers surely won't allow us to cheat and use an Astral Soul technique during the exam, so why bother?

Axel smirked at him.

-Have you already forgotten about the technique you used in Aireen? A mix of Astral Soul and Tera. Because of the different restrictions of Astral Soul, being more a physical technique and not a mental one, controlling this particular power and mixing it with the small percentage of Tera you can control should bypass the Backlash, no problem.

Noah looked at his hand, before clenching it.

-True, I did consider that. But right now, all I can freely make is one petal. Back at the Aireen battle, I *did* manage to find my upper limit of 30% of soul power I could use without backlashing, but since then, I couldn't tap into it again. It was a desperate attempt and I was full of adrenaline, back then, and I can't recreate it. And even if I could, I'm afraid I'll accidentally overshoot into a percentage I can't control with my mind and be hurt by it.

"I thought I could just visualize the upper limits of my body through remembering Terri's exercises, but it's working against me the better I get at the lap exercise. I'm making better times with each passing day and can't reach that peak exhaustion I felt when I started the training and when I was fighting Allie. The sensation is gone to me."

The Mistral-born smacked Noah's back, making the boy snap out of his explanation and jolt in place.

-No worries. What matters is that you were able experience such a level of Astral Soul. So you know it's possible. Now you should leave it to the Masters' guidance to achieve it again. Don't feel like you have to go through some wacky mental exercises to achieve it. You're not some psychologist, after all!

From his shoulder, Zeke yawned.

-Great speech, but why did you bring Guy and me here? I can't summon Astral Soul and his freaking sucks. Trying to "reach past zero on your Element"? Gah, what a convoluted explanation! Too much work! Summoning Aqua is like second nature to me, why should I bother with anything else?

Guy chuckled nervously.

-Y-yeah...after a point, I just stopped coming here after I learned the basics. I got too hungry while meditating, so I couldn't progress more...haha...

-And I just fell asleep. And I can do that in my own room..!- Zeke groaned.

-Well, yeah...- Axel nodded- But I still think you two should try it again. Zeke, training your soul power should help you, since the amount of elemental energy you can control is always growing, so avoiding a Backlash by learning to properly utilize your ever-expanding raw soul power would surely fall within your best interest; and Guy, I feel that your explosive firepower would flourish even more if you could just weaponize Astral Soul! Imagine if you could make a Wave as powerful as that big fire laser beam you used on Allie!

The Pyre-born sighed.

-I can barely control my flames, yet, though...and I wouldn't be able to absorb soul power, like I do with the Pyre-ignited elemental particles thingamajigs. Besides, this talk of elemental and soul powers always gets me confused...

Axel smacked Guy's back too, making the round boy yelp and jump forward.

-Then don't think! Astral Soul is tied to your body, so just trust your gut!

-I already do, tho-- -Guy started.

-Your metaphorical gut!- Axel corrected- If you just try it, I'm sure you two can tap into Astral Soul! Sure, it might not help at the exam, but if we're going against stronger and stronger echelons of Elites, all the more reason right?

-You sure sound passionate...-Zeke sighed- I guess Miss Stab-alot's influence is still as strong as ever. What's gotten into you, to suddenly want to always jump ahead into danger, without thinking of us? It wasn't like this when we met!

Axel placed Zeke down and stepped forward to face the group, his expression serious.

-Look, I know I kinda dragged you and Guy to be part of the Brigade against your will. The Sobek and Allie fights also served to show that I over-compensate my lack of raw talent with dumb passion. And I don't want that. I genuinely want to help the Kingdom...and the Order, and for that I have to make sure that we all get stronger. Strong enough that we don't have to rely on gunning ahead, do-or-die, to win!

He shook his head.

-Sobek asked me, on top of the Wall, what I would do if I faced a wall that couldn't be surmounted with tactics alone. At the time I thought that raw guts would help me pass through any challenge, but when I fought Allie, I realized that I was just kidding myself. Trying to find something to cling onto because, deep down, I knew that I didn't even enough power to fight without being downright suicidal.

"The only talent I have is being smart. And being smart makes me realize that I have to have enough power to back it up. If I'm powerful, then whatever tactics I can come up with *will* get me past higher and higher walls. But also...being smart makes me realize that I can't do everything alone, no matter how intelligent or gutsy I may be. So, I want to assure that my allies are powerful too. Not for my own sake, but for yours' too.

Sorry if I'm sounding selfish again...but I can't stand to lose any of you. I want to push myself and you all, in whom I see so much untapped talent, to greater heights!"

The trio was silent for a few seconds, but then, with a big smile and shining eyes, Noah stepped forward, pumping his fists.

-Axel's right! Forget the exam for a bit! Let's all give our best to get stronger and stronger!- he said, raising his fist to the sky.

-Well, that's unexpected.- Zeke chuckled- You're awfully hyped up for this, Noah. Usually, you let yourself be carried whatever current you stumbled into.

Noah pouted a bit.

-You make me sound like a doormat, Zeke!- he accused, pointing at the young man.

The Aqua- born shrugged.

-If the "Welcome" sign fits...

The blonde scratched the back of his head, pacing around a bit.

-But you're right. Joining Angel's Crow, the Brigade, fighting Terri, Hanzo and Allie...Even if I do want to help the Kingdom, I feel like I still haven't done what I something out of my own volition yet. Heck, even my current past-time, sewing with Mercedes, was dictated by Lucy..!

-Then what do you want to do?- Guy asked.

-Well...for starters, train up! I feel like, the stronger I get and the more techniques I polish, the closer I feel to what I was before I came to Soula!- Noah proclaimed, nodding to himself. He still hadn't told the others about his vision with Tera- I just know that, whoever I was before, I was pretty strong, because Lucy noticed my talent right away! I want to make right on that, so that I don't rust up and disappoint my past self!

-But...the past self is you!- Zeke pointed out.

-You know what I mean!- Noah puffed his cheeks- If I don't get stronger, this nagging feeling on the back of my head will keep haunting me! If I get closer to the level of strength I had, both physically and mentally, I'm sure my memories will come back!

Noah looked down to the ground, clenching his fists, a nervous smile coating his face.

-I just have to..! Because I refuse to believe I was so weak I'd be used by others..!

-What..?- Axel tilted his head, causing the Tera-born to jolt in place, shaking his head.

-Nothing..! Let's just go in! Together!- he said, raising his fist to the door of the dojo and marching towards it.

He reached out for the door when it suddenly opened, the wooden surface crashing on the boy and nearly pressing him to the wall, instead causing him to fall on his butt.

A young woman wearing the Academy uniform left the dojo, buttoning up the white undershirt of the uniform, her bust quite prominent even while covered by the fabric. She huffed at whatever she was walking away from inside the dojo.

-I quit! I refuse to work with this pervert!- she loudly said before taking off, her steps so heavy and angry that it nearly cracked the pavement.

Noah stood up from the ground and reached out for the half-open door, when it suddenly opened completely again and this time it did smack him across the wooden wall of the building. From within the abode, Master Gee ran out, reaching towards the girl, a red mark on his right cheek.

-Hey, please come back! Seriously, it was a misunderstanding! Robes are a pain to put on, I was just helping you adjust it! It's not my fault you have a killer rack-- -his words were cut off by the girl hissing at him from across the street.

Gee stepped back in fear, chuckling nervously.

-OK, noted. One less student, I guess...

He sighed and noticed Noah, splattered across the wall.

-Oh hey, Noah. What are you doing here?- he then noticed the other three boys and scratched the back of his head- Oh's not every day my failures get this big of an audience.

-I recognize her.- Axel pointed out- She's a senior on Jackson's class, who was super excited about Astral Soul and asked me about it and where I learned it. Geez, Gee...

-And then you're surprised by Sobek saying mean things about you, Master Gee!- Guy pointed out with a huff- You really have to fix your lecherous attitude!

-Cross that word off this year's list...-Zeke mumbled.

Gee gritted his teeth and stomped on the ground.

-But it's true! She came in all hyped up about learning Astral Soul and, like all of the other students we've been getting after Noah and Ciny's duel, we asked if she wanted to use a gi like mine and Rye's as a uniform for when she's in the dojo. But I wasn't expecting the mother of all cleavages to show up! The darn thing was a couple of sizes too short! I offered to fix it and she slapped me!

-Oh, and I bet you went at it with the utmost seriousness...- Axel accused, arms crossed.

-Well, it certainly seemed like it at first. suddenly, Rye appeared from the dojo as well, picking up Noah from the wall and dusting off his clothes. If Gee was worried about misworn robes on the senior, what to say about Rye, with the top half of the white uniform draped down his waist, revealing his muscular and sweaty torso, the older Master nearly statuesque at little below two meters of height?

-But then our friend here got all hype and went "Oh, it's too shooooort~! We have to replaaaaace iiiiitttt~!". And then he nearly tore off the whole thing while she was still wearing it!- Rye said, a hearty laugh following- She put him down right there! I told you to always have Astral Soul active, Gee!

-I wouldn't activate it and have that babe break her hand, Rye! Gods, have some tact! Besides, it really wasn't like that! I was being all courteous and delicate, but gods, how are you supposed to handle touching the robes without brushing your hand on those?! So of course I tried to avoid being rude by just taking off the thing as fast as possible! So sue me for being caring!- the thinner Master huffed, the lock of deep blue hair coming down from what wasn't tightly tied into a topknot rising up.

-Excuses, excuses...- Rye smirked.

Gee snarled at him and looked at the boys with an annoyed expression

-You're here for classes, right? Come on in, we're not short on male students, that's for sure, but what with the exams coming, we're all dried up again. Maybe we should teach some other kinds of classes, like calligraphy, flower arrangement or waltz...

And with that diatribe, the quartet moved inside the training room, their footsteps squeaking against the wooden tile floor. No matter how many times he went there, Noah was always amazed by the exotic style, from the floor tiles to the wooden pillars and thin, paper-like walls and sliding doors.

Axel said that the style of architecture was akin to one used in the land of Samurais, Nemuryu. Compared to the other kingdoms, that employed a lot more metal and Enchant Stone machinery, the archipelago's technology seemed almost primitive, still relying on rock and wood, but Ryunians' ingenuity, coupled with a strict discipline for their craft, made for some sturdy designs, many hiding secret functions through pulleys and switches. So the dojo easily hid a bunch of secret panels on the walls and floors that could be passed through with ease, to allow traversal into the many rooms that made up both the training abode and home of the Masters.

Reaching the center of the main training area, the Masters turned towards the trio.

-So, Axel, what did you want to show us?- Gee asked- When you phoned us earlier, scheduling this session, you seemed pretty hyped up about something. A new breakthrough on your Astral Soul?

Axel nodded, a confident smile on his face.

-Exactly. During the fight in Aireen, my Astral Soul...sort of changed.

Rye nodded.

-How exactly?- the grizzly Master asked.

Instead of answering right away, Axel took a firm, square stance.

-See for yourselves.- he said, tensing up and immediately the translucent, steam-like aura of Astral Soul could be seen emanating from his body rising up like flames. And like fire, it combusted, completely enveloping the young man and making the wooden tiles on the floor and door creak, the aura reaching everyone present, like a strong and constant gust of wind.

Rye took his hand to his chin.

-Mmm, impressive. Your mastery of soul power output has certainly impro--

-Not yet.- Axel said, not relaxing his stance- The fun part starts now. I think this is what triggered it.

The Mistral born closed his eyes, taking a slow, deep breath. And suddenly...

His eyes shot wide open. Noah could feel a chill coming down his spine.

"That's..!" he realized.

And right afterwards, the translucent aura began retreating towards its owner. It calmed down, shrunk in size and, in turn, began to thicken. No longer was it transparent, but it slowly shifted across a soft array of colors, like a rainbow. Instead of shooting out of Axel in all directions, it coated the lilac-haired boy's body in a more even sort of blanket.

Rye and Gee's eyes widened.

-Yo, I know teachers shouldn't butter up students like this, but that's actually pretty impressive..!- Gee said.

-Just...what is this? It's not as explosive as the first aura, but even a novice can tell this is much stronger than before.- Axel asked, looking at his arm, the member shaking slightly from the tension it was put through to contain this aura, to not let it run away.

Rye stepped forward, approaching Axel.

-That is the true form of Astral Soul. The first step of our training, like you've experienced, starts by examining your powers through deep introspection, trying to break it down past the Element and towards its origin point: the soul power. Then, a desire from within projects the raw power outwards. That desire is mostly simple, through the form of a command or concept, like "run", "cut" or "reach", because it's trying to get to the most simple basis behind that desire.

-But that's just the first, incomplete form of Astral Soul.- Gee continued- Simply being able to project concepts is not enough. Sure, you have power, but it's all directed outwards. There's no control and the soul power leaks out wastefully. Unlike elemental particles, soul power is quite finite and it takes a bit of rest or exposure to radiation from Enchant Stones aligned with one's Element to replenish it. If it runs out, your body shuts down and you can't move.

"BladeMasters can increase the overall quantities of soul power they can use, though, through training. And the art of Astral Soul allows you to inflate your soul's output even more, since you're stimulating the raw thing rather than combining it with the external elemental power, but as long as you're still stuck in that first phase, Astral Soul is more of a quick power-up or worse, a detriment to the wielder. The stress your body experiences by leaking out soul power all willy-nilly is too great and you get tired quickly."

Rye took over. It was looking more like a company or class presentation at this point.

-And that's where the second and final phase to mastering the basics of Astral Soul begins. You've learned to project the soul power outwards, now you must control it so that it doesn't leak. So, you quickly take back what you've projected, condensate it around your body and create a thicker, more consistent aura. The issue of leaking disappears almost completely and your body doesn't get needlessly tired from using Astral Soul as a result.

"And the secret to that is another mental exercise: a strong conviction to uphold the desires you want your soul power to conjure through those concepts that, in turn, translate to the various techniques of the art.

And that conviction is most often killer intent.

You focus on your goal with all of your strength and, in turn, your soul responds in kind. The soul power is shifted to be directed all towards a single, focused goal. Your aura may not be as explosive as it was before, but its increased density shows the power gap between it and the first phase form. That is because you've refined your soul power and are now ready to efficiently direct it at a target or to apply it more masterfully around yourself."

And, with that, Rye raised his fist, coating it with the translucent aura of Astral Soul.

Right afterwards, without warning, his body shot forward and he threw a punch right at Axel's face!

A violent shockwave ensued from the clash, making the other Academics topple on the floor! Meanwhile, Gee simply observed, with his arms crossed. When the it all settled down, Rye's fist could be seen sunk into Axel's right cheek...

And the boy hadn't budged an inch from where he stood, although his eyes were quite wide.

Rye smirked and stepped back.

-No damage, huh?- he asked, shaking his hand, his knuckles a bit red.

Axel nodded, tapping his cheek.

-I felt you hit me, but it was like...a soft pillow. There is that much different between the two forms?!

-Ayup!- Gee grinned- Rye's attack was serious, but his Astral Soul lacked any real and applied killer intent, so it wasn't anywhere near full power! So, no matter how much he strengthened his fist with that crappy aura, he could never seriously injure your face, now that it's coated with the real deal, the complete Astral Soul aura! Still, it's quite impressive that you managed to go from the first phase straight to a complete coating of the full version!

The Mistral-born smiled and relaxed, the aura dissipating around him.

-Heh, you can attribute that to Terri's training...but I guess also to my upbringing. My parents were very strict with my Element training since a young age. Being born with Mistral, they always pushed me to emit and control the wind throughout my body and, eventually, were pushing me to do the same with electricity. So, when I was fighting with Allie and that, I guess, "killer intent" made my body all hot and tensed up, it was the last piece of the puzzle, huh? That last push...- he chuckled- I can't believe their crappy research actually ended up being useful in the end. But anyways...

He looked at the Master with an expectant expression.

-But I wasn't expecting that aura to be the complete mastery of Astral Soul! Does that mean my tutelage with you two is done? Am I a Master?- he asked, hands on hips.

A few seconds passed by in complete silence, before the Masters broke out in laughing, making Axel shrink in place.

-Kiddo, you just mastered the basics. What you do from there is more up to your own style of fightin', but you're far from being a master like us. Your complete aura is strong, but not anywhere near experienced enough. I'd say your training just begun!- Rye grinned.

-Ah, I should have guessed that you two's complete Astral Soul is even more..."complete" than mine.- he said, before he saw someone pass by him. Noah was now facing the masters, his eyes shining up at the duo.

-Oh, so that's what it was!- he said, his tone very excited.

-Hmm? What was "it", Noah?- Gee asked- You're kinda freaking me out...your new gung-ho attitude you got after you've started training with Terri is still creepy...

-You said "your own style", so that means that the thing with the blossom would be a "style" of Astral Soul too!- he said, pumping his fists and nodding quickly.

Gee rolled his eyes.

-Well, yes...and no. Like we told you, the thing with the blossom is that it's a fusion between Astral Soul and Element. Combining both soul and elemental power means that it's no longer a pure Astral Soul technique, therefore you still need to display strict mental discipline in igniting enough elemental particles so that you don't overload.

-But I did do that in Aireen! I summoned a whole bunch of petals!- Noah said.

-You did, now..?- Rye asked, stepping towards the blonde.

-Yeah, it was crazy!- Guy interjected- It went right against Allie's flame attack and, instead of burning up, the blossoms shaved off the fire!

-Mmm...well, I guessed that, since they cut, it could be a form of Astral Wave...It would also explain why they didn't burn, the ratio of Astral Soul/Element must have tipped towards the first one.- Gee considered- But you say that you summoned a bunch of them?

-Well, yeah...I don't remember the exact details, but I was using Astral Soul...- Noah pondered.

-It was a sort of pink aura. Can it be related to the complete Astral Soul?- Axel suggested.

-To summon enough energy to counter an Elite's must have been, at least, close to that. Noah, can you do it again?- Rye asked.

Noah shook his head.

-I couldn't summon that huge surge of energy again ever since the battle...I thought that I still wasn't having a clear image of my mental limits, but maybe the problem doesn't lie with my Element control, but with my Astral Soul? Maybe if I summoned that complete aura and mixed it with the amount of elemental power I can summon, that same wave would show up again!

-But can you summon the complete aura? Axel I understand, since he had a bunch of prior training, but you're still learning new stuff about yourself every day, Noah. I wouldn't even recommend you trying to invoke a full coating like Axel, or else your body might not be able to take it.

Noah kicked the air, dejected.

-So what do I do? Do I keep training my body..? I was hoping the blossoms would be my ticket to passing the exam!

Gee smirked.

-Well, we never said you couldn't use the complete aura...just not on your whole body. For these matters of delicate control, we usually start by focusing it on one part of the body. That's our method to manifesting the whole aura, after all. Noah, you've been coming along pretty well on your first phase training, so you should be able to do it, no problem, if it's applied on one part of the body. First, start by activating the first aura. It doesn't need to be as hard as you can.- he instructed.

Noah nodded and took a deep breath, the translucent aura soon rising up from his shoulders, them his arm and soon coating his entire body, just like Axel did, but it wasn't flaring up as violently as the Mistral-born did.

-Like this?- the blonde asked, while Axel, Guy and Zeke (dragged by Axel) huddled around Gee and Noah, observing.

-Yeah.- Gee nodded- Now try to take all of the aura you're feeling coursing through your body right now and focus it all on your dominant hand.

-Focus it all..?- Noah asked, looking at his right hand, trying to focus on his palm, but the aura wasn't moving at all.

-You have to feel the flow of soul power, Noah.- Rye said- One's soul is often depicted as a sphere in your chest and a Sage's soul check certainly brings out a projection of that same singular object, but soul power, as a whole, is constantly pumped throughout your entire body. The soul itself is just its core. Its influence courses throughout a system that is usually called the "Soul Network", similar to veins and arteries.

"So, see soul power as if it's your own blood. Picture Astral Soul as a liquid, flowing from the top of your head, down your right shoulder, arm, waist, leg and foot, then shifting to your left foot and rising up towards the head, so it can start its cycle anew. Take a hold of that flow...and direct it to one place."

-A flow...a circuit...OK, I'll try.- Noah said, closing his eyes and picturing the translucent aura, now in liquid form, dripping from the top of his body to the bottom, then back to the top. He had always felt a power, but nothing past a...transient sensation. Like he couldn't take hold of it. Like it just...happened without his consent. But it was his soul power. Brought forth from his soul.

The soul he knew...belonged to someone strong.

And with that, after a few seconds of focus, he could feel it: a palpable, viscous sensation coursing through his body, like Rye said. Now, he felt like he could grasp it. And so, he opened his eyes and focused on his right hand.

Finally, like magic, the aura began shifting and stopped rising up to the ceiling, instead beginning to course by the rest of Noah's body and focusing around his right hand and forearm. But it was still translucent.

-I-I got it..! I can...I can feel the soul it's a real object..!- Noah said.

-Ayup. And that's the soul power your opponents feel when you use the Astral Wave. You've focused it all on your hand and not your Blade.- Gee pointed out.

-But wait: how come Noah could focus his power on the Blade just fine and now he had trouble with the hand?- Guy asked, raising his hand.

Rye nodded.

-A good question, Guy: a Blade is born from the soul. And you can see that as an extension of the soul, but directed only towards battle. As such, concentrating the soul power in your Blade is much easier, because your mind and soul instinctively know where to focus the power in order to fight. It's a cheat, basically, because your cognition of a weapon and its use are much easier concepts to convey to your Astral Soul.

"Now all you have to do is evoke the feeling you use when you're launching the Astral Wave on the power you've just focused on your arm. Be it a desire to defeat your adversary, to protect a friend or even unwind have to command your soul power with the conviction originated by your mind...and powered by your heart, by your soul."

-Desire...- Noah repeated.

Rye pointed at the blonde.

-That conviction is what will sharpen your Blade throughout its battles. When we say "killer intent", we don't mean just the desire to harm. Bloodlust, killer intent...they are all terms to express your conviction, to turn your ideals into tangible power. Noah, what are your convictions right now? What do you wish to use your power for? What will it sharpen towards?

Noah frowned and gritted his teeth, holding onto his forearm with his left hand.

-I want...I want to regain what I lost, of course..! I want to go back to who I was! And for that, I have to get answers from those who hide them from me! I have to get stronger or else my path will keep being dictated by others! I'm not like that, I know it! And I don't want to swept by another's current anymore!- he proclaimed.

And with that, the translucent aura began to thicken.

And shone. Its bright light covered the dojo momentarily and when it subsided, Noah's forearm presented an aura shining lazily through all those colors.

Rye grinned.

-The boy that was pushed to fight Terri on a hunch is no more. I see you've re-grasped whatever conviction your past self held. Congratulations.

Noah nodded.

-Alright, cool, but now how do I...fuse this with Element..?- he asked.

Rye didn't answer, but instead looked at Gee who, in turn, shrugged.

-I dunno...- the thinner Master said- to invoke Element from that arm? Your soul is still pumping soul power constantly, you're just focusing it there on your arm. So...try to ignite the elemental particles around it? Me and Rye never dabbled on mixing Element with Astral Soul. We barely use our own Elements!

-Well, it shouldn't be too different from when you make the single blossom, right Noah?- Guy asked.

Noah shook his head, his arm trembling a bit.

-N-no...not really...I feel the power in my arm and its in control. But just barely. I feel like it could slip away and return to the incomplete aura at any time, if I stop focusing..! I can't focus enough to summon any elemental power! Axel, how do you do it?- he asked, looking at the lilac-haired boy, who raised his hands in front of him.

-I-I don't know..! I never mixed Element with Astral Soul either-- -he stopped midway, a reflective expression on his face, before he shook his head- Y-yeah...never. Sorry, Noah, but it seems you have to really try your best to summon both powers at the same time.

Noah sighed.

-Y-yeah, gotcha. Nothing else but to try it..!

And with that, the next few minutes were spent with the group and the Masters looking at Noah trying his best to focus on his arm, the aura around it not exhibiting the same orange sparks from before. The goggled-boy's brow soon became drenched in sweat and his legs and arms began to tremble as he struggled to keep the complete aura activated. There were a few times when it started to dissipate and Noah, panicking, would clench his arm tighter, activating it in full again.

-I-I can't grasp the balance..! As soon as I start to relax the soul power, it begins fading away.- he said.

-Mmm, this really might be a question of practice, Noah.- Rye shook his head- Maintaining the complete aura takes a lot of effort, both on your mind and body. You must keep at it until maintaining a certain level of that aura becomes second nature. Then you try to thicken it even more and train to maintain that and so on, so forth...

-Damn...-Noah groaned- Can I really achieve that level of control until the exams..? It's only a week away..!

-I'm sure you can-- -Axel started, but a loud sigh was heard behind him. A figure rose up from the ground where it had been napping until then.

Zeke slithered over to Noah.

-Oh my gods, this hard to watch! Noah, I thought you were, at least, a bit smarter than me, so how can I figure it out and you don't? Geez, I was keeping my mouth shut in hopes you'd get it, but it soon got too tiring to keep seeing you struggle. Gimme your arm.- he said, taking Noah's left arm without waiting for an answer and raising it, pointing his palm down.

-Pump Element through here.- he ordered.

Noah blinked, but did what he asked. Since he didn't have to focus on keeping the Astral Soul pumping while trying to spark elemental power at the same time in one arm, the task was much simpler. Soon, orange sparks coated his arm and the wooden tiles beneath the blonde began to shake and crack.

-Cool. Now check this out.- Zeke said, taking Noah's left hand and his right hand, bringing and clapping them together.

And then, like magic, the multi-color aura around Noah's arm turned a deep pink!

-You literally said it was a "mix"! So why not pump soul power in one arm, manipulate elemental power through the other and, finally, mash those two together? Easy as pie!- the auburn-haired shrugged and shook his head- I'm disappointed in you, son--

His words cut off by the sudden realization that everyone around him, including Noah were shooting him wide-eyed stares. Zeke chuckled nervously, hands on hips.

-Guess you weren't expecting my latent genius to come out, huh~? Falling for me yet?- he grinned before Axel and Guy's arms wrapped around his waist, bringing him up to their shoulders.

-Zeke you freaking savant! I was completely stumped and you figured it out!- Axel grinned.

-Guess you are good for something when you're awake, huh?- Guy laughed.

Zeke smirked.

-That's right, praise me!- he let out a haughty laugh as he was held up by his friends.

-And since you're so smart, I guess you don't need my help on the written exam.- Axel smirked up at him. Zeke immediately jumped off of the duo.

-On the other hand, the life of a peasant is just fine by me.- he quickly said.

The Masters couldn't help but smile at the exchange. Rye then looked at Noah.

-A pink aura, huh? I guess that's what you get when you mix both of the techniques, huh? How nice, to be so easily distinguishable.

-If you ask me, the more I get into Enchant Stones and elemental auras, the more I feel like I'm having a fever dream, with all the colors.- Axel rolled his eyes.

-Well, let's see those razor sharp blossoms, Noah!- Gee exclaimed. Noah nodded and directed the arm forward. Everybody that was around him scattered behind the boy. Soon, the pink aura exploded in front of Noah, a wave of pink blossoms shooting out of his arm and swirling in the air! They swirled in a tube-like shape in front of the boy who directed it around the dojo with his right hand, keeping it steady all the while to not lose control of the aura.

-Incredible...- Rye said- I've never seen a technique that allowed that much control before!

-But how much control can he give those petals?- Gee smirked, the Master going to the back portion of the dojo while Noah lazily controlled the blossoms around himself. The man then picked up a couple of wooden boards used to split in half with your bare hands. He then walked towards the group again- Hey, kid, hit this!

Gee then threw one of the wooden boards, like a frisbee, past Noah's head and towards the other end of the dojo. The blonde quickly reacted and pointed his hand towards the flying object. On command, the cherries shot out towards it and enveloped it. When Noah retreated the pink "cloud" back towards him, all that was left of the board were meager splinters.

-Gods, when I first saw the lone blossom, I thought it would act like a sword...but it's a meat trasher..!- Rye said, a cold sweat running down his face- Anyone caught in those will be torn to ribbons!

-It seems to go pretty quick too...but how quick? Behind you, kid!- Gee exclaimed, throwing another wooden board towards the back of Noah's head! On instinct the boy turned around and placed his palms in front of him to guard, the blossoms immediately shooting around him and placing themselves in front of the boy. They all turned to the wider side, all lining up in neat rows, until they formed a thick, straight and wide wall, the board harmlessly bouncing off of it.

Gee smirked, quickly jumping towards the spinning board and kicking it, the object flying past Noah.

-Rye, pass!- he exclaimed.

The older Master smirked and quickly caught the flying board, throwing it towards Noah's exposed back!

Noah's eyes widened and he quickly reacted, turning back towards Rye. In the process, he turned his right palm from facing the board to now facing the floor. The blossoms replied in kind and turned around to their sides again, now exhibiting their razor-thin edges. Once the spinning wooden object hit the new barrier, it was shredded to bits, but not completely and instantly, a big portion still hitting Noah's fingers violently, the pain causing him to lose focus and the aura dispelled, the blossoms turning to pink dust before disappearing completely.

-And depending on how they're placed, they can also serve as a shield! Impressive!- Rye smiled, stroking his chin.

-And not just a harmless one, at that.- Gee added, an exited grin on his face- If he chooses the method accordingly, the shield can offer an absolute defense or a risky counter-attack, it seems..!

Noah smiled widely, looking at his palm. It was then that he noticed that his face was drenched in sweat. It seems the effort of summoning and controlling the complete Astral Soul aura as well as his Element took much more out of him than he thought. But he couldn't help but feel too satisfied to let that affect him.

"Not only do I have my key to the exams, I got one step closer to, RE-realizing my own strength! Watch out, Zanten, Tal...and whoever you are, Voice..!

This is just the beginning!"


That night, on the empty training fields of the Academy:

A bright light filled the closed down space, alongside a great warmth. Part of learning to control the flames was also to prevent Guy from being found out by a teacher of a less well-intentioned student. If they ratted him out, he wouldn't have a place for his secret training.

Well, not so secret anymore. As soon as the panting boy put down the Dragonic Blade, a harsh voice yelled at him.

-What, you're getting tired only after 36 blasts? Pathetic! And aren't you supposed to have a wealth of soul power?!- Merceny yelled at him, arms crossed, standing against a wall a couple of meters away from him, safe from the flames.

Guy laughed, very nervously, at him.

-N-no, of course not!- he said, before gulping- P-please don't get angry, Ci--Merceny!

The Black Feather grunted.

-I can't believe I got roped into this as well. If this was my old schedule, maybe I could fit it, but now having to deal with early mornings is so draining...- he said, massaging his forehead.

-What kind of mercenary worth his salt sleeps till noon? Training all night is one thing, but yours were not healthy habits! Don't you want to show Midnight and Hazewinds how much better you are than them? Then you'd better be an exemplary mercenary and superior by the time they return!- Mercedes smirked, standing against the same wall, a couple of meters beside her brother.

-I'll start taking you more seriously after you stop gouging yourself in sweets after school with the girls of the guild every day.- Merceny simply shot back.

-Awww, what's the matter~? Are you jealous? Do you want sweets too, Brother?- she smirked- I bet no girl in the Academy would mind going with you to get something sweet, so go on ahead!

-Shut up..! Thanks to you buttering me up into enrolling at the Academy, all of the female student body fangirls over me to the point of borderline stalking and the male half wants me dead!- Black Feather shot out, rolling his eyes- And now even the guild guys are snickering behind my back, calling me "Mr. Heartthrob" or "Strawberry Kroe". Because I'm "soooo sweet now", they say! Ugh!

Mercedes couldn't help but let a loud laugh, the light of the flames Guy shot upwards in front of her making her flush cheeks and golden hair almost glisten.

-Oh, I have to see that sometime! But, hey, better than being insulted behind your back. You have to gain a good image towards those below you and what better way than helping Guy with his exam training?

The torrent of fire stopped and Guy looked at Merceny.

-Yeah, your advice has been really helpful, Merceny!- he said with a huge grin- I was reticent in taking Mercedes' help once she approached me the other night, but taking advice from a senior is not bad at all!

Merceny shook his head.

-Like I said, just because my Darkus manifests in dark flames, it's not the same as Pyre fire. Mine melt through stuff like acid more than they outright burn, so my knowledge is limited..!- he protested, looking to the side with a rare, embarrassed expression on his face- I'm really not well suited for Pyre training and, honestly, only went along with it because Mercedes asked me to.

Guy turned towards him, Blade down.

-But it's been a good few nights, now. You could have just made an excuse to not show up, but you've been here every night.

Merceny sighed.

-I dunno...I guess I just saw potential in ya, Vermilion. After your recounting of your battle against Lotus and the techniques you used, I see that you do, indeed have lots of power, but lack a means to focus them. It's better to help you before you become too dangerous. my image and stuff. I did still hit you at the Arena, after all...

Guy smiled.

-You're a good person, Merceny. I used to think you were unfeeling and pretty scary, but I'm glad to see that even the big, tough, Black Feather wants to help his friends and melts when his sister asks him something!

Merceny couldn't help but blush deeply, gritting his teeth and clenching the sleeve of his jacket.

-Be quiet! And did I tell you could take a break? Let out more fire! Allow your pent-up aggression to come out! As long as you possess strong conviction, a tangible killer instinct, your Element will become focused and sharp! That's how it works for me, so it should do the same for you, Vermi--Guy!- he barked out.

Guy nodded and pointed the Dragonic to the sky again, a torrent of flames shooting out of the Blade's tip again and again.

Mercedes looked at the flames. She could spot portions of it becoming of a lighter orange and the pillar of fire becoming thinner and more focused one in every five blasts shot, reaching higher in the process and letting out more heat.

"He's learning fast..." she looked to the side "Well, he's got a good teacher."

And with a smile, she kept watching the training through the night.


-Come now, kiddo! You want to pass the exam or not?- Sobek asked.

In front of him, lying on the ground of the Angel's Crow training fields, Axel glared at him.

-Not pass...ace it!- the lilac-haired boy shouted, standing up slowly, Raiden in his hands shaking a bit. Soon, the Astral Soul aura flared up from him, flickering between both stages. He had been at this for a few hours now.

-Good! Because I could be practicing a storm on my recorder right about now, but I'm helping you because I'm such a cool dude!- the blue haired young man said, taking a piece of coal from the pile he brought with him from the blacksmith and throwing it to the air in front of him.

Axel gritted his teeth.

"Sobek was nice enough to agree on helping me when I reached out for him today. I must learn from his style and combine it with what I know. I must...I must get stronger, in all facets! So I won't do this alone anymore! My exam score and my future battles...will be the product of the hard work of me and my peers!"

With that thought, he rushed towards the flying rock, swinging his Blade at it!


-And what do you want?

-Well, I learned that this was practically your new house, so I came to visit! Well, mostly snuck in after visiting hours were over, but it's the intention that counts, right?

-Hmph. The staff won't let me leave despite me being fit as a fiddle. Say they want to make sure my eating and resting habits don't degrade again. Shows what they know. The bare minimum is enough for a true warrior.

-Aren't you badass. But, hey! Since you're sooooo cool, why don't you help me out with my exams? Gods know you certainly have the time, and that I have the talent, Hanzo.

The red head Elite tsked at the person from his hospital bed.

-What makes you think I'll just help an enemy, Truesdale?

Zeke grinned, placing his hands behind his head and looking around the empty bedroom. Lucy had already left a few days ago after she collapsed, so now Hanzo was the sole occupant of the room, the same he had been since he was brought from the tundra.

-An enemy? Daww, you make me blush, Hanzo! Take me out on a date before you start throwing those terms around, why dont'cha? We barely even saw each other over in Snow Town! And c'mon, we're both Aqua users and you're way better at ice stuff than me, so help a brother out! Ya know, I'm also taking time out of my busy nap schedule to come here, so you're not the only one that's annoyed.

Hanzo shook his head and then closed the curtain around the bed, closing it off from the rest of the world.

-Beat it, kiddo. I don't need you or that harpy Lucy annoying me.

-Oh, that's right! Didn't she come over to visit you a bunch? Give you some apples, too, from what I've heard. How romantic. Did she lovingly peel and cut them for you? Feed them to you? Oh my, how steamy~- the auburn-haired youth smirked.

A few seconds of silence passed before Hanzo was heard again from the other side of the curtains.

-If be "cut" you mean "shred". That woman has zero aptitude for cooking. How do you fuck up peeling an apple when your whole job is cutting up people?

-Yeah, she seems the type. But you still put up with her, no? I believe that means you do have some sort of soft spot. So why don't you spot me a few lessons, Mr. Softy? Or what, do I have to be a tall, gorgeous, platinum-haired femme fatale for you to help me? Wow, what a perv!- he let out a snort.

-I'll shoot you, you know?- Hanzo simply replied.

-Oooh, with that fancy ice bow? I wish I had that level of ice creation skills.

-Hmph. Of course you'd wish. Aqua BladeMasters excel in creating objects and weapons from graceful ice. Not that you'd understand, you sleepy dunce. For starters, you'd have to have access to Flash--

-Flash Freeze ? Pftt, I've had that for ages!- Zeke said.

A few more seconds of silence stretched out before Hanzo spoke again.

-So? BladeMaster Academies all over Gaia teach that fairly early. A third year that doesn't know Flash would be shamed out of the school. But the next level is much more complicated. I've heard even seniors of your school haven't completely mastered---

-Absolute Freeze? Deposition? Yeah, I got that too.- Zeke shrugged.

Suddenly, the curtains were pulled aside. Hanzo glared at him.

-You? A kid like you knows Absolute Freeze ? The amount of soul power and precise control over your Element should make that impossible for someone your age--

-Oh? But it's quite simple to use it. I'm no master by any means, but I can do it.- he said, before holding his hand up. Around his palm the air began to get colder and colder. And then, ice began sprouting from his palm, slowly rising up and forming a perfect sphere. Zeke then clenched it and it easily got crushed- See? It's hollow on the inside, so I figure that you, a master of ice, have the Freezes on the bag and can make stronger objects than this super easily.

Hanzo straightened himself out, getting up from the bed.

-Absolute Freeze is a natural evolution from Flash Freeze. Master it well and soon you won't even need to summon liquid water to create strong ice, forgoing the Flash step. I and many other famous ice BladeMasters from around the world, only use Absolute for our techniques. But it took me years to master Flash and pass to the level above. For you to even know Absolute...

The Diamond then let out a chuckle.

-Heh...this might be interesting. Very well, I'll help you out with your crappy exam. Should keep me from getting bored. But I won't go easy on you. I'm not your typical soft Elements teacher.- he said, extending out his hand towards Zeke.

The young man smirked and grasped Hanzo's hand in a firm shake.

-It's a deal. Prepare to get your socks rocked, Hanzo baby~


And finally...

The day of the exams has arrived!