Chapter 50: Trials

Guy Vermilion - Pyre exam

The Soul BladeMaster Academy exams all took place in the square shaped courtyard rooms where the students had their Elements and Fencing classes and training. Guy was surprised when he found out the site of the exam as those rooms were the places he would sneak off at night to train. It felt a mixing of nostalgic and appropriate that he would bear the fruits of his training in the same place where the actual training took place.

The exam period consisted of eight days. The first day would be centered around the written tests for the various subjects, like History, Math and Elementology and the remaining seven days would be for the practical Elements exams, each year getting their own day. Because Guy was a first year, he only had to worry about the first two days. The rest of the exam period he would spend having classes as normal and afterwards, the Aqua Cycle break would begin.

Having somehow squeaked by the first day, Guy readied himself for the Elements exams. The tests would take place throughout the day and the whole first year class would take their exams on one of four sections of the day. The Pyre students would begin in the early morning (Terri excused her training for that day only), the Aqua students would have their exam before lunch, the Mistral portion of the class would have theirs on the early afternoon and the school day would close out with the Tera exam. Anyone not currently having their exam would wait around the school until they were called out.

"Honestly, I'm glad I'm first up. I can't imagine what the other guys might be feeling, having to wait for their turn..." Guy thought as he stepped into the courtyard, his feet sinking slightly on the bright green grass. About ten other Pyre students stood beside him, on the left and right, all lined up in a row. In front of them, 5 teachers served as the exam judges.

And between the teachers and students were ten 50 x 50cm glass cubes filled with water, placed on 40cm tall stone pedestals.

-Very well, I will explain the Pyre exam requirements once more!- one of the teachers said as he stepped forward from the examiners group- All ten of you will submerge their entire arms on these cubes of water and activate Pyre. We will judge you on the amount of elemental power you managed to spark after a twenty minute time limit! If any of you can activate a flame while your arm is inside the cube, at any point during the time limit, you will automatically pass the exam! Now, examinees, step forward and submerge your arms in the cube!

Guy gulped and rolled up the sleeve of his blue uniform jacket and white undershirt. He and the other students stepped forward and each submerged their arms on the cube in front of them.

The teacher raised his arm.

-And the time!

Guy tensed up. Around him, the water inside the other students' cube was bubbling up, while his was completely still.

"There's no time to hesitate. Remember what Merceny taught you!"

He closed his eyes, his memories returning to those nights where he tried, again and again, to control and improve his fire, under the stern eye of Black Feather.

-It's not enough, Guy! Your flames are shooting out all haphazardly! You cannot be afraid of them!- the blonde yelled as Guy fell once again on the ground after another blast of flames left his Blade with so much power that he lost his balance.

Guy looked towards Merceny, a nervous look on his face as he held the Dragonic in his hands.'s scary! The flames are so intense, I don't want to get burned!

Merceny glared at him.

-Then why are you a BladeMaster?! All Elements are potentially dangerous to their wielders, but we still wield them! You can't be scared of your own power! Not only because we all have a natural resistance to our own Elements, but also because, if we fear what we create, then we're limiting ourselves! Stagnating! No matter how fierce a dance, we have to ensure that each step is taken forward with determination, or else it'll fall flat!

-Determination...-Guy looked down, staring his Blade- That's the same thing that allowed Noah and Axel to master Astral Soul...but I can't see myself being that brave! All my showings, like against Allie, were done on impulse! On rage! I can't be...consistently brave like you, Merceny!

Merceny shook his head.

-You think I'm always brave, Guy? I really am not! There are times where I'm scared too!

-R-really?!- Guy stared at him with an hopeful look on his face.

-W-well...only on rare occasions...-Merceny coughed, Mercedes trying to contain her laughter behind him- But the bottom line is that, you don't have to be this...machine that's always super badass and bloodthirsty. We're still human, after all. If we didn't have doubts and fears, we'd be plain stupid.

"What matters is taking those fears...and face them. Embrace them. What makes you scared, Guy? What makes you feel this...this sudden energy to run away? If you can identify the source, then you can use it. You can use that desire and turn it around towards your Blade. The desire to run away turns into the desire to make others run away. Because you've felt that fear, you can make others feel it in return. Like a scientist can't use a formula they've never learned, you can't truly weaponize something you don't understand.

Back when I fought Noah at the arena, I was like you, trust me. Waving my power around without thinking, because my dumb pride and rage were in the way. I lost focus and understanding of what made me...well, me. And because of that, the Dark Dance was locked away from me.

Look, you don't have to be the greatest warrior or the fiercest BladeMaster. You don't even have to use your power for wanton violence, to hurt others. It can be used to, well, protect others. But if you're afraid of your own abilities, if you're scared of taking that desire and turn it around...then you're never going to be able to use it for what you want.

It's all a matter of choice: would you rather feel the stinging but quick pain of an injury, or feel the slow and tortuous pain of regret, of feeling like you could have done better for others?

Guy then remembered: that horrible feeling of thinking Zeke was dead back at Aireen...and that he didn't do anything to save him.

And the rage he felt then...

-I don't want to feel that way again! I want to make sure none of my friends have to feel scared, like Zeke did when I couldn't help him!- he told Merceny.

-Then take that regret...and make it flow into your Blade. The desire to not leave anyone or anything behind. That's your determination. Don't settle for less and take that first step. Trust me, the rest will come out easier. And by then...

"...the whole world will open before you. And the performance can truly begin."

Guy's eyes crashed open.

He was then back at the courtyard, staring at his hand in the cube. Beside him, all the other students were trying their best to spark any Pyre, but all they could do was make the water bubble up and heat up a little.

Guy then clenched his fist.

" 'Courage is humanity's blood'. That's what you said, Pyre. I can't say for sure I have bravery flowing through my veins yet...but I don't want any blood to be spilled because I hesitated! Not anymore! Nobody will feel scared with me around! Because I'll take that fear...and light it up!"

Gritting his teeth, his leaned towards the cube!

And immediately afterwards, a torrent of steam erupted from within, swallowing the boy inside it. The other students looked towards the spot Guy's cube was, all surprised, but then...

-Hey, what's happening?- one of the students looked back at his arm. The water in his cube was completely still.

-It's back to normal!- a female student protested- I was sure that I was igniting some particles with Element..!

-W-where my Pyre?!- a third exclaimed.

From the wall of steam...a faint shape of a pair of big feral eyes could be seen in the haze. But soon, the mist dissipated.

And the shape of Guy was seen again, still leaning towards the cube.

No water in sight.

And his arm coated in fire, the flames flowing from outside of the cube and coming to swirl around his member.

One of the teachers seemed like he had seen a ghost, as his face was completely pale, his eyes wide as saucers.

-I-Impossible..! How could he have...ignited so much Pyre in so little time?! It's so much that it makes the others look like they're not using any elemental energy at all!

The first teacher let out a gasp.

-The movement of his's almost like they came from outside of the cube and into his arm..! No...

"Not almost. They did. He...must have taken the elemental energy the students around him were gathering and concentrated it all around his arm! Igniting such a dense amount of elemental particles with Pyre, all at once...of course he evaporated the water almost instantly!"

Guy let out a nervous smirk at the teachers.

-The requirement was that you had to light your arm on fire inside the cube to automatically pass. You never said anything about lighting it on fire while submerged in water. That's physically impossible, after all.- he said.

The teacher gulped, before letting out a hearty laugh.

-Indeed! Concentrate Pyre to heat up your arm, make the water boil and let it evaporate out of the cube. Once the cube was vacant of liquid, it would be easy for your arm to freely burn. That was why we gave such a lengthy time limit, to let you students accomplish that task! But you, Guy managed to make use of the elemental particles around you, that were being focused on the other students, for your own benefit! You displayed complete lordship over the surrounding elemental power and created an explosive ignition, making a mockery of the time limit!

The examiners group all nodded in approval.

-Guy Vermilion is the first to pass!


Zeke Truesdale - Aqua Exam

The portion of Aqua first-year students were gathered in another courtyard, eight kids in all, facing the team of examiners, all adult Pyre-users.

One of the teachers stepped forward, clapping his hands.

-We will review the exam once more: you all will step forward, one at a time, to be examined. We will give you five minutes to build a structure of ice, its shape to your liking. Afterwards, me and the rest of the examiners will direct concentrated fire, for one whole minute, at your structure. Once that's done, we will examine the integrity of the sculpture and grade you on how strong your ice was throughout it. If there's nothing of that ice after the attack, you will be automatically failed, but on the other hand, even if a tiny speck of ice is left, it will suffice for you to get a passing grade.

The teacher let the students mumble among themselves for a few seconds before clapping his hand again.

-Who wants to go first? If no one volunteers, we'll call by alphabetical or--

-Me first, Teach. It would be too tiring to wait all the way to "Z".

The judges and students were dumbfounded to see Zeke waddle from the group and standing between his fellow students and the teachers.

The man blinked in confusion, but then coughed.

-V-very well..! It's unusual to see you take initiative, Zeke, but not unwelcome. Well then, you can prepare your structure.- he said before backing away and joining the remaining four judges.

Zeke shrugged before beginning to stretch, extending his arms, reaching for his toes, crouching down to stretch his legs, twisting his waist to the sides and back and forth, all without, seemingly, a care in the world as the students and judges all muttered amongst themselves as they watched that display.

-Yeah, yeah, I know you don't have any hopes for me. Even though I was scouted for the Full Course, ya'll were expecting me to flunk once I started the BladeMaster course for real.- he said, tapping the tip of his feet on the ground while loosening his wrists and cracking his knuckles.

Then, with a decisive step on the ground, he faced the judges with an unusual fire in his eyes.

He raised his hand and, from a spot in the grass a meter from him, a torrent of water erupted, erected at about two meters in height and ten centimeters in width . Zeke then pointed his palm at the torrent and closed his hand, making a fist.


With that, the pillar of water instantly froze, a crude, short and thin pillar of water forming in front of the boy. Without moving from where he stood, Zeke casually gestured to the judges.

-Go ahead.- he yawned.

The lead teacher shook his head in disbelief.

-W-what..? You still have well over four minutes to bui--

-Go ahead.- Zeke repeated- I'm done.

The older man stepped forward, trying to reason with the boy.

-You do know that, no matter how many free passes you may have as a member of Angel's Crow, that you will still fail the exam if we melt all of this, right?

Zeke scratched the back of his head, rolling his eyes before glaring at the teacher.

-Then it falls to me to show you why I deserve said free passes, right? Go. Ahead.- he said, his tone a bit annoyed.

The teacher turned back towards the others, who nodded at him. He then turned back towards Zeke, shrugging as he was joined by the rest of the group.

-Suit yourself. But you may want to step ba--

-I'm fine here.- Zeke cut him off.

-Sure...- the teacher sighed, before all five adults pointed their hands at the dinky ice pillar, ten torrents of fire shooting out at it. A bright light and a wall of steam filled the courtyard as Zeke's structure was consumed by the fire, the boy not leaving his spot as the embers flew by him, the only thing preventing him from getting roasted being the poor and thin pillar he erected.

The other Aqua students and even the remaining students, from all years, who watched the exams from the classroom windows above that pointed to the courtyard stepped back, shielding themselves from the intense heat. Even while concentrated on a singular spot, it was still a focused attack from five adult BladeMasters, each capable of melting iron with their Pyre. Not even a speak of steam should be left of Zeke's water.

But Zeke didn't seem to mind. He kept standing there as the seconds passed, his hair flapping back violently from the sheer heatwave from the fire, but the boy looked bored to tears, struggling to stay awake, even if he couldn't even see his structure as it was swallowed by the flames.

But then...the full minute passed. The judges stopped their attacks, the flames dissipating in front of them, the light and steam that filled the closed off space fading away, to reveal...

The ice pillar.

Standing at nearly two meters tall and ten centimeters in width. A completely skinny and poor-looking structure, with no clear form or grace to it.

Completely untouched.

All color had drained from the teachers' faces as they looked, completely shocked, at Zeke's crude cylinder. Meanwhile Zeke turned back and began walking away.

-I hope next semester's exams are a big tougher. Or should I skip to the seventh years' tests? Maybe with those I can have some fun...- he said, as he looked back at the judges with a smirk.

The lead teacher was sweating bullets, nearly falling to his knees.

-Z-Zeke Truesdale passes...t-the exam...- he said.

Zeke simply waved back at them and returned to his place among the other students, who all stepped forward to take the exam. All remaining seven of them created elaborate structures, from lavishly decorated pillars to full-on statues, but they all melted away, some more than others. Although, the fire that shot out of the judges' hands seemed much more tame, like they all had lost their will to fight after Zeke's turn.

As a result, none of the remaining structures melted completely and all Aqua students passed with flying colors, being allowed to go to lunch break afterwards. Walking to the cafeteria, Zeke ran into Axel, Guy and Noah.

-Holy smokes, Zeke! You put those teachers to shame!- Guy exclaimed, nearly on top of the auburn-haired back.

-Yeah, color me surprised, Zeke! You were soooo cool!- Noah said, nearly hugging the Aqua-born.

Zeke leaned back, trying to avoid getting all touchy with his friends, but not being able to hide his huge, mocking grin.

-Well, do you recognize my genius now?- he asked the two of them. Meanwhile, Axel stood behind Noah and Guy, arms crossed, a skeptical look on his face. Zeke smirked- What, not gonna congratulate me, Axel dear? I tried so hard too..!

Axel snorted, shaking his head.

-Yeah, right. One could see that you cheated all the way from the moon.- Axel stuck his tongue out at Zeke.

The Aqua couldn't help but shake his head as well, throwing his arms up in the air.

-Nothing escapes your mighty gaze, it seems..!- he admitted- I mean, that whole exam was rigged from the beginning. That was why they were willing to pass you even if your structure was reduced to an ice cube. I mean, five dudes shooting fire at the same time for one whole minute ?! They might as well have thrown in a big wink while explaining the test! They were begging for me to cheat! What matters is not being found out~

Axel nodded.

-I guess, but I still don't know how you did it.- the lilac-haired youth said.

-Easy.- Zeke answered- The structure I first create did melt. I just replaced it.

-What?!- the whole trio exclaimed, making the lazy boy recoil.

-But you weren't even shooting out Aqua!- Noah said.

-Or moving an inch, for that matter!- Guy added.

-Yeah! I know you went to ask Hanzo to train ya, but I don't believe he taught you to shoot soul power from your eyes!- Axel pointed out, his finger tapping on Zeke's chest repeatedly.

-I mean, just because ya'll didn't see me shooting out Aqua, it doesn't mean I wasn't...- Zeke side-mouthed, looking away with a sly expression on his face.

-But how?!- Axel asked, shaking him by the shoulders.

Zeke grinned and then stepped back. He then tapped his foot behind him, like he did when he was stretching.

Then a loud crash could be heard below the group. Suddenly, Axel could feel something wet touching the back of his head. He turned back to see a small torrent of water shooting out from the stone floor below him like a fountain.

Zeke chuckled and raised his foot, revealing a hole where his toes had tapped a few seconds prior.

-Sorry about that, Academy floors...Well, I was lucky that everyone was too busy gossiping to notice the noise of me making a hole. The fact that we were doing the test on a grass room also helped hide it. I simply kept shooting water at high pressure out of the bottom of my foot and into the hole The water then dug a hole down, before I directed the stream forward, then upwards, through the ground. Because the stream was constantly coming from me, controlling the direction of my "drill" was simple.- Zeke explained, moving his hands down, then towards the group and finally up as he talked.

-Like I said, the initial ice pillar I created did melt. Almost immediately. But because it was engulfed by the fire and with all the steam shooting out from it melting, nobody noticed more water shooting out from were it once stood and it being Flash Frozen. And because the judges were Pyre-borns, their ability to detect elemental particles being ignited by the opposite Element, while in the middle of their fire, was pretty low. That way, I created a new pillar, that also melted right away, only to be replaced by a new torrent of water, that was immediately frozen and melted away. I kept repeating the process, not moving from my spot, in order to not disrupt the underground channel I created, and then bam! Zeke's pillar is apparently un-melt-able!

Scratching his nose, Zeke stretched his arms, yet another yawn following. Axel blinked in utter shock at the story, but then couldn't help but burst in laughing. The Mistral born then ruffed Zeke's hair.

-Well, they say that it takes a certain kind of intelligence to cheat and not be found out. The world of BladeMasters isn't so rigid that you can't bend some rules, right?- he asked.

-I mean, I did kinda cheat on my test too, hahaha...-Guy grinned.

-Exactly.- Axel nodded- But still, I'm proud of you, Zeke. See what happens when you put your mind into it?

-Well, Hanzo did kinda help too. He helped me master my Flash Freeze in these past few days. If I revealed any kind of strain by using that technique, I would have been busted. So I needed to train my speed and efficiency, in order to pull off this little plan. So yes! Praise me!- he said, placing his hands on his hips.

-Your genius keeps surprising me.- Axel granted to him, before a big grin splashed on his face- But I think my exam is going to blow your little scheme out of the water.

-The legendary double-pun..!-Zeke gasped.

-Oh, do you have a cheating method in mind too, Axel?- Noah asked, eyes shining up at the Mistral-born, who just chuckled.

-Well, not exactly...but I won't say it will be an orthodox method.

With that, he smacked his palm against his fist, a confident grin on his face.

-Just get ready to be amazed. My merciless training with Sobek is about to pay off!


Axel Rhodes - Mistral Exam

-Here you go.- the teacher handed Axel a rugged rock about the size of a watermelon- Have you decided which Mistral you're going to carve?

-It was a tough decision, but I settled on the portrait on the "Sky Diamond War".- Axel said, his arms and posture straining a bit as he was given the rock.

The teacher nodded, taking out a small booklet from his pocket. He flipped through it before showing to Axel a picture of a woman in her late 20s, her tall and curvy body draped in a purple, flowing dress as she stood above a great war, the battlefield filled with armored soldiers locked in mortal combat. The most distinguishable traits were the thin deep blue fans she had in her hands, her red rosy cheeks framing a serene expression, and her long grey hair, that flowed behind her like a stream of water, yet almost blended in with the cloudy and desolate sky above the grim battle, making it seem like it was really made out of clouds.

-You'll be focusing on the head, of course. Extra points if you can nail her cheeks and flowing hair.- the teacher said.

-Easy enough.- Axel smirked, having barely glanced at the picture. He had , after all, spent countless hours staring so much at it, in preparation to the exam, that it bordered on stalking. Stands to reason he'd be a bit sick of it.

-Very well. You'll have ten minutes.- the teacher stepped back, the judges behind him taking notes and the 10 Mistral students behind Axel looking at him in suspense.


Axel didn't waste time. The complete aura of Astral Soul coated his body as he chucked the rock high into the air, making it soar high above the Academy rooftops. He drew Raiden and slashed at the air, a gust of cutting winds shooting out of his Blade and making its way to the airborne object. With a clean strike, the stone was cut in half.

Readying the katana beside him, Axel let the aura expand around the sword, coating it in the rainbow-y aura. He pointed Raiden at the falling two stones and thrust at it, a funnel-shaped Astral Wave shooting out!

But before it could reach the rocks, Axel was already moving again down below. He swiped the katana at the air in front of him in a X-shape, but nothing came out of it. His stare, though, was still concentrated on the mass of soul power he shot at the rock, that was fast approaching the debris.

And immediately after, the Astral Wave shook...and split! Two translucent Axels were now on each side of the rocks!

Each one slashed diagonally upwards at them, one from the right and the other from the left, creating a two-man X-shaped slash! The rock was now split in four!

Continuing his performance, Axel raised Raiden into the air, a cylindrical torrent of swirling air forming around it. And, in the Blades that the clones held, a similar looking torrent began forming as well.

In the balcony, Noah leaned towards the exam site, eyes wide.

-He's still controlling those Astral Splits ?!

-And he can make those clones use Mistral?!- Guy exclaimed beside him.

-It's still his soul power, right? Makes sense he could tell them to ignite Mistral, since they copy his every move.- Zeke, surprisingly, was also watching the exam, his interest ignited as he stood wide awake, looking at the fallen rocks and the constructs surrounding it- He's igniting elemental particles from three different points at once!

Axel then threw Raiden above him, the katana spinning in the air. The trio on the balcony immediately looked at the two Splits, expecting them to throw their own "Raidens" up too, but they weren't moving, instead hovering down, so they were always beside the falling rocks.

Down below, Axel cupped his hands. In each of his palms, a ball of swirling winds formed. Once the spheres were fully built, he threw the pair at the rocks. The ball he threw from his right hand flew right past the rocks and Splits, soaring above it like a professionally thrown baseball, while the blast he threw from his left hand was zooming right towards the four rocks, but lagged behind quite a bit.

Not wasting a second, Axel threw his hands up, catching the falling Raiden and immediately thrusting it forward. And suddenly...

The balls of wind exploded! Popped like water balloons!

And in their place, forming from within the scattered winds...

Two more Axels!

"Elemental dispel complete." Axel smirked "Two Splits born from my aura and two more born from the soul power I injected to form those air blasts. How's that for spectacle? And now, the main dish!"

The four Splits, positioned on each cardinal direction, surrounding the four rocks all thrust their ethereal Blades at the debris, the drill-like torrent consuming the four rocks as they fell, the specters promptly floating behind, tending to their carving until Axel lowered Raiden and kicked the air in front of him. One the Splits, the one standing behind the rocks, born from the first wind ball, copied Axel's movement, kicking the crushed up rocks at the boy.

Axel followed, jumping at the projectile, a small wind drill forming around his index finger. He reached out to the zooming projectile, smaller than his hand now...

And poked it. Immediately after, he swiped his arm sideways, grabbing whatever was thrown at him, clenching it in his closed right fist as he landed on the ground.

The students behind him and the ones watching the balcony waited, with baited breath, as Axel walked towards the judges.

He opened his palm to show a small rock, about the size of his palm. It had no distinct shape and with cracks surrounding it. A mess, really.

But before the judges could protest, an annoyed Axel gave the rock another poke, causing it crack open right down the middle, and open up. Revealing...

About the size of a peanut, but there she was, with small circular indentations to signal the cheeks and the flowing air made out of a curved carving into the grey rock, the goddess Mistral.

-Ah geez, spending so much time practicing with Sobek and Albus and still screwed up the big shell opening. I should have poked it, back there, for about 23...24 milisseconds more and it would have cracked up easier. Must have been the nerves, haha...- he chuckled as he handed out the miniature carving to the judges, who all looked at it, stunned.

The teacher that had given Axel the rock couldn't help but begin chuckling. He gave Axel a proud smile.

-As expected of a Rhodes, I guess.- he said.

Axel chuckled.

-This circus act? My parents would have been sick to their stomachs if they saw me do this.

-Ha, but even so! An exemplar carving and a stunning performance!- the teacher said, clapping his hands, the teachers beside him nodding in approval- With that, Axel Rhodes passes the exam!


Noah Eon - Tera Exam

-Me, teacher!- Noah raised his hand and stepped out from the 7 student group beside him. All others had taken the exam already. Noah had wanted to go first, but figured that getting some inside knowledge from his piers would help him right before his turn.

"That's what they call 'cram-ming', right? Now that I think about it, why didn't I ask for the other Tera users for help for the exam? Oh right, all of them still think I'm some alien, aside from the guys...well, those three also think I'm weird, but that's beside the point!"

-Yes, Noah, I know you're up. You're the last one, after all.- the teacher side as Noah stepped forward.

"Still, from sand to rock, to vines...there sure are a bunch of ways to use Tera...all of which I can't use. My classmates are way more talented than me at this." he sighed, before looking at his fist, his hand and arm littered in small cuts and bandages from his relentless training with the Masters and Jackson those past few days. "But now it's my time to show my talent! My lessons with Jackson won't go to waste!"

-You'll have five minutes to build your rock hand, Noah.- the teacher said- Points will be awarded to fidelity, but also to the ability to move.

He then reached out for his pocket and brought out a small rubber ball. Noah recognized that from the other exams.

-And if I can successfully move around the ball after I created the hand, that's more points.- Noah said. The teacher nodded and placed the ball on the ground in front of Noah.

-Correct. You may begin.

With that, the teacher joined the other judges, the five teachers looking at Noah, mumbling among themselves.

-He showed such promise with his Element at the beginning of the semester, but then he came down with Blacklash...- one said.

-I hear he's been studying with Gaiaheart from the 7th Year, but has he recovered enough in such a short amount of time?- another teacher asked.

-I guess we'll have to see and trust that his time working with Crow has strengthened his abilities.- the teacher that had talked to Noah replied.

Before them, Noah raised his right arm, his clenched fist pointed at them.

Noah glared at his hand.

"The model is right here. There's nothing to worry about.

For a guy like me...

For a warrior the Order is seeking out for whatever terrible deed...

For someone Miss Tera trusted enough to help...

For the Masters, Cidy, Merceny, Terri T., the guys, Eldus and Lucy, who helped me get this far...

I have to show them I'm someone they can rely on..!

And for whoever is out there, waiting for who I was before coming here...

I have to show them I still got it!"

With those words echoing in his mind, the translucent aura of Astral Soul coated Noah's body, flaring out gently and immediately making it way to concentrate around his right arm.

Noah then clenched his fist a bit harder, tensing up his entire body and, like all the times he had practiced in the past few days, the complete aura manifested around his member.

"First step done. All going like rehearsed. Once the Masters and Zeke helped me out on how to figure out a method to manifest Element, the training with Jackson was much easier! Now, all I have to do is follow the script!"

He then placed his left palm on his fist. From his left arm flowed the orange sparks, that began mixing with the Astral Soul aura. And soon, the pink aura was formed.

Noah then slowly opened his right palm.

"I've been wanting this ever since I got here! It's most likely not what I used before Soula, but it feels..right! Fits like a glove!

A style of fighting focused on fast and flexible offense and defense.

Something I can call my own! Heh, even after I regain my memories, I'm keeping this trick!"

-"Bloom". Astral Blossom.- Noah said. From his arm, countless deep pink blossoms began fluttering away, creating a giant cloud of petals in front of him.

Noah then raised his palm, straightening his hand out in front of him. The petals responded in kind and the amorphous cloud began shaking. The petals began moving in coordination, all placing themselves exactly where Noah wanted them to be. Until they formed something.

An open palm.

Down to the wrist, it floated before Noah, being about double the size of the boy.

The complete hand.

The teachers looked at it, curious.

-Incredible...I never imagined petals would be what he would go for.- one said.

-It's beautiful...each petals glitters such a pretty pink color in the sun...-another swooned.

-But I wonder if that's just it...- the main teacher smirked as he gazed, curious, at what Noah might do more.

And do more Noah did. He began moving his own fingers, down and up, one after the other. And the hand of petals began mimicking his movements. Looking at the ball in front of him, Noah directed the hand to pick it up.

The petals in the index and thumb turned to the side, so that, like a pincer, the cloud could pick the ball up. Following Noah's movements to a tee, the hand began exchanging the ball across its fingers, like a magician performing a coin trick, with enviable dexterity!

Once the ball reached the thumb, it flicked it up, before catching in its index finger and making it spin on it, the blossoms on the edge of the finger turned horizontally to allow the ball to safely roll on there.

Once that was done, Noah deftly threw the ball back up and swung the open palm hand at it, catching it before it touched the ground, within the mass of blossoms. Carefully turning each petal so that none slashed the ball, Noah moved the clenched pink hand, opening it for the judges to show the ball sitting, without a scratch, in the bed of petals, before they scattered away, letting the ball fall on the ground as the petals dissipated into pink dust.

The head teacher smiled at Noah and began clapping, the other following his example.

Loud cheers could be heard from up on the balcony. Noah looked at it and saw Axel, Zeke and Guy cheering for him.

And behind them...joined a beaming Jackson.

The other Tera test-goers behind Noah joined in on the clapping and soon, the rest of the students watching the exam followed.

Noah felt like he was at the Arena again. But this time, they weren't clapping out of a sense of hatred towards Angel's Crow, in which the blonde was their agent of retribution.

They were clapping for his success. The weird kid that feel from the sky, that went to fight the Order and got Backlash could do it too. He could surpass his limits and put on a beautiful display of Element mastery.

Noah looked down with a somber smile. He could feel a burning on his throat and tears beginning to swell up on his eyes.

For the first time in a while...he didn't feel useless.

-And with that...- the teacher grinned.

"...Noah Eon passes the exam!"