Chapter 51: Crow and Cherry - Omen

A week later:

-Everyone! The Exam results just came in!- Guy exclaimed as he practically burst through the wooden door of the Lion and Eagle dojo. Axel, Noah and Zeke were already there, having used the free time they got out of being the first ones done with the practical exam to brush up on their Astral Soul training.

Currently, they were sitting in a corner of the main room, huddled around a small cylindrical heater, a Pyre Enchant stone built in the in the middle of the iron machine, in order to emit heat. The group was munching down on these pastries Rye cooked up. Apparently they were from Ryunian origin, these puffy dough buns filled with bean paste inside. According to Rye, they were "sweet and healthy" and, after just one bite, the trio was addicted to it. Noah, especially, was trying to keep his glutinous streak he had going after he started training with Terri, so he was scarfing down the buns by the handful. He looked back at Guy with puffed cheeks.

-Already? Gimme!- he exclaimed, standing up and reaching out for Guy, but the bottom of his shirt was grabbed by Axel, who forced him to sit down with the rest of the group.

-Easy there, the results won't run away. And swallow your food!- Axel admonished.

-Geez, you're starting to sound like his mom, dude.- Zeke said, sprawling around on the wooden tile floor, lazily munching on a bun- Or Cidy, ya know how much she adores telling Noah off. Love is complicated~

-Don't let her hear you say that.-Rye shook his head, his beard stained red from the bean paste.

-Anyways, now's not the time to worry about that! C'mon, Guy! Show us the results! How did my precious students do?- Gee exclaimed, waving at the Pyre born, urging him to sit down with them.

Guy pulled a bunch of paper sheets from his pocket. He cycled through them nervously.

-I was in such a rush that I grabbed all the years' sheets from the counter at the school entrance, haha...first, let's start with me! Ta-da!- he said with glee, showing a sheet that displayed the results of the Pyre first-years, in both the written and practical exams in a graph, graded from 0 to 100 points- My average on the written exams is a bit better than I expected, but check the practical exam! A clean 100 points!

His face was shining as he showed them the sheet and Axel returned the ear to ear grin.

-Great job, Guy! It seems your training with Merceny payed off! I bet you can't wait to tell him.

Guy nodded quickly, checking the second-years' sheet.

-I mean, yeah, of course! I bet he'll be happy to have a buddy at the perfect score avenue, since he also aced his practical exams! Although his written exam scores are below average...- he said, making Zeke snicker.

-So he's officially dumber than you. Oh, that'll tickle his pride~- the lazy boy said, stretching on the floor.

-Don't be so hasty, Zeke! You totally flunked your written exams!- Guy said with puffed cheeks, throwing the Aqua first-years' sheet at him, the paper landing on the Aqua-born's face- The only reason you're not being held back a year was because you also got a perfect score on your practical exam! So you're dumber than both of us!

Zeke slightly raised the sheet from his face, taking a glance at his scores, before blowing the paper away with a huff.

-It'll just have to be my burden to carry. At least I'm still the prettiest.- he grunted, turning on his side to resume his nap.

-Speaking of Merceny, how about Cidy?- Axel asked- She should have had the Mistral exam, correct?

Guy nodded checking the second-years' sheet.

-Yeah!! A perfect score on both written and practical exams?! Geez, how does she do it?!

-Mercedes is real smart!- Noah nodded quickly, clenching his fists with a huff- She always helps me with homework when I can't understand it!

-I'm surprised her grades didn't waver thanks to a certain distraction bothering her every night...-Axel threw a sly smirk towards Noah, before looking back at Guy- C'mon, I'm tired of waiting. Gimme my sheet.

Surprisingly...Guy didn't seem enthusiastic about that. He was even gulping as she shakily handed Axel his sheet.

-Um...just brace yourself...- the Pyre-born meekly warned.

Axel let out a hearty laugh.

-Oh, don't act like that! I'm the genius product of the Rhodes family! Even if I tried to get bad grades, it'd be impossible! My DNA has been scrambled so badly by dear ol' Ma and Pa that lower than average scores are but a distant dream! Now, let us see that glorious one trailed off, his eyes slowly widening and his face loosing color as he held the sheet, soon wrinkling it as his grip got stronger and stronger, nearly ripping the paper in two- What is this...WHAT IS THIS TRAVESTY?!

He stood up and threw the paper sheet at the floor in pure rage. Even Zeke had woken up from that and he, Noah and the Masters all jumped to read Axel's scores.

-The written exams are perfect...- Gee started.

-A 49 in the practical exam?! That's just enough for a passing grade!-Noah gasped.

-Dude, not even a 50...they intentionally dropped the score as low in the positive as they could...-Zeke covered his mouth, trying to hold back the laughter.

Axel took his hands to his head, jumbling up his hair as he scratched his scalp.

-This is...this is...this is impossible! I did it perfectly! They were applauding my performance! My Element mastery was...was masterful! How did I get that score?!- he exclaimed, looking at the ceiling in pure bafflement, before his eyes shot wide again.

He then slowly looked at the Masters, teeth grit.


Gee blinked, throwing up a nervous smile.

-What..? Me what?- he asked, pointing at himself.

-It's about half of a grade because I used both Element and Astral Soul in equal measure! It doesn't count as full Elemental mastery, so I got just enough to pass! YOU TWO TAINTED MY PERFECT SCORE! GIVE IT BACK!- he pointed at them.

Rye raised his hands, chuckling shakily.

-Come would we know they would grade you like that? And hey, if you think about it, they did think your exam was perfect! You gave them a stupendous sculpture! It's just that...the method...wasn't exactly what they asked for...It's like entering a pie baking contest and giving the judges the world's best cake..! Haha...ha...

Axel's face was now completely red, the boy raising his hands at the Masters, looking like he wanted to strangle them to death, before he suddenly dropped them, his whole body following onto the ground, slumped in utter defeat. With empty eyes, Axel dragged himself to a corner of the dojo, sitting with his face against the wall, wallowing in depression.

The rest of the group looked at him, speechless. How could they cheer up one so proud of his intelligence?

-Well, there's always next semester...haha...although the first two exams count more to your average...-Guy chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head.

Noah pumped his fists.

-Yeah! Guy's right! Pick yourself off the ground, Axel! You always have next time to perfect your Element!- he shouted, picking up the sheet with his scores, looking for his name on the graph as he kept speaking- So what if your general score is about the same as Zeke?! That's nothing to be ashamed of, you're only human! And a strong the...grou...nd...

With slumped shoulders, Noah sat next to Axel, knees brought to his head as he rocked back and forth slowly against the wall, in a fetal position. A low whimper could be heard from him.

His sheet fluttering to the ground.

Written exams were a bit above average.

But another 49 graced the Academic group's practical test results.

So all and all...

"I did...the worst out of all of us..." Noah thought, as his mind and self-esteem sunk into a dark...dark abyss...


The next day, Noah wandered...well, more like wobbled the halls of the Academy dorms. Aqua cycle break had begun, but Lucy was still waiting to hear from the mercenaries still out on long-distance missions. She wanted everyone to gather in Soula as soon as possible, but in the meanwhile, everyone was to ready themselves for the upcoming departure to Order Tower.

So, that meant free time. Free time Noah didn't know what to do with. After training with Terri, he didn't have to attend classes, so there was a big hole between training with Terri in the morning and then practicing with Lucy on the afternoon. The boy never imagined the life of a BladeMaster could be so empty...

Still deep in his stupor over his grades, the boy had skipped knitting with Mercedes the previous night. Which was getting a bit annoying, anyways, ever since Merceny found out about it. So he would drop into his sister's room throughout the night, looking out for any shenanigans between the couple, before he'd be kicked out by a fuming Mercedes.

Noah also had forgone telling Lucy about his grades, as he didn't want to bother her while he was deep in paperwork for the Guild. She had retrieved some type of gizmo from Sobek's base, a sort of "weapon" the Eastern Base was planning to use on the Karash capital, but when Noah would watch Lucy and Eldus handle it, it looked just like a motionless black cube. It seemed technological, but he couldn't make heads or tails of it, and neither could the Sage and the guild master.

Not that it mattered. What could a dumb kid like him ever do to help them figure it out? He was a failure, after all. And after all that talk about not disappointing his past self too...

He dragged himself up to the floor where his room was, his slumped body completely lacking any vitality, his mouth hanging open and his eyes hazy and looking at nowhere in specific.

"I guess I'll go my room and stare at the wall until sparring time com--"


Noah blinked, in pure shock at the loud sound. Suddenly, in front of him was a smoking door, pressed against the wall opposite of the room it belonged to. Noah peered inside, a curtain of grey smoke leaving the dorm room.

-This room is...Guy!- he shouted, hurrying inside, covering his mouth and nose with the collar of his shirt and quickly placing his goggles over his eyes. Once inside, he frenetically looked for his friend through the thick smoke, but he couldn't find him anywhere.

Suddenly, he felt a weight on his right shoulder and quickly turned back, the translucent aura of Astral Soul flaring up from his body.

-Whoa there, Noah!- a familiar voice reached his ears, followed by a fit of coughing- I'm not an enemy!

Noah raised his arm and swiped it to the side, a small Astral Wave leaving his palm and clearing some of the smoke, revealing Guy in front of him, dressed in a red hoodie and sweatpants, torn up here and there, his grinning face covered in soot.

-Guy..! I thought an enemy had attacked you!- Noah shouted, quickly dragging Guy out of the room. The Pyre born shook his head.

-Haha...I wish..! I had an unfortunate accident, that's all.- he replied, chuckling nervously and scratching the back of his head.

-Guy, what happened?!- another voice sounded from the nearby stairs and, from the floor above came Axel, nearly leaping from the stairs towards Noah and Guy. Soon, the sound of something crashing followed as Zeke's body tumbled down the stairs and landed face first on the floor. Immediately after, he raised his head, looking at the trio with his usually bored expression.

-What happened? A loud sound interrupted my nap...- he groaned, like nothing had happened.

-Sorry! I guess I added too much baking soda to the mix!- Guy laughed.

"Baking soda?" the trio said at the same time. Guy nodded and directed them inside his room. Opening a nearby window, the smoke began clearing out, revealing the work desk every dorm room had, a pot with a viscous substance inside over a portable stove, powered by a small Pyre Enchant Stone. Aside from that, bags of flour, tablets of chocolate, a scale, some wooden spoons, many recipe books and other cooking instruments could be seen littered around the wooden desk, a big black explosion spot covering the top of it.

-Well, remember when we were talking with Mercedes about our types of girls?- Guy began explaining, cleaning the soot out of his face with a handkerchief Axel handed him- I told her I would like a girl that could teach me how to cook, so we could make all kinds of sweets together! But...the battle with Allie made me realize something: I can't keep waiting for people to come to my rescue all the time. If I have the capabilities, I shouldn't depend on others. Strategy and teamwork is one thing, but I can't put the power I already have to good use, what good is me having it at all?

"Training with Merceny for the exams made me see that I can do it. I might suck at it at the start, but I should try taking all the tools I have and start working on making myself stronger. So I thought to myself: 'Well, since I have free time for the Aqua break, I'll try cooking! I won't wait for a dream girl to show up, I can bake by myself!'. So I tried making a chocolate cake, but it didn't end well, hahaha..."

Zeke reached out for the pot, scooping a bit of the contents with his index finger and licking it, his face soon contorting and his tongue stuck out.

-I advise you to keep your day job, Guy ol' buddy.- he said.

Guy sighed.

-You really don't mince words, heh? Well, I was already preparing myself for this...I'll just have to try again!- he said, huffing.

-Well, next time try to get the right ingredients.- Axel said, examining the table and taking one of the bags and showing it to Guy- Do you need glasses? What does this say?

Guy leaned in to the bag filled with white powder.'s salt. I was in such a rush at the cafeteria pantry that I just took this, thinking it was sugar, without a second thought!- he explained, bursting out laughing.

-You stole this out of the pantry?!- Axel shouted.

-Shhh! You don't have to let the whole dorm know about it! I mean, it's good that most students left to see their families, but still..!- Guy puffed his cheeks.

Meanwhile, Noah looked at the desk, Guy's words lingering on his mind.

"If I have the tools...but I don't even know what I do have..." he thought. Soon, he accompanied Axel and Zeke out of Guy's room, the door back to its hinges. He followed the duo upstairs, to Axel's room.

Upon opening the door, Noah could see a stark difference from the mess it was when the lilac-haired boy's parents came to visit: no longer were papers and books littered on the floor, the bed was immaculate and the shelf had every volume lined up perfectly. The work desk was spotless, many books on top of it, Axel seemingly back his studies, even on his break.

But on the corner of the table, Noah noticed a pile of unwashed dishes. The Axel he knew before Sobek invaded would have never left even a crumble of bread on the floor, let alone a pile of dishes.

"Is this...the balance Axel was talking about..?"

Axel placed Zeke on the bed to let him sleep and rummaged through the books on his shelf.

-I'm sure I had some recipe books somewhere around here. Noah, could you check the ones on the desk? Maybe I put it there by accident.- he asked the blonde, who nodded quickly, jolted back into reality. He stepped close to the desk, looking through the spines of the thick encyclopedias Axel was studying.

"Geography, History, Math...huh..?"

-"Dancing across Gaia" ?- he asked, taking one of the books and flipping through the pages. The book was filled with various pictures of people in all kinds of costumes, dancing on stages for big audiences. It seemed to contain all sorts of styles, too. Having watched only Allie dance, Noah was amazed at the wealth of dances that actually existed- Waltz, ballet, Ji...jinta, so many! This book is amazing, Axel! Are you trying to learn how to dance?

At that question, Axel's face became deep red.

-Well, you see...- he started, but his words were interrupted by a snort from Zeke.

-Oh, don't tell me! You want to dance alongside Allie?! Man, what a fanboy!- he laughed.

Axel shook his head, gritting his teeth, his cheeks seemingly about to melt.

-It's not like that! I'm not so obsessed with her that I suddenly want to learn to dance! I just...after seeing her performance, I got curious about all the others that might exist around the world, so I bought a guide with pictures! The more knowledge you have the better, especially about the art world!- he explained, crossing his arms with a huff.

-Suuuure you do~! Oh, my little Axel is growing up so fast!- Zeke chuckled, rolling his eyes- When's the wedding with Miss Stab-a-lot?

-At least I'll have one, one day, while you stay single forever.- Axel simply spat back.

-Please. The ladies love me.- Zeke replied, but looked away with a grunt, like his own words annoyed him.

Axel shrugged, looking over at Noah, who was still flipping through the pages of the book, eyes carrying much more light than they were a few minutes ago. The Mistral-born smiled.

-If you want, I can let you borrow it. I was already on the second read-through, anyways. Do you like reading for leisure, Noah?- he asked. Noah looked back at him with a confused expression.

-You outside of studying?- he asked.

-I mean...yeah, reading is the world's most famous hobby!- Axel replied, surprised at such a question.

-Ho...bby?- Noah repeated.

-A past-time. Something to entertain yourse-- -Axel's explanation suddenly cut off as he walked over and placed his hands on Noah's shoulders- Please tell me you have a hobby, Noah. What do you do after training with Lucy?

-Study. Then sew.

-Ok, but after that. Those are your obligations.


-Yeah, but what if you're not sleepy?!

-Stare at the wall of my room until I am.

Axel nearly fainted right there. He then bolted to his shelf, taking about ten books, putting the dances one on top of the pile and handing it to Noah.

-Noah, I implore you to find a hobby. These books are about various subjects. Find one that interests you!- he asked, peeking from behind the pile.

-But...why..?- Noah asked as his arms strained as Axel made him carry the pile.

-If you just focus on training, you'll grow a dull mind. Humans need something to do between their obligations or they'll go crazy. That, or feel empty inside.

Noah's eyes widened.


Axel quickly nodded.

-Yeah! And, hey, what if your past self had a hobby before getting to Soula? If you start researching, you might remember what you liked doing on your free time and maybe that will spark some memories awake!- he gave a confident smile.

The goggled boy let out a gasp, a quick nod following.

"How could I have been so dumb?! My past self may have been a powerful BladeMaster, according to Tera, but he was human too! If I find a passion outside of fighting...I'm sure I'll remember something!"

-Thank you, Axel! I'll start right away!- he grinned and ran off. Axel looked at him go, the pile of books wobbling in his grasp as Noah made his way back downstairs to his room. Soon, the sound of a body and many books falling to the ground reached Rhodes' ears. He let out a sigh.

-Sometimes I fear for that boy...


Three days later. A normal morning in Soula:

-C'mon now, we don't have all day! Just because you're all on break from school, it doesn't give you the luxury to skimp out on your training!- Terri yelled out, leaning against the Northern Wall, as the Academics and the Twins did their usual laps.

Although something was different that day. Joining her against the wall were Axel, Guy and the twins, all waiting for Zeke, which usually lagged a bit behind because it was Zeke we're talking about, but also waited for...

-Does Noah seem...weird to you guy?- Mercedes asked- He hasn't gone sewing with me these past few nights and the workload is really piling up. And when he goes running in the morning and training in the afternoon, he's doing it all half-assed. Don't tell me his crappy exam results made him depressed..!

-Tch, what a joke. Mere grades shouldn't be enough to make a true BladeMaster admit defeat.- Merceny grunted, arms crossed.

-You don't get to talk, after your mediocre written exams.- his sister pouted.

-Well, he seemed a bit down, yeah. But then I gave him some advice and he seemed to perk up.- Axel replied.

-What kind of advice?- Terri asked.

-Well, I told him he should get a hobby, so I gave him a few books to find something. Or heck, maybe have reading become a hobby in of itself. Not only would that help him clear his mind from the exam results, it'll probably spark something about his memories.- the lilac-haired boy replied- He's been preeeetty hyped up about reading them. Returned the very next morning to sort through what I had and he's been regularly returning since. I think he also asked Eldus for some of his own collection...

Mercedes sighed, shaking her head and massaging her brow.

-Gods help me...I told that boy over and over, when we're sewing, that he should get something to do with his free time, but it goes in one ear and out the other. He just stares at me with that dumb expression of his, like I just spoke in a foreign language.- she groaned- What kind of healthy teenager doesn't have a hobby, anyways?!

-I don't think Noah qualifies as "normal teenager"...-Guy pointed out with a nervous chuckle.

-Either way, that boy ain't right if he doesn't cultivate anything in his mind aside from battling.- Terri said- Even I have hobbies I do between training your lousy butts.

-Oooh, I've seen some of the wood carvings you do in-between training sessions, over at the HQ!- Guy grinned- They're really good, you should sell them!

Terri crossed her arms, throwing a satisfied "Hmph!", her nose perking up.

-About time someone appreciates what I can do with a blade aside from slicing tornadoes in half.

-Stop patting yourself in the back.- Merceny grunted- All you can carve are lousy-looking bears. I've seen photos from the corner of twenty year old newspaper articles that look clearer than your carvings.

-I'll carve you up next, bucko. And then you'll see for yourself if it's clear or not.- she smirked defiantly.

-Bring it.- he said as he glared at her.

-Shush, you two! Someone's coming!- Mercedes interjected.

Soon, a figure approached the group, at a slightly more brisk pace than a light jog. Zeke waved at them.

-Amazing, I'm not the last one anymore..!- he let out a yawn- It feels good to get better.

-Yeah, yeah...- Axel rolled his eyes- Where's Noah, anyways?

Zeke looked back, his expression a bit annoyed.

-He's coming up soon. I don't like this. He's stealing my whole shtick!

-Huh?- Axel tilted his head in confusion.

Then, the man of the hour approached the group. Dark bags under his eyes, disheveled hair and a posture that made him look like a shambling corpse, Noah dragged himself the Wall as well.

-Hey everyo-- -his words were cut off as he let out a huuuuuge yawn, his mouth agape- Man, you're all giving 110% today, huh?

-More like you're giving 10% today, Noah.- Terri scowled at him- Your lap times have been dropping steadily across these past few days! Have you been getting enough sleep? You're a mess!

-I am..? Haha, I guess so. I never thought missing three whole nights of sleep would have such an...- another yawn followed- ...effect.

-What were you doing all this time?- Mercedes asked.

Noah's sleepy expression lightened up.

-Reading the books Axel gave me! I haven't found anything that sparked a memory, but it's super fun to read and learn about stuff without the pressure of having to apply it to an essay! By the way, Axel, do you mind me going to your place after this, so I can pick out some more?

Axel gave him a grin.

-At this pace, you'll clear out my shelves. You'd best finish the ones you've borrowed first, before you start asking for more, though.

-But I already did!- Noah said, eyes shining with innocent enthusiasm- I don't want to constantly bother you, but it's no fun to start re-reading what I already went through, right afterwards!

Axel's eyes widened, leaning towards the blonde.

-How did you read all those thick books in these past few days?!- he asked.

Noah placed his hands on his hips, seeming pretty proud of himself.

-Did you know that, if you apply the complete Astral Soul to your eyes, you can read much faster? It was about 3a.m. on the night you lent the first few to me when I tried doing that. The world around me got all slow and, from there, I just tore through those books!

-Speed reading like that won't make any of the contents stick, you dummy! And that explains why you look so exhausted!- Terri shook him by the shoulders- Don't use Astral Soul for that! Ugh...look, it's early in the morning, so go sleep in and recover some of your energy. You're not doing any good training in that condition.

Noah pouted, stepping closer to her.

-No way! I can keep going, Terri! I don't need sleep, I need to get stronger physically too-- -his eyes suddenly shut down and his body slumped forward, only not falling because his arm was grabbed by Merceny.

-Yeah, yeah, get some sleep.- he said.

-You killed him!- Guy shouted, looking absolutely mortified.

-No, I just knocked him unconscious. One hit to the back of his flabby neck and bam..! Out cold.- Black Feather explained with a shrug.

-Don't use mercenary skills like that...- Mercedes sighed, taking Noah off of her brother's hands and lifting him up over her shoulder- I'll get him to his room, you guys start the pull-ups without me.

And, with that, the girl left the group, walking back to the dorms.

Zeke turned to everyone else.

-Recently, Noah has been acting really weird. I guess being enthusiastic about training is good to some people, but he's flying off the handle, honestly.

-Well, put yourself in his shoes.- Terri pointed out- If you knew nothing about yourself, you'd desperately try to fill that void with something, right?

-Still, if it ends up hurting his health, it's more counter-productive than anything.- Merceny shook his head- He should be getting ready to fight the Order and leave the memory search to after we don't have Elites out to get us.

Axel looked down.

-But to Noah, fighting the Order is his memory search. Guys like Tal or Balthazar might know something about him, so every day in Soula has been centered around him preparing himself to face the next Elite, because they might hold the key to who he is. Maybe he feels like, if he doesn't better himself in any way he can, he won't be able to get the answers he seeks..?

-Why should he, though?- Merceny interjected- What does being smart or strong have with regaining his memories? He can just ask Balthazar or that creep Tal after we've tied them down or something.

The lilac-haired boy stroke his chin, deep in thought.

-He has said stuff like..."I don't want to let down my past self" often before. Ever since the Sobek fight, he got super on edge about exactly what kind of person he must have been. As we trained for the exams, he got super gung-ho about training with Terri and Jackson...and after Allie he seems...obsessed with that idea.

-What if he's afraid he was some kind of bad, violent person, the same kind that would have really hurt Merceny back at the Arena? And he's trying to better himself, in order to get rid of that anxiety..?- Guy suggested, making the blonde mercenary grunt at the memory.

Axel shook his head, his expression grim.

-No...he's not taking actions to free himself of violent thoughts. Much on the contrary, he wouldn't have made so much progress against his Backlash if he wasn't counting on using his Element in battle again. I mean, look at his Astral Blossom! It's almost...geared towards battle! This is just my own conjecture, but it seems like he does want to get stronger. But I don't think it's to improve from who he was...

"...but the reverse."


-Seriously, I don't know what's up with them! I was feeling fine!- Noah puffed his cheeks, arms behind his head as he walked.

-Noah, Noah, Noah...I "know-ah" that being young makes you feel like you can do anything, but ya gotta take it easy! If you don't rest properly, you won't be able to take full advantage of everything your body has to give you! Even if you were some badass before coming to Soula, I bet that badass was only so because he took proper care of himself.- Gee replied.

-Oh...I didn't think of that. But if you're the strongest, then your body should be able to take it, no?

-You're not made of steel, Noah. Even the strongest in the world needs to eat, drink and sleep.

It was now past noon. Noah had woken up on his bed and rushed out of the dormitory, eager to confront his group and rejoin the training, but once he learned what time it was, he returned, disappointed, to the building before running into Master Gee at the entrance.

The thin man asked the boy if he was free, since Gee was already going to Angel's Crow to ask the kids for some help with an errand he had to run. Now he and Noah were going to the Soula shopping center, walking through the cobblestone streets, the populace ever busy and peaceful as they swarmed the busier section of the town.

-Again, thanks for coming with me, kiddo. Rye is super particular about his tea leaves and I knew that, if I went alone, I'd screw it up somehow. And since he's in the middle of giving class, it falls to me to buy his groceries.- he sighed, but let out a content chuckle soon after.

-Oh, no problem, Master Gee. I have to apologize too. If me and Axel had gotten better results in the exams, you wouldn't be facing such a student turn-out.- the goggled boy remarked.

In the space of four days, the Lion and Eagle dojo had went from a pretty popular place, many Academics going in and out, wanting to learn the famed Astral Soul the heroes of the Angel's Crow used, to the site of a complete exodus. Once the students learned that the teachers wouldn't count any Element mastery that used Astral Soul in any shape or form, the student count took a massive dive. Now, only a handful of students remained, not counting Noah and friends, and even those didn't seem too eager. They would probably quit soon, in all honesty...

-Ah, it's fine! If those dudes were any serious about learning such a cool style, they wouldn't let meager grades stop them. If anything, you and Axel are proving your mettle by sticking with your training! And, honestly, it's much better this way: the smell of man sweat from groups of dozens of guys that would sometimes show up was making my head spin. And the ladies are more into the mystique and mysterious martial artists anyways~- he smirked, showing off his pearly whites.

-Um...after that...incident with the gi, many girls at the Academy have been spreading rumors that one of the Masters is a huge pervert, from what Cidy and Jackson told me from their respective years. I'm sorry...- Noah pouted at the Master, whose confident look completely shattered, his whole body slumping towards the ground.

-Yeah, figures...make one mistake and you're branded forever...- Gee sniffed, but then shook his head and shook his fist at the sky- But it's fine! I know one day some sensible dame will appreciate my coolness! I don't want anyone to think I'm that dude who got one-shot by Sobek anymore!

-But don't you like Lucy?- Noah pointed out.

Gee puffed his chest.

-I like all women! Wild girls like Lucy, strong girls like Terri, demure like Cidy and fiery like Allie! I'm not picky!- he let out a huge grin- But if I want to get anywhere near their level, I have to prove my worth, as both a BladeMaster and a man! No cheap tricks, just displays of my raw awesomeness! I'm just...haha...waiting for a chance to present itself!

Noah blinked a few times, but ended up nodding eagerly.

-Yeah, you tell 'em! I'll keep trying my hardest as well! guess I'll try sleeping a bit more, too. And read more slowly...

-That's the spirit!- Gee gave him a thumbs-up- You should know, better than anyone, how much overloading yourself is a detriment to your progress!


"Mister Geeeeee!"

An unfamiliar voice reached the duo and soon, the blue haired Master had someone tugging on the pants of his gi. The little boy couldn't be older than 4 years old, barely reaching the Master's knee.

Gee smirked at the little boy and ruffled his short brown hair.

-If it isn't little Johnny! How you doing, buddy?- he asked, squatting down on his level. The boy grinned and looked at him with big amber eyes.

-Good! Have you come here to play?- he asked.

The Master shook his head.

-Ah, not today. I'm in the middle of an important mission.

Johnny's eyes got wide and shone at the man.

-Reeeeeaaallly?! What mission?!

Gee smirked, placing his index in front of his mouth.'s a secret, high-stakes mission. I can't let anyone but me and my associate know about it.- he said, glancing at Noah.

Before the blonde could ask who the boy was, a bunch of children suddenly surrounded the two, all looking up at Gee.

"Master Gee!"

"Master, Master!"

"Geeeee, let's play!"

Noah looked at where they came from: not looking too different from the dorms, the huge building certainly looked festive, the walls painted in pink and soft green, the rows of windows all having stickers of flowers and suns on them. Behind the building, was a small tower, a grey bell on the top below the tower's canopy. Just below the bell, on the tower itself, was a big clock, its hands all wiggly. The section in front of the set of wooden doors had many children, of all ages, running around, playing soccer, tag or drawing with chalk on the ground, all being attended by a few adults with aprons with pockets overflowing with toys and crayons.

-I've never been to this part of Soula...-Noah said, honestly fascinated by the new sight- Is this what they call a "kinger-darten"?- he asked Gee.

-"Kindergarten".- the Master corrected- And, close, but no cigar. This is the Ophelia Orphanage. From what I know, it has been here since the city was built. Orphanages became commonplace as the BladeMaster War started. You could say it has become the star institution of the past few centuries, aside from hospitals. Mercedes and Merceny grew up here, ya know?


-Hey, Mister!- one of the kids that was pulling on Gee's shirt looked at Noah- Do you know Miss Cidy?

Noah nodded, a smile on his face.

-Yeah! She and I are friends!- he answered.

-She comes here sometimes and teaches us how to sew!- a girl exclaimed,a big red ribbon on her chocolaty brown hair- Other times, she reads us stories or teaches us ballet! She's sooooo cool and pretty!

-Mister! Mister!- another girl, her black hair tied in two big pigtails, came up to him, her eyes shining- Are you the Stargazer Knight?!

-"Stargazer Knight?"- Noah tilted his head.

-Yeah! It's a story Miss Cidy tells us a bunch! It's about a blonde knight with big glasses, that rides on his silver stallion, Lucius! He's very clumsy and not very smart, always gazing at the stars, but he always tries his best to save Princess Mercurius whenever she's kidnapped by the evil King Macedon!- the girl explained- And you look like him!

-Oh, is that right? Thanks!- Noah grinned, but then his cheery expression crashed down- H-hey, I'm not dumb, I swear!

-Are you suuuuure..?- the girl puffed her rosy cheeks.

-Positively! I don't even know what kind of species of lion this "Stall Lion" is! Let alone know of one named Lucius!- he said, nodding to himself.

Gee smacked his forehead as the children laughed at Noah. The goggled boy pouted, but sighed in defeat.

-Anyways, I didn't know Mercedes told stories.- he turned to Gee.

-Well, you could say that it's her hobby. Mercedes was always grateful to Ophelia Orphanage for taking care of her and Ciny.- Gee explained- Lucy told me she comes here often to play with the kids.

-How about you, Master Gee?- Noah asked- Did you grow up here too?

Gee shook his head. He took a ball that rolled to his feet and began to deftly kicking it around in the air, balancing it around his feet and on the top of his head, as the children cheered for him.

-Nah. I'm an orphan too, but from outside of Soula. Guess my parents died in the War, but I don't remember them. I was raised by a couple that ran a bathhouse near the south of Soula, on the edge of the continent. Nemuryu influence is much stronger there, due to the proximity with that archipelago, so the bathhouse was Ryunian-styled, with hot springs, saunas and such. As soon as I was old enough to hold a mop, I was put to work. When I was about 15, Rye stopped by the place and took me with him. We soon ended up in Soula. I guess he's my personal Attila, ha! He's already old and grizzly, so he fits the build!

"As we built our dojo, I came across this orphanage. Being an orphan myself, I guess I could sympathize with these kids. The couple that raised me wasn't very nice. They ran a Ryunian-styled establishment, but they never liked Samurais. They told me that, because I looked Ryunian, I was below trash, so they made me sleep in a damp broom closet, barely fed me and treated me like dirt in general. Guess they lost much to Ryunian bandits that often lurked around that region, so I was the object of their little revenge.

Rye took me out of that cozy place, but I know I was lucky. I don't want kids to resent adults, just because their great-great-great grandfathers pushed a war onto them. So I often come around and play with them." he finished explaining, kicking the ball towards some of the kids, who jumped to catch it in their tiny hands. Once they did, they began kicking it among themselves.

Noah didn't know what to say. He never thought Gee was a bad person, per say, but he never saw that side of him. To the boy, he guessed Gee was just a easygoing young man, seeking the approval of the ladies.

"Just goes to show that you can't trust appearances, I guess. Even Master Gee tries his hardest to help the weak! That's what valorous BladeMasters do, after all! I have to follow his example or else I won't be keeping my other self's good image!"

-I think that's swell, Master Gee!- Noah nodded with a wide smile. Gee nodded back and turned his attention back to the kids.

-Master Gee, teach me how to do an Astral Wave !- one of the kids yelled.

-No, no! Teach me how to jump really high with Astral Soul!- another begged, tugging on Gee's uniform's belt.

-Now, now, kids.- one of the caretakers, a young woman, approached the group. She was holding two babies in her arms, who were already tugging on her long blonde hair. and the bags under her eyes seemed deeper than Noah's. Yet, she carried a gentle smile on her face. - You know Mister Gee's a BladeMaster. What he does is only for grown-ups, that have gone to the Academy, to do.

-Yeah, ya little brats, listen to Miss Lily. You wouldn't want to get hurt and not be able to train under me and mean ol' Rye when you're older, right?- he grinned- If you want to learn Astral Soul, you'll have to get big and strong first! Talk to me again when you get muscles like these !

Then, with a swift motion, he turned around, the top half of his gi dropping off, showing his chiseled back. He raised his swollen arms, flexing, the muscles on his back tightening up into a sculpture of iron-hard flesh. The kids erupted in cheers and Gee would turn around and flex, rather comically, in various poses, egged on by their laughter.

Miss Lily giggled, shaking her head.

-Come now, it's time for lunch, kids. You won't get strong like Mister Gee if you don't fill up your bellies.- she said, as she ushered the kids away from the duo.

-Ayup! Eat your veggies, but don't forget your dessert!- Gee nodded, putting his gi back and then looking at the caretaker with a grin- Well, lunch is already on your agenda, obviously, but how about dinner, Lily? I can take us on a night on the town~

With that, he extended his arm at her and, with a flick of the wrist, a bouquet of white flowers swiftly surged up from inside his gi's sleeve. Gee grabbed it and presented it at Miss Lily, giving her his best charming grin. The kids out let out "Oooohs" and "Aaaahs", alongside cheers and giggles at the proposal.

Miss Lily took the bouquet, locking it in her shoulder, but gave Gee a cautious smile.

-I think your...errands should come first, Gee.- she said, glancing at the Eastern Wall's gate- Then I'll think about it.

Gee quickly took a knee and looked up at her.

-For you, Miss Lily, I will go to the Underworld and come back, just to see you smile. Start a life together, taking over the orphanage...~

-I dunno..!- she chuckled, with a light blush- I don't think the Underworld is half as tough as taking care of all these children. If we really did "take over the orphanage", you'd have to join me in looking after every single one of them!

-Aw, please!- Gee jumped up and leaned towards one of the babies she held, poking its little fuzzy cheeks- To a Master like me, this is a piece of--

Before he could finish talking, the baby opened his mouth and bit Gee's finger. It obviously had begun growing their teeth as Gee screamed and jumped back in pain, holding his finger. The kids around Miss Lilly started laughing and the babies in her arms started crying. The caretaker hurried to take calm everybody down but, in the process, the bouquet dropped to the ground and was accidentally stomped by her, the kids and a jumping Gee.

Noah watched as the flowers were squashed to the pavement.

"Guess that's what he meant by not overloading yourself.

A BladeMaster's world of love is scary..."


-I'm not going to lie, Master Gee: that was kinda depressing.- Noah said, looking up at the blue-haired young man. In his hands, the goggled boy held a bunch of bags containing various tea leaves he and the Master had bought at the shopping center.

Gee walked beside him, his smile ever-present, but his posture a bit more slump and his feet dragging across the floor a tad more, barely dodging the crowd of people that walked by the duo. The tea bags he was holding were nearly falling to the ground, such was the weakness of his grasp on them.

-Well, they do say a thousand steps journey begins with the first step. Miss Lily kinda digs me, but I'm really bad with kids, ya know? grace or some such. They either cry or laugh at me, haha...- he said, scratching the back of his head.

-Well, just like you said, you can only reach your goal if you give that first step! I'll try asking Eldus and Axel if they have a book about taking care of children!- Noah said, pumping his fists, his stare filled with an innocent determination.

-I appreciate it, kid. But, I think I'll save my romantic escapades after this Order business is done. Oooh, maybe I'll ask Lucy out on a dinner date!- he said, his eyes regaining some light.

-Oh yes, with your level of charm, I wonder what kinda joint you'd take her to.- a familiar voice reached the duo. Sobek walked up to them, holding a heavy bag, the Enchant Stones inside it clinking as the Mistral Elite moved around, a smirk on his face as he mocked Gee- Probably a hostess club...or the plumbing store, since you've such a close relationship with pipes on the wall!

With that remark, he covered his mouth to muffle his laughter. Gee glared at him, but took a deep breath, quickly regaining his composure.

-Geez, you're making that harder to let go than Terri when she folds your scrawny body up like an origami crane...- the Master shrugged, shaking his head.

-At least I get to feel a woman's touch for longer than the sting of a slap, Mister Gi-Snatcher.- Sobek grinned.

-I don't think that's something to feel proud of, but sure! I'll give you that one, Sobek. I wasn't ready when I was chasing you and you caught me off guard. There, you have something to gloat about on your journal tonight after you're done kissing T.'s boots and putting away your leather collar. But next time we face off...I dunno, maybe you'll be in for a surprise..? They do call me "Master" for a reason, ya know.- he said, waving the straw he had been chewing on towards the Elite.

Sobek chuckled.

-Yeah, right. Rye, I can see being super strong, since he's so jacked, but a beanpole like you? I think I'll keep my focus on my client-attending job, thank you. See ya, Noah. And see ya, Pipey.- he laughed, turning away from them and keeping on his way.

-I don't think Mister Albus will be every happy with your performance at your "client-attending job" if you show up with an empty bag, though.- Gee said.

Sobek looked back and saw the Master, holding an orange Enchant Stone on his hand. And, right afterwards, the Mistral-born could see a multitude of the minerals toppled on the ground, spilling from a rip on his bag. He began retrieving them, holding the most he could inside the half-open bag and taking the rest, including the one Gee held, in his hands.

-Well, Attila didn't raise an ungrateful guy. So thanks, Gee-boy.- he said, turning around and walking away.

Gee waved goodbye while Noah, on the other hand, was standing beside the Master, eyes wide.

-Wait, when did you--

Gee placed his finger in front of his lips.

-They also say a magician never reveals his secrets, right? Hehehe...but call it being petty for once, if you must.- he said, looking towards Sobek, whose back of his shirt and shorts both had a huge "G" cut into the fabric. The master was now the one covering his mouth to muffle his giggling.

-Wowie wow, the face of maturity himself. In that sense, you and Sobek are pretty similar, ya know?

Noah and Gee turned back to see Lucy approaching them, hands on her hips. She had her hair tied up in a bun, but a few platinum locks were escaping from the sphere. She was also part of the "Eye Bag Club", like Noah and Miss Lily, but hers were almost unnoticeable, due to her make-up.

-Lucy, my dear!- Gee zipped right past Noah, grinning to the tired-looking woman- I didn't know you came to the mall as well!

-I think some cashiers spend less time here than her, though..!- Noah pointed out, but Gee wasn't listening to him.

-Might I interest you in some tea, hot stuff?- he said, giving her his best grin- I've got aaaalll types of varieties~

Lucy scratched the back of her head, letting out a huge yawn, mouth agape.

-Enchanted, but I'm busy. Finally got done coordinating with the Angel's Crow guys over at Alliance missions. They should be returning in a few days. I wanted to contact Midnight too, but that little scamp is unreachable. Anyways, Gee, even if I wanted to join you, I can't go looking like a slob. I'm getting my hair done~- she winked.

Gee's eyes were shining.

-I'm flattered you think so highly of me, wanting to look good for our impossible date! But at least let me give you...this!- he said, extending his arm and the lily bouquet emerging from it. Although this time, the flowers were less than flattering, looking more pressed than if they were part of someone's collection.

The Master chuckled nervously, trying to fix the petals as best as he could.

-I kinda had a bit of an accident...don't mind me...- he said.

-Second-try bouquet? You suuuuure know how to make a girl feel special, Gee-boy.- Lucy shook her head, but took the "fixed" bouquet anyway. She took it to her nose, sniffing the half-crushed flowers- Smells like baby formula...

-It's the thought that counts, Lucy!- Gee proclaimed- Even the most child-stomped flowers deserve a second chance!

-Ain't that the truth...- Lucy sighed, before glancing at Noah and then back at Gee- I'm borrowing him, though. I can't have him be doing menial work that doesn't benefit the guild.

-You mean, benefits you, right, sugar?- Gee grinned before the bouquet landed on his face. It dropped to the floor and, by the time it had landed on the ground, Lucy was already a couple of meters away, holding Noah close to her chest like a teddy bear, the tea bags he had been carrying all on the floor next to Gee.

-Aren't you a clever lad. Toodles!- she waved off.

Gee was left standing there, dejected, before his mouth lifted up into a sly grin.

-"Wild", indeed. I'll have you swooning in no time, dear Lucy~! Even if I have to go to the Underworld and back!- he nodded to himself. With a swift kick over them, a gust of wind shot the bags Noah was carrying up into the air. They softly landed on the pile the Master was carrying.

-Anyways, if I don't return soon, Rye will make me wish I went over to the other side...-he chuckled and left the shopping center, a skip on his step.


An hour later, Noah and Lucy left the hair salon, the smell of hair products and ink still stuck on the boy's nose. The woman's hair was back to its straight design Noah had met Lucy with and her face had regained her haughty energy, a huge satisfied grin on her lips as they walked across the big space, the flood of people and chatting coming from every each way, the sunlight filtering through the glass roof already turning into a twilight orange.

-Ahh, I feel like I've been reborn, like a phoenix~!-Lucy grinned, stretching her arms above her head- Oh Noah, don't you want a change of style as well?

Noah was now walking beside her and took his hand to his hair.

-Like I said, I have never really needed to cut it since I came to Soula...but what do you suggest?

Lucy leaned towards him, an excited glint on her eyes.

-Ooooh, maybe a mohawk? Or some extensions? Maybe just shave it all off and leave the initials "L.C." on them?!- she nodded with a an excited huff at each suggestion.

-That makes it sound like I'm just your property, though...- he said, his neutral expression not too impressed by her ideas.

-You basically are...-she mumbled, looking to the side with grunt- I'm your nanny, caretaker and guardian. I'm basically your mommy...ugh...

-"Mother", huh.- Noah repeated. The vision with Tera returned to the forefront of his mind- You've told me that Attila was basically a father figure to you and the other Order members, right? Was he ever married, though?

-Nah, not really. He talked little about his past. He had tons of female fans, yeah, especially on the Karashian court, but he was too busy with work to ever pursue romance. So we kids never really had a mother figure.

-But to the guys at Angel's Crow, that's what you are, no?- Noah pointed out.

-Pffttt, as if! "Big Sis", at best and "Mob Boss" at worst! Those ingrates have no respect, always teasing me and complaining, even after all I've done for them! Moms, at least, can threaten to spank their kids and they'll behave. But when I whoop their butts to kingdom come, they just try again, to try and upstage me and climb up the ranks of the guild! No respect!

-I don't think that's how you should get respect...- Noah sighed.

Lucy rolled her eyes.

-Anyways, taking you in was a first for me. At least the other mercs have somewhere they come from. But you...someone with no background, no were basically a newborn when I found you!- she giggled.

Noah puffed his cheeks at her.

-But I do have an identity! And I'm not a baby!- he said, before he groaned in pain, as Lucy pinched and pulled on his cheeks.

-With these fuzzy things, you'd probably should be admitted in Ophelia's~!

-Gaah..! Shtooop! You're an awful mother figure!- Noah said, trying to break free.

-Oh yeah, and what basis do you have to compare, Mister Blank Space?- she smirked, pulling more and more on his cheek, ignoring his struggling.

-My my, Lucy. You always cause such a racket. You'll never attract the hubbies like that~!

Lucy and Noah looked to the side. They were so busy talking that they didn't notice that they had walked all the way to the flower shop were Noah had gotten the rose bouquet for Mercedes. And behind the counter, surrounded by the varied fauna...

Noah's eyes widened. The woman attendant had long and frizzy auburn hair, falling in waves on her shoulders. Warm, rosy cheeks. Dimples on the corners of her lips and faint crow's feet on the corners of her hazelnut eyes. She was dressed in a pink shirt and blue jeans, as well as a beige apron with a flower drawing on the front, but that smile that soothed your soul and a voice that melted like honey on your ear just seemed too familiar!

The boy's lips parted, in complete disbelief.


-Juliet! You got some nerve to be talking like that, when you've been out of the game for the past 100 years!- Lucy stuck her tongue out at the woman.

Noah blinked, confused, his gaze switching from the grumbling Lucy and the ever-smiling flower shop attendant.

"Juliet? Huh...must have gotten it confused."

Juliet let out a courteous giggle.

-Well, ignoring that last bit...when I was your age, I always found that men like women that are good with kids. Their maternal needs kicks in and they're more likely to approach you.

Lucy puffed her cheeks, crossing her arms and looking to the side.

-Yeah, I bet you were a real man-killer, what with those weapons of mass destruction...-she pointed somewhere in Juliet's direction, but Noah wasn't quick enough to follow exactly where- ...being their sole focus. Bet that's why this dingy shop is still in business. With that figure and that cutesy, nice-and-sweet attitude, you're basically every teenage boy's wet dream, after all.- she grumbled.

Juliet's smile twitched a bit.

-Anyways...- she turned her attention towards Noah- Noah! Good to see you, sugar! A little birdie told me that you didn't have the best grades in your exams, but that you tried your best and even impressed the teachers! I'm very proud of you!

She presented him with a radiant smile, only adding to the confusion the boy felt. do you know..? We've...never met...

Juliet clapped her hands.

-Silly billy, of course we did! Although it was brief, you saw me when you got those roses for Mercedes!- she pointed out. Noah scanned his memory and, while the moment had been a bit of a whirlwind, as he had tried to process why he suddenly was offering roses, he did remember her auburn hair.

-A-ah, you're right! I'm sorry, Miss Juliet! Nice to meet you!- he gave her his best cordial smile and the attendant smiled in return.

-I've had this little shop for quite a while now and I know that, by this time of the year, all Academics are worried about their Exams. A few days ago, I've heard some kids talking about a goggled boy that had impressed everyone with a cherry blossom technique and I assume it was you!- she grinned, before reaching behind the counter and taking out a thorn-less rose, giving it to Noah- Here, a reward for your good job! And...sorry I took so long.

Noah took the rose, but his eyes were wide at the realization her last words gave him.


-Hooooold up everything!- Lucy's voice interrupted the exchange as she grabbed Noah and held him up, pressing him close to herself- Making moves at dumb lil' Noah, huh?! I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but he already has a beautiful older lady to ruin---improve his life! I won't allow you to defile my little cherubim with your cougar charms! Shoo, shoo! Go on the prowl for another chump!

At this point, Juliet's smile was obviously forced as she took a deep breath and resumed her talking.

-Glad to see that, after all these years, you're still your haughty self, Lucy.- she said, before her expression softened up a bit- But I'm glad. Your "family" is always a rowdy bunch, but I'm happy to see that finding someone who was truly lost has been helping you find yourself as well.

Lucy raised her brow.

-Hot and philosophical? Geez, keep shoving your full package on me, why don'tcha...-she muttered, before looking down on Noah, who looked back at her with his empty eyes and half-opened mouth- Let's leave this old bag and go clothes shopping, kay, Noah?

With that, she began walking away, her gait now more furious than haughty.

-Did Miss Juliet insult you, Lucy?- Noah asked, the people around the duo stopping to look at the strange image of a human baby marsupial in his momma's grasp, talking to her.

-She didn't, but I'm just jealous of her. I've known her ever since I came to live in Soula and she has always been running that little flower shop, seemingly not aging a day and saying hi and bantering with me every time she sees me passing by. Always asking...if I've been eating well, to moderate my drinking...- she sighed- Gals like her always have their stuff together, both in looks and attitude, and it annoys me.

Lucy grumbled, looking a little ashamed of her immature attitude, before muttering to herself

-"Finding myself"...tch, she always seems to know everything...

Soon, they reached the Moru siblings shop and Lucy placed Noah down, reaching to her pocket and taking out a small bag of coins, giving it to Noah.

-And keeping on this sudden motherly vibe I have, here's some allowance.- she said.

Noah looked at the bag in his hands with as much confusion as he'd have if Lucy had given him a live scorpion instead.

-You've never given me money before...what happened?

Lucy looked to the side, disgruntled.

-It's the Myra job money. I've split it up across all guild members and got some aside from you. I figured that you're as much of a mercenary as everyone else, so I wanted to give you a bit...even though...I probably could buy some new shoes with that...-she pouted, looking longingly at the bag, before shaking her head- I've heard from Cidy that you're way into reading. There's a bookshop past that left corner, so go buy whatever you want. And if it's a smutty romance, you're free to lend it to me. OK, see ya in thirty minutes.

With that, she turned around, waved and left, leaving Noah standing at the entrance of the clothes shop, looking lost as the other customers of the mall walked by him, giving him confused looks, like he was an alien.

A smile crept up on his lips, after a while.

-Thanks.-he whispered.


-I know I'm the prime offender of this, but you really spent it all in one place, huh? Maybe invest on some accounting books next time?- Lucy asked, a few bags of clothes in her hands. The young woman faced a pile of books, Noah's face peeking out from behind them.

-They were having a sale! But I did have some money left, so here!- he said, holding the pile with one hand, so he could reach to his back pocket and take out a candy wrapped in red cellophane.

Lucy's eyes began to water as she took the candy.

-Awww, for me? Y-you're so kiiiinnnnddddd...!- she cried out- I've raised such a good, gift-giving boyyyyyy!

The sound of the candy cracking amidst her loud chewing reached Noah's ears, as both walked side-by-side, out of the exit of the mall. It was nearing nighttime now, the sun already sinking behind the Walls of Soula, bathing the streets in an orange light, shadows extending far past the buildings, lamp posts and the mercenary and Academic.

Lucy looked at the books Noah carried.

-Flower arrangements, violin, really are diversifying, huh?- she asked.

-I have to!- Noah said, a determined smile on his face and a happy glint on his eyes- I have to dive into every subject possible! That way, the chances of finding my past hobby will increase!

-Is that so..?- Lucy smiled absentmindedly- Any luck so far?

-Not really, but I'm positive I'll find something eventually, if I keep reading all of this!

-I dunno..! If ya ask me, just reading the titles would have triggered something if it was really a hobby you once loved. Did you get that with these books? I'd say be more careful and consider if it's something really spending money over, if you don't feel like you'll remem---

Her words were interrupted as the sound of books falling on the ground reached Lucy's ears. Noah stood before her, looking at the pile of books, lying on the ground.

-Noah..? Butter fingers, dude.

-You're right.


-Axel's books...and these ones...they haven't really made me feel anything. I mean, it's fun to read them...but if they don't spark a memory right away, what's the point? I'm just wasting time, that way.- he said, his voice weirdly slow.

-Well, maybe so, maybe not. Maybe if you start reading them, you'll dust off the cobwebs of your silly little brain and then you'll start to remember. And heck, even if you don't remember, it's always fun to learn something new!- she grinned.

-You think..? But my true hobby or passion could be somewhere else, while I'm wasting time learning about something new.- Noah continued, still not looking at Lucy.

-Dude, whatever! Imagine if you remember everything tomorrow. You'll have one more hobby to add to the pile!

-What if I have never liked sewing or the violin, though? It would feel stupid to have gotten into a hobby I've never liked to begin with...

-What does it matter? You've liked it now, so the past doesn't matter---

-It does, though. It feels like I'm tricking myself.- he cut her off.

Lucy's expression got a bit more heavy.

-Noah...what happened..? You've been acting kinda weird these past few weeks. After've been all over the place.

Noah didn't answer her for a few seconds, before resuming.

-In Aireen, I had a dream with Tera. A vision.

Lucy's eyes widened.

-Oh, that's awesome! How was she? Smoking hot? Wise? Lesser than moi ?- she smirked.

-She was great. She told me...that I was, before getting to Soula, a great warrior. That I have power inside me that Tal, Balthazar and the Order want for themselves. And that the voice I've been hearing isn't Tal's, but another guy that can, somehow, try and interfere and take over my consciousness. All to use my great power.

-Wow...that's....just wow.- Lucy said, stepping towards Noah- But if it isn't Tal, then we're back to square one on your memories, no?

-No. Like I said, the Order is after me. Zanten called me "Alpha". They must know something. And the person talking to me must be someone related to them. I'll get the answers out of them, I swear. My resolve isn't shaken from when I told you I wanted to talk to Tal, back the Arena.

Lucy smiled.

-Yeah, glad you're still raring to go! It would be a shame if you were some cool dude that bonked his head and gotten over to the Order's side because they tricked you.

-But they won't trick me. I'm better than that. I know that.

-You sure..?

Lucy could see Noah raising his hands, looking at them.

-Back against Terri and Allie...I could feel myself moving without my consent. Against Merceny...I gave in to rage. I used to fear that my past self was a bad person and that those feelings were resurfacing, turning me into someone I'm not. But it's the reverse, I realize. It isn't my past self's fault, it's the current me who's weak and prone to lose control. Tera told me I was great...and people can take advantage because I forgot everything. If I was stronger...I wouldn't fall for these tricks..! I'd be better!

Lucy shrugged.

-Terri and Allie aside, as long as you don't go blaming your past self for your current self's actions against Ciny, like some interpersonal blame shift...

-I won't, Lucy. Merceny was attacked by this...this weak me.

-Ah, don't sweat it! I mean, you're getting stronger at an amazing pace, really. Good thing we started training early, since I could tell your potential from day one.

-You could..?

-Ayup. I've never told you, did I? Back when we meet, you were all spooked when you were told I was the strongest BladeMaster, didn't you?

Noah looked upwards, trying to recall the events. Still not turning towards Lucy, he nodded.

-Y-yeah, I did. I got a chill down my spine and I knew, somehow, that you weren't lying.- he answered.

Lucy smirked.

-Well, that feeling saved your life, actually. Unconsciously, that statement must have triggered some reflex. BladeMasters can detect soul power and Element around them if they focus enough, and you were able to detect this slight Nexus I had been softly directing towards you since I helped you up. You could feel a subtle killer intent going towards you.

"Anyone can boast about their strength, but you believed me right away, because you could feel my power, proving your talent at detecting soul power. But you could still be an enemy, so that's what I watched out for. But instead of shifting to a defensive stance or becoming completely afraid, you instead were respectful. That way, I surmised that you were, indeed, innocent.

And since then, I've been betting on your potential. Your battle with Terri proved it and, since then, you've kept surprising me, Noah~!"

Noah nodded, although, it was more to himself than Lucy.

-Yeah. Even you agree..! I'm strong...and I must regain that strength! If I regained my memories tomorrow, I wouldn't want to be angry at myself for wasting so much time and not regaining the power I have locked in me!

-But, again, you haven't wasted time! You've gotten much stronger! And most of it is because you screwed up more than once and had your friends to help ya back to your feet!

-No, I can't keep screwing up! I must be strong enough to not disappoint who I once was!

-Oh, who cares, Noah? If you regain your memories tomorrow, you'll still be our derpy lil' Noah!- she pointed out.

-It doesn't work like that!!!- Noah shouted, making Lucy's eyes widen.


-You don't know scary it is..! To feel like you're most likely disappointing someone, but not knowing who, exactly! To feel like you're slipping away from some goal, but not knowing, exactly, what that is! At this exact time...I...I may be needed somewhere out there! My great strength may be needed!

-But you're needed here, Noah! Your friends need you, too..!

-But what if I have friends out there, too?! What if I suddenly vanished one day and they're out there looking for me?! I can't be out here wasting time, doing stuff that doesn't help me remember anything, like buying books..!

-Your efforts are needed here too, Noah!- Lucy gesticulated as she talked- You're a strong, dependable ally, because we all have seen your growth!

She then could see Noah's breathing slowing back down, his back rising and sinking slower.

-Yeah, of course. I won't abandon my friends here, obviously. Because that's what a strong BladeMaster would do...

Lucy shook her head, exasperated.

-OK, cool, Noah, but stop saying it like that! You do good things because that's what the Noah in front of me would do! Not because that's what this dude you think you were would do, no matter what Tera may have told you! It was too vague! Honestly, you could have been anything! A homeless dude living in a cave, a prince or even a Clear Soul or Order soldier! But what matters is that you're Noah now !

"Or what, if you found out tomorrow that you were a valorous BladeMaster, but part of an enemy of Soula, would you suddenly try and fight us? Would you seriously just shift gears, at the drop of a hat, because that's what this 'great warrior' would do and try to kill your friends? Kill me ?!"


Noah's voice was shaky as he began turning around. The setting sunlight painted shadows across his body, the last rays reflecting off of the lenses of his goggles. He turned his face to look at Lucy. And she couldn't help but drop her bags, her eyes wide and her hands shaking as she slowly covered her mouth.

His face half-covered by the coming shadows of evening.

His mouth flattened into a stern line.

His breathing slow, calm and determined.

And his eyes...wide, with no empathy on them...

His right iris...of a golden hue, accompanying its scarlet partner as they shot daggers into her body.

Even a blind man could see the killing intent spewing from that stare.

-Don't make me answer that, Lucy.

"We both know what the answer would be."