Chapter 54: Two Emperors

(Check Book 2 for Chapter 53. While doing my regular cleaning up/retouching of the chapters, I had to split it up into two and republished it there to adhere to the website's character limits)

Days until the Brigade raids the Order Tower: three

In small village named Brayga, northwest section of the Karashian continent:

The dust finally settled in the town as the sun settled behind the horizon.

As the soldiers gathered in the town's square, after their final clean-up sweep to not let any enemies escape, the men and women clad in dark blue and grey uniforms stood in formation, awaiting further orders.

Brayga was a village infamous for being a thieves den. It was one of the first territories that the Karashian Kingdom lost control of when the BladeMaster War divided the continent into the Kingdom itself and the various factions of barbarians that were afterwards controlled by Attila's Order. But while the villages in these factions were mostly inhabited by peaceful citizens that lived their lives terrified by the bandit leaders' rule, Brayga was inhabited by the scum of the earth: murderers, slave, organ and drug traffickers and generally criminals that escaped from prisons of the Kingdom or the Alliance and wound up arriving at Brayga.

It was a lawless land, isolated in the corner of the continent on an arid wasteland. Attila always had approached the idea of Brayga with hesitancy. Sure, it would be easy to take the city, but ending the network of smuggling that all converged there and stretched out, like a web, across and beyond the continent was a separate matter. There were many leaders in Brayga. If just one wasn't there at the moment of an eventual take-over, the operations could simply be resumed elsewhere, in another corner of the continent. So, the town was closely monitored for close to 20 years.

And now...

-The narcotics ring leader...organ dealer boss...the sex trafficking network's don and his well as the 6 Woltz maximum security prison escapees that the whole Gaia was looking for. All accounted for?- Balthazar asked.

-All, sir.- a soldier grunt replied, standing in front of the blonde leader, saluting him.

-Good. That should take care of the main ringleaders of this nasty little network. Toss them in, like everyone else. Let them know that they're little more than petty criminals in the end, past their mask of grandiose.- he said.

With a collective "Aye sir!", 10 pairs of soldiers picked up 10 inert adult bodies off the ground and threw them onto a giant pile of bodies that nearly reached 2 meters of height.

Balthazar let out a sigh, wiping his brow.

-Attila...I've done it. This nasty little nest of spiders that has been a rock in your shoe for nearly two decades has fallen down in one clean fell swoop. The dons of this criminal web might have looked smart, but they lacked any sense of unity. One little rumor of betrayal thrown into the gears of their machine by one of our spies and they all rush to gather in this city...ready to meet their end.

All 10 dons, each a capable BladeMaster that could give an Elite a decent challenge had gathered in the town square, alongside their personal squads of dozens of soldiers, trying to figure out who was a supposed traitor in their midst. Balthazar soon arrived with his own squad of 20 Order Soldiers, personally blessed by him. He revealed himself before the leaders, who all jumped him at the same time and the result...

A 20 year old struggle was done in less than 20 minutes. Over Balthazar's shoulder, the Order leader held a massive silver hammer, gold trimming around the handle and twin cylindrical blunt ends, both stained red with whatever grey matter the dons supposedly had and that Balthazar had swiftly squished out of their skulls. It was a swift battle that had barely done any damage to the city aside from picking up a bunch of dust and the occasional burn mark on the ground where an unlucky criminal soldier once stood.

-Sir, if I may comment, it was almost unnecessary to bring so many of us with you for this mission. We didn't even managed to draw our Blades and you were already whittling down their numbers!- an Order soldier said.

Balthazar's eyes widened.

-Are you kidding?! Even I would get dead tired if I had to gather more than one hundred thieves in one place! I'd be here all day! And then I'd have to fly back to the Tower by myself? It's hundreds of kilometres from here and I can barely understand how to work one of those.- he said, scandalized, while he pointed to one of the Order's giant silver airships. He then crossed his arms and nodded to himself- And I'd rather leave the idea of running all the way back to base to an exercise aficionado like Terri...

A hearty laugh filled the square as Balthazar and his soldiers shared a moment of levity, the contrast with the pile of cadavers that they stood near of carrying almost as much irony as the wind carried the scent of blood.

-But seriously now, better play it safe and bring you guys. If you didn't get to fight, it's purely because I keep overestimating how rusty I am at swinging Metatron.- he shrugged, releasing the saintly hammer and placing his hands on his hips- Tal should be about done destroying the underground facilities of this city. He's probably already beating us to dinner. Let's go--- monster..!- a voice rose behind the Emperor of the Order.

Balthazar turned around, his soldiers already pointing their Blades at a crawling man, his pale face covered in blood as he dragged his mangled body to the blonde and grabbed at his white robes.

-One grunt that escaped the fight..? Ok, I correct myself about the "rusty" comment...-Balthazar shook his head, his golden hair swaying from side to side. can you act nonchalant after killing so many people like that?!- he yelled at him.

-LET GO OF HIM!- the soldiers yelled, but their threats were silenced by Balthazar raising his palm.

-You Order bastards...looking down at us just because you're so "strong"'re nothing without Attila! Without him, you're no better than us! Some of us begged for their lives before you turned their heads into paste! Some of us were willing to surrender before you burned them alive! And now you're leaving like you've just taken out the week's trash, leaving our bodies to rot?! You're no "Angel", you're a demon, Balthazar of the Order!

-You're one to talk, you criminal!- the soldiers placed swords and spears against his neck and trained all firearms they had on him, ready to turn him into dust, before Balthazar had to raise his hand again, causing everyone to release their Blades at the same time, quickly backing away from the wounded man.

He looked up at Balthazar. The Order leader stood straight, the shadows of the setting sun making the expression the criminal could barely make out look stern and merciless. But when Balthazar crouched down to meet his gaze...

He was smiling. And not a twisted, sadistic smile, but a gentle one, filled with calm and lacking any killer intent. His burgundy eyes even seemed to radiate...a sort of somberness.

-Poor soul. You must have been tricked by your comrades. For the violence I committed here is nothing compared to the suffering your brethren have caused the continent for years and years. Compared to that, today's deaths were a mercy.- he said, before his smile widened- But for you to have solely escaped...I would consider that quite the fortune.

-Fortunate, huh? So you can have fun slowly killing me?- the criminal rose his face and spat on Balthazar's cheek, though the Order leader was unflinching- Joke's on you, I'm already one foot in the grave.

-You really don't need to feel alarmed. I have no intention of killing you, really. Nor leaving you to succumb to your wounds, here to rot like the rest of your associates. Like I said, you're quite fortunate. As am I, because now I have the chance to actually participate in dialogue, something I wasn't able to do, since all of the dons attacked me right away. So, let's talk, shall we? Why were you here, anyways? What could the Dons possibly give to you, someone who's just a grunt to them, to entice you into this life? think I went into this over a sadist pleasure? We're not all able to live all comfy in your Tower. I joined the Dons to get riches, so I could truly live, not just survive!- he exclaimed.

-Well, that's understandable.- Balthazar smiled- Everyone needs to make a living somehow. But I personally feel that there's as much value in being careful with what we're doing with our lives, both in the moment and in hindsight. Here's what I think. And whether you heed my words will be up to you. I cannot force anyone to listen, after all. Tell me: have you ever entertained the idea of what happens after death?

The criminal didn't reply, but even so Balthazar kept talking.

-We've seen, time and time again, that once someone dies, their soul leaves their body. Soul Checks performed by Sages confirmed no soul readings on corpses. But where do those souls go, then? Folklore tells us that they are guided towards a great center. The place where they left in the first place before they found a house inside us. That called the Soul Core.

"Inside the Soul Core, the soul is purified, stripped even of its past Element, and then placed, clear and neutral, inside unborn children, which is then dyed by their parents' Elements. Our soul regains purpose, destined to go time and time again back to the Soul Core. And the Core itself seemingly can produce more and more new souls, so it's not like Gaia can ever run out of souls to give the unborn. It's a truly beautiful system. Our soul lives on throughout the ages. We carry inside of us a memento from ages past..."

His expression then saddened.

-But what about memories? Individuality? Consciousness? A soul carries those while in life, but seemingly loses them upon returning from the Soul Core. People have theorized that Backlashes happen because new souls returned from the core with too much power left over from the previous owner, even after the purification process tried to reset it. And that's why children have trouble adapting. But even so, the purification process rids the soul of any traces of the person it was attached to.

"Some say that the memories and what makes us us all go to the next world, a land of plenty. Others say that the memories do carry over, but are dormant, a true process of reincarnation. But you know what I personally think?"

Balthazar's smile was ever gentle as he tilted his head with a chuckle.

-That those theories are all trash. That memories are destroyed upon purification. Conscience goes to an abyss of nothingness . And that process is even more horrifying than a worldly death. Because it's not just that your body dies. Your idea of self fades away too. Soon, people forget about you. And in some's like you've never existed.

The thief kept silent, but his complexion lost some color. He didn't know why, but as he listened to Balthazar, he felt wrapped in...warmth. His voice sunk into the man's consciousness and rang inside his mind. He kept listening, not because his battered body didn't allow him to go away...but slowly he felt like he had to listen to the blonde.

- The death of the self is horrible. But why do gods let that happen while they sit pretty, retaining their identities throughout the ages? That's simple: I believe that the purification process happens because it's giving us chances. Chances to do something...greater with our lives, yet we spent it all fighting between ourselves. Humans in the Genesis War fought alongside gods to defeat the darkness, yet we don't walk hand in hand with the divine anymore. And that's because we have lost that greater purpose and are tasked with finding it again. Yet we fail. We die. We return to the Soul Core. We are reset. And told to try again. Purification is nothing but a punishment of the gods. As long as we keep being the humans we are being right now, we'll never leave this cycle.

"And that is where my dream stems from: I want to reach that higher purpose. And create a world free from the cycle of purification, where the self doesn't die anymore. A world that persists and allows us to walk hand in hand with the gods again. Our task done. Our reward being eternal bliss, death and life's boundaries shattered.

And that's really the meat and potatoes of what I'm trying to tell you, friend. Sorry for the long, fanatic-like ramble. I just much prefer to talk things out with people. I wish I could have done so with the others of this town..."

With that, he signaled his soldiers.

-Patch him up, please. Like I said, I don't want to let this man die.- he said. Soon, the thief was being bandaged up, his blood cleaned, given medication for pain even. In a day or two he'd be recovered from his near death state. He still sat on the ground, though, dumbfounded as he stared at the smiling Balhtazar.

-W-why..? We were enemies until a few minutes ago.

Balthazar chuckled.

-I see nobody as my enemy. Just someone I haven't been able to reach out for quite yet. My dream is to unite the people of this planet towards this new future. It won't be easy, though. It certainly hasn't for me. This new world is clean and pure, but I don't really see myself as that squeaky clean, not even a little bit. To try and achieve my goal, I've had to cast many people back into this vicious cycle. It honestly plagues me. But I still try my best. When I was young, I was told I had some sort of gift, that would allow me to achieve that unity. I've been holding onto that idea, reaching out for one person at a time. That is how it has been for my colleagues here. And I'm hoping...

He reached out and placed his hand atop the thief's head.

-...that it will be the same for you too. I want to be your friend, to reach a mutual understanding with you, see. Share dreams, ambitions, goals for the future. And someday, hopefully, be able to walk upon this golden land I'm trying to reach.

With that, Balthazar stood up. The thief's eyes widened. The setting sun's shine was cast upon the blonde's back like some sort of aura, a halo of divinity. The spot where he had touched gave out such a warm and comforting feeling that spread throughout his entire body...

The airship opened its rear entrance to let out a ramp for the soldiers and Balthazar to climb upon to enter the craft.

-Life is a gift, really. For it gives us the self we must all strive to preserve. I sincerely ask you to do your best to keep it safe, lest you fall in the abyss. Well...honestly I don't think you will. You've patiently listened to me and accepted my healing. You've been blessed...what a truly fortunate man you are.- he smiled gently.

He pointed to the mountain of corpses.

-As for the less fortunate, do not worry. I won't let them rot in the wild like that. The tools to give them a proper funeral are not something I have with me at the moment. So, just sit tight and they'll be properly sent off soon enough. And hopefully, when we see each other again, we're able to see eye to eye. Goodbye, my lucky friend.- he grinned brightly.

The thief suddenly found himself crawling towards the closing airship as it began rising, kicking up a bunch of dust. He tried to shield his eyes, but he also didn't want to stop looking at Balthazar. He had found himself...slowly craving to be within his presence at all times. But soon the airship took flight and was off in the distance, a dot on the orange sky.

The man felt lost, but only for a brief moment.

"You've been blessed."

He looked to his hands, rubbing the spot where Balthazar had touched him.

-I thought you were a heartless warmonger, Balthazar...but I was wrong about you. Y-you've said you desire a higher purpose. I...I can see that..! I can see that you yourself are...something higher..!- he began talking out loud to himself- You've spared me...and even shown respect for your enemies. I...I'm not really sure why I feel so warm. Maybe I really am blessed..!

Tears began dripping down his face, a laugh slowly leaving his mouth.

- I can't believe I once thought that riches from the trafficking would make me happy! What a fool I was! Who would think that a foolish rat like me would be lucky enough to meet you in the end?! I feel truly happy! Happy I've met you! Happy you could spare a word to me! Happy...happy you've blessed me!

His laughter became louder and louder, tears leaving in spades, his body shaking.

-So (warm) happy indeed that I feel! Hahahaha! I feel invigorated! Like I could take on the world! Like I to the Order Tower myself! But no! I'll wait! I'll wait for you! (So warm!) I'll wait for you, Balthazar! So we may talk again (So warm!)! So we can share our dreams, although mine might be lowly compared to yours! (Warm!) Haha(warm)hahahaha!

He reached out for the sky.

-I feel (warmer) myself already becoming (warmer) more than myself! Is it your blessing?! Of course it is (warmer)! I'll join you, hahaha! In this new world, where we can talk forever!




-Balthazar, sir.- a soldier approached Balthazar, who sat next to a window on the ship's benches alongside the other members of his squad, as they talked about mundane stuff like rations and stiff shoulders- Was it really alright to leave that thief alone? Like you said, Attila himself found Brayga a challenge because no stone could be left alone!

Balthazar looked at the soldier, a gentle smile on his face.

-I'm not one to break my promises. Each life matters and each death is like a spike being driven through me. Sparing even one of those thieves makes me happy. Getting that one to at least listen to me happier still. It seems all hope was not lost for Brayga. So you needn't worry. That once sin-infested nest of spiders...

He looked outside his window, gaze lost upon the cotton-like orange clouds.


"...won't trouble anyone ever again."


After an hour of travelling, Balthazar's airship descended upon the tower. The pike-like structure was mostly a perfectly thin pyramid, except for a portion near the top of the tower that stretched out for the side, a small ship port for personal flights. On the base of the Tower, a much bigger complex was built, bigger airships containing all types of cargo, from machine parts, to food, and refugees arriving and going to and from all corners of Karash.

Balthazar stepped down the ramp of his ship, his long light blonde locks flapping about, the wind quite strong on that port quite high, as they were more than 500 meters away from solid ground.

-Maybe we should get some one of those ship pads that rise from and into the ground because these winds absolutely do a number on my hair.- he commented with a sigh, loud laughter ensuing from his group.

-Balthazar!- a familiar voice sounded.

The Order Emperor's smile widened as he saw Salacia approaching him. She shielded an elderly lady from the strong winds with a mantle, as she was guided towards the blonde.

-Mrs. Pennyworth! How brave of you to come meet me out here, but I would be mortified if you caught a cold!- Balthazar grinned as he gave the lady a kiss on each cheek- What can I help you with?

-Oh, Mister Balthazar, I know you're busy, but my flight is in a few minutes and Salacia said you were arriving soon, so I just had to come thank you again for help defending my poor little village from those thieves last week and for giving us refuge as well.

-Oh, that's right, the renovations to your houses should be about done, so you're returning alongside the citizens! Well, it was an honor to house you here for the past days and don't mention it. Any Order-protected territory must be defended at all costs.- Balthazar huffed his chest.

-You're the split-image of Attila, dear.- the old lady said, pinching Balthazar's cheeks- He also used to swing by town when he was working around the continent. Please, if you have time, come over so I can treat you to my special stew soup!

-Believe me, Mrs. Pennyworth, if I could, I'd get on that airship with you right now and live the easy life on your village. I have a mountain of office work waiting for me right now and the farm hoe is looking mighty comforting right now...- he said, getting a laugh from the lady- Well, let us be off right now. Could some of you accompany the young lady downstairs? I need to talk to Salacia.

A pair of soldiers stepped up and walked inside the Tower with Mrs. Pennyworth. The rest soon followed, alongside Balthazar and the priestess. After getting on a nearby elevator, the duo left, walking quickly on a lower floor.

-Anything you needed me for, Balthazar?- Salacia asked, her expression ever docile, her own form-fitting robes rustling as she walked, her long blue hair, braided behind her back, swaying from side to side.

-Yes, yes. Your medicine just arrived. I wanted to give it to you this morning, but the whole Brayga thing came up first.- he said.

Salacia clapped her hands.

-Ah, thank the gods. The last few nights have been really rough.- she sighed.

-Have you been taking that honey tea I've recommended? Last thing I and a certain someone would want is for you to lose your beautiful voice from all the coughing.- he smiled.

-Yes, yes, but the dizziness and weakness are also plaguing me...- she said, before her eyes widened- Ah! Speak of the devil! Gibson!!

She ran as she spotted the grey-haired man walking further down the hall. Deep bags under his eyes, his expression worried as he read through a stack of paper files. As the 3rd echelon Elite got closer, she had to stop herself, a fit of coughing coming down on her, her body doubling over, which caused Gibson to drop the files and place his hands on her shoulders.

-Salacia, I told you already, no running like that..!- he exclaimed. Salacia looked at the 4th Elite with a bright smile, tears welling on the corners of her eyes from the violent and sudden coughing.

-Don't worry..! My medicine just arrived, Balthazar told me!- she said as the Order leader leaned down to pick up the papers and give them back to Gibson, who sighed.

-Thank goodness...the gods.- he said- This month's shipment took a while...

Balthazar huffed, hands on hips.

-You don't need to tell me. I called that Woltz pharmaceutical company non-stop for the past pair of days to ask them about the shipment. It seems they ran into some trouble in their labs this month and the order had to be delayed. Thankfully it's arrived. I had to go take care of Brayga, so I asked that the box be delivered to my office. Give me a second...- he said, walking over to a nearby door, which lead to his office.

Once he returned he had a small brown package on his hand. Opening it revealed a small white box, containing a pair of needles with a clear liquid inside them.

Gibson took the box, an apprehensive look on his face as he looked at Balthazar.

-I know I've said this before, but I'm trusting you on this...

Balthazar replied with his own serious expression.

-We both know the deal, Gibson. And I don't like it any better than you. But it's an experimental drug and the Woltzians don't want it leaking to the general public before it's completely done. The fact that I've managed to get Salacia to be a test subject so she could get the medicine at all is a miracle in of itself, so we can't complain. We keep the monthly shipments going and, as a promise, we can't analyze the vaccine's components and produce our own.

-That's completely idiotic..!- Gibson protested- Why would you accept such a shady deal? I bet that, if I analyzed these two shots, I could detect any flaws and deliver a finished, enhanced product by tomorrow that would rid Salacia of the condition she's had for all of her life! But no, you have to keep company secrets in higher esteem than your comrade's life!

-I've offered the company so many deals before so they let us take a peek, but you know that Woltz's technology is as cutting edge as it is confidential! Half of their stuff carried over from the War and should be viewed as illegal by most of the post-war armistice conventions! But they've still tried since to repurpose it to serve the public! If we don't trust them, it's like the War never ended!- Balthazar defended himself- Listen, I care about Salacia as much as you--

Gibson punched the nearby wall. He looked at Balthazar with teeth gritted, shoulders shaking.

-You don't!!! You're not the one that has to take care of her every night as she lays there dying! I don't care about trust, I'm taking these shots to the lab--

Gibson's shouts were interrupted as Salacia pulled on his sleeve. The Oracle looked over at her, the Siren's face awash with tears, whole body trembling. She was always very easy to get emotional, but she never cried without a good reason. fighting among ourselves...I trust the shot, I've been feeling better ever since I've begun taking it. So please, breaking promises..!- she said between hiccups.

Gibson's face was a monument to lack of sleep and stress. He opened his mouth to protest, but nothing came out. He slowly nodded.

-Fine. I'm sorry, Salacia. And Balthazar, too.- he said.

Balthazar shook his head.

-I'm sorry too, you two. I'm going to get in contact one more time and beg them if I have to. I don't want her to suffer any longer. And speaking of suffering, have you been eating and sleeping, Gibson? You look like death, friend.

-I have--

-He hasn't.

Salacia's words cut like Gibson's like a knife as she dried her tears and pouted at her lover.

-I don't think you've gotten a wink of sleep and ate a decent meal in days, Gibson. Don't lie.

Gibson ran his hand through his disheveled hair with a sigh.

-How could I? Ever since Zanten went to Aireen and found it ruined, returning with no news of finding anyone could I? My only sister could be dead!- he vociferated.

-Don't give up hope, Gibson...- Salacia clenched her hands together- There's always the possibility that she and the other Desert Roses left before the city vanished...

-Then why haven't they returned?! I would have understood if Lucy's group defeated her and took her away, but--

His words were cut off as he looked towards Balthazar and found his expression turned much more severe. His eyes wide, merciless, his mouth a flat slit. Gibson felt a chill run down his spine as she looked to the side in defeat.

-Maybe they're just off goofing around in another village of the region...I'm going to tell her off something fierce when she returns.- he ended up saying.

-Speaking of Zanten...- Balthazar's words now carried with them a slow, dangerous weight- Where can I find him? Is he underground again?

-N-no...- Salacia stammered, feeling the atmosphere getting heavier as the mere mention of Lucy was enough to kill any levity in the Tower- I ran by Sera a while ago. He should be on the regular training chambers on the 20th floor. He said he didn't want anyone there, though...

-He'll let me. And if you can find Sera and Tal, please tell them to gather in the entrance hall before you two also go there.- Balthazar said. He placed his hand on Gibson's shoulder.

-In the meantime, go eat something. Please. And Salacia, get your shot as well, as soon as possible. I'll be seeing you downstairs.- with that, he nodded to both of them and went on his way, leaving a frustrated Gibson and an apprehensive Salacia hesitant to move from where they were on the hallway.



-What? I believe I said I wanted some time alone.

-You say that every day when you're not training with Sera or dragged to the cafeteria with the others. Stop being a grumpy pants. Not only do you have some business coming up, I wanted to check up on you beforehand.

Balthazar huffed as he stood by the entrance of one of the Order training rooms. The large, soccer field-sized room was dimly lit, the only source of light being the open door behind the Order leader and the rows of blue lights that covered the ground.

-Are you part mole? I believe this room has a handy little invention called a light switch- Balthazar sighed.

-I don't come here for serious training, just to swing my sword around at the air. I don't need light for that.- Zanten said. He had shed his usual red armor, wearing only a black spandex unitard that went up to his neck. And tied around it was his usual crimson cape. One might find odd why he hadn't taken off the most superfluous part of his gear, but Zanten was never one to be seen without his cape. Even if, as the 1st echelon Order Elite, he didn't get out on the field much, the rumors of the Inferno painted him as a caped monarch of destruction.

A second Emperor of sorts. But while Balthazar was seen by people like Mrs. Pennyworth as a kingly protector, the few people that lived to tell the tale after encountering Zanten saw him as the complete opposite of that, a despot-like killer.

-Sera is right, one could cut themselves in all the edge...- Balthazar smirked, walking towards Zanten.

-What do you want? Don't you have some more bloody crusades to go attend to?- the Inferno asked. He held his Blade, Surt, which resembled a crude chunk of volcanic magma, in his hands. His face was awash with sweat, his visor stuck to his right eye.

-I've actually just returned from Brayga. - Balthazar smiled.

-Aren't you a big hero. You've solved yet another thing Attila couldn't by just smashing the whole issue to pieces with raw power.

-As the Inferno, you must be able to detect the irony in that statement.

-I don't go around wearing big smiles after reaping lives. I don't see myself as a saint.- he looked back towards Balthazar, his eyes shining with rage- Myra. Aireen. And now Brayga. What a nice way to bring peace to the continent, sweeping it all under the rug, now that it's literally dust.

Balthazar looked unamused, letting Zanten keep talking.

-Are you done? I wanted to check up on you, but it seems you're as uppity as ever--

His words were cut off as Zanten grabbed him by the collar.

-I had to lie to my friend! Tell him his own sister might be dead!- Zanten roared- And since then, he's been slowly stressing himself to death! Because of me! Am I supposed to feel happy?! This wasn't part of the deal! I was just supposed to go there collect the taxes, not lie! Are you that afraid that Allie turning rogue will suddenly spark us all to leave?! Do you have that little faith in Attila's Order?!

Balthazar glared at him.

-Yet we've lost half of our Elites to Lucy's side. I'm sorry if I'm now doubting that so called "loyalty".

-So you'd rather ruin a brother.

-What do you know about brotherhood...-Balthazar shook his head- "You" have always been alone in this world. Or so you claim. We've always been by your side. I've always been by your side. "You" are just too stubborn to see that.

Zanten pushed him away.

-The others...I'll get them back here, even if I have to drag them. They were all simply sweet-talked or are following base desires of petty jealousy. I'll make them remember what we are fighting for, here in the Order. Make them see that they're siding with a psycho who'd harm her brethren!- he proclaimed.

-I agree wholeheartedly.- the Emperor replied before Zanten pointed his finger at him, accusingly.

-You don't get to talk...You, who parades around like a saint while bathing in blood--

Zanten's words were cut off. His usual rage was bafflement.

As Balthazar's usual calm expression was replaced by icy cold disgust, his lips having become a thin line.

-You think I DON'T KNOW?!- he shouted. The act made Zanten's eyes widen. Balthazar never shouted. He was always calm, always smiling, always conniving. Raw emotion was something that the ash-haired man never expected to see from the saintly blonde.

-You think that I am not utterly disgusted ?! Me, who believes in a better world for the people, who believes in the world Attila believes in, going around reaping lives to reach that goal?! I can't even look at myself! While you may lock yourself in training now, I'm sure you understand as well, from your days as a grunt, at the bottom of the ladder. You understand the impossible task of washing away the blood of people that, maybe, you could have approached with dialogue, but instead killed!

Shoving away Zanten's hand, Balthazar had completely lost his cool, teeth gritted.

-But even so, every day, I go out there. I go out there and dunk myself in that pool of blood. Just like Attila did, and achieve the things he couldn't, for the same goals he pursued! But while he chose to present himself as a strict warrior, one that could be seen as the second king of this continent, I choose a different approach. Both because I lack his valor, his stoicism and also because I feel like, if I show myself as someone people can rely on, they can live their lives in peace of mind and comfort, knowing someone is out there trying to be good ! Because the world needs symbols of goodness, not just figureheads of depravity like the dons of Brayga! Call me hypocritical all you want, Zanten, but weeding out the scum of the earth is something wholly necessary for Attila's vision.

"And at least I...try to give some respect to that process.

I don't forget even a single life I've taken. Those will always haunt me. But what is that...that witch doing..? Parading around the continent, the whole of Gaia, as the 'world's strongest', showing off her power with a big smile, like it doesn't weigh anything on her! She hasn't changed from her days here! She's still a sadistic little doll that doesn't understand the weight of her actions, she just wants to keep on fighting!

I bet...she even has forgotten all about how we were. I bet now we're just a big target on her bounty list. Perhaps...she always has seen us as targets...your eye is proof."

With that, Balthazar became silent, frame still shaking a bit from that explosion. Zanten looked down. His rage dissipated, replaced with shame.

-Do you remember...Attila's dream?- Balthazar asked, after a few minutes of heavy silence settling in the dark training room, Zanten having turned his back to the blonde.

-How could I forget? How...illogical it sounded?- Zanten slowly replied- "A peaceful world of BladeMasters". How...completely contradictory. BladeMasters only exist to fight. If not a common enemy, then themselves. It's been that way since the beginning.

Balthazar then gave out a little smile.

-Not always, Zanten. In the beginning, we all gathered under one banner. Towards liberation. Towards peace. I believe that Attila understood that as well. That BladeMasters, while they fight, can fight a good fight, one of higher purpose than wars to reach personal gain. And I bet he's still out there...looking for that higher purpose. That's why...I've always did my best to pick up the mantle.

The Order leader then stepped towards that fire of rage. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around Zanten's neck, pressed his frame against his back and placed his head on his shoulder. Whispering with as much of a gentle, calm voice as he could muster, lest he anger that which has never found calmness...since that time.

-But I can't do it alone. I need you Elites to understand. Violence will always breed more violence. But the best we can do is trudge on, respecting the sacrifice of those we were forced to confront. Accept our heavy Blades and wield defense of those who can't raise them, for a world where they don't need to raise them.- he said.

Zanten didn't say anything. Instead he placed his hand atop of Balthazar's, as they clamped around the Inferno's collarbone.

-Why do you always try to approach me. Since that day...I haven't been right.- Zanten slowly talked back.

-Of course you aren't. An attack like that..? Nobody would be right. But we have always been there for you. I'm sure anyone would do the same if they had come to this training room today. I know they all respect you like you were as much of a leader as I am. We care about you a whole bunch, Zanten. about you.- he cooed.

The ashen man shook his head and stepped away from Balthazar's embrace.

-Enough mushy stuff. Have you just come here to chat? I was in the middle of something.- he said.

Balthazar chuckled.

-Yeah, we got so focused on being drama queens that the whole goal of why I sought you flew right over my head.- he grinned, before pointing back towards the exit- Put on your armor and come with me.

"We've got visitors."


-Well, look who bothered to show up. If it isn't Mister Grumpy Pants.- Sera smirked.

-Yup, I've graced you all with my presence. Now can it.- Zanten mumbled, arms crossed and a grumpy expression.

-Dawww, you need to smile a bit more, Zanten! I know you can do it!- Salacia remarked, getting behind the taller man and puuuuuuulling on his cheeks, trying to curl his lips up into as much of a smile as his unfriendly face could.

-I'm nhot Hanzho, I chan shmile...-Zanten groaned, letting out a clearly forced grin, causing the priestess to let go of him and clap in delight- I'd rather become a hermit than an emo like him.

-Yes, you're not sulky, you're just pissy. Great difference. You two would have the world's most fiery staring contest.- Gibson shook his head, some light having returned to his face after Salacia forced him to eat a decent meal.

All four Elites had gathered in the entrance hall of the Order Tower, a big room surrounded by stone pillars. For a military nation's stronghold, it seemed more like the reception of your everyday business company, with a reception desk, vases, motivational posters and ads all on a nearby pinboard and very office building-like set of clear sliding doors as an entrance.

-Clearly Balthazar didn't call us here to just stand around, right?

-Well, we're still missing one person...-Salacia pointed out, which caused a collective groan to come down on the remaining three.

-Aw, glad to see I'm so popular~!- a familiar voice sounded. Patting his belly and waddling over to the group was Tal, his usual sneer showing through his sadistic golden stare and his ever-present smirk- Sorry, I was just done chowing down on some food. Just returned from a super long mission, because I actually go out there, unlike you posers. But man, Balthazar could have given a bigger task than just smashing some underground shitty offices and killing some scrub mobsters. What a drag!

Tal smirked at the group. Salacia blinked in slight confusion as the others looked away from the masked boy, their expressions neutral.

Tal cleared his throat as he kept pacing around, a snotty smirk on his face as he kept rambling.

-Seriously, I bet Zanten's mission the other day was more fun. At least he got to catch some fresh air, stretch his legs, watch the fireworks...- this remark caused both Zanten and Gibson's fists to clench, for just a split second before they relaxed- But here I am, first echelon, not being given jack! Those guys went down so easy! I want a challenge! To spill blood and have blood spilled! That Crow lady was way more fun..! You guys should have seen how mad she was, it was awesome! The pain I gave her and what she gave me are just the sweetest memories! And those bozos at Brayga didn't give me any. Blood so flat, flesh so soft, skulls so brittle! Give me something MORE to cut!- he exclaimed, raising his fist at the ceiling.

His cries for violence were something that the Order soldiers had to contend with every since the masked boy had joined the Tower, so the Elites all did their best to ignore him and not feed into his battle fiendish tendencies. So, Gibson, Sera and Zanten all looked past the monologuing boy, who looked at them with a frustrated expression.

-Like I saaaiiidddd..! Something moooooore!- he then threw his hands up, in defeat- Gah, forget it. You guys are no fun. Well, at least I got the job done. As long as I keep doing good, Balthazar will let me go out more, I guess...- he conceded, scratching his head.

-Well, thanks for your work, Mister Tal!- Salacia clapped her hands, her confused stare gaining light as she walked up and gave the masked boy a shining smile, his bloody comments clearly having gone way over her head- You've joined us very recently, but I'm so grateful you're putting in the work! I know I myself can't really go out there, because I'm busy with humanitarian work and don't really like fighting, so thanks for picking up the slack! You're very dependable!

With that, the older woman ruffled his head, the masked boy sporting a confused expression as he was ruffled around, staring at her with a dumfounded, neutral expression, his mouth in a little oval shape.

-L-Listen Fun Bags, I don't fight for you guys, I just want as much chances to kill as I can get--

-So independent too! A true military entrepreneur!- she clapped her hands with glee. Tal's posture slumped down, like a wave had crashed upon him. He looked at Gibson.

-Your woman's nutso, Specs.

Gibson chuckled under his breath, amused to seeing Tal's snotty attitude be shut down by sheer kindness.

Soon, though, Balthazar appeared before the quintet, clapping his hand to gather their attention.

-Ok guys, thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to gather here. I know it's sudden, but as you know we're facing a bit of an Elite shortage thanks to some...shifts in allegiances.- he said, the Elites shooting grave looks at him.

Balthazar, ever smiling, wagged his index finger at them.

-But don't worry, don't worry! Have I ever let you guys down? I had to pull some strings with some contacts I had, so I would like to introduce you guys to some new workmates!

Through the sliding doors came in two figures. They were wearing full-body cloaks, hoods covering their faces. They stopped beside Balthazar and said nothing.

Sera blinked as this awkward silence settled between the two groups.

-W-wait...this is looking pretty similar to when you've introduced Tal to us, a few months back. So we're just replacing Elites like they're last week's trash?- she asked, not looking too pleased.

Balthazar shook his head, a nervous smile on his face.

-No no no! Just see them as...honorary members you'll work alongside until we've dealt with Crow! You guys will still be the Elites.

-Damn, Balthy, so we're just the new interns?- one of the hooded figures replied. A woman's voice- Pretty harsh, considering that we'd be under what is, in fact, last week's trash.

Sera's eyebrow twitched.

-Wanna say that again?- she asked.

The hooded woman lowered her hood, revealing a young lady in her mid 20, just like the Elites. She had short bobbed burgundy hair and matching eyes. Her lips were curled in a taunting smirk.

-I know your fame, Dragon of the Order, Sera. But now that I see you up close and personal, you don't seem all that. Well, you know what they say, "never meet your idols"?- she shrugged.

-Alexis, what did I tell you about stirring up trouble...- the second hooded figure revealed itself. A man, also young, his short air of a light brown, his eyes matching the woman's. His expression was much calmer. He was wearing a mask, much like Hanzo usually did, but he lowered it as a sign of good faith- You'll have to excuse my sister. Her cockiness gets the better of her pretty much all the time.

-What?! Ryu, don't make me look like a bratty schoolgirl in front of them! I only am cocky because I know I can clean them!- "Alexis" exclaimed at the man who claimed to be her brother.

-Don't use "cocky" as a way to compliment yourself. I know you're dumb, but you can, at least, not look the part...

-Why you..!

Gibson was looking mighty confused as he looked between these two new figures.

-Balthazar, I think you owe us some much-needed explanation.

Balthazar sighed.

-Yeah, I was just about to do that.- he waved to the two bickering siblings- Meet Alexis and Ryu Koken. They come from southeastern of Karash.

-"Koken"..."Ryu"...- Sera repeated- If they're from Karash, why do they have Ryunian names?

-I can answer that.- Alexis replied with a smirk- Ever heard of the Guardian Village, Dragon ?

Sera's eyes widened.

-The Guardian---Balthazar, how in gods' names did you get in touch with people from there?!- she asked.

-Well, I did say I had some contacts...-Balthazar replied with a knowing smile.

-The Guardian Village...-Gibson recounted- A settlement in southeastern Karash, atop a range of mountains. The people there are not associated with the Kingdom or Alliance, having separated from Nemuryu centuries ago and moved to the mainland. They live in isolation and don't allow outsiders in easily. Are you saying you went there, Balthazar?

-Yeah, Balthy swung by the Village a few years ago.- Alexis replied for him- It was during the War, but we up there were barely affected by it. Even so, me and him became friends and he's cashing in some favors!

-Some huge favors, indeed...-Ryu shook his head- To come down to fight for the Order...I can only see trouble brewing.

-Come on, Ryu, don't be such a sourpants!- Alexis grinned, headlocking him and giving him a noogie.

-I can personally attest for their power.- Balthazar continued- They're nothing that Lucy's side can account for, I assure you. I just ask that you guys try to get along for now.

-Well, if you're all "Guardians" or some shit, I guess I can jive with you.- Tal shrugged, placing his hands behind his head- We do share the same name, after all, since I'm the Guardian of the Order. Just don't be a pair of pushovers and hold me back.

Salacia gave the pair a shining smile.

-Any friend of Balthazar is my friend too! Nice to meet you too!- she gave a small bow and urged Gibson and Sera to do the same, which they hesitantly did. It was all happening pretty fast...

But a certain someone wasn't convinced.

-You're telling me that these two are supposed to replace, even if temporarily, an Elite?- Zanten asked, stepping forward towards the duo- I'm not convinced, to be honest.

-Hoho..! If it isn't the famous Inferno! For someone who doesn't grace the battlefield much and dresses like a super hero scarecrow, you've got some cojones to say that! Wanna come here and repeat that for the whole class?- Alexis taunted.

Boldly, Zanten did just that, getting all up in Alexis' face and glaring down upon her, the woman's head reaching about his shoulders.

-Like I said: I'm not convinced. All you've done since you've walked through that door is run your jaw. Since you're a fan of expressions, might I introduce you one about the dogs that are all bark?

Alexis was unflinching, the newcomer challenging the top Elite without any fear, her smirk ever-present.

-Wanna see if I can bite, big boy? Maybe I can teach Mister 1st Echelon some humility~-she said.

-Please, not on the entrance hall...-Ryu and Sera said in unison.

Zanten stepped back.

-Balthazar, I'll test these so called "honorary members". Alexis, right?- he raised his open palm at her- Five minutes. Come at me any way you want. Within 5 minutes, I'll have you on the floor.

Alexis challenged him, raising "a" finger back at him, which caused Salacia to gasp.

-I'll get you done within one.- she shot back. Surprisingly, her response caused the corner of Zanten's mouth to twitch in a slight smirk.

-You've got moxie, that's for sure. Come now, I'll even give you a handicap: I won't use my Blade.- he said, raising his hands and beckoning her come at him.

-You precious little bastard, I'm going enjoy wiping that smug attitude off of ya...-Alexis cracked her knuckles and threw her cloak away, revealing a brown tube top, padded with armor. The top was covered by an open black vest. She sported some elbow-length black gloves and below the waist she wore a pair of black shorts underneath a big belt adorned with a chain on the side, and finally, a matching pair of military boots.

But perhaps what was most surprising about her ensemble was the strap around her, which held, behind her back, a scabbard long enough to go from her shoulder to calf muscle.

-Already summoned your Blade?- Zanten assessed- Smart.

-Oh, do I got something special for you, kiddo.- she smirked, quickly drawing her Blade, a single edge thin straight sword, the handle black and the blade itself silver. No patterns, no apparent gimmicks, it seemed like a pretty standard, non-evolved Blade.

She took off running towards Zanten, swinging her Blade vertically, pointed to his shoulder. He simply stepped back, but then...

"Wait..!" he thought, his eyes wide. He had already dodged the sword, but he took one extra step back.

"For a split second...I'm not sure why, but I felt something more to her reach..."

Careful, he kept dodging her textbook slashes, but doing so by half a step more than needed, which, since he was barehanded, made it impossible to counter back after dodging.

-Ha, what's the matter, Inferno?! I thought you were some kind of monster, but you've only been playing defensively! Are you just a big coward, after all?- she taunted.

-Like hell I'm going to fall for such a cheap taunt.- he sighed, dodging her slice and circling around her in a flash, getting ready to deliver a chop to her exposed neck.

Suddenly, he felt himself being pulled forward. His eyes shot down to see his cape...being pulled towards her?!

"What..?" he looked back to her and could see that she was still holding her sword with both hands, her back turned towards him, the woman apparently completely defenseless, but clearly not so.

With a grunt, he jumped back, feeling his cape being jerked roughly for a second before it was let go, the man landing about 5 meters away from her. Alexis turned back with a smirk.

-You're fast, I'll give you that. Well, but I'm mostly messing with you.

-If you're serious about winning and not making a fool out of yourself, then you should do more than messing around. - he said, leaning forward and suddenly covering the distance between them in a fraction of a second. He raised his fist at her- But then again, I won't give you the chance.

With that, he threw the punch directly at her face, when...

It was stopped. The fist stopped in midair, impeded by some kind of invisible force. Alexis smirked, pointing her Blade at him.

-Gotcha~- she said, thrusting the sword at his chest.


With his free hand, Zanten punched the side of the sword, smacking both Blade, Alexis and the invisible force that parried his fist to the side. Alexis' eyes widened, her body being pushed away with incredible force, her feet leaving the ground, all from just a simple punch. She gritted her teeth and sunk her soles into the floor, regaining her footing and charging back at the Inferno.

Back to old patterns, Zanten kept dodging her strikes, which began picking up speed, as the woman tried to circle around him, attempting to strike at a blind spot. But Zanten was much too fast, his feet moving swiftly around, his eyes always stuck on the challenger.

But even so, he couldn't strike. Every time he geared up to step in and counter, he could feel this...malicious force blocking his path. Every time he prepared a punch, he could feel something placing itself closer to his gloved hand, like when one tries to stick two rejecting magnets together and can feel the repulsive force between them.

"She has a secret, that's for sure. I can see why you said that Lucy and company wouldn't be ready for this, Balthazar. I'm certainly at a loss. Is it her Blade's gimmick? Her Element? Or maybe it's her brother helping out?"

His eyes shot away from her, locating the brother, Ryu, who calmly watched the bout, seemingly not moving an inch. Zanten refocused his attention on Alexis.

"'s not from him that I feel this feeling. It's not just that some foreign object is between me and Alexis...but also a second killer intent."

-Look alive!- Alexis shouted, thrusting her Blade towards his face. Zanten easily dodged back, but felt it again, grazing his nose, like she had something attached to the end of her Blade, that he just couldn't see...

"Tch...oh well. Gimmick or not..."

He glared at her.

"All falls before overwhelming power."

With that thought fueling him, Zanten immediately stepped back into her range to counter. For a split second he felt it again, that "barrier" between him and her body.

But for the Inferno, being faster than his opponent was something he was used to doing. Focusing all of his strength into his feet, he leaned in further, becoming a blur for a split second and covering that last meter between him and Alexis that was being blocked by the force. He shoulder-tackled the woman and, before she could be sent flying back, he grabbed her by the collar, bringing her back in, her fist flying towards her surprised face...

And then it stopped again.

But by his will.

He stopped a hair short of her nose before letting her go and stepping away.

-This duel is over. I've won.- he said, turning his back to her.

Alexis blinked in utter confusion, a cold sweat coating her face.

-Wha...what do you mean?! This ain't over yet, buster!- she said, stomping towards Zanten and reaching for his shoulder before she was stopped by Ryu, who placed his hand on her shoulder.

-One minute has passed, Alexis. You've lost. Big time.- he said.

The woman growled, cursing not taking the five minute deal.

-Damn smug bastard. I'll prove myself, though! Round two, baby!- she shouted.

Zanten waved dismissively at her as he walked away.

-No need. You're not bad. And hopefully your brother is at the same level. Balthazar, if we're done here, I'm going back to train.- he said, heading towards the nearby elevator.

Balthazar watched him go, then at the Elites, the two siblings and then Tal. A wide smile on his face as he watched them scramble about, some leaving with Zanten, others beginning to chat with the newcomers.

"The Heaven and Earth siblings, Alexis and Ryu. Yeah, this should suffice. I'm figuring that you'll make your move soon too, Lucy. But I'm sorry to say...for the world I'm going to create atop of your corpse..."

He raised his hand. From a nearby open window, it flew towards the blonde, landing atop of his finger.

As he looked at the crystal clear ice dove, his smile widened even more, contorting to uncomfortable lengths.

" won't have a good time."