Chapter 55: Departure

Days until the raid: one

-Mmm...I could have sworn it was around here and I don't have the map turned upside down this time...- Noah mumbled, holding in his hands a brochure named "Soula: A Guide to the Famous Academy City" he had borrowed from the dormitory's reception hall. The brochure contained a list of the city's hot spots and a detailed map of the town. Even if he had been living there for a few months, there were still many corners and secrets that the boy didn't know about.

Among those were the temples dedicated to the gods. He only knew about Pyre's (the war temple Guy told him about), Lightus and Darkus (the Pit) and Mistral's (the Academy's library). Aqua's temple was in a forest a few miles from Soula, but Tera's should be around in western portion the city. He felt like he should swing by before the raid to the Order Tower, to pray for luck.

As he walked, he felt a chilly breeze pass by, making his skin crawl. What was, at least, not bandaged up. After his duel with Lucy, he was sent straight to his room, where his wounds were tended to and were he was told to rest for the previous day by Eldus. Now out and about, bandages covering his arms, legs, torso and even a bit on the cheek that got punched, he was told he had a meeting with the Brigade in the afternoon. So, the morning had been dedicated to looking around Soula for the temple.

-Ah! There it is!- his face brightened up as he looked upon the tall glass building. While the brochure told that Tera's temple was a rose garden, said garden was contained within the city's giant greenhouse, which contained species of flora found throughout all of Gaia. People walked in and out of the building, many carrying all sorts of plants and vegetables that they grew in there.

A bit hesitant, Noah walked inside, wondering if he was the only one there on more...spiritual business, rather than harvesting greens. Soula was placed on the center of many trade routes, so much of the products, including food, that the city got was from outside sources. There were no farms outside the walls, so it was new for Noah to see people tending to their own food.

-Now, where is the rose garden...- he mumbled to himself, looking around, but with little success. From your everyday vegetable to giant carnivorous plants, the greenhouse was a complete maze.

After a few seconds of being lost, though, his face perked up. He still didn't spot the roses, but his ears picked up a song. Sung by a familiar voice.

Following the sound, he turned a corner and found a spot of the greenhouse being solely occupied by bushes filled with roses of various colors. The morning rays of sunlight shone through the glass ceiling and descended upon the flowers, painting a scenery that looked straight out of the fairy tale books he had borrowed from Axel and Eldus, like he was standing in the clearing of a fantastical forest.

And in the middle of it, humming a sweet song, her hazelnut hair twinkling thanks to the sunlight as she watered the roses...

-Miss Juliet!- Noah called out. The woman turned around to face him, wearing a pair of blue denim overalls, a pink shirt underneath, the whole ensemble covered by a green apron. She had her hair tied in a ponytail behind her back and was wearing some rubber gloves. Noah could spot a box filled with tools by her feet, next to which she placed her watering can.

-Noah, how good to see you!- she clapped her hands- Fancy meeting you here!

Noah smiled as he walked over to the flower shop owner, her resemblance to Tera still uncanny.

-I'll say! So, is this where you come to get your flowers?- he asked, looking up at her with a curious, child-like expression.

-No, no, I get those by order from outside of Soula. I come here to tend to the plants around the greenhouse. Sometimes people don't have time to tend to their veggies, so they pay me a small fee to come water them and such. But I've also been asked by City Hall to tend to the Tera rose garden and all the rarer plants that the greenhouse contains. I was just done snipping the bigger thorns from the roses and was now watering them.- she explained, hands on hips- How about you? I come here every day, but it's the first time I see you here.

Noah blushed, a bit embarrassed.

-Ah, sorry. It's my first time...I'll admit, as a Tera-born, I'm a bit ashamed that it's my first time coming to my own Element's temple.- he chuckled nervously.

Juliet dismissed his worries with a giggle and a wave of her hand.

-No worries! You're not forced to come here, anyways. Many people just come here to see the flowers too, no need to attach a grandiose religious value to these little ones.- she said, smile ever wide and shining, making the boy feel comfortable right away. After so many trials and tribulations of people trying to fight him, it was refreshing to be around someone who lacked any trace of killer intent.

-Ah...- he started, before looking around himself, spotting nobody close by- Since we're speaking religion...I figured it's best to get this out of the way, instead of sitting on the subject forever.

He stood on his toes, covering his mouth and speaking in a hushed tone.

-Are you actually Tera, Miss Juliet?- he asked.

Juliet's expression didn't flinch. She just kept on smiling as she answered:

-I'm whatever you want to call me, dear.- she replied.

-But you're a goddess, right?!- he insisted.

-Who knows?

Noah puffed his cheeks.

-Don't be cryptic, Miss Juliet..!

Juliet giggled courteously, reaching out to pinch his cheeks. The boy groaned in protest.

-If I am Tera, if I'm doesn't really matter now. Right now, I stand before you as a humble flower shop owner.- she said.

The boy sighed as he stepped back from her grasp.

-Fine, I get you. Secret identities or some such...if you don't want to admit it, I can't really force you.- he huffed, crossing his arms.

-Anyways...what brings you here to the temple?- she asked, picking up the watering can again and resuming her watering of the roses.

-Well...I'm actually part of the Angel's Crow group, you see.

-Yes, yes, I know that.

-And I'm also part of the team that's trying to stop the Order. We're going to their base tomorrow...and I figured I should come here to pray.- Noah explained.

-And what exactly will you pray for, sweetie?- she asked, looking down at him with a smile.

-Um...I'm not sure. When I came here I was thinking something like luck or safety...but now I'm not really sure. In a battlefield we sort of make those for ourselves, right?

-Don't ask me, I'm not even a BladeMaster.- she chuckled.

-So...I then thought I could, at least, pray for luck and safety for my friends.

-That's a very nice sentiment.

-Well...but I also trust them to be strong enough to be lucky and safe as well. It kinda feels redundant to go bother Tera to ask for what they'll already have.- the boy admitted, fiddling with the folded brochure in his hands as he talked.

-That's fine too. Sometimes things fall out of our control and gods can try and help out.- Juliet explained- So, you could pray for safety and luck for your what your friends can't control. Like, for example, if a stronger enemy than they expected comes for them, or they suddenly get a tummy ache in the middle of a duel.

Noah nodded slowly, reflecting on that. He stood there in silence for a few seconds as Juliet kept watering the roses.



-If they get a bad match-up or a stomachache, I don't think that's something I should pray away. Gods are always busy, they might not be fast enough to help...- he said.

-Don't underestimate gods, now~- she giggled.

-I mean, yeah, they're gods...but I feel...if something like that happens to them...or to me...that I can find a way to handle that myself. I'll help myself...and them out of any unforeseen jam!- he nodded again, more firmly, to himself.

-It's unwise to overestimate yourself, Noah...-Juliet gave him a knowing smile.

-It's not overestimating.- Noah smiled up at her- I know I can! Recently someone told me I was a great warrior, you see. And I was able to also prove to myself that they are right a few days ago. I may be a bit clumsy at times, but if that person recognizes me as great, then it must be true. And, since I'm so strong...I can shoulder their safety in my shoulders as well. Because that's what the strong do, they carry the weaker.

Juliet didn't reply for a few seconds, always smiling. She was soon finished with the watering and placed the can down, turning towards Noah.

-You must really trust that person's compliment.- she said.

Noah eagerly nodded.

-Yeah! But not only them, but I also trust myself and my own strength.

Juliet giggled.

-You must have trained a whole bunch, then!

-I did, yeah...but Lucy told me I had talent when I arrived in Soula. I didn't trust her completely at first, but then I saw all I could do and how much that person did trust me. And if they trusted me enough to help out, then it must mean that, before I arrived here, I was already strong enough of a BladeMaster to protect everyone, and to gain that person's favor. The training more served to shake off all the cobwebs, see?

Juliet nodded, but her smile had faded a tiny bit.

-Is that so.

-When I get all of my memories back, I'll return to being the great warrior that person expects me to be! Then, I can better help out my allies here and wherever else my past friends may be! I hope they're alright, though...

The flower shop owner simply nodded, staying silent for a few seconds before replying.

-Thank goodness your friends were here to help you get strong again, right?

-Yup! The more I train and fight the Order, the closer to my memories I feel I'm getting to! And with each step closer back to myself, I feel stronger in the present! They've been really useful! I can't thank them enough!- he grinned innocently.

Juliet sighed and placed her hand atop Noah's head, ruffling his hair slowly.

-Yeah, they must be great. Just make sure you cherish them, alright?- she said slowly- Don't put yourself before them.

-Of course not! They've been helping me so much in retrieving my memories! I'll always help them! Because helping your allies is what great BladeMasters do!

-Allies...yeah.- she nodded and let go of him. They both stood around, staring at the roses. Now that he decided to not pray, Noah became silent and Juliet said nothing else.


-Mmm, Miss Juliet of the flower shop and Noah...Wowie, Axel, one more for the Aged Nicely Club.- Zeke smirked.

-Shut up, Zeke, don't make it sound like a creepy cult. Noah likes whoever he likes.- Axel blushed, looking down at Zeke.

-And dislikes whoever he dislikes. Too bad for you, Cidy~!- Zeke grinned.

-Hush!- Mercedes gritted her teeth, a deep blush on her cheeks- Don't go deciding who Noah dislikes or likes on your own!

-Aren't we kinda doing that right now? We're spying on a private conversation, after all.- Guy protested.

Hidden behind a grass hedge wall, Axel, Zeke, Guy and Mercedes all pilled together as they peeked at Noah and Juliet's conversation. Axel had proposed that the group follow Noah when he had left the dorms that morning, to make sure the blonde boy didn't get lost on his way to the Tera temple.

-See us as private bodyguards, Guy buddy.- Zeke smiled as he looked back towards the duo. The group was a bit far away from the rose garden, so they couldn't quite listen to everything Noah and Juliet told each other- But gods almighty, I thought the notes on Lucy's desk were the only things that were so...stacked.- he whistled.

-Overrated, if you ask me.- Mercedes rolled her eyes.

-Don't worry, Mercedes, you're still growing--ouch!- Guy couldn't even finish his sentence before White Feather pulled on his ear.

-Could you guys keep it down?! They'll discover us with all the noise!- Axel whispered. The quartet pipped down and kept on listening.


-I do have a question, though.- Noah suddenly looked up at Juliet.

-As long as it's nothing about my supposed "godhood".- the woman smiled.

-No, no. I figured that, since you know so many flowers, that you'd know this. I tried to research a bunch of botany books, but to no success...

Juliet looked upwards, a long exhale leaving her lips as she began doubting her ability to answer the goggled boy.

-Well, I'm no Sage of flowers. If you couldn't find it in a book, there's no guarantee I'll be able to answer you. But go ahead.- she grinned confidently.

-What's a "cherry boy"?- Noah simply asked.

Juliet blinked, her expression completely neutral as her brain tried to process the question.

Then all she let out was...


-Ever since I began using my new move, the Astral Blossom, Lucy began calling me that! Then Terri, then Allie! Some of the older mercenary ladies too, whenever I'm in the HQ! And they all start laughing up a storm once they do!- Noah raised his fists and stomped his foot in anger- It's an insult, right?! One of those terms I'm still too dumb to know! Just what is it? Is it because me using petals is "girly"? Am I a "cherry boy" because my hair will turn pink if I keep using it?!

-U-ummmmmmm..!- Juliet looked from side to side, beginning to sweat up a storm, her cheeks becoming deep red. Before she could answer, though, a loud thud could be heard behind the duo.

They turned around to see the spying quartet all on top of each other on the ground, having toppled over from their hiding spot. Zeke was laughing uncontrollably, the other three trying to shut him up, all red in the face as they looked over at the duo.

-Um...fancy meeting you here, Noah!- Axel chuckled nervously.

-Y-yeah, what a beautiful day to stop and smell the cherries...I-I mean, roses!- Guy stammered.

-NOAH, YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW WHAT THAT IS!- Mercedes shouted, face flushed before she looked to the side, towards no specific object- I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU, LUCY CROW!

-Noah, please don't stop being who you are! You're so hilarious!- Zeke laughed, clutching his stomach as he rolled on the ground.

Noah gritted his teeth.

-You guys know! Tell me! I don't want to stay who I am! Grrrr, if I had my memories, you guys wouldn't tease me! I'd be so smart!- Noah exclaimed, stomping over to the group, who all got up and ran away. The goggled boy, forgetting completely about Juliet, ran in pursuit.

The woman stayed in place, looking a little baffled before laughing quietly herself.

-Hahaha... Yes, Noah... don't stop being who you are. Ah...- she sighed, her smile regaining its somberness- I fear...

"...I may have committed a grave mistake."


-Alright, people come on over! The Lucy Crow's Extraordinaire Pre-Raid Final Strategy Meeting of the Time of Retribution: Deciding the Destiny Editon is about to start!

Lucy waved her hand, shouting at the approaching Brigade members like a saleswoman at the local street market, as they ran up to the HQ. It was afternoon now and everyone of the Brigade was summoned by Lucy and Eldus to attend the meeting.

-You don't have to shout, we know what a schedule is, unlike some hangover-happy floozies.- Merceny groaned, covering his ears to muffle her shouting. His sister, the Masters and Academics all followed closely behind.

-My melodic voice deserves to be heard!- Lucy shouted anyways, right into his face before resuming her waving- Come one, come all! Boys and girls! Old and Young! Cherries too!- she grinned mischievously at Noah.

-Shut up! I know it's an insult!- Noah pointed her before trying to tackle her and being promptly stopped in his tracks, arms spinning in place, as Lucy placed her hand on his forehead- The guys won't tell me and they keep laughing!

-Ya know, the fact that you're so unaware makes this funnier...-Lucy mumbled before grabbing Noah by the collar and tossing him inside the HQ. Inside, around the main table, were already Eldus, Sobek, Allie and Terri. The latter two were trying to muffle their laughter as Noah was tossed inside.

-Noah, Noah, don't feel bad.- Allie chuckled- Lucy can't talk much--

-Anyways!- Lucy shouted again, closing the HQ door behind herself. Soon, Masters, Academics, Elites, Eldus and Mercenaries were all sitting around the hole-riddled wooden table of Angel's Crow.

Sitting on the end of the table opposite to the entrance, Lucy cleared her throat. Her expression was unusually serious as she began talking.

-Well, as you all know, we depart for the Order Tower tomorrow. The final few of my mercenaries will arrive tonight and tomorrow they'll all be stationed here, ready to defend the city in our absence. It's going to be a great endeavor, I won't lie. Our scouts haven't informed us of any Elite activity throughout the continent lately, so it's fair to assume that all the upper echelon Elites and Balthazar are all in the Tower, still.

Rye raised his hand.

-Lucy, I have a question: we've been co-habiting with the lower echelon Elites and know of the lower three's plan to invade Soula from the three bases. But why (and this is not to throw shade at your strength, Elites) didn't Balthazar place the top three Elites with that plan? The higher in the echelons they are, the better the chances to invade us, right?

Terri raised her hand.

-Valid question, Rye. It's a yes and no. The whole Elite hierarchy is a half-lie propagated by Attila, really. To get everyone to think that our hierarchy was based off of raw strength, while in reality, it's not necessarily true.

-Then what exactly, pray tell, are the echelons?- Rye asked.

-Specialization of tasks. The lower people on the echelons aren't the weakest, but the ones least suited to lead specialized missions and more suited to lead larger forces. Have you ever wondered why me, the lowest Elite, am in charge of the whole infantry?

-Yeah, now that you mention it...-Axel nodded- If you were just the lowest grunt of the Elites, such a responsibility wouldn't be given to you.

-Exactly.- Terri nodded- Lower echelons lead the bulk of the Order's military force. I lead the infantry, Sobek leads the air force, Hanzo the spy unit and Allie the all-purpose Desert Roses. Past that halfway point, the tasks become more specialized, as the Elites are tasked with jobs that require only their focus and/or of a non-combatant team, like research or assassination.

"The whole strength ladder is a ruse. For example, a lord that would face me or Sobek during the War would know of our lower rank. They would underestimate us and get swiftly defeated upon entering a one-on-one duel."

-Or face your Titan's Sword and become scared of the other echelons' strength...-Gee pointed out- I mean, there's, supposedly, 7 more guys stronger than you, and then the leader? Scary stuff.

-Exactly. Attila always told us that building an hierarchy like that would be foolish.- Sobek explained- People would start going for each other's throats, vying to get the top spot. In a sense, it's the reverse: those at the bottom have more responsibilities and carry the Order.

-So, that means we shouldn't have to worry, right?- Guy asked- The other Elites are strong, but nothing out of this world..!

-Yes and no, Guy.- Allie replied- It's raw power what we're not separated in. But tell me, if you were told to stay put in the Tower and train to assassinate high priority targets, what would you do?

-Umm...- Guy stroked his chin before his eyes widened- Train for those one-on-ones!

-Exactly.- Lucy nodded- Higher tier echelons may not be as powerful as Terri, but they trump her in specialized combat. They may not lead forces as well as her, but when it comes to duels, their potential was recognized above hers and so, they were told to focus on improving that. Once we reach the Tower, Balthazar will want to force us to face the Elite in duels. And if we spread ourselves thin like that...we're done for.

-So...what do we do? How do we approach the Tower, then? Do we all jump one Elite at a time?- Noah asked.

-Do that and they'll all team up on us too.- Eldus shook his head, reaching under the table and taking out a roll of paper. Unfurling it revealed a map of the continent of Karash, a big X where the Tower was located at, 800 kilometers west from Soula- But that's why we have a plan. We will now begin discussing the specifics of how we will approach the Tower and about we'll face the Elites. So listen carefully...


The sun was nearly setting behind the Southern Wall, the nearest of the HQ. Sunlight was becoming scarce and stars could already be seen twinkling on the sky, which was rapidly turning from orange to dark blue.

The meeting had begun at 5 pm. It was now past 7 in the afternoon as the HQ door opened and everyone walked out, stretching and getting ready to head for the Academy's cafeteria.

-Oh boy, nothing like getting glared at by the Academics to have a relaxing last meal.- Allie groaned.

-Don't worry, as a Mercenary, you get used to it.- Merceny said as he and the Lotus walked inside the dorm building- I seriously love the Aqua Cycle break. More room to eat...

The Masters left the base, talking to Eldus still. Once they were done, they returned to their dojo. Mercedes, the Academy Trio and the remaining Elites left the wooden building yawning (well, not like Zeke hadn't already spent the whole thing fast asleep, anyways).

-Time to get some eats. Noah, let's go!- Axel called inside the HQ.

-I love the Aqua Cycle break! It's so nice to have more food in storage for us to eat!- Guy grinned.

-Geez, way to tell the class that you don't want to spend time with your parents while in vacation.- Mercedes shook her head.

-Mine wouldn't want me to do so anyways.- Axel quickly answered, deadpanned.

-If went home for the break, they would ask me to return right away and to get ready for the fight. Maybe I shouldn't have told them I was part of the Brigade, ahaha...I'm going to get a huge call from my mom tonight...- Guy laughed nervously.

-I think it's nice to have such a serious cheering squad. - Mercedes smiled.

-I think they're just glad I have a goal in mind, for once. Oh, can Merceny come help me train one last time tonight?- the Pyre-born asked.

-You two should go to bed early, but we both know my brother won't do so. I'll tell him and then keep an eye on you two.- White Feather sighed with a smile.

-Noaaaaah! Hurry up, or you won't be getting any food! Do I have to come drag you?!- Axel shouted again.

-Shut uppppp...-Zeke groaned, being carried by the Mistral-born- Don't interrupt my pre-raid training.

-Yeah you better sleep tight tonight, because from tomorrow on, I don't think you'll get such luxury.- Axel smirked.

-Show me a storage room or an office to hide in and you can be sure I will get such luxury.- Zeke yawned.

-Coming, coming!- Noah's voice finally sounded as he got out of the HQ with Lucy- I was just helping Lucy put away the maps, as well as all the strategy doodles she did.

-Strategy graphs!- she corrected with a huff. The Academics, Eldus and Mercedes laughed as they started to head for the dorms. Noah and Lucy followed suit, but Noah stopped in his tracks, which caused Lucy to stop too.

-What's up, kiddo?- she asked, looking down at him.

-Your hands...- Noah pointed to Lucy's hands. Despite her cheery attitude, they were shaking like leaves- Are you sure you're going to be alright?

Lucy gave him a nervous smile, looking away.

-Don't worry about me. It's nothing I haven't been through befo--

Her words came to a halt as Noah stepped closer and grabbed her right hand with his own. He then reached for her left hand with his left hand and clasped both pairs together. The warmth of his grasp made them stop shaking.

-You may have, but you're not alone anymore.- he said, his face serious as he looked at his benefactor. Lucy's eyes widened, her cheeks flushed lightly. She then gave him that gentle smile of hers.

-You're a weird one, Noah.

-Weird I may be, but I'm still your friend.- he said, keeping her hands held tight with his- I'll make you a promise right here, just like we did at the Arena: we're going to the Tower and end everything. In a week from now, you'll have a huge smile on your face!

Lucy let out a laugh.

-You are raising some mighty red flags, kid. Don't make broad promises like that.

Noah glared at her.

-I don't care. You've always helped me ever since I got here. Now it's my turn to help you.- he firmly stated.

The Grim Reaper said nothing as she stood frozen, staring at him. She felt herself getting choked up. But when she was about to open her mouth to speak...

-Oooooooh! Aged Nicely Club indeed!- Zeke could be heard shouting. Him, Axel, Guy and Mercedes all looked back towards the duo with profound interest. Guy and Mercedes even covered their mouths to stifle a gasp.

-I may have to agree with you, Zeke...- Axel chuckled.

-And he's double-teaming her with Miss Juliet! What a legend!- Zeke yelled.

-Noah, don't do it! Open relationships can be very tricky ground!- Guy exclaimed.

-Tell me about it. Now it's what...three girls?- Zeke counted on his fingers, before gasping- He's the Harem King! Of course he is! His type is always surrounded by all types of girls! Well, but usually their bangs are a bit more--

His words were cut off as Noah's body landed in front of Axel's feet, the boy having been promptly tossed away by Lucy, who dusted her hands.

-Ooooh, getting chummy with Juliet too, huh? You've been learning well from those books! But here's the hard-hitting news, kiddo! Cherry boys like you aren't this delicate flower's type! Bleeehhh!- Lucy shouted, sticking her tongue out at him.

-I'm not using anything from the books, I'm just trying to be helpful!- Noah sat up and shouted back- I'm not trying to you! Whatever that means! That's also not in any botany books I've read---

His words were cut off as Mercedes grabbed him by the back of his shirt and dragged him back to the dorms.

-You're clearly becoming loony from an empty stomach. Cafeteria. Now.- she said, with an irritated sigh.

-And next stop: behind the bleachers~- Zeke grinned, Axel having to begin running as Mercedes summoned Grace and Glory and ran after the Aqua-born. Guy soon followed to try and stop the altercation.

Lucy let out a loud laugh at the scene, soon taking off running behind the trio, picking up Noah and carrying him under her arm, to try and add more chaos to the situation somehow.


The next morning:

As the sun rose, the Lucy's Brigade had gathered in the town square. It was from there, near the stone water fountain, that the woman and Eldus had found Noah, carried by a beam of light, and took him into the mercenaries, starting this whole conflict with the Order.

The Northern Wall of Soul could be seen opening up from afar and the Brigade all made their way past the barrier, out of the town's boundaries.

Shooting one last look to the city behind them, they could see the reunited Angel's Crow Mercenaries, the Academics that stayed behind during the Break, and citizens like Albus, the Moru siblings and Juliet, all cheering for them.

Terri T. .






Mercedes Kroe.

Merceny Kroe.

Axel Rhodes.

Zeke Truesdale.

Guy Vermilion.

Eldus Egas.

Lucy Crow.

And Noah Eon.

All looking on to the path in front of them, out of the borders of Soula, the sun rising upon the city and kingdom that they were fighting to protect. For some, it might be the last time they would see that neutral haven. Hundreds of kilometers from there, on the edge of the western half of the continent, the Order Tower awaited them, 4 Elites, Balthazar, Tal and the newcomers Alexis and Ryu all awaited their arrival, ready for an all-or-nothing battle.

The fate of the continent and perhaps all of Gaia riding on the outcome.

Lucy took a deep breath.

-Anti Order Brigade...MOVE OUT!


- Soul Crash - Book 1: The Birth of a Legend (END)