Extra 1: The Princess and the Maiden

Author's note:

Yes, I said it was the end, and while the first "saga", the "Birth Arc", is over, there are still some ideas that came into my mind that I wanted to add much AFTER certain chapters were done or already fully planned. 

Because I didn't want to jam a new chapter between two previous ones or create a big "meanwhile" within a chapter, suddenly focusing on a completely different character, I decided that I would create smaller, extra chapters in the end of the book. 

To note that, while they are extra, they are still canon to Soul Crash's story.

Extra Chapter 1 takes place within Chapter 36: Blooming, during the few weeks that Noah was training his physical stamina with Terri T. and his Tera control with Jackson Gaiaheart, for the Academy exams. Extra Chapter 2 takes place the night before the Anti Order Brigade leaves Soula in Chapter 55: Departure.

PS: Each Extra Chapter's name is also a reference to a past chapter's name, serving also as a sort of mirror reflection of that said chapter. With this tip, I hope that, after reading the Extra Chapter, you can figure out which normal chapter it's reflecting. I hope I didn't make it too subtle!


A few years ago. A child's bedroom:

"What are you doing tonight?"

"Practicing my reading. My mom gave me this book to get started. It's not very hard, but it has some bigger words. If I can read her the whole book by tomorrow night, I'll get a reward!"

"Ooooh! What is it about, the book?"

"Oh, it's about a princess stuck in a tower. An evil queen trapped her there. And she can't get out, because the door's locked by magic. Not only that, but a scary dragon is outside, guarding the tower! Look!"

"Oh geez, a scary dragon indeed! These pictures are scary!"

"Hee hee, it's just a drawing!"

"Still..! But why is the queen trapping the princess in the tower?"

"Mmm, I don't know yet. I still haven't gotten to that part. Right now, the princess doesn't do much in the tower, though. All she can do is stare out the window from morning to night. But I think I'm getting closer to finding out. If I can read a few more pages tonight, I should get to the ending and get my reward!"

"Mmm...what do you think your mom will give you?"

"Hopefully sweets! Hee hee!"

"Yeah, sweets are very nice. Um...if you weren't able to read well tomorrow...you'd get sad, right?"

"Um...yeah...I really want that reward, but I also want to read good, so I can help my parents. I don't want them to be worried for me anymore..."

"H-hey...how about I...give you a little help tomorrow night? When your mom comes in, I'll read for you! Just keep quiet so she can hear my voice through you!"

"Isn't that cheating?"

"N-no! We're a team, so we work together! I'll read for you and you'll make Mom happy and get a ton of sweets!"

"Oh...okay! But I'll feel bad if only I get them. So, we can share!"

"Ah..! S-s-sure..!"

"Hee hee hee! Let's practice, then!"

"Yeah..! Hahaha!"


Noah and Jackson had left the BladeMaster Academy that afternoon. Even if the school allowed students to stay after-hours, they weren't allowed to stay overnight. The sun was setting behind the Walls and the duo was headed for the Mall to repair Noah's Blade. He had recognized that Warrior's Heart took quite the beating with Lucy's training sessions so, after seeing Jackson repair his the other day, he decided to follow his senior's example.

-Are you sure you're OK with paying for it, Jackson?-Noah asked as he walked alongside the taller man.

-Can you pay?-the upperclassman asked back.

-Well...-Noah thought for a bit before his shoulders slumped down- No...neither Lucy nor Eldus give me any kind of allowance. I mostly get by from the Academy's food and favors from my friends.

-Huh-uh. So, no worries, I'll cover your Warrior's Heart repair costs.- Jackson smiled down at Noah.

The goggled boy looked up at him with twinkling eyes.

-You're too generous..!- he said, making Jackson laugh.

As they walked through the busy marble halls of the shopping center, the bustling of busy people around them, a figure spotted the duo and ran towards them.

-You..! E-Excuse me..!

Noah and Jackson turned back, but saw no one behind them. It took them a second to look down and see the person that was talking to them. It was a little girl, her head reaching around Noah's waist, and at 165cm of height, he wasn't the figure of tallness anyways. She had long marine blue hair, her locks drifting down behind her back, the ends curling up behind her waist like rolling haves. She was wearing a matching sleeveless blue dress that went down to her knees, the edge of the skirt white like foam, the whole fabric having a scale-like pattern, like it was made from a fish's hide. Her tiny feet were bare and she looked up at the duo with deep blue eyes, her cheeks rosy and a bit flushed at the moment.

Jackson crouched down to meet her gaze.

-Yes, how can we help you, little lady? Have you gotten lost from your parents?- he asked in a gentle voice.

She vehemently shook her head. 

-No, no, no! I'm not lost, I'm looking for someone!- she said in a high-pitch cutesy voice- You guys are from the Academy, right? The big guy is wearing the uniform.

-Yeah, we're both from the BladeMaster Academy.- Noah said, leaning down- What do you need from us?

-Can you tell me where I can find a boy named Zeke Truesdale?- she asked, hands on hips, a determined huff leaving her mouth- I'm looking for him!

-Zeke? I know him, he's my friend.- Noah said- He should be in his room at the Academy dorms, though.

-Yeah, but I already went there and didn't find him!- she replied, her expression getting worried as she clapped her hands together- Oh, where could he be...

-How do you know Zeke, anyways? Are you family?- Noah asked- His little sister?

The little girl raised her hands defensively.

-No, no, no, not his little sister!- she quickly said, eyes wide in surprise before covering her flushed cheeks with a longing sigh- Ah...but you could say I'm his family, yes..~

-Um...-Noah blinked in confusion- Little cousin?

-Noooo..!- she whined before sighing in delight- I'm his...bride~

Jackson chuckled.

-Well, that's to be expected. It's not uncommon for little girls to go through a phase where they like their older brothers or cousins so much that they want to marry them. It's completely normal.- he said.

-Wow...-Noah replied- Women sure are weird, at all ages...

-I am not his sister or family, you big silly billy~ Please, before you start calling people weird, go tend to that towheaded mess of bedhair you have, kaaaaayyy~?- the girl giggled and gave Noah a poisonous, smug smirk- I'm a friend of Zeke's, if you will! I'm just also his betrothed....hehehehe~

She clutched herself and swayed from side to side as she giggled around. Noah couldn't confirm it, but he believed he saw her drooling too...

-Zeke sure is popular with the ladies, haha...-Jackson chuckled.

-He doesn't give me such an impression...-Noah shook his head.

-Nor do you give the impression of being too popular either, mister~ Perhaps if you let that stale ol' lake of a brain you have under that field of wheat breathe, the fairer sex would like you more!- she winked at him.

-Um...- Noah blinked in confusion as he gave her his usual vacant stare - Anways...if he's not in his room...oh, he should be with the guys in the hedge garden.

He leaned back down and explained to the girl about the hedge garden near the Academy grounds, where he and the Academy trio often hung out at. Once he was done, the girl nodded vehemently.

-Why thank you, Mister Doormat and Mister Bland Bear! Remind me to give you far-off backseats to our future wedding. Toodles~!- and took off, daintily skipping away. Before long, she was gone.

-Curious one.- Jackson said.

-Tell me about it...-Noah replied. 

With that out of the way, the duo headed over for Albus' workshop. After half an hour, they left the blacksmith, Noah waving around his new and fixed Warrior's Heart.

-Looks good as new! Thanks for helping me, Jackson!- he said.

-No problem, Noah.- he said, before wiping his brow- Still, that place is as scorching as ever. Even near the Aqua Cycle, it's hellish to stay there. I don't know how Mister Albus handles it. Hey, how about we go get some ice cre--


A voice they didn't recognize was fast approaching the duo. Suddenly before them as a complete stranger. Tall, even more so than Jackson, skin so rosy that it nearly looked like she had gotten a nasty sunburn. Her hair was short and of a fiery red color, but Noah could recognize how it curled up in the end. And the dress...it was red and went about down to her thighs, but the white trims and scaly pattern was the same as the little girl's clothes. Well, but the figure before them was no little girl, being much older, about Noah's age, and more muscular as well. She looked at Noah with blood-red, rage-filled eyes.

-You...told me he'd be in the hedge garden! AND HE WASN'T!- she yelled, picking Noah by the collar and lifting him up high in the air. Noah kicked around, trying to get out.

-I-I'm sorry..?!- he let out.

-H-hey now...we told your little friend that Zeke might be in the hedge garden.- Jackson said, carefully approaching the duo- Are you her older sister? She shouldn't be left unattended...

-SHE'S JUST FINE, YOU BIG OAF!- the woman yelled before turning her attention back to Noah- You're not hiding him from me, are you not, you little brat?!

Noah quickly shook his head.

-I-I'd never, ma'am!- he exclaimed- If he's not in the garden...um...um...oh! Maybe at the Angel's Crow HQ!

The woman growled before letting him go, Noah falling right on his butt. She let out an irritated sigh.

-Fine. Angel's Crow it is...- she said, turning around and taking off running, cracking the marble pavement with the sheer power of her burst of speed! In a blink of an eye, she was gone as well.

Noah felt a bit dizzy as Jackson helped him get up.

-Geez...who is she?!- he asked.

-I have no idea...I think Zeke might be in trouble.- Jackson replied.

-I think I'll be in trouble if he's not with the mercenaries...

-It'll be fine.- Jackson smiled- Let's go get ourselves some ice cream and cool off!

Standing on shaky feet, Noah agreed with Jackson and the duo went on their way to the local sweets shop. A few minutes later, they were sitting on a table, each eating their own frozen treats in big glass cups. Noah kept glancing around, though, trying to see if the little girl or red girl were near, sweating nervously and not touching his ice cream.

-Noah, if you don't get eating, your ice cream will melt. Don't worry about Zeke and those girls, just enjoy yourself.- Jackson said, lips stained with the ice cream he was eating- Aaaah..! I feel refreshed already!

Noah took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He turned towards his ice cream, the chocolate inside the glass already dripping down it, the treat slowly melting. His fingers were still shaking with fear so, fumbling around, he dropped his metal spoon on the ground.

-Ah...-Noah leaned down under the table to pick the spoon back up and cleaned it with a nearby napkin. When he turned his focus back towards the ice cream...

-Huh?- he let out.

The chocolate treat, which was melting and dripping down the glass a few seconds ago, had stopped doing so. Not only that, it seemed more firm than ever! Noah blinked and rubbed his eyes. Could he have been seeing things before?

-Brrr...-he let out, a sudden chill crawling across his skin. He knew ice cream was supposed to refresh oneself, but he didn't even start eating it..!


Noah nearly jumped out of his skin. A third voice, calling for him. He looked to the side and saw a woman approaching his and Jackson's table. An older lady, a bit older than Lucy, approached the table. She was just a bit shorter than Jackson. Her skin was pale like snow and her hair was long and of a dark grey-ish blue, reaching around to her ankles. It curled up on the end as well, but the curls looked much more stiff and jagged. She was wearing a similar dress to the other girls, but hers was completely white and was very long, reaching past her feet and dragging on the floor. It also had big sleeves, her arms completely hidden inside. She had a much more endowed figure, the dress form-fitting, aside from the sleeves and bottom, as it hugged her curves. Her eyes were of a abyss-like black, her whole expression dour. Noah felt depressed just looking at her.

He decided to take the initiative, though.

-He wasn't at Angel's Crow?- Noah asked.

The woman shook her head. Her breath was visible, coming out of her delicate pale lips.

-Noooooo...he wasn't. I asked if they knewwww...but no luuuuuuuck...- she slowly spoke, her voice sounding like it came from the depths of a deep cave. Noah couldn't stop getting the chills as she spoke. It was like she was a ghost.

She approached the duo and reached out for Noah. Her dainty hands came out of her sleeves, nails long and of a dark blue. She cupped Noah's face, his cheeks feeling super cold all of a sudden. She looked at him with a serene but gloomy expression.

-Please don't be lying to meeee...- she whispered- If you know where he is...tell meeeee...

Noah searched his brain to try and come up with an answer, but Zeke really didn't go out much..! There were only so many places where he'd willingly be at! And if he was being dragged somewhere by Axel, then it would be impossible to track him!

-Hey, I have an idea.- Jackson piped up- Instead of running around, looking for Zeke, why don't you and your sisters wait for him, near his room? He's a very homey guy, he'll definitely show up there soon!

Noah could cry right now. He shot a look at Jackson, thanking him a million times over. The woman let go of Noah's face and backed away.

-Aaaaah...that is a good idea. I'll do just thaaaat...Thank youuuuu...

With that last echo of gratitude, she left the sweets shop, her dress dragging along the ground as she didn't even seem to take a single step, instead gliding away, leaving the duo dumfounded. 

Throughout the rest of the day, Noah didn't see any of the three ladies again. Nor Zeke. But he sure couldn't fall asleep that night, afraid that any of the three would find him, as he tossed and turned on his bed.

"Just who were they?!"

Morning came and Noah ran over to Zeke before they started their morning runs, the lazy boy barely keeping himself standing as he nodded to sleep, slumped frame swaying back and forth.

-Zeke!- Noah shouted, making the auburn-haired youth jolt awake- Yesterday---

-Oh, that.- Zeke cut him off- I know, I know, she was looking for me. Don't worry, I was being awaited for by my room. Axel dragged me over to the library after classes, to study for the theory portion of the exam. Guess she didn't think I'd be there, of all places.

-She..?-Noah shook his head- Zeke, just who were those women?

-Those..?-Zeke hesitated, but eventually nodded slowly- You could say they're childhood friends. And also...

He let out a big sigh.

-My so-called "brides".

Noah's eyes widened.

-So you're really betrothed?!- he asked, which cause Zeke to let out a groan, scratching his head.

-It's very complicated. And very personal too. I'd rather you not mention this to anyone. I've been dealing with the confusion they bring ever since I was very young.- he then took off running for his laps, leaving Noah behind and very confused.

"And probably will do so forevermore."


-Wow, Miss Mercedes, you're such a good storyteller! Where do you come up with these stories?

Later that day, Mercedes was at the Ophelia Orphanage, in one of the colorful rooms the kids played in. She had a pile of children's books with her, some of her own creation, and was telling stories for the kids, who sat around her. White Feather smiled at the girl that asked her that question.

-Well, to be honest the "Stargazer Knight" was based off of stories I read when I was your age. There was this one that my caretakers read to me a bunch...- she leaned back in her chair as she reminisced- It was about a princess. She had been trapped in a tower by an evil queen. She couldn't go out, because the door was sealed shut by magics and, outside of the tower, there was this big, bad dragon. So the princess could do nothing but stand in her room, looking out of the window, day and night.

-Boo! That's really mean!- a boy of the group exclaimed- Why would the queen do that?!

Mercedes giggled.

-I'm going to spoil the ending to you, sorry: basically the queen trapped her there because of love.

-Love?!- the whole group let out.

-Yes. Basically, one day, the princess leaned out of her window and finally had the courage to yell at the dragon "Why are you doing this to me?!".

"The dragon then revealed itself, by turning into the queen. Dragons have a lot of magics, see, so it could turn into a human at will. One day, the dragon was resting atop of a nearby mountain, when it heard, with its mighty ears, some trouble brewing in the city.

You see, the princess was very beautiful. And many bad men and women kept bothering her, asking for her hand in marriage. They were very, very pushy. That day, the dragon, with its sharp eyes, looked down into the town and saw the princess being harassed by the suitors.

The dragon became scared that the kind and beautiful princess would get hurt. So, it swooped down one night and took her to its tower, keeping her locked away...but safe."

-But it still kept her locked in the tower! She'd grow old and never get married to her true sweetheart while in there!- the boy replied.

-Well, the dragon then realized that it hadn't done its actions out of just concern for the princess. In reality, it had fallen deeply in love with her, just couldn't realize it. It then understood that it was no better than the pushy suitors and, after unsealing the door of the tower, flew far away, crying.

"The moral of the story is that sometimes actions you do for love can hurt the one you care most for. You must always take that person's feelings into account or else you'll be ignoring your sweetheart completely. And then, you'll end up hurting them more than you love them. Love must never blind you."


Days before the Order Tower Raid: two.

-W-well, see you!- Axel smiled widely, waving Allie goodbye as he ran towards the entrance to the dorm building, for his morning runs with Terri and company. He was so flustered that he didn't notice that the building door was closed, smacked against it and then ran off again, even more flustered than before.

Allie shook her head with a giggle, waving goodbye at him. After all the rage and tears in Aireen, her relationship with Axel had simmered down a bit, staying at just new friends. While she spent her days being watched in the Angel's Crow HQ, Axel often swung by and they began talking about various things, like dancing and other arts. The Elite learned a bit more about the boy's past as well. Understanding that he must feel a bit conflicted about how to express his feelings, she figured that being his friend, and letting him work through the obvious infatuation he still felt for her, would perhaps teach him how to live with stronger feelings.

-I don't want to lead him on, though. He's a sweet boy...-she mumbled to herself.

-Oh. You.- a familiar voice sounded behind her. The Lotus turned around to see Zeke coming down the stairs, heading for his morning training as well. The Aqua-born glared at her.

Allie tried to be amicable.

-Zeke, come on. I'm cuffed, I can't do anything.- she said, showing off the rings around her ankles and wrists- No need to be like that. I lost. So relax.

Zeke raised his shirt to show her the scar on his stomach. Allie curled up her lips. Being friendly with the Soula bunch wouldn't erase how much she had actually hurt them.

-It still aches a whole bunch at night. Can barely sleep at those times.- he said.

-L-look, Zeke, I'm sorry---

-Shut it.- Zeke spat- I don't care about Aireen anymore, Miss Stab-a-lot. We fought. We won. You're our prisoner. And I know of the situation about your brother, how you were forced by Balthazar. I've moved on past that and am glad that, if you hurt someone this badly, at least it was me.

He then walked towards her, looking up at the woman.

-I'll be honest with you, Allie. I don't like you.-he said.

-You could have fooled me.- she said, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes.

-Walking around with that cheery attitude, dancing around towns while you collect taxes from them. I really dislike that. But I get it, it's your job and your artistic passion or whatever. Being fake is your whole deal.

"But if you're going to be fake, don't be so with Axel."

-I'm not leading him on, Zeke. We're just friends. He tries to understand me and be kind. And so, I'm kind in return.- she replied.

-Well, that's good. I really hope you are. That boy isn't right, see. His parents always taught him to be logical, to trust odds. So when he comes face to face with stuff that might deal with sentimentality, that is a bit more illogical, he doesn't know what to do. And that makes him stupid. He can't think straight. And I don't like you making him stupid with lies of friendship and leading him on to think he might be able to fall in love like the rest of us, just to be shot down by your idea of a joke. That he can be normal, just to be told he shouldn't. I won't let you do that.

Allie glared at him.

-You "won't let me". Sounds like you're threatening me, Zeke.

-Because I am. If you're just playing him, I definitely am.- Zeke glared back- That guy...I owe him more than you can imagine. If it wasn't for him...I'd be still floating in a river of nothingness. I'd be like an ice sculpture. So don't break his heart...or else I'll break you.

With that, he walked past Allie. She gritted her teeth, not liking the boy's tone.

-So you'll challenge me again. That scar aches, right? A reminder that I soundly beat you. I won't go down easy if that very hypothetical scenario happens and you come seeking a fight.- she challenged him.

Zeke stopped and turned back to face her.

Suddenly...Allie felt a chill. From around the boy, she could see a wave of cold erupting from his body, like the frigid wind of the tundra Hanzo had been stationed in. It kept blowing and blowing towards her, making the Pyre-born woman tremble, the cold creeping down to her bones.

And then...she could have sworn she saw it.

Wrapped around his neck. A section of the wind, shifting, taking an ethereal shape.

Of the arms and head of a little girl. Around where her lips would be...a wide, open mouthed smile.

And on Zeke's face... a similar threatening smile, eyes wide as much as his smirk.

-Unlike you, I have a certain someone in my corner. And for Axel...for those I care about...I'm willing to throw away my pride. For them, I'm willing to let the cold overwhelm and kill me. I'm willing to give myself over completely.

"Don't underestimate the power of blind love, Allie."