~~Chapter 4~~

Meanwhile back at the warehouse Susy was in all kinds of hell. Her breasts were in so much pain and they were getting bigger by the second. She needed them to come home and help her. They the bands on her breasts and they were making her breasts look like blue balloons. They just would not stop growing. The milk had nowhere to go, with the small bands on her nipples and the big bands on top. It was forcing all the milk to stay in one place. She needed to cum too. She wanted to play with herself so bad she almost went outside to look around to see it that would sex and the pain off her mind but then she heard the barking the closer she got to the door. She froze in her step. She got to thinking about how that tongue felt. Oh god that felt so good. How could that feeling come from a dog? How could she be thinking about letting the dog in? Could having the dog lick her be all bad? Then she thought they did say the dogs may fuck me. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, what the fuck is wrong with me? Being fucked by a dog, really? Omg let me out of here. What is going on with me my pussy is getting wetter by the second and all I can think about is sex? What she didn't notice was while all this was going on she never once noticed the pain or the fact she was starting to touch herself. They had given her so much that at this point the drug had taken total control and next would come the addiction.

All she wanted was to get fucked and she was so close to opening the door when she heard them barking. She looked at the time and saw it was 6 and she knew it was Adam. She had to remember her rules and remember them quickly. She just couldn't stop touching her pussy. It was so raw, red and sore that she knew she couldn't hide that. All of a sudden the bark at the door and she heard Adam's voice.

Adam couldn't wait to see if Susy have been touching herself and if she was going to follow the rules. He was so excited that his dick was busting out of his paints. And to make things even better he had his package too. He had left class early today and went to the apt. to check for it and sure enough it was at the front door. He knew he would have fun today and the rest of the two weeks. He reached her door and opened it. Susy was not sleep but in front of the mirror touching herself and moaning with her eyes closes. She was so deep in thought that she didn't hear the door open. This was weird because she heard the dogs barking just seconds ago but there was nothing she could do the drug would not let her hands stop. Adam says, "What the fuck do you think you are doing? I know I told you that I didn't want you doing that and on top of that where's Duke's greeting and my greeting? Ok so you want to play hard ball that is fine with me.

Susy jumps out of her skin at the sound of Adam's voice. She very quickly gets down on her knees and starts to say her greeting but when she hears Adam say hard ball she starts crying. "Master your whore is sorry. She begs that you give her another chance. Please Master Adam?" with tears in her eyes but her hand is slowing rubbing her pussy and she is leaving a puddle on the floor. Duke runs over and starts to lick the puddle up off the floor and then goes to her pussy. Susy moans and takes a deep breath. She holds her pussy open for him to get deeper. Adam is laughing and says, "Oh so you like that then you are really going to like this. I brought you a gift but you were such a bad girl that I'm not going to open it till I leave for the night and I'm going to leave Duke in here. I also see that you have not been able to keep your hands off your sorry no good pussy so I'm going to leave Duke here and go get Butch. Y'all have to meet." laughing the whole time.

Butch was a very large Pit bull. He was brown and white and more aggress than Duke but never would hurt his pussy. He had been getting pussy on a regular base so he was fairly happy. As he was coming up to Susy room Butch was getting excited. When he opened the door Butch went straight to the bed and started licking the wet spot on the bed where she had been sleeping. Then he said "Have fun while I go clean out the cages oh and your breast look real good. I think I will bring in some puppies to drain them a bit. I'm sure the guys won't care." He shuts and locks the door.

Susy was in heaven at this point that she didn't hear Butch or hear Adam. And she could hear was Duke licking. All of a sudden she heard Adam say from behind the door "FUCK Duke". Duke stopped licking and went behind Susy and jumped on her back and started humping till he got his dick in a warm spot. Susy cried out "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" but by then it was too late. Adam knows by hearing the command fuck that Butch would get the idea too. And both at the same time would be funny but they would figure it out. The more Duke would push the deeper he would get and the harder he would push. By this time Butch had jumped off the bed and got under Susy and started licking her clit. Which would give Duke more lube and he was trying to get his studying growing knot in Susy. Susy feels something big being pushed inside of her and she is not sure what it is but she does know that it won't fit. Then she hears "pop" and she screams so loud that Adam hears it over the dogs downstairs and he laughs. He knows just what happen and he thinks "bets that she will follow the rules next time but it's too late. Once Duke gets to fuck his bitch he is going to want his bitch almost all the time when Adam is not playing with her. Oh well let us see how she will listen next time and with all that drug in her system I bet her pussy is tighter than a virgin too. I bet that got to hurt."

Susy was so confused she didn't know wither to hate been fucked by a dog or love it. She was sure she was bleeding and that she had been ripped but omg the feeling was like nothing she had ever felt. The knot was up against her g spot and she just could not stop cumming. She was screaming both from pain and pleasure and to make matter worse her breast started to swing and that pain in itself was just god awful. She wanted to die at that point but knew there was no way that would happen. Her brain was so confused she didn't know what to think. All she really did know was that she didn't want to stop cumming. Then Butch came over and started licking her clit and that was like heaven, until he nipped her clit. She screamed for a whole new reason. She wanted to push Butch away but with Duke rocking her back and forward she had to keep both hands on the floor. Just too much weight for her to hold up with one hand and then it was too hard for her to concentrate on cumming so fast.

Adam came up to the room and saw that Duke was now ass to ass with his bitch and that Butch was licking and nipping at her clit. He only guessed it because she was yelling from time to time and in between moaning. "My god you dirty whore you got my floor all wet. I guess you will have to clean that up in a bit for now. He said the command "sit" Butch. Butch came over and sat by the bed he was licking his hard on and he looked at Duke. "come" He said and he pointed to some eye hooks in the floor. He turned Duke around so that Susy was still on all fours but now she had two eye hooks near her front arm and two near her knees and two near her feet. He still didn't have the cuffs but he didn't care so he tied her left to one eye hook and her right to the other eye hook and follow suite with the rest. Now even if she wanted to she couldn't move a hand, leg or foot. She looked like a bitch on lock down. The floor was a bit weird it could move in a complete 360. She was on a rotating plate so she could see everything but could not stand up.

He then put two small buckets under each breast and started to rub each breast gently. He said in a nice calm voice, "Now this is going to hurt but please feel free to yell." He took the left breast and cut the top rubber band off her breast. Her breast jiggled free and she let out a blood curdling scream. All the blood rush back to her breast and with that more milk was made. "It is called the letdown." He said to her. "Get use to it, the more it lets down the more milk will be made for the babies and puppies." Thought the pain Susy says in anger, "You baster. Just to let you know there will not be any babies coming from me. I'm on birth control. I got my shot a week before y'all kidnapped me. So ha I guess that ruins your plans." She laughed though her pain. Adam is grinning from one ear to the other. He says very calmly, "You bitch, did you really think we didn't think of that? The drug we made." He pauses and thinks for a min and starts again, "Oh you will have babies. I'm willing to bet my bottom dollar on it and give me another day or two and we will have a Dr. in here to test you out. Yes, I'm that sure that you are pregnant now but just to make sure. I will be here all night with you and fucking you as many times as I can. In between Duke and Butch here and each time they get you I will give you a dose of the drug and then take that hose over there and squirt any doggy cum out your nasty pussy. When I leave here tonight you will be so well fucked that you won't be able to walk for a day. Not that I will let you out of that position for one whole day. So you better start counting. I wanted to make sure you were nice to my friends here and their babies but enough talking I need to cut this other band off and let this side down before I drain you." He walks over and cuts the top band off her right breast and she screamed again. The letdown did the work but with the small bands on her nipples the milk had nowhere to go so her breast just kept growing and growing. When he was sure they were not getting any bigger he pulled the small bands off at the same time which didn't feel any better to her. As he pulled the small bands off it pulled her nipples and her breast to the floor. When they did come off her milk gushed out in the bucket.

The pain was short lived but she could not believe how much milk was coming out of her breast. He walked up behind her and gave her another shot of the drug in her ass cheek and then slapped it leaving a red hand print. She yelled and came at the same time. Any movement makes the dog's knot rub up and down on her g spot. As she was cumming over and over again he had a bucket of cold water ready to throw on the dog. When he did the dog popped free and yelps over to the corner. She screamed and she was cumming her pussy was gripping onto the knot that was ripped away without her relaxing with caused her already ripped and sore pussy to rip some more. She was crying at this point. As soon as Duke was free he took to hose and put it on the hardest stream he could find. It has been known to peel paint off the wall. And he aimed for red raw and bleeding pussy. "Now that Duke is done it Butch's turn, Butch "fuck". He turned the water off and Butch wasted no time he leaped and found his mark. She was not dry and no lube so it hurt a lot more than her first time with Duke. She screamed the whole time and Butch was nowhere near gentle. It took Butch almost an hour to get his knot in Susy. She was in so much pain she just could not make any juices. Adam went and changed the bucket twice while Butch was fucking Susy. He noticed she was making more milk with pain then when she gets pleasured. So he took a cloth pen and put on her clit just as Butch got his knot in her. Susy was screaming so much that she was now hoarse. All you could hear was squeaking and moaning coming from her. So now Adam left Butch to his work and went to get the puppies. He was sure by the time he came back that she would have had enough milk drained that now the puppies could drink straight from her nipples and not drown.

Adam came back as Butch was finishing up and just turning ass to ass with Susy. He put two baskets under Susy and milked her breast to s show the puppies were to get their meal from. When the puppies saw and smelled the milk they went to sucking and chewing on Susy's nipples. As the puppies ate hungrily he went behind Susy and throws another bucket of cold water on Butch. Butch yelped and ran and pop went his knot. Even though it was not as big as Duke's when it went pop but it still hurt like hell and it ripped her a little bit more. She couldn't scream though and her poor nipples were getting bite marks. All she could do was cry and pray. Adam came up to her and wiped her tears away saying in her hear, "You are nothing but a whore and whores get fuck by whatever dick is around. Now it is my turn. The other guys have the night off. They have tests tomorrow on and I forgot to give you your homework so I tell you what, when I'm done with you I will undo your hands so you can do your homework but your legs say locked down. Is that cool with you? Oh I forgot you can't answer because you have no voice." He laughed and said, "That is what you get for not enjoying what dick you have. And now you can't scream or moan. So I take that as a deal." He gets the hoses and turns it on her pussy this time and he stick it up her pussy to the hardest stream he could find. She squirms and cries as the water stings her insides. Her pussy was already sore and now ripped and now this. What else could he do to her? She was in so much pain she just didn't care anymore. Every time she would get some juices up for any kind of lube he would just wash it away and now her breast where getting milked constantly. She would never stop making milk. As if getting her pussy washed out was not bad enough he took the hose and shoved it up her ass. He wanted all that shit out so when the dogs have their fun they would not get an infection or him. He wanted to fuck her all the ways you could fuck a girl and he wanted it tonight. He put so much wanted in her belly that it looked like she was 9 months pregnant with twins. And he would not let her let it out till he was ready. He did it twice and he did it with all cold water. So she would cramp faster and more often. He said, "You might as well get use to that feeling the cramps too. From what I was told by my mother those cramps should be the same as labor pains. Which from what I'm told are far worse." Susy was still bloated as he talked her belly damn near touched the ground while she was on all fours. If she could she would curl up like a baby and cry herself to death but he wouldn't even let her do that. She was helpless and she knew he liked it that way. He put a butt plug in her ass to keep the water in and he said, "Omg you are so sexy pregnant. I think I will keep you pregnant and I might keep you on all fours just so you look like a pregnant bitch."

As he said the word bitch he laugh so hard he slapped her ass and watched her belly jiggle. He took his hand and ran it over her belly and started to push on her belly and squeeze it. He loved to hear her grunt in pain. At this point he came up with an idea. "Hey, Susy how you feeling, I want to play how much can handle before you pass out?" He walks behind Susy and starts to play with her pussy. He is not sure if he wants to do this before she gets wet or dry so she will hurt more. He takes his hand and starts to finger her pussy. First one finger then two and now three. He feels her insides are cold and he likes the feeling. He starts to push four fingers in her and he slow at first. He finds her g spot and starts to push on it with all four of his fingers. Susy is moaning for her g spot being pushed on but also because she is cramping every time her pussy muscle squeezes on his fingers. "Susy I hope you ready for this?" He takes his thumb and pushes with all his might and forces his whole fist into her sore worn out ripped pussy. "Oh yeah I love the way your pussy feels when you have cold water in your ass and belly." He starts to push the thin walls the separates her ass and pussy. He likes the way it feels when the water moves. He slowly open his hand which makes his hand go farther in her. He feels her cervix at the tip of his fingers. He finds the opening and starts to push on it. "Oh yeah baby just you wait till I can get my fingers in there. I will be able to feel our baby one day. You know what I will stop saying our baby because you don't own shit anymore. Hell you don't even own your body. Who owns you my whore? Who owns this pussy?" Susy doesn't say a word. She is in too much pain. Every time he moves his finger on her cervix her cramps got worse and she already feels fuller then she has ever in her life. All she wanted was dick even with all the pain the drug was slowly kicking in. Right now she wished the drug would kick in and then all she could feel was pleasure but not this time. What she didn't know was that her body wanted the drug more than she would ever know. "If you don't answer me I will stick my finger in her cervix right now. So speak up you whore." With tears in her eyes she says, "I am my Master's whore. This is my Master's pussy....sob....sob." She says through her tears. She can't believe what she is saying. He says, "Good girl. Now I will take my hand out of your pussy and let you shit out all of that water in your belly and then I will fuck you and let you do your homework. However it will be free time for Butch and Duke whenever they want to fuck you."

He balls up his fist and pulls his hand out slowly. With all the tears in her pussy wall it was not hard to get out the balled up fist and when it comes out with a pop he steps to her left and pulls the butt plug out her ass. The brown shitty looking water gushes out and Susy sigh with release. She can relax for a bit he is sure he won't fuck her with shit running out of her ass. However her relief is short lived. He takes the hose and sprays her clean. He dives in with his dick up her ass and says, "I don't what to take up too much of you time tonight. I know you have homework and two dogs to do." He fucks her ass hard and fast and when he felt like he was about to cum he pulled out and shoved it in her sore worn pussy. She grunted in pain and he would slap her ass as he fucked her in doggy style. "Oh, yeah my little whore you like it rough don't you?" Knowing her hands were tied down to the floor he reaches over and pulls her long blond hair and makes her arch her back. He digs in deep with his dick and cums deep in her pussy. When he was done with her he undid her hands and to keep her bent over he put a collar around her neck and connected a chain to the little loop. He took the chain and connected it to another eye hole hook in the floor. The chain was so tight that she could not lift her head let alone her back but her hands were free now. She started to pull the puppies away and he yanked her hair up hard. "If you know what's good for you I wouldn't touch those puppies. They need to eat just like you do. That is why I'm here all night with you. To watch you and make sure those puppies get fed. If one puppy dies in your care I will whip you till you pass out and then whip you again when you wake up. Do you understand me?" The way he said it would make water freeze and then crack. She was so scared that she could do nothing but shake her head. He head and neck were hurting so bad she though he would break her neck. He finally let her go and he patted her on the head. He gave her a notebook and a pen and said, "Get busy." As he walked away he patted both dogs on the head and gave the command "free time". For the rest of the night Susy stayed in that position and did her homework. The puppies sucked and chewed on her nipples till they were raw and even then they didn't stop. Duke would come up behind her and lick till she was wet and then jump on her back and fuck her. When Duke was done and knot went down enough and popped free it was Butch's turn. Duke and Butch would each get two turns till Adam would return to fuck and release his sperm in her again. By morning Susy had lost count how many times she got fuck and her pussy was leaking pools of cum on the floor. She never got any sleep. Adam had not given her any amount of the drug all night. He though it was time to slack down now that the puppies were feeding on her breast milk. So her wetness was starting to die down. He liked the lube and Duke was getting upset a bit. He knew this because he would nip at her clit more and more. He wanted his juices so he could lick her. The main problem was no drug and all pain was not letting her get wet. So he decided to give her half a dose in the morning and half at night. He would give half in her oatmeal with some of his sperm mixed in and the other half at night, a shot in her ass.