~~Chapter 5~~

This went on for the next two weeks. She would be fucked by Adam and the other three plus the two dogs. Only Adam and the dogs would cum in her pussy. The puppies, old and new, would suck on her breast while she was fucked by man or beast. She would hardly get out of the doggy style position. He left the collar on 24/7 and would chain her collar in and legs. Her hands were all most always free. She was starting to crave the fucking and the drug more and more and would beg for the drug. The guys started to see the problem. She would sometimes beg for the drug more than sex. So after the talked about it they came up with a wick idea and Michael had to present it to her and she had to agree on camera.

Michael walks up to Susy and says in a loud calm voice, "We have noticed a side effect to the drug that we didn't know. Sorry to say you are our first human test subject and you agreed to the testing." Without waiting on an answer he went on, "We see that you are not begging for the drug and that is not a good sign. We will have to go and look into this. However to calm you down a bit we have talked and agreed to give you more of the drug as you beg but there will be a price. The price is that each time you beg us for more of the drug you must endure some kind of pain. No pleasure at all just pure pain and the more of the drug you ask for the more and severe the pain. I will give you more time to think about this if you need unless you have any question?"

All Susy heard was more drugs. She completely missed the pain. The addiction was fully in control and she wanted the drug more than getting fucked but she understood to get the drug she had to be fucked. So it went hand and hand. She was quick to raise her hand. He nods his head. She says, "When you say pain what are we talking about and just how severe?" He looks at her and grins, "You still have not gotten it through your head that we own you so how severe does not matter. However you may get some scars but nothing too big or anywhere you can't hide the older you get." The real truth to this deal was two things that she didn't know. It might have made you change her mind if she knew them but that was the guys secrete. The first was that this deal would allow them to torture her more and hurt her more severely. This was to hope that pain would make her change her mind and not want the drug. The guys called it pain therapy. The second was to get her on tape to agree to being tortured. Susy was thinking long and hard but that drug wanted her to say yes. She was no longer at war with herself but she was having a problem with the pain and now he said scars. What were they going to do to her? She said with a shake voice, "What if I stop asking for the drug will y'all stop giving me my daily dose?" Michael says, "No you need your daily dose to feed the puppies and to get pregnant so no but you will get no more than the daily dose we have been giving you. So what's your answer?" Susy says, "Never mind I won't ask for the drug anymore." She knew she was lying and wanted a dose right then but she didn't like the pain. Michael looks at the camera and says with a smile, "The test subject has shown the first stage of denial. We will watch her for the next few days to see how long she will continue to lie to us and herself."

It is now the end of the third week and nothing has changed. Susy greets Adam and Duke the way Adam told her too but Adam didn't care at this point when she messed up the first time he was not sure when she would have her freedom at night again. She was feeding the last set of puppies they had in the cages downstairs. They had sold most to buy the new toys for their new pets. They have had Susy for a month and no one was asking any questions about her. Her parents were still out of the country and hardly ever contacted her or anyone when they leave country. Her teachers were happy her homework and grades were not falling. The only difference was that they saw that she was putting on some weight. So they came up with a plan and they were not sure how this was going to work. They knew Susy wanted more of the drug but was fighting the urge to ask for it. They also needed a doctor to check her but they were not sure if he would be cool with the idea.

So Adam goes to John and asks, "I think we need to find a doctor, what do you think?" John says, "You think it's time?" Adam nods. "Ok then I will talk to Michael and go get the papers." Adam says, "What papers?" John grins, "You told me at the start of this to make sure it was all legal and we couldn't go to jail. So I went did some paper work knowing we needed a doctor at some point. After all we are making a drug that we don't want anyone knowing about. So when we tell the doctor what she has been taking. He will know it has done nothing to her body and things like that. Trust me it will be fine but just in case Michael has the backup plan B and C with plan A will work out great. Adam says, "When were y'all going to tell me about this and what is plan B and C? I assume plan A is the papers." John says, "You are right about plan A being the papers. Plan B is to pay the doctor not to say a word and to do our checkup and anything else we need. Plan C is to drug up Susy till she ready to fuck the doctor for his services. So what do you think about our plans?" Adam is beside himself and grinning from ear to ear. "You will be a great lawyer. If I ever get in trouble I will be calling you." They smiled, as they locked the doors to the warehouse. "If you listen quietly you can still hear Susy crying." John says. "Maybe she has gotten it through her head that we own her now." They laugh as they get in the car and drive off into the darkness.

It has been a month and a half and all the puppies are gone and her nipples have healed from all the sucking and chewing. They have now sitting in a chair during the day while they are in classes. The milking machine has come in and the dildo are in place so anytime during the day that she is not being milked she can fuck any sizes she wants. Since she has been a good girl they have let her have the whole day away from the dogs. But at night she is locked down in doggy style for man and beast. They see her belly is bigger than when they first got her so they are still looking for a doctor.

Adam says, "Master's little whore I need you to pee in this cup for me." She crawls over, a new rule Adam had told her to do a week or so ago, takes the cup and crawls to the bathroom. She pees in cup till it is half full and crawls on all three back and hands it to him. "Good girl. You have done such a good job this last two weeks how about an extra dose of drug. I'm proud of you for not begging or asking for it as much as you did a few weeks ago. Would you like that?" Susy shakes her head with a huge smile on her face. She raises her hand. Adam says, "Yes my pet." She says shyly, "Will I have to get pain for this?" Adam says, "No you don't. This is my gift to you. However I will be starting back increasing you dose now that you are not feeding puppies anymore. However you still have to control yourself if you don't you know the deal. Anytime you want to take us up on the deal all you have to do is ask for some more drugs or say I will take the deal. Do you understand that?" Susy nods her head. "Good girl. Now come here and get your shot. This time I'm giving it to you in your arm." He looks for a vein. They want her to beg for the drug so they want to torture her but they need her to agree to it first. This is the reason for upping her dose and now putting it into her vein. They were trying to drive her addiction into over drive. It worked she started begging within two days of her doses. It was just too much it was in her blood stream and it was doing the trick. By the end of week seven they had her in tears and begging for the drug. So all four guys took a time out and decided they had enough. So Adam said, "Bitch if you don't shut the fuck up I'm going to slap you till your lips swell shut. I told you a few days ago if you wanted the drug what you had to do. So woman up and ask the right way or shut the fuck up." "sob ...…sob...….I will sob..... sob….. take...sob..... the deal sob….." Susy is barely able to get the sentence out. She was crying so bad that snot was running out her nose. She couldn't wipe her nose because the guys had gotten the cuff in and had her in an "X" position. They had the milk machine hooked up to her breast and were fucking her in the ass. Michael came up and said, "I need you to calm down a bit and say this clearly. I, Susy Shaw, am willing to undergo any and all kinds of torture these guys will do to me to get off the drug." Susy is shocked by the word torture but at this point all she cared about was the drug. She sucked in a big calming breath and said, "Sob.... I, Susy Shaw, am willing to undergo any and all kinds of torture these guys will do to me to get off the drug. Sob...." Adam is so happy to hear those words he goes to the cabinet under the sink in kitchen and pulls out a black box. It has been locked so she could not open it if she wanted to. When he opens the box he pulls out 20 long hat pins. He grins as he takes her left breast out of the milking machine and holds it in his hand and says, "Bitch I have been waiting to hear those words. I have been dying to find out if I poke you with these will milk come out of you." He takes the hat pin and slowly sticks it in the center of the nipple. She has been crying so long that all she does is let out a scream from hell. "Oh, god no. Please stop. Not this anything but this. Please Master Adam your whore can't take this. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Adam pick up another hat pin and asks, "Are you backing out of our agreement? We can sue you for all your worth." He takes the hat pin and stick it close to the one in the center. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She is in so much pain by that pin she can't answer his question. Adam says, "I guess not. That was the only time you could back out of our agreement without being sued but you missed it." He takes another hat pin and looks at her with a wick grin and takes her pussy lips and pushes it very slowly through both lips. "Hey guys this gives me a great idea. If she is pregnant lets get some piercings. Like three rings in each lip and then we can sew her up by linking them together tightly and then we can only fuck her in the ass. That way when she has the baby she will be tight as a virgin. What do you think?" Adam asked the guys. The guys all say cool. "I bet you like that idea don't you, Susy?" With another hat pin he takes it and sticks it dead center in her right nipple. As she screams a squeaky voice Adam would keep on putting hat pin after hat pin in her breasts. He really wanted to see how much she could take. It took 30 mins to get all 20 into her. He had three in her pussy lips, 8 in each breast and he was holding the last one in his hand looking for a place to put it. He looked at her and asked, "Susy would you like this in your pussy lips or in your nose?" Susy was so out of it that she didn't hear him. She just didn't care anymore. Her head was completely engulfed in pain and she was near fainting. He looks at her and says, "I guess the nose will be a good spot. Just not sure if I want it here or in the center or we could give you an eyebrow piercing. I think you would be cute with one of those. What do you think? No I got it. Instead of three rings we will put four in our pussy lips. I like that better." He reaches down and changes his mind and pierces her clit instead. If nothing in the world would wake her up that did. She was screaming so loudly that the windows were shaking. The guys were afraid that the windows would bust out. Susy was in so much pain feeling the pin being pushed in slowly that she pissed all over herself and Adam. Adam didn't mind because he was going to make her lick his hand when he was done. Not something that really turned him or the other guys on but a great punishment for her to never piss on him or anybody else again. Susy was being slapped awake. She had fainted and now Adam didn't care. He was slapping her with the hand she pissed all over. "You nasty bitch, you pissed all over me. Smell this. No better yet lick your piss off my hand. You better never piss on me or anyone else again. Do you hear me? Bitch wake the fuck up." Adam was slapping her with ever that came out of his mouth. When Susy finally did come to her whole body was on fire. She still had the pins in her and now they had her breast tied around the base and pulled to the ceiling. They looked like balloons but Adam didn't care anymore. He knew her breast would continue to make milk so he could do anything he wanted to them. He walks up to her and says in an angry voice, "So good to see you are awoke. If you can tell I tried to wake you. Your face maybe a bit redder and bluer in some places then it use to but I guess you should have woke up. Anyway you are awake now and since you pissed on me and passed out I'm going to give you your second dose of the drug. However if you want it so bad you have to drink it in this glass." He hands her the glass of brownish color liquid in it. It is not thick but looks like color water. When she puts her nose close to it she finds out its piss. She passes it back to him. "EWWWW that is gross. I am not drinking that." She says with her fingers pinching her nose. They all laugh. Adam say, "Oh yes you will bitch. You pissed on me so all the males in this room went ahead and nicely pissed in this glass so you could have something to take your meds with. If you noticed I did say all males and not all men in this room. Oh and if you don't drink it we will keep putting pins in you, give you another enema, and smack your ass with this bamboo stick while we force it down your throat. How you like those apples? Oh and just in case you were wondering we came up with this while you were sleeping. I will put pins in you, Michael will beat you ass, John will give the enema and Mark will force you to drink it. Just to make the deal sweeter I will add a bit more drug in the glass." Susy is thirsty and really wants something to drink but omg really that. Then she really wants some more of the drug and she does not under anything want all that to happen. So she takes the glass and drinks it in one fast quick drink. It nasty going down she can taste it and almost pukes. She is sure if she pukes they would make her clean it up but she not sure how and she is sure she doesn't want to know how. So she keeps it down. They all grin and Adam steps up and says, "Good girl. See it's not all that bad and if you never want to do that or anything else like that. I can promise that you will never have to drink or eat anything ever again. Pain, you being fuck by dogs and a few other things get us off but we even think that is gross. However as a punishment for doing it to us we will make sure you will hate it as much as we hate it. Do you understand me?" He points his finger at her like she is a child. Susy shakes her head and raises her hand. "Yes Susy." Susy slowly opens her mouth and says with her head down, "May this whore please have some water, Master Adam?" Adam says with a calm voice only if you promise and you know what to say looking at the dot." Susy looks at the dot on the wall and says very clearly, "I, Susy Shaw, promise to try to never pee or shit on myself for as long as I am here." Adam grins because he knows that will be hard for her to do but why should he care. It was not a turn on for him but he thought it was gross either way. He walks over and gets her a glass or cold water and hands it to her. While she takes it down quickly the other guys untie her breasts and she says, "Thank you Master Adam." in a shy voice. "You were such a good girl just now how about if we cut you a break. Would you like that Susy?" Susy knows that when he says that he never really means a break so she says nothing and looks at the floor. Adam likes the look on her face and continues, "We will not tie you down tonight when we leave and we will even take the dogs out of the room for you to study but you cannot take out the pins in your pussy or the ones in the center of your nipples. However you have to milking yourself if you feel like you are getting full. Deal?" Susy raises her hand, "Can I take out the pins when I milk myself, Master Adam?" He grins, "No the pins in the center are never to come out and tomorrow we will have a doctor to check you out. Oh and you might want to look at these stick. Remember you telling me you could not get pregnant. Well baby I'm sorry to tell you but we tested you six times and here are all six of the sticks. He takes them and throws them at her. She stares at the six pee pregnancy test stick. All were different brands but they all said the same thing. She was pregnant. She couldn't believe it. Adam was smiling and grinning. "If you lose the baby by any means of your own trust and believe me you will not like us guys for the rest of your three months. It will also void our contracts and you will fail school. So take care and enjoy your one night of freedom. Oh and just in case we are lying to you, here are some more pee sticks that you can test yourself. You can keep praying but baby we are going to have a baby. He laughs as he takes the dogs out the room and the other three follow him out the door.

"Do you think she will hurt herself?" Mark asks Adam when they lock up the warehouse. Adam says, "I don't really know but that is why we didn't tell her till tonight. I hope John is ready for the doctor tomorrow." They get in the car and drive off to their apartment.

Susy pees on one stick after another. The pins in her pussy lips hurt when the pee it's the open wounds. She has to make sure but every stick says the same thing. How can she be pregnant? The birth control should have stopped this. Does it even work? She has been taking it for years and had no mistakes. What was different now? God help her how was she going to raises a baby with these guys. She didn't know what to do and she could not stick anything up her pussy to try to kill the baby. The pins wouldn't let her do it. She slowly started to take the other pins out of her breast but the bleeding won't stop. She goes to the bathroom and gets a towel and lies down on the bed holding her breast so the blood won't get on the bed and she curls into a ball and cries herself to sleep.

She dreams of a better place. A better future for her and, now that her mind knows she is having a baby, her baby. She doesn't even do her homework she sleeps through the night. This is the first night she can sleep on a bed and without be fucked by a dog or without something sucking on her nipples. She doesn't even wake up to put herself on the milking machine. That will be a huge problem in the morning but at this point she really doesn't care.