A Winter Festival

As soon two weeks is up Ms. Folsom congratulate's the students for helping her out for the winter festival as she was so proud of them Oscar did a good job with his creating and following orders by Ms.Folsom as she opened her gifts boxes every one opened it at once while the other students opened their surprises.

Oscar got a rarest baseball card by some player as he got a brand new watch from Ms.Folsom and it was a Christmas watch that looked pretty awesome. While clarice opened her gift and it was pretty awesome too while every one was drinking a grinch punch that Ms.Folsom made this afternoon and it was super cold as the students was enjoying it she got it off of Pinterest. And the background music was playing a marshmallow world by Raul Malo following by Rockin around the Christmas tree by Brenda Lee and many more winter theme songs.

After the party was over Oscar was tired and passed out on his couch in his apartment. By the following morning he woke up as he was an early bird gets a warm that means he's making his homemade coffee while eating a donut from dunkin doughnuts store. As Oscar uploaded a status on his Facebook account "Here's to new Beginnings!" As he shared his new year Eve pictures that he took right before the thirty first. As he was sorry to post it this late as he wanted to share it with his friends on the line but it's called online as he laughed at his jokes to himself. Ms. Folsom was taking every picture at the winter festival and post to it on to her Facebook account.

As she was drinking homemade grinch punch for the winter fest. As she point out new clues on a new case for the safety patrols. They see a shoe print on a golden statue at the gym when winter fest was going on. It look likes a lady shoe but who done it so they ask every teachers that are real woman and they have not done it, so it must be one of a parents when the festival was going on. A new case has been gone cold as Oscar Guirerro is on it right away to solve the biggest mystery that will go down as history.

Ms.Folsom wants to solve it as well along with the safety patrols. They took a picture of the foot print that was on the golden statue at the bottom and it is look like a high heel shoe on the right side that is most likely as a sharp shoe print at the top so they took the picture and make a hologram of it on a new technology computer that they added last weekend that Ms.Folsom ordered right before winter fest. As she look through each angle of the shoe print as she see's the full enchilada of it. It was a red high hill show that was pointy at the tip of the shoe.

As Ms. Folsom still remembers as she think she's a know it all and that she's not she memorized every thing she did during the winter fest as she remembered a women wearing red high heels she's next to the golden statue and her name was Ms.Fiona Ratcliffe. As she was mad at everyone that put her husband behind bars and wanted Revenge. As she stoled a winter glass of the snowflake's on top of the statue and try to blame it on Ms.Folsom. As she left her house right before they can catch the Villain. As she left a blank tape for them as they put it in a VCR machine without the tape is not being eating as they pushed the play button on the remote control.

" Greetings Mrs. Folsom you know who I am and let's cut with the point, yes I stoled your statue when your winter fest was going how did I do it when every one wasn't looking as a mad genius you can never beat me as I finished the final checkmate on a chess board, I broke it in half before I went to my private jet plane with my husband as I freed him out of prison all because of his lamest scheme with the Spencer brother's. As I say "Bye Felicia". Have a nice trip you bunch of hypocrites, it's real nice to knowing yeah." As the tape stopped at the very end of the tape Mrs.Folsom chunk the tape in a trash can as she was cussing up a storm while the safety patrols cover their ears not hearing her swear words as they say " She got a potty mouth."

By her book who ever cusses in their life time is the smartest ones.

They didn't know that so they will dot note on their notebook and keep it as a reminder.

To replace the statue it will be costing four hundred dollars. At least it wasn't five it would be out of her bank account. They called the air port to cancel her flight but it was too late they were all ready gone at nine o'clock am and took every stuff in the house and not the couch and the chairs in the kitchen that was got left behind so they will be buying new ones in their own new house that is hidden in unknown beach. As Mrs. Folsom screamed at the ton of her voice " Why don't yeah take a trip..why don't yeah?!" As she threw the tape repeatedly on a wall as it break into pieces. " Where's my peppermint tea and cucumber sandwiches ?!" As demands some of her bodyguards. She still wanted to cuss out Mrs. Ratcliffe.

One of the safety patrols made her some as she calms the heck down and not blow her cool over.

For Mrs.Folsom playtime she likes to watch soap opera in her office when she's principal at X-school middle school senior high. And she likes to know every student of what they like to do for fun because school is almost like a prison for children.

They get bored and they moan with bunch of annoying math problems as they don't like it.

Oscar in the other hand doesn't mind it as he finished it up when the bell strikes twelve that's when lunch time starts.

On a fine good day, There was a new student coming to to be at in a school as they welcomed her with a good welcoming as her name is Clara St. Clair. Who feels uncomfortable to move a lot in her life time, her parents likes to travel to each state in the United States of America.her parents works a lot and they don't talk much often. As it sounds very sad and that it is. She has lots of nieces and nephews back in Brooklyn. While she was in school she likes to draw and paint following by reading lots of books in a school Library in her free time. Little thing she knows her life is about to change forever.