Stop in the name of the Safety patrols!

As soon as the day was over,Every one was at their home for the weekend as they study with their homeworks or reading books or play video games or try to lose some weight or just causing mischief like Oscar Guirerro who likes to mess around in his apartment.

When he should be studying with his math test.

He played Super Mario Brother's on the original Nintendo as he beaten the evil Bowser to save princess peach for some reason why would a evil villain liked to kidnap her repeatedly as Oscar wondered it's like a soap opera series it's a never ending story.

Moving on to the afternoon Oscar finished with his math test and start singing opera songs as he is playing Ripto's arena from the original game and the newest one.

As soon he be getting ready to study his driver license test he wanted to get a purple and black jeep as it was looked pretty cool stylish for his taste.

Oscar wants to be in a band like the little toy monkey used to have in his both hands of what you call it of the instrument just not to cause mischief or anything like that.

As the narrator is speaking on this very important chapter Oscar passed his driver licenses as finds the car of his dreams.

He finally find one for a cheaper price so back to his school he did a donuts on a parking spaces Ms.Folsom tells him to stop what he was doing and go to the principal office as for a punishment.

As he spends more time with Ms.Folsom for the day he gets to know a lot from her as for the donut mayhem he tells her he would never do it again in his life time. Ms.Folsom got her eyes on him through out the school year. Later on that day around two o'clock pm there was a blank vhs tape that says "play me "so Oscar put it in and show it to the safety patrols along with Mrs.Folsom.

It was a video tape of the saboteur, each message has a clue and a riddle like this one " what is a door not a door ?. Oscar answer it very fast " A Window !!" As he eating a chocolate chip cookie. Mrs.Folsom dislike riddles, she thinks it's all nonsense and other Hocus Pocus stuff that think it's crazy. As she was drinking peppermint tea with holly berry with tea cup glasses as she took a few sips of it. For Oscar he likes solving riddles ands more like a Sherlock Holmes game. Every one is on a chess board and for Oscar he is the solver of each cases and knows who is the saboteur.

They have to act fast if they want to solve this case and save the day. As they opened the math glass it was another important clue as Oscar was taking this very seriously.

As it was very important cases so they did a throw back Friday of the Spencer brother's and Jindrake and following by Mrs. Ratcliffe cases. Who is saboteur ? As Oscar wrote it down on a chalkboard as he remembered each cases he also could be Sherlock Holmes nephew.

As he signed that he was getting more annoyed with this case it sound like it will be forever to solve as he think it is.

So he tries to put on Sherlock Holmes shoes and thinks like him for a moment as he retracted his steps as why does it start with him. A retirement principal Jindrake is a bad person who like to framed people that they are innocent bystander.

Two why would the Spencer brother's help with his scheme. And three how come Oscar Guirerro can solve it very fast in the nick of time ?. It's all comes together and happens for a reason as he thinks of it for a minute. Sooner then later Mrs. Folsom called Clara to check up on her to see how is going as she responds to her question. " Very well and thanks for check up on me. " as she is a straight A student for each school she has been into her whole life as she has no friends to talk to or hang out with but that will change in a moment.

Later on the day of science class each student has their own assignment like one Oscar has to team up with a partner for a week to and study about a volcano and how does it work and why does it go off by itself. As Oscar thinks science is boring and not care for and a total waste of time he rather listen to history lesson as it one of his favorite subjects.

During his lunch break Mrs. Folsom have announcement to every one in the cafeteria on a speaker. " Stop what you doing for a moment people, we have a very important meeting after lunch break is over, come to the gym, all students need to be seated on a benches after they get done eating with their meal. That is all for now Mrs. Folsom is out." As the speaker cut off and the children start to eat their meal slowly and not fast.

Oscar is allergic to milk as he is lactose intolerant and not happy with it as he brought his own lunch. He drinks natures promise milk a organic milk that taste so good and it taste like real milk not no cheap lame milk from a carton that they are serving each day. Oscar lunch was tomato sandwich with nature promise organic milk with chip and salsa followed by a dessert chocolate pudding. One of his favorite as he sings a chocolate pudding song in his own mind and not out loud.

Clara is having her own lunch box as she brought her own lunch she is having a salad and a orange juice as a healthy choice, following by cucumber sandwich with a hint of peppermint tea like Mrs. Folsom favorite meal.

As soon lunch time was over every student went to the benches and listen to Mrs. Dawn Folsom speech. " As you all know that today is a count down to summer vacation starting now". As the students cheered from the benches. As Mrs. Folsom wasn't done speaking. " Yes,yes I know this is going.. as for right now I'm doing a project that is called an M&M factory, whoever builds a better factory will have a summer vacation early starting now and good luck I will be watching, Let the event begin !" As the students plan out their M&M factory on a piece of paper before they can build it as they drew cameras on top of the ceiling and a candy making machine through each section inside the factory and a camera room at the end of the building. As they all plan out their factories they started to build their projects as they are being creative. The M&Ms comes out in the makings as they enjoying building the candy machine. It looks like a 3D project that came right out of their drawings. As they vision their own factory on a cardboard boxes. They continue to build more detail of the making of the M&M's as everyone know how it's made and watched their video on food network of how they made M&Ms. the students gets an idea and build more good detail of their own imagination.

As they compare their minds to Gene Wilder's Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory.

The floor is made out with small bricks with glued in on the cardboard box as it gets real heavy. Mrs. Folsom helps out in needed if their factory falls apart.

The detail's of their factory is so colorful and brings out a very good detail as it will be displayed when it gets all finished.

The cardboard boxes is being held to tall so it won't break too easily as Mrs. Folsom helped them out from the start of the project as she set it up for them.

As soon it was finished it was being displayed for two week tops.

The cardboard box is behind held out of bricks by brinks.

Their parents is so proud of their children as they bring their projects to their houses and Oscar kept his while his parents is off for a cruise for another week perhaps as their ticket would say.

The following morning came as it the same routine goes by each and every day. every student count the days for their school year to be over as it look like prison to theme. Mrs. Folsom announced the winner's the M&M's competition projects as it goes to Oscar and Clara as they leave school and went back to their houses while the other students continue their normal hours until their school is over for ten days as they do a count down by Mrs. Folsom. Suddenly a new message for the saboteur as Mrs. Folsom try to reach Oscar to come back to her office to see the tape but he was out of town and went to his second hotel as he drink a tropical punch like a mango smoothie made by V8. Then later that evening Oscar FaceTimed Mrs.Folsom as it like a major midnight crisis like it's the end of the world sort of thing as Oscar tells her to calm down as he replies to her message " Looks can be deceiving." As he look at the whole enchilada of this saboteur thing. Mrs. Folsom gets an idea of what Oscar meant by his point of view. As she gets a full picture as it was revealed another clue in the message on a vhs tape. She thought it was the Spencer brother's that's behind the saboteur but it wasn't. But who could it be,the answer is unsolved but it will be if Oscar comes back to safety patrols headquarter.