An unsolved case

As the saboteur laughs on a vhs tape the safety patrols is getting annoyed by the fiendish laughter as it sound like a psychopath.

There is no words to answer on that cake of the icing or could it ?.

As the following morning Oscar got burnt from a tropical sun while the safety patrols make fun of him as he does a fake laugh while he take his seat and open up a file that Mrs. Folsom gave him while he was away from this drama.

While every one is still doing their normal hours in school, Oscar found out a hidden message on the vhs tape as he played it back many times as he was becoming annoyed with the saboteur.

So they dug up the villain files of most wanted case in X-school middle school senior high. As it was a pain in their butts they dug up for hours and hours as they found an interesting file that was solved two years ago when Jindrake was a principal.

It was the ice cream event around one thirty pm after lunch Time when the villain Tony MacGibbon was causing mayhem and running a muck as the phantom his range was over around two pm short no one know who was the phantom until now.

Their glad that Tony got caught in the nick of time when that happen.

People calls him MacGravy till this day as they laugh about it and at least it wasn't MacCoffee that's even worst. He was a crazy lunatic coot that it drove him bonkers when they make fun of his name and being lactose intolerant.

Ms. Felicia S. Dawson is a completely a bad person who likes nothing to have Mrs. Folsom job as she hatch an evil scheme with the saboteur as I get ahead of myself, She act nice as a teacher but on the in side she's a nasty piece of work.

Mrs. Folsom does not trust her one bit, she things she's a complete scumbag that she is and nothing but stealing a spot light from her as she laughs like a lunatic.

She made a teacher of the year but that wasn't enough for her goal. As she think she's high and mighty and think she's all that wrong and fake news in my book. As the narrator is speaking about Mrs. Felicia S. Dawson.

She is a most horrible person that you would ever see, she is just plain tacky.

Moving along the very next morning, Oscar knew that Mrs. Felicia S. Dawson is a terrible,horrible nasty piece of work as she act like a nice lady but wrong.

As he ignored her while taking her classroom, He wouldn't careless of her teaching methods of science.

As it he have problems with the test that she gave out for each lesson as she make it hard fro them as she laughs like a crazy coot like she wants to make them failed at each lesson and think it's funny.

While she ain't teaching her method, she be cooking up trouble with the saboteur as she is very close to him even further.

At midnight Oscar couldn't sleep at all for what it's going on, he wanted to tell Mrs. Folsom that he has a crazy nut job teacher tormenting children during science class.

Mrs. Folsom asked again to Mrs. Felicia S.Dawson who keeps putting blank tapes in the janitor's closet?. As she tries to cover her tracks real good and thought up a quick lie. " I have no idea on what are you talking about." As she was grading papers that the students take each test as she put a big fat F on the top of the piece of the paper. Not making any eye contact and still grading papers as she smirked a little on the inside.

Mrs. Folsom couldn't carless if she got fired for being mean to the students. And slammed the science door gently as she replies back " Hope you come again real soon Mrs. Folsom". While being sarcastic and continue with putting big red F's on the final test exam.

Other teachers knew that she was a psychopath and wanted her out of the school building at once.

As they called her a fiendish coot very quietly so that she can't even hear them talking.

As Mrs. Folsom says to the teachers " The only thing we have to fear is self".

Mrs. Folsom doesn't like ugly action towards anyone,she likes good people and not bad apples.

As the narrator is unknown and can't tell, it's also a mystery to the story and it's not what it seems.

Back at Oscar's apartment he has been reading history books of each volume one, two and three as he enjoys his history his favorite was the Boston Tea Party as it is very important and that it is very important because it's what we learned in school the narrator is being annoying and interrupting the story. Where was we oh that's right Oscar got done finishing up his history books that he bought with his money.

Mrs. Folsom is impressed with his history lesson as she enjoys listening to history class as she walk passed it and enter her office.

She likes to drink two cup of coffee as she enjoys listening to country songs like old school music like Brooks & Dunn Boot scootin' boogie and don't rock the jukebox by Alan Jackson when ever she took a break for a while.

Back at Mrs. Folsom's Manson she likes to decorate her entire house with Christmas, thanksgiving Fourth of July and Valentine's Day and following by st. Patrick's Day in each rooms.

She enjoys watching as the worlds turn when it comes on television. She was sad when it ended she recorded the finale as a remembering of the best series out their as she would say when it comes on during twelve o'clock.

She enjoys watching the young and the restless but it's not the same with out Sheila Carter she is a main villain in both series like the bold and the beautiful.

As Mrs. Folsom thinks of it,she compares Sheila Carter to Mrs. Felicia S. Dawson, as they could be related,It sounds even spooky to think of it.

There's no telling of what she is thinking at the moment as she tries not to get mad at Mrs. Felicia as she is a psychopath.

The following morning came Oscar took a shower as it was warm and clear his mind to all things as he was getting frustrated with Mrs. Felicia S. Dawson as he talks to himself " She really needs a straight jacket".

As he got done taking a short warm shower he got out and get dressed as he go to a mall and shop for new clothes.