The Mall

As Oscar drive in his purple and black jeep as he tries not to drive crazy on the road unlike some people out there. He made it safe and sound and go to rugged warehouse as it renamed to Gabe's store.

He looked through tons of good clothes as he tries it on for his size. One by one he enjoys looking for good clothes most of the time as he got done shopping through the store and went back to his baby jeep.

And drove back to his apartment and clean his newest clothes and new underwear following by black socks.

As he washed them really good and dry them up after the washing machine stopped and put them in the dryer next as he closed up the door and go to the restroom after he got done using the bathroom he flushed the toilet and washed his hands really good with Sun Valley Merry Mint hand soap as it smells like it could be men's cologne.

Oscar is really good with chemistry while he is in school but not with science class as he is very annoyed with the teacher.

As the day go by pretty fast Oscar had a good day having a weekend off not to careless of what's happens next when school starts up as he take a long summer break vacation and being a safety patrol at the same time as he took down notes with each case while eating a delicious oatmeal cookie that he made in his kitchen from the night before.

It taste so crunchy that it can disappear in his mouth very fast as he took each sips of cold glass of organic milk very slowly and swallow's it. He like to make midnight snacks even if it's on a school night.

Oscar creates a Christmas album on his sell phone as he looks through it as it says fifty-four minutes, he starts listening to it while making chocolate French Toast with strawberry yogurt cups to go that he took from in the breakfast room and eats it while he makes his French Toast as he enjoys his cooking skills like he's a pro chef.

As he got done making French toast he starts to eat it with maple syrup. He starts cleaning his own dishes and play a Christian station on his radio app and turn up the volume just a little bit so that the next door neighbor doesn't complain.The other next door neighbor like his station as it was very cheery as they do their chores throughout their evening cleaning their apartment as Oscar put his dishes away.

As the sunset goes down around at six o'clock pm Oscar makes his own secret recipe of spaghetti and meatballs as he love to eat an Italian food.

As he makes garlic bread in his oven as he closed it up real good and set a timer for it as it goes off soon.

As everything turned out lovely as he set a candle onto his kitchen table as he was at a fancy restaurant.His spaghetti and meatballs is done just perfectly as well with the garlic bread. As he eats all by himself. He drinks a little bit of Coca-Cola for his dinner time as he got done finishing up his dinner he cleans up very well with out making any messes. Back at Mrs. Folsom house she just gone eating a sushi Buffay with a chocolate cake for dessert, as she enjoys her meal with her bodyguards eating her leftovers as she doesn't waste one bit of her dinner.

She drinks homemade hot chocolate with homemade marshmallow as she found in her family recipe box that she kept and continues to keep it safe in her life time.

She tries to come up with something new in this new semester at X-school middle school senior high. Following the next morning Clara St. Clair eats a bowl of rice crispy treats cereal for breakfast, as she look at the cereal box as it has a puzzle maze on it as she follows away out of the maze she finished her breakfast before it got soggy.

During her class in school she likes to draw and a paint as she was an artist like she is. She is very good at it.

She has a lot of good talent. She's a straight A student and she's very shy personality just like Oscar Guirerro.

During her break time she likes to read books in her mother's collection as she enjoys reading them and she likes to do tennis just for fun.

Her father is a head of police officer as he likes to enjoy spending time with his family and read the news papers while drinking homemade hot coffee as he makes it as his own.

He's a big coffee drinker just like his wife as she owns a Starbucks store.

She goes there to check up on it as she orders more coffee beans and she is also have a book store, she goes there many times a day to see who buys one of her books at her bookstore.

Back at Oscar's apartment he is watching going in style a 2016 movie that is one of his favorite movies to watch along with deepwater horizon while making homemade gumbo that's a little bit of his family recipe as it handed down to him to generations to generations and many more to come as he enjoys reading his family recipe boxes while multitasking as he goes.

After he got done making his gumbo,his family favorite recipe he eats it with white rice as it in a slow cooker. As he took a picture of it and showed it one of followers on his Instagram account. Showing off how delicious it was not to be bragging about it as it looks pretty darn good.

Mrs. Folsom calls in to check up each safety patrols as it was school again as she feels relaxing by her swimming pool telling each of them that theirs more cases to be done when school starts in August. For Oscar he goes back to school on September first.

For Clara she goes back to school in September same as Oscar Guirerro.

As Mrs.Folsom hangs up her cellphone and listen to Hawaiian music as she relaxes in her swimming pool and drinking piña colada as she took each sips of it and sets it down very gently next to her swimming pool.and fans her self while her bodyguards has a drink of mimosas and chill with Mrs. Folsom.