Paradise city

As Mrs.Folsom reads a magazine called life styles a healthy magazine that she enjoys reading as she a pro member of it since she became a principal.

Soon when she got done swimming she got out and change clothes in her bedroom going back to her original style as she is a chef making her very specialty called chicken and dumplings followed by

Homemade vanilla ice cream and chocolate ice cream.

She enjoys making food and desserts and she also likes to play golf in her free time in her house in her basement as her bodyguards serve her favorite drink piña colada and orange mimosas. And no she ain't no alcoholic she only drinks a little as she is a Christian, she reads the whole Holy Bible as it is a best number one seller in her book.

She is a very religious person but she never judges no one as it should be.only the good Lord can judge and no one else.

She relaxed on a Sunday as she work any other day just like Oscar Guirerro. By a quarter pass noon Mrs. Folsom did an early Christmas shopping as she was set to buy more Christmas decorations and send gifts to the needy as she says to her self " Help those in need." As she stick to that quote in her life time. She has an hour to get ready for her trophy celebration as she was given orders to buy more desks and chalkboard followed by more Technology for new semester like adding more computer's and re-upgrading them to a latest model. She drove her way to the school and entered her way to her office while every student and parents claps their way at Mrs. Folsom.

The announcer selected Mrs. Folsom

As she became a principal of the year as she hold up her trophy in her office as tells everyone in the room " Thank you, thank you so much, this means a whole lot to me and did not expect this to coming." As tears run down her cheeks she grabbed a tissue to wipe it off immediately before taking a picture of her as she holds her beloved trophy.

Soon the trophy celebration was over everyone left the room as the safety patrols claps their hands together as they cheer Mrs. Folsom on.

The next morning Oscar was refreshed that he got a good night sleep in his apartment.

Adding more holly berries as for good luck and protection all over his living room as he enjoys looking at them while making a Christmas mug as he wanted a marshmallow cup filled with chocolate syrup on top of it and cover they layer as it looked yummy like it's very good to eat but it ain't eatible as Oscar Guirerro would say.

It was a quarter passed two Oscar got done making handmade Christmas mugs as he was in a contest for the Winter Festival.

Oscar drinks his homemade hot chocolate with peppermint marshmallow that he made this morning while he was making Christmas mugs.

Oscar can speak French, Spanish and English as he traveled the world with his parents.when they retired traveling around the world they lived in a ranch house in a middle of a country view while Oscar lives in a apartment and owns a hotel on top of that.

Once he is old enough he be running the ranch house and work his way up and be retired just like his parents and he will be the one to give his hotel to his kids when he gets married when he find a perfect squeeze just for him.

But for now he is focusing on his school work as it should be, along with being a part time safety patrol and protecting students from hooligan and solving the saboteur saga case.

As Oscar puts on the saboteur shoes for a moment and see where does he want to do next as he thinks he's headed to the chess club that's the saboteur's next target. As Oscar calls for back up it wasn't too late to stop the main ghost villain as they opened the door it was Andrew Spencer who is the saboteur as he was laughing like a crazy coot. As he wasn't enough trouble as he is right this minute. Every thing went down smoothly as the case was closed.

Meanwhile back to Mrs. Felicia S. Dawson classroom she added more decorations to her Science room as she is the most hatred person at the school,she couldn't even careless about what other people say about her and her teaching.

Her free time she drinks alcohol in her coffee mug without any other teachers seeing it.

When she gets done drinking mimosas she use a breath mint as a spray bottle to clear out that smell of orange mimosa and yes it was very illegal thing to do as she couldn't careless about the school rules.

Mrs. Folsom came in the room and see what she is doing Mrs. Felicia looked down on Mrs. Folsom like she was a bubble gum in her shoe that couldn't go away.

As Mrs.Felicia pretends to act nicely to her she followed her direct orders as she was very jealous about her job she hates being a science teacher.

Mrs.Folsom left the room and went back to her office and continue her reading. Oscar doesn't have science class in his semester as he was great-fully to not listen to Mrs.Felicia as she have him a hard time during in her classroom.

Oscar has a Theory what if Andrew was a set up as the real saboteur was not in the chess club it was in a science class room as he think he was very right he asked Mrs.Folsom in her office along bringing the safety patrols to come in but very quietly without knowing as it some kind of a secret meeting.

Mrs. Folsom was glad to see them as they discussed the saboteur case. Mrs. Folsom looked shocked as Oscar was on to something as it was probably sound a good idea nobody knows what Mrs. Felicia doing in her free time. So they asked her in her newest classroom. One by one they left Mrs.Folsom office to go meet with Mrs. Felicia S'mores Dawson that's her real name. But she doesn't like her name at all.

As the narrator laughing up a storm about the main villain real name as it goes on the internet.

Back to the story they almost made it to science class as they want to get to the bottom of it.