The saboteur got caught

They made it to Mrs. Felicia s'mores Dawson office as they questioned her where was she when they caught Andrew Spencer. She stutters like she doesn't have a clue as she made up a quick lie.

" You impossible coots, why don't y'all mind you're own business and do your schoolwork like normal student does". Oscar wasn't buying the act. As he replies to her " Listen here you scum, we been working our buns off solving cases and we have a theory that your behind this madness." As she was shocked that Oscar right about her for once in his life time as she make a good comeback " Listen here, you little worm. I'm getting tired of this crappy meeting, I don't need this conversation.." as Oscar responds back to her comeback " Yeah, you do, you want Mrs. Folsom job that's why you have been salty to us in the first place, you was a mastermind for Jindrake's farewell party and blamed his wife for the statue of a crystal ice snowflake that was stolen from the winter's festival." As she got up out of her chair she took off her glasses and began to speak with a fiery. " You just have to be a know it all do you, you piece of crap. I made this Labyrinth scheme all by myself, I gave out orders out to the Spencer brother's not Jindrake or his pathetic wife of his. And I almost got away with it too if it wasn't you meddling kids you be being in trouble." As she makes a wicked laugh like a total maniac. Oscar makes another comeback joke " Wow she is a psychopath from the beginning." As she ran out the room and left school for good the case was closed for sure.

As the school hasn't start up yet Mrs. Folsom replaced Felicia to someone else. As Oscar gave out more report on the saboteur case Mrs Folsom was shocked like it was some king of a novel like she was a big fan of it and wanted more action. As Oscar responds back to Mrs.Folsom " She'll be back."

As he left Mrs. Folsom office and head back to his apartment he drinks a glass of yellow lemonade that taste delicious.

And enjoying his summer vacation as he looked at the open view out of his window. As he thinks he is on a beach in a hotel room with a cold drink of orange juice in a wine glass as vision of the ocean view. Listening to the soft waves.

Back to Mrs. Folsom office,she have plans for Clara St. Clare as she become a newest safety patrol officer of the school this semester as Folsom picked her as a drawing.

Oscar leaves town and spending more quality time with his family in Utah for a weekend or two.

The music plays Hawaiian music in Mrs. Folsom backyard at her mansion while tanning by the swimming pool as she says " Just another day in Paradise." And drinking a piña colada with a big wine glass like it was for two people to drink.

Her husband works all the time and never spends time with her that's why she's a good person keeping the house clean and the master away for that matter. He lives in Las Vegas, and he owns a hotel following by a restaurant called Pizza Hut.

Oscar woke up in the extra bedroom at his parents house and looked at the beautiful view as he was eat a Cinnamon Toast Crunch for breakfast as he used a glass of organic milk to eat it down with.

After he had breakfast,he continue to help with his parents barn like milking the cow and feeding the chickens and following by feeding the pigs.

He enjoys helping out his parents when they tell him to do it. Meanwhile back at Mrs. Folsom office she knew that the saboteur was Mrs.Felicia s'mores Dawson. As she didn't like her when she became principal at the school.

She had a hunch that Mrs. Felicia was a saboteur because she never attend a teacher's meeting each year so her mayhem was completely over. If you was wondering where she's at, she's left out of town and never coming back as she had enough of everybody in that school.

There wasn't no trouble since the saboteur was caught everyone enjoys their summer vacation without a single call from Mrs. Folsom.

Morning came and Oscar still enjoying his trip to see his family as for Clara St. Clare she enjoys painting the sunrise in front of her house as she enjoys listens to the birds tweets repeatedly.

When she got done painting,she sold it to the art museum to see if they wanted her beautiful painting up on the wall and they accepted it and added her name next to her painting.

Everyone liked clara's painting they say it was a beautiful view of the sunrise as you can see a point of view as they took pictures of it and showed to their family as they add emoji's on their cellphone.

At some point Oscar got tried for sleeping a lot as he wants to go on adventure and explore for something new but school is around the corner so he decided to make homemade s'mores as his parents played jazz music on their phone.

They enjoyed the night together as a are one big happy family, and wished it would stay longer and keep this very moment. Mrs. Folsom said he could stay longer and move to a different school if he wants.

But he will miss Mrs. Folsom and the other teachers at X-school middle school senior high.

As he enjoys the night with his parents he discussed his safety patrols cases with his parents as they were shocked about the saboteur and the Spencer brother's and what happened to Jindrake and his wife. Their were clues still not solved about the crystal snowflake from the winter festival.

As Mrs. Folsom was wondering the same thing, She investigated and saw the missing crystal snowflake in a janitor's closet. As she was happy that it was solved very fast and not be in a new semester of the school year as it December is almost around the corner.

She took a picture and clean it very well and very gently because it's a crystal glass snowflake.

The safety patrols says " Thank goodness,The case is now finally closed."

Mrs. Folsom swirled her wine glass and see of her sweet red called Roscato. As she enjoys taking a sip of drinking it as she eats homemade sushi bar. That she bought for Christmas this year she has a chef that can make sushi's what ever she feels like it.

Soon it was ten o'clock pm she feels very calm and listen to the ocean sound on her iPhone, while drinking her sweet red wine before she goes to bed.