The End ?

The following morning came as Oscar said goodbye to his parents as his school was about to be opening soon and as he stay in touch and updated on what's going on in school as he keep his promise to his parents. He drove off to his fancy purple and black jeep. On the road he goes as he plays a game by himself like in a goofy movie did.

As he sings a tune he headed back to his apartment.

Meanwhile back at Mrs. Folsom mansion she added a summer room to her collection as she enjoys decorating her house with the help of her bodyguards.

She has a library book collection room next to her bedroom as she likes to read a book before going to sleep just like Oscar would do.

While Mrs. Felicia s'mores Dawson left out of town she left a good-bye speech as she enjoys causing mayhem at the school.

Mrs. Folsom read the letter as it was garbage and still angry with the science teacher as she was a saboteur all this time while she was a teacher.

Their is nothing good with Mrs. Felicia s'mores Dawson she is more likely a annoying coot that she is.

While it was a quarter past noon Oscar was on the road had to stop to get something to eat like dunkin doughnuts.

After he left he drove a little more further to his hotel, it wasn't that long it was most likely two hour drive. As he enjoys driving by himself and play good music on his iPhone like old school country music. Like Brooks & Dunn boot scootin' boogie and meet in the middle by Diamond Rio and other country music that he likes to listens too. And he also listens to Christian music as well while he drives back into town about an hour away towards his school.

He misses his parents so much he plays one of their favorite music called Family Tradition by Hank Williams Jr.

he made it back to his apartment as the sunset was going down as he was getting tired from driving back and forth but it was worth a trip to see his parents.

He doesn't care how mile it took to see his parents he be seeing them in November right before thanksgiving.

Soon it was midnight everyone was sleeping excluding Mrs. Folsom who like to sleep with her brown teddy bear. While Oscar sleeps with his snowman,gingerbread and holly berries teddy bear along with his holly berry blanket.

As for everyone is sleeping Oscar woke up at six o'clock am to drink homemade coffee yes he was allowed to drink some coffee as his parents let's him.

He enjoys drinking coffee,without it he gets bad headache's. Although he enjoys reading his comic book like Daredevil, Spider-man and many others that he likes to read on the weekend.

But one of he likes to do for fun is go on a fishing trip with his parents. He caught the biggest fish that he could remember when he was a little kid.

According of Mrs. Felicia s'mores Dawson there wasn't know telling on how her plan went as it was some kind of a Labyrinth plan even if it was kinda good of her point of view as she was in, giving out orders without getting caught and almost got away with the ultimate saboteur with a vhs messages, there's no telling if there's going to be another saboteur.

It was only a matter of time that the saboteur would get caught but not forgotten as it was part kind of a history of X-school middle school senior high.

Meanwhile Clara is still painting another art work for art class that she is taking for next semester.

Tomorrow is September first as Oscar was kind of disappointed for that he got to go to school first thing in the morning.

So in the meantime Mrs. Folsom decided the school technology for each classroom like adding more computer's for students to work on and high technology chalkboard that can move both ways

And a flat screen tv that can roll up and take it with you where ever you go.

Oscar has that in his apartment with all kind of cool technology he has been invited.

Mrs. Folsom likes the idea of what Oscar invited she even has a tv screen in her bedroom.

The chalkboard can glow in the dark that was Oscar's latest invention.

And Mrs. Folsom Christmas Wish is that every student should be happy and healthy through out each year of the new semester.

Oscar likes to make his homemade Cinnamon Milk every night just right before he brush his teeth and goes to sleep. He doesn't sleep well at night time.

By the following morning Oscar made scrambled eggs for breakfast along eating diced fresh tomatoes onto the eggs.

As for Mrs. Folsom she made homemade French toast with a side of fresh blueberry and strawberry with on top of maple syrup. As she took a picture of it and put it on her Instagram account. As she added " #Delicious" #MorningBreakfast"

As she enjoys looking at the pictures of her breakfast she took her time to read the newspaper

As her bodyguards gets ready to drive her to school.

As she got done eating she washed her plate with fresh lemon dish Soap that she ordered and she is a pro member ship since the beginning when it got launched onto the internet.

Meanwhile Oscar washed his hands and using a Merry Mint Soap. As he gathered his things and left his apartment to drive to his Jeep all they way to his school. As school started Mrs. Folsom drinks her cup of fresh coffee to started her day.

As she decorated her office like professional way that looked like a president office.

She walked out of her office and looked at the cafeteria to see if it is spotless clean.

which it is clean top to bottom as she liked a new look of the cafeteria better then the old look.

The students gathered at the gym as the principal Folsom tells them a very important meeting as it was parent teacher night as they are being watched very closely so that there isn't no more kind of mischief or mayhem for that kind of matter.

As for the new semester every student has to pick a classroom for rest of the school year as they like that idea. Oscar picked art class and history while Clara chooses art class and math class but not gym.

When the day was over Mrs. Folsom drinks her peppermint tea with eating an ice cream float.

She likes to eat a tan ice cream float as she likes to call it. The safety patrols haven't heard any more mischief or mayhem for the first of the year thank goodness for that as they like to take a break for the day. And not to have to deal with any trouble makers for that matter.

After the the first day of school was over teacher's meeting is about to start.

One by one for hours and hours as each meeting was over everyone went home for the evening, as for tomorrow will come. The following morning came as Oscar finished with his homework as it was a pain in his butt as he got very annoyed with his math test. History lesson is one of his favorite subject and easy to remember with.

He doesn't like the timer with each lesson during school but Mrs.Folsom has eyes and ears with the new technology of a camera that can move as the students make not to creep on them for anything.

As she likes to take control on everything as every students likes her a lot as she could be a president in that school.

Winter is around the corner like always as the day goes by Mrs. Folsom has a early Christmas present from Oscar as she opened the box and she was surprised to see what's in it and it was a two snowman coffee mugs and a letter to go with it.

The letter was a top secret so she reads the letter by her self as she has tear drops running down her cheeks as she grabbed a tissue from the TissueBox

As she whispered to her self " A best Christmas present I ever received, of one of the greatest person named Oscar Guirerro." As she raised her wine glass to congratulate him while he is back to his apartment sleeping while turning on a Christmas movie, he passed out thirty minutes ago.

As he was very tired. Meanwhile back at Clara's house she decorated her house with winter theme and it's that time of year again. Never a dull moment as the adventure continues to another story with new characters along the way.

As the narrator leaves with a quote

To Be Continued.