The plan is this, we will observe the billing until 2 a.m. . Then, tomorrow, we will rest and continue observing them from 2 a.m to 9 a.m.

All we have to do is to observe from the outside and the inside. Since there are many houses here, we hid about 500 meters away from the building. Since we have to observe it's in and out at the same time, we have to split into two, to go to one of the houses so that we won't be distracting the one who's breeding the outside or inside. And since Armin has the specialty of technology, and Veevee is his mastery, he left in the van to observe the outside. And since

We both entered the house, it's been so dusty and it looks so old, we just cleaned up the things we need to use from the house, like chairs, sofa, and tables.

"Okay, so, pick your part, the first or the second and third?" I asked Hide.

"You're forgetting the fourth." He said.

" Huh? There's a fourth?" I asked confusedly.

" Almost every building has the underground floor or the basement, especially a syndicate's building." He said.

" Right. Why didn't I think of that?" I asked.

" I'll pick the underground and the first floor." Hide said.

" Okay, then let's start," I said and we activated our x-ray vision and the enhanced vision in our lenses.

From where we are, we can see that they are very busy, on the second floor, I can see people working on computers, on the first floor, I can see people that are working on some packages. I looked at the third floor, and there he is, the boss, sitting in his office while signing up some documents. I've never seen him before so I sent a picture of him to Armin.

"As we thought, they are making poisons." Hide said. He was assigned to the basement.

"So that's what they are packing in those boxes on the first floor," I said.

" And they're not only making poisons, they are making weapons like guns, but the unusual ones." He said.

" Geez! This is a serious crime." I commented.

Time goes by and the only change in their activities is when they are done packing, they would go outside with the packages and back to packing again. We decided to head back to Veevee and share our reports.


"So, what did you notice on the outside?" I asked.

" They have a van to deliver the packages that you said, but they didn't take the road to transport it, hence, they made its way from the back of the building, the forest trees, are gates, it would open up by fingerprint. And there goes a tunnel which is their road to somewhere, maybe to distribute the packages." Armin said.

" Well, guys, tomorrow is another day. Last day of observing tomorrow, after that, it's annihilation day, we can do this team!" I cheered.

" Right!" They all said, including Hide.


He is now lounging in the living room and planned or next move.

"So, tomorrow, we need to access their secret passageway to find out where they deliver their products," I said.

" We could impersonate some of them and drive with them to their destination," Rize suggested.

" That 'we', does not include you Rize," Armin said.

" Fine, whatever!" She said and rolled her eyes, her wound is still bad she couldn't walk normally.

"Okay, will go to that plan, thanks Rize. Armin should know the backgrounds and habits of the person we impersonate. And then guide us from that gate to the destination and back. Piece of cake!" I said. We all laughed, except for Hide.


We are now hiding with our van Veevee in the same spot we hid it yesterday. We are currently picking up two of the men we will impersonate, which we're sure will be on the delivery truck.

"These two have a high chance of going because I saw them yesterday," Armin said and pointed out the two men guarding against the outside from our monitor, it is taken by our drone.

"Then it's settled then. Problem is, how can we get them to us?" I asked.

" They both have girlfriends, one call will do." He answered. I smirked. "And by the way, the call sign is babe." He added and lend me a voice sample of one of their girlfriends and the other sample is to Rize. I adjusted it to my voice changer and when I got the right voice, I went out of the van and called the number Armin gave me.

"Hello?" A man answered.

"Babe it's me," I said.

"Eh? New number?" He asked.

" Yeah, by the way, I want you to go excuse to your work for a while and get out of the village, and take the way behind the houses, there's a surprise in every house. I love you bye!" I said and hung up. Yuck! I never even said "I love you" to anyone yet I said it to a stranger. Ugh! The rules of work.

After a while, I heard footsteps. I enable my x-ray vision to see through the walls and the target is approaching. I pinned myself to the wall of the house and waited for him to cross the wall. When he crossed, I pulled his shirt.

"Hi, babe!" I said and punch him hard on the face, before he could react, I injected the Death Tranquilizer into him and he fell to the ground. Armin and Hide grabbed him and carried him to the van.

"Great work, Azumi, now the next one is coming," Armin said.

" Thanks. You better be back there now." I replied.

They both went back to the van and I waited for the other one to come. As Armin said, the guy is coming. I did to him what I did to the first guy. Armin and Hide again put him in the van.

I went back to the van and change my clothes same as the guys' I beaten, Change my voice as one of them, copied his face, and I'm ready to go. As I walk out of the dressing room, I saw Hide done preparing himself.

"Azumi, your name is Juaquin Allero, and Hide, your Esteban Ramos."

" Copy!" We both said.

We went out and off to go to the building. As we arrive. We are already called to go with the delivery. We looked at each other first and nodded. We went into the van and drove off to the secret pathway. The driver entered the pin to the security lock attached to a tree. And you drove off. You observe every part of the pathway. I could see the outside from here, but I doubt that someone can see us from out there.

After minutes of driving, we arrived at an old building with two security guards guarding the entrance. One of the guards halted our driver and inspected the packages he delivered, then he let them pass. We we're about to enter too when the guards halted us.

"Your names?" Asked the black guy.

"I'm Juaquin Allero," I answered and he picked up the tablet on the side table and do some business, then he scanned us.

"Enter." The guard said and let me pass.

They did the same to Esteban and they let him in too. We saw the delivery guy walking to a machine, it's like a public mailbox at a bit it's three times larger and it's so huge. I turned my x-ray vision on and I saw the packages being sucked in a hole inside the machine and it disappeared like a bubble. Estaban and I shared a look and nodded.

We went back to the van and drove back to where we came from. When we arrived, I excuse myself to pee. As I arrived at Veevee I went to the dressing room to change my clothes, I removed my top clothes, exposing my bra when I heard the door creaking. I look at and I saw Hide. I was about to scream when he immediately covered my mouth.

"Don't shout, they'll think I'm raping you here." He said.

His gaze went down and then he immediately looked away with a red face. I realized why did he act like that and instinctively grab a coat beside me. I started punching him and scream at him with a whispering voice while he's just letting me.

"Why the hell did you enter here? Huh?" I said and punch him again.

He grabbed my fist and pinned me on the wall and he leaned closer to my ear.

"It's not entirely my fault, it's you who did not lock the door." He coldly said.

Oh crap! Why didn't I locked it?

"Then why didn't you knock?" I asked.

"I'm not fond of knocking." He answered.

He pulled away and sat on the chair.

"By the way, your punches are getting stronger." He said. Tss.

" Yeah, and your dead face just got deadlier," I said. He looked at me and smirk.

" Well, that's fair." He said.

I subconsciously touched his forehead to check if he doesn't have a fever. Because even though it's a smirk, it's still a smile because he's not being sarcastic. He grabbed my hand and looked at me confused.

"What?" He said coldly.

"First, you laughed at me, now you smirked at almost a smile. What's happening to you?" I said.

" Nothing." He said.

I wasn't satisfied by his answer so I went close to him to meet his eyes, his face went red because of what I did. But I ignored it and looked more closely into his eyes.

"Strange, I can't seem to read you now, well more like, it's the first time I saw that look in your eyes," I said.

He didn't answer what I said.

"Well, can you please go out? I wasn't kinda finished doing my business here," I asked. He went out without saying anything.

Good, he's back to his true self. The one who doesn't reply. Hahaha!

I finished changing my clothes and went out of the dressing room. I saw Hide leaning next to the door, he looked at me but then looked away.

What's the problem with this guy?

He went into the dressing room so I went back to Rize and Armin.

"Any luck with your foot Rize?" I asked.

" I'm getting better captain. Thanks." She said and I smiled at her.

" Armin, let's go back to the Atom, we need to get ready for the infiltration tomorrow," I said and he drove off.


When we arrived at the Atom, we rest for a while to get ready for the warm-up, we still have a half-day recovery training for tomorrow. It's been a while since we trained for combat and the likes.

The four of us went to the training room and do some stretching. The wound of Rize is starting to heal, by tomorrow, she could walk and run just like before but for now, we didn't want to pressure her so we just send her to shooting practice, and to be accompanied by Armin. Hide and I decided to have sparring to wind up our gears.

We stayed in position at first, we both have the same excitement in our eyes. I attacked first with a jab but he dodges it and kicked me but, I was fast to catch his foot and slid my foot to his other foot making him fall to the ground.

"Aw, aren't you getting rusty?" I teased. He remained cold and attacked me with a roundhouse kick, I stopped it using my right arm and pull him close to me to punch him on the face, but he fast enough catches my hand and pinned it at my back making our bodies close the gap between us, because of the momentum of my pull to him he hit me hard and we fell to the ground. I was ready to endure the hard impact of the floor when Hide grabbed my back and he fell to the ground too, bit thanks to him, the impact wasn't that strong, but he just has to be on top of me.

"Are you okay?" He said as he pulls his face from the ground and looked at me.

I was stunned at how close our face was I didn't move a muscle, it's like what happened to the woods a day ago. I then recovered from being stunned and push him away from me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for supporting me back there." I said. He did not respond.

" Let's call it a day, we have a big day tomorrow," I said and left the training room, as I left, I saw Hide clutching his chest.

I guess he was nervous that his face almost got hit by the ground. I returned to my quarters and rest a bit to take a half bath. After taking a hot bath, I lay down on my bed and just stare at the ceilings.

Suddenly, I saw flashes of images, it was me and Hide again, and he is kissing me. Wait for what? I saw this situation before, did I have a dream about it or did that happened? Nah! It must be just my dream, Hide wouldn't take advantage of me. He's like my brother. I felt my eyes getting heavy so I decided to fall asleep.


There they are again, the girl and the man, they were having fun, still, their images are blurry. The crashing sound. I felt the pain in my heart as I saw the car being blown up by the fire, I saw the little girl lying unconscious to the ground, I can't see the man, where is he? I never saw him jumped out of the car, the girl was the only one I saw that got out immediately. Where is the man? My tears are falling, I went near the car, desperately looking for the man, but then the car exploded sending me flying across the street.

I gasp as I abruptly went up from the bed.

"Hey, are you okay?"

My head snapped to my side seeing Rize worriedly looked at me. My gaze softens.

"Yeah, I just had a weird dream," I said.

" Just get back to sleep okay? You'll need plenty of it.

I drift back to my bed and tried to go back to sleep.

"Hi! this is the author of this book. I know it has been long since I last updated my book. it's just that, I'm writing three stories in different platforms that I don't have much time, but don't worry, I will definitely fin issh this novel. I just hope you could bare with me😔🙂--- LibrianWarrior"