We arrived at Atom and we head straight to our quarters and rooms, after we changed clothes, we went to the living room to discuss things.

"Okay, so know our guess that Mark Rin is part of the syndicate, is now confirmed. The next thing we do is to observe their base. What are they doing every day is what we are after so we could infiltrate them." I said as everyone has already here.

" Copy." They all said in unison.

"Okay! Who wants a drink?" Armin asked.

" I do!" Rize answered.

"Me too." Hide responded.

"Na-uh! I don't drink you know. Besides we need to be ready for tomorrow." I refused.

" Oh! Come on Capt! We need to relax a bit, perhaps, we don't need to observe them early right?" Rize protested which was supported by Armin.

I sighed in agreement.

"Fine. But try not to overdrink?" I said.

" Of course! We are all high tolerant of alcohol." Armin said.

Ugh! I hope I could drink like them, I never even tasted liquor.

Armin went to the fridge since Rize is injured and Hide is too lazy to get up.

Armin got back with one bottle of tequila.

They started to drink and I only watched them. And drink my water.

Rize and Armin are very funny because they were telling us their war story, how they bully each other how Armin always gets beaten up by Rize, how Rize is so clumsy, and many more. Then their attention went to me.

"Hey, Capt. Have a drink." Rize offered.

" Oh, no! I don't drink liquor if you remember it well." I refused.

" Oh come on Azumi! Try new things, open up! It eases stress and makes you forget things that are bothering you now. Just have fun with us." Armin said. He handed me a glass of tequila.

I hesitated at first but I drank it though, and it tastes really bad, it's like burning my throat. After a while, it tasted good, and it feels good too.

"Why does it taste so bad in the first taste and good after you finished it?" I asked them with innocence.

They all laughed.

"Our captain is a baby," Rize commented.

I pouted.

" Hey! I'm not a baby, I just didn't know that it tastes like this." I said.

" Here, have another shot." Armin offered.

I grabbed it and drank it straight.

After drinking it feels like my world is spinning. What's happening to me?

They give me another glass again and I drank it again. And now I'm sure that the surroundings are spinning.

"Hey guys, why are the surroundings spinning? Ugh! Damn! My eyes are blurry." I said.

" Uh oh! Your drunk now Capt. You need to stop now." Rize said.

"Okay. I just go to my room." I said and started to stand up. I don't know what happened to me but I was falling to the ground, it's like I can't support myself to get up.

I was waiting for me to hit the ground when I felt someone grabbed me at my back and stopped me from falling, my world is still spinning but I still saw Hide is the one who saved me.

"I'll take her to her room." Hide said and we walk away while he's grabbing my waist close to him to support me, my knees are still too weak to support my weight.

Silence is deafening me, but the world is still spinning.

"Hide, I'm so sorry about what happened earlier in the woods. I don't have any choice but to do that because I was in panic and that's what came into my mind." I said as I remembered that I have pulled him close to me in the woods a while ago.

I felt him stopped and clenched his fist. Is he mad that I did that? Ugh! My head hurts

I felt his hands grabbed my shoulders and pinned me to the wall, I was shocked when he leaned close to me, suddenly, I felt a soft thing touching my lips, that's when I realized that it was Hide's lips. He was kissing me! I don't have the right mind to react for it's still hurting and the surrounding is still spinning, and the shock added into my reaction which was staying still and didn't move a muscle. He broke away the kiss and looked at me.

"Don't you ever hung me up again." He said.

He grabbed my waist again and lead me to my room, I lay me down on my bed and tucked me with the blanket.

"Tsk, I wish you'd remember this as a dream, I'm sorry for doing that." He said and walked out of my room.

My eyelids are heavy so I decided to close them and I eventually slept.


I woke up having a massive headache, what happened? Why am I feeling this way? Oh, right, I drunk and eventually got drunk. Ugh! I won't do that again. I went off the bed and took a bath. Rize is still asleep so I decided to go out of the room and went to the kitchen here in the Specialized Quarters to get some coffee.

When I got to the kitchen, I saw a man wearing an apron which is facing away from me, from the built of his body I knew it was Hide.

"Hey, what's cookin'!" I greeted him. He faced me and he seems shocked. Then he looked away.

"Soup." He answered

"Wow, I didn't know that you know how to cook," I said.

He gave me a bowl of soup and I stared at him with a questioning look.

"I cooked it for you. That for your hangover." He said

" Aw, thanks, man," I said.

" Do you remember what happened last night?" He asked.

" Of course I do," I answered. I saw beads of sweat are coming out from his forehead. "That was the most awful thing I did to my life," I said. And he looked like he's holding his breath, why is he like that? " Man, that's the first time that I drink in my whole life. You guys are a bad influence you know? Haha!" I laughed and he looked like he's relieved. He's being weird. Wait. Did something happen last night?

"Okay spit it out," I said seriously.

"What?" He asked.

" Oh, don't be the innocent here, there's something that your hiding from me. What is it?" I asked again.

" How can you say so?" He asked.

"Ugh! This is the first time that you sweat in front of me, you look like your nervous, when you asked me if do I remembered what happened last night. And then you looked relieved when I answered you. Are you hiding something from me Hide?"

" Tss, you can read my dead face now huh?" He coldly said.

" You were just too obvious. Did we fight each other last night? Or maybe I challenged you for sparring when I was drunk?" I asked

" Huh? Why would you think of it that way?" He asked with his dead face.

" Your lips have a cut and the side of it looks like it was punched hard. Did I do that?" I asked.

" Hahahaha!" He laughed. Wait. He LAUGHED?!!

The hell! This is the first time I saw him laughed, this is the first happy expression I saw at him.

I didn't realize it but I nonchalantly checked his forehead if he has a fever but he doesn't. He grabbed my hand and looked at me.

"What?" He asked.

"What? You're asking me what? You laughed! Man, you laughed! This is the first time that you laughed! Ghad! If only I have my phone here I would record you!" I said with a wide smile.

" Is it bad?" He asked.

"Of course not! I'll tell this to Rize and Armin Haha!" I said and about to walk away when I caught sight of him running towards me.

"Don't you dare?" He coldly said.

I ran off too for he's chasing me, and damn his fast!

"Hahaha! You can't catch me! I'll tell them what you just did! Hahaha!" I laughed at him but the truth is I'm running out of energy.

"Caught you." He coldly said and he grabbed my hands but I stopped immediately because I was out of energy but his momentum is too fast to stop right away that he crashed into me.

We both rolled on the ground and eventually stopped but I was on top of him and our faces were too close again like what happened in the woods. I immediately stood up even though my world is spinning because of rolling on the floor. Then a memory flashed through my mind. It was Hide kissing me!! What the hell! I hold my head and tried to shake it and I successfully shrug off the memory. I doubt that that would happen. I mean, we treat each other as brothers and sisters. So there's no way.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, of course. I just had a weird flash of memory."

"What is it?" He said.

"You will laugh again if you hear it." I teased.

" Try me. If I don't laugh you won't tell our teammates that I laughed." He coldly said, as usual.

" Ha! Deal! I know you'll laugh at this." I said.

" Go." He said.

" Okay, it was you and me kissing! Hahaha!" I laughed. But he was just staring away from me and was the…. Blushing?

"Hey! Did... did that happened?" I asked. It made me nonchalantly touched my lips.

"No, it didn't." He said. I was relieved to hear that.

"Aw, you won, fine I wouldn't tell them! Ugh! Your so unpredictable." I said.

The two sleepy heads eventually woke up and snuggle up with us.

"So, what's up?" Rize greeted.

"Nothing, he was just giving me a soup for my hangover," I said while pointing out Hide. I was trying hard to not tell them about Hide laughing. Ugh! This is so hard.

"Sorry, Capt. We shouldn't have made you drink." Rize apologized.

" Nah! It's okay, it's a new experience for me though, damn, that was even three shots. I guess I would never be able to keep up with you at that rate." I said and we giggled, if you have memorized it already then join me. Except for Hide.

"Let's get ready now?" Armin suggested.

We all agreed and went off to our rooms to get ready for our day-long surveillance of the syndicate. I hope we won't get caught.