Chapter VIII : "The After Party"

It was the Last Day for Season 3, it was tape night!!! The cast got ready for taping, it was very exciting since there are new characters to be introduced. Mayim and Melissa are so excited to be onscreen. It was 5 min till ShowTime

"Guys, I just wanna say after this we should party!!!" Kunal said

"Yes of course!!" Simon replied

"Oh the boys really started it" Kaley said

"Of course mooks, we should party. Its the last episode for this season" Johnny replied to Kaley

"Yeah I know, um Mayim and Melissa you in?? After this shoot??" Kaley asked

"Yeah sure why not, how bout you Mayim?" Melissa replied

"Yeah I'm in!!" Mayim replied

"Nice one!!!" Kunal happily said

"Drinks are on Jim in this one" Simon said

"Wait why me?" Jim asked

"Cause your quiet hahahaha, and really suspicious" Simon replied

"Oh hahahaha ok no problem, drinks on me then" Jim just said staying cool

"Nice one!! But guys for now lets make the audience laugh, and do our best!!" Johnny said

"Yeah lets to our best!!" Kunal added

"Ok hands in the center" Simon said

"TEAM TBBT" they all said

Taping just started, audience are laughing real hard and the cast are having fun. Few hours had passed by then it was done, time for a curtain call. They all were introduced one by one, Johnny and Kaley said something to the audience before ending the show. Cast had a group pic and they also had a group pic with the crew. Then they all head back to their dressing room to fix themselves.

Jim entered his dressing room

"Well Done Jim" Amanda said

"Thanks Amanda, by the way I am heading out for tonight, me and the cast are gonna go out and celebrate" Jim replied

"Oh ok, well should I come with you?" Amanda asked

"Oh no its fine Amanda, I think I am gonna be fine, I am just gonna call you if I need any help" Jim replied while fixing his sleeves

"Oh ok Jim" Amanda said, stood up infront of Jim and helped him fixing himself

"Thanks" Jim replied 

Amanda is fixing Jim's sleeve, while Jim looking at her. Then Jim grabbed a comb and combed his hair. After he fixed himself, he grabbed his back pack, keys and phone

"I will be going now, I think they are all waiting for me downstairs, see you soon?" Jim said

"Oh yeah, but take care, and don't do stupid things, you know how I hate cleaning your dirty mess" Amanda replied with a bossy voice

"Yes maam surely" Jim said

Then he left,  he walked outside the studio and walked to the parking lot. There he saw Kaley, Johnny, Simon, Kunal, Mayim, and Melissa waiting for him.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting, It took a while to get dress" Jim said

"Oh its ok pal we got used to it" Johnny said

"By the way Mayim and Melissa, Jim gets ready for 30 mins, he is the longest cast member to get ready, and you both will get used to it" Simon said

"Yeah we will" Melissa replied

"So are we guys gonna talk about how tardy Jim is or are we gonna celebrate?" Kaley asked

"Well lets go party then" Mayim replied

Then they all entered their car and drove off. Kaley reserved a VIP table on the most exclusive bar in L.A, where only the top class people like business man, politicians, celebrities and people who have big business. They all have their own parking lots in the bar where Kaley requested. They all parked, got out of their cars and walked to the entrance. Blasting music, dancing lights and people are what they saw. A bar manager approached them and lead them to their VIP Table.

*Loud music playing*

"Isn't this good guys!" Kaley said

"Yeah it is pretty cool here" Simon said 

*A bartender served them food and drinks*

"Kaley you already ordered for us?" Johnny asked 

"Well of course, I am not paying this so..." Kaley replied

*everyone stared at Jim*

" Yeah that's damn right I will be paying for this!" Jim said

"So first we should toast!" Kunal announced while passing drink to everyone

"A toast for our new cast members, and to the season finale of season 3" Kunal added

"TO THE BIG BANG THEORY" Kunal shouted

"TO THE BIG BANG THEORY" everyone shouted

They all toast and.....

"So what are we waiting for, Lets PARTY!!!!!" Kaley shouted

"WOHOOOOO!!!" Simon added

Kaley brought Johnny to the dance floor while they both are holding their drinks, Kunal Joined them. Simon brought Melissa on the dance floor while holding their drinks

"Hey" Jim said

"Hey" Mayim replied


"Um are you good with your champagne?" Jim asked starting a topic

"Oh yeah I am good with this" Mayim replied

"Um if you need anything just let me know, all of this is on the house" Jim said

"Ok I'll let you know" Mayim replied

Mayim and Jim just stayed at the table while the rest of the cast are having fun in the dance floor. After a few minutes Kaley, Johnny, Kunal, Simon, and Melissa go back at the table.

"Hey you two, why aren't you in the dance floor, dancing?" Kaley asked

"Is there something wrong?" Johnny added

"Oh I am not really good in dancing thou" Mayim replied

"I was keeping Mayim in company" Jim added

"Oh you both are cute, But come and party with us Mayim, we are here to PARTY!!" Simon shouted

"YEAH!!!!" The rest yelled and got backed to the dance floor

Jim stood up offering his hand to Mayim

"May I take you to the dance floor???" Jim asked

"Um I am not really good at partying" Mayim replied

Jim leaned over and whispered in her ears

"Well let me teach you" Jim said with a grin in his face

"Well are you a good teacher?" Mayim said whispering in his ear

"Well come with me and lets find out" Jim whispered

Jim stood up having a big grin in his face, still offering his hand to Mayim and said

"Come on this is gonna be a lot of fun" Jim said

Mayim grabbed his hand, stood up and said

"Well your gonna teach me aren't you?"

"Of course, I got you" Jim replied

Jim grabbed Mayim to the dance floor while holding her hand. Then he began to dance any dance moves he learned, he leaned towards Mayim and said

"There is no moves to learn in this dance floor, you just need to move freely and don't think of anything. Just be free and enjoy the party!!" 

"Well here it goes" 

Mayim and Jim danced in the dance floor, having so much fun. Then the rest of the cast members join them. They all danced together, and had a blast. After a few minutes Mayim got tired and go back to their table, Jim followed her

"Are you alright?" Jim asked, while handing him water

"Yeah I am fine, this is my first time partying. When I was in grad school I never partied, I was so busy studying to get my doctorate. I never been free until now" Mayim replied

"Well Mayim sometimes you need to treat yourself, you need to be free and not to be worried about anything. This only happens once in a while. Trust me" Jim said

They both had such a blast, and the rest of the cast. They all drank lots of beer and also shots of vodka. Mayim and Jim were so close to each other that night, they both are laughing at each others embarrassing story, and also laughed at some of their cast members cause they all are drunk.

"Mayim, can I ask you something?" Jim said

"Sure Jim what is it?" Mayim said

"Have you ever been inlove?" Jim asked

"Well sadly I have not, its funny thou that I am a neuroscientist but I don't know how love feels and how being inlove is like. I know its definition based on science, but truly I don't even know what that is" Mayim answered

"Well I am no neuroscientist or anything science related academics, I also don't know what love is, but I am inlove and it feels great" Jim said

"Well I am happy for you, Cheers?" Mayim said

"Cheers!" Jim said

"Thank you for this Jim, this is my first time feeling this" Mayim said

"Feeling what?" Jim said

"Feeling alive and free, without any stupid problems to think. You are a good friend Jim and a brilliant co worker" Mayim said

"You are a good friend to Mayim, and thank you for being my friend" Jim replied

Mayim drink a lot of beers and also drinked a lot of shots of vodka

"Hey Mayim I think that's enough drinking" Jim said

"What do you mean Jim, I feel great, right Kaley?" Mayim replied

"Yeah!!! I love you Mayim" Kaley said

"I love you too Kaley" Mayim replied

"Ok that's it I think you both had enough, also you Simon" Johnny said

"Dude, its still 1 am, I haven't partied enough and I am still not drunk" Simon said

"Well dude lets get you home" Johnny replied

Simon, Mayim and Kaley were very drunk, its 1 am and the rest of the cast need to go home

"Johnny what are we gonna do?" Jim asked

"Well atleast only 3 people are drunk, but these 3 cant drive"


"So we need to get them home" Johnny said

"Oh ok" Jim replied

"Jim don't make a fool I know you wanted to take Mayim home so, go get her home safely. I am going to take care of Kaley, and Melissa is gonna take Simon home. As for Kunal, well he is not that drunk so he can handle himself, right Kunal??" Johnny asked

"Well yes" Kunal replied

"Ok so Jim take care of Mayim, Melissa take care of Simon, Kunal please assist Melissa in carrying Simon cause your used to it, and I will take care of Kaley. So lets go!"

Jim walked to Mayim and said

"Come on now Mayim, we need to go, its 1 am already"

"What are you talking about Jim, I am having a blast, and its still early" Mayim said really oozed

"Mayim your drunk so let me get you home" 

"Oh so we are going to my place then? What will we do?"

"Mayim nothing just get up"

Mayim stood up and leaned closed to Jim and grabbed his shirt

"Well I am now up, are you gonna teach me a lesson of partying so much?" Mayim said 

"Mayim your drunk, and lets go now" Jim said

Mayim grabbed Jim and their nose touched

"Ok, Mr. Parsons" Mayim said 

Jim carried her to the parking lot. There he put Mayim in his car and called his security. His security team arrived, and told them to drive Mayim's car to his house. Since he don't know where Mayim lives so he will be taking her to his house. He waved goodbye to Johnny, Kunal and Melissa. Then he drove off to his house, on his way there Mayim suddenly said

"Mr. Parsons, do you believe in love? like do you believe that you are destined to love someone?" 

"Well yes I do believe cause I found her, and I wont let her go anymore" Jim replied

"Your so dramatic, and I like it"

Mayim leaned to Jim's shoulder and said

"Thanks for being my friend, I Love You Mr. Parsons my Friend" 

"I Love you too Mayim"

Jim arrived at his house and carried Mayim to one of the Guest room. He ordered his maid to get him warm water, towel, a basin and a night gown. He taked care of Mayim and let his maid dressed her with the night gown. Jim stood near Mayim and said

"Tonight was a great night, I partied with the most beautiful girl in my eyes, I learned more about her, and I even held her in my arms. I know Mayim that your drunk and you cant hear me, but hold on there, your knight and shining armor will come rescue you from the colorless world your in, I Love You Mayim and I will do everything to let you be mine" He kissed Mayim in the forehead and go back to his room. He then changed and visit Mayim once again to make sure she is safe, then kissed her forehead again, and left. He sleeps happily knowing that he and Mayim built a friendship, a friendship that will become more than that.