The Operator Test: Part B

Dove, Night, and Obi stood inside another room watching all the teams start the second part of the exam from multiple monitors. Luke opened the door and entered with a smile on his face.

"What took you so long?" Dove asked.

"I was just making sure all the equipment was functioning correctly." Luke replied as he walked up towards them.

"I didn't expect Valery Majo to obtain a 'S' rank. It caught me off guard." Night stated while looking at the results from one of the monitors.

"Mordecai's results are disappointing. I wonder what the queen sees in him." Obi stated while grabbing a cigarette out of his pocket and lighting it.

"All of you shut up! That brat Valery isn't anything special. And Mordecai just came out of the hospital yesterday. The results won't always be accurate." Dove said.

"You do have a point. Let's continue to watch the potential operators." Night stated.

Yoru and Lilac dashed out of the classroom into the red hallway.

"So you got a 'S' rank. You really are going all out." He said while running down the hall. Lilac was riding on a petal behind Yoru with her hands on her lap.

"This is not a game, Yoru. We cannot bring disrespect to the clan."

"Psst. That was never my intention. Can you blame me for having fun?" Yoru replied.

Lilac shook her head in disbelief realizing she can't persuade him.

"Nevermind. Looks like we got company up ahead." She finished

Five shadow figures spawned at the end of the hall as they grew closer. Yoru's blue aura surrounded his body while his eye pupils formed into a gravity attraction ball. The shadow figures rushed towards the both of them with swords and intent to kill. The biggest figure dashed towards Yoru and swung his sword. Yoru clenched his fist and dodged the slash.

"Gravitational Fist: First form." He said in a serious tone as he punched through the figure. The shadow figure was sent flying past the others before disappearing. The other figures looked at each other and charged at him together. Another figure jumped into the air and threw a dark slash towards Yoru.

"Pink Petals." Lilac said while holding out her hand. Pink lilac petals flowed out of her ring towards the figure in the air and blocked its attack. Her eye pupils had formed into a flower and a light purple aura surrounded her body.

"Got your back." She said.

"Oh I know you do!" He yelled as he punched through the figure in the air. Two shadow figures surrounded Yoru and tried to slash him. Yoru flipped over their attack and slammed their heads together. The final shadow figure dropped his sword and charged towards Yoru. The two began to engage in hand to hand combat trading blows. The shadow snuck a punch to Yoru's gut which pissed him off.

"Batter up." He yelled and uppercutted the last one into the air.

Lilac jumped into the air and took off her ring.

"My dear, Celestial." Lilac softly said. The ring formed into a staff that she grabbed and stabbed the figure into the ground.

"Ooouuu you badass." Yoru said while crossing his arms and watching her destroy the figure. Lilac started to fix her hair then sucked her teeth.

"Shut up. Let's go." She said.

"Yes ma'am." Yoru said with a grin.

Meanwhile, Jenna and Isabel were running down a different red hallway. Jenna's lightning trail lit up the hallway while Isabel skated behind her with her bow on her back.

"There, I see a door." Jenna said before stopping in front of it.

The door was red and had no door knob but a keyhole in the center.

"Seems like this door can't be easily opened." Isabel said.

Suddenly, six shadow figures began to surround the two girls while making strange noises. Isabel grabbed her bow before going back to back with Jenna.

"If we kill them all, then maybe we will get the key for that door." Isabel said with a serious tone.

Isabel released her aura causing the room temperature to drop significantly. Her eye pupils formed into an icicle as she created a cyan ice arrow out of thin air and pulled it back. She released the arrow and froze five enemies easily.

"Nice, let me fight some too!" Jenna said as her eye pupils shifted into a cloud with thunder coming out. She opened the palm of her hand and formed a blue lightning spear using her aura. She chucked through the frozen targets into the last shadow which electrified before turning into dark dust.

"Damn it, you killed most of them.." Jenna muttered as the last one died.

A light appeared in front of Isabel and dropped a key. She caught it and looked at Jenna to see her reaction.

"Guess you were right. I really wanted to fight more before we entered the next hall though." Jenna said with a sad expression.

"Relax Jenna. It's an exam not a ring. I'm sure we will get into more fights." Isabel assured while opening the door with the key.

The red door opened slowly and revealed a set of stairs going up. A bright light shone at the top which made Isabel a little nervous.

"We should be—" Isabel tried to say before Jenna dashed up the stairs.

"This must lead to the blue hallway that the announcer was talking about." Jenna said while skipping steps.

"Yeah, but let's keep our guard up." Isabel said while following her to the top of the staircase.

The two girls stopped and scanned the new area.

"I didn't expect this to be the blue hall..." Isabel finished in disbelief.

Zero walked out of the classroom with Valery right beside him into the red hallway.

"Tsk." He muttered while spitting. His footsteps were heavy across the floor while he walked, and it was visibly clear that he was angry.

"What's the matter, love?" Valery said while grabbing his hand. The warmth in Valery's hand caused Zero to blush slightly and forget his anger.

"Damn it, you're too cute." He responded as he tried to hide his face. Valery blushed and jumped on his back while pressing her breasts on him. She laid her head on his back and sighed.

"You don't mind carrying me?" She asked while smiling. Zero looked back while carrying her and smiled.

"Of course not. You are the light in my darkness, Valery." He said with pride.

Four shadow figures spawned in front of them interrupting their moment. They ran towards the two but disappeared as they grew closer to Zero.

His silver eyes have now formed into complete pitch black as his black aura started to surround him. He released his aura more and quickly killed his foes. Two more figures spawned but failed to come near him.

A camera located in the corner of the hall recorded his actions live for the Thors to see. Obi and Dove now sat at a table across from each other while Luke and Night stood near the exit.

"Why are the figures dying?" Obi said while still smoking his cigarette.

"It seems like the shadows are dying as they approach. It's as if his darkness automatically kills them." Dove answered while analyzing Zero.

"That's incredible!" Luke exclaimed as we continued to watch the monitors. Night stood there quietly and nodded his head in agreement.

"It bothers me. He failed to reach an average rank in part 'a' but can kill these figures easily. We should keep an eye on him." Night stated with his arms crossed.

"I was thinking the same thing. We will report it to the queen." Dove replied.

Zero carried Valery towards the end of the hall where a tunnel appeared.

"Well we may get there faster than expected. I shouldn't have used my abilities for those weaklings." He said while holding Valery.

"Too late now. Now hurry, we must quickly rank up and get out of this hell hole.

She said while jumping off his back.

"Okay." He replied.

Valery took the lead and went inside the tunnel towards the unknown destination.

"If these hallways are narrow like this one, this will be a breeze." She stated. Zero returned to his normal state as they reached the end of the tunnel. His eyes widened as he recognized a very familiar place.

"Is this..." He said while staring at an unexpected surprise.

Naomi and I ran down the red hallway without saying a word. We both were nervous of what is to come, and the fear in our body has silenced us. We approached the end of the hallway where five shadow figures stood in our way. I looked closely behind them trying to figure out what they were doing.

"What do you see?" Naomi said, breaking the silence.

"They seem to be blocking some kind of red metal door." I replied.

"I'll take care of them." She said.

Naomi jumped ahead of me while raising her warhammer into the air.

"Moonlight!" She yelled.

Her white aura flowed into the warhammer creating a glistening effect. Light filled the air and felt like warm clothes fresh out a dryer. I felt comfortable in the presence of her light and watched her point it towards the figures. The figures immediately dispersed into the air and our path ahead was clear.

"Well damn, that ability is something." I said in disbelief. She landed on the ground and looked back at me.

"You can believe in me." She replied with a smile.

I was so amazed by her ability that I didn't hear what she said. I just stood there and stared at her.

"Uh, why are you staring at me like that?" She said.

"Oh uh, I'm sorry. Let's go." I said.

The door opened and we ran down some stairs before reaching a bright light. We stopped and scanned our environment before realizing what we were looking at. It was a recreation of the Holy Nation except empty of life and transportation.

"How did the simulation create this!?" I said while looking at Naomi but her mouth was wide open.

"I'm just as shocked as you." She said while turning and looking at me.

A golden beam of light shot in the air where the four teams could each see it.

"All teams have now made it to the blue hall. Let's see who will make it to the golden door first!" The announcer stated.

"Do hurry, some of you are closer than others." The announcer finished. I looked at Naomi and we both nodded our heads as we dashed towards the golden light.

"How well do you know this city?" I asked her.

"Lived here practically my whole life. Judging by the beam of light, we need to head towards the fountain." She replied.

"The fountain?" I repeated.

"Just follow me." She said after realizing I don't know anything.

I followed Naomi through the city while gazing at the architecture. We passed through a few public spaces including arcades, parks, business buildings, etc. Naomi ran towards the underground train station and I followed right behind.

"Why are we cutting through the station?" I asked out of curiosity. She looked behind me quickly and smiled.

"This will bring us to the fountain quickly while maintaining a low profile." She replied.

I nodded my head in amazement from her response. However, I felt a weird vibe in my spine when she mentioned keeping a low profile.

"Sadly, we'll have to run through the tracks cause there are no trains running in a simulator." She continued.

"No problem, let's just get to our objective." I assured.

We ran down some more stairs and jumped onto the track towards the dark tunnel with dim lighting. As we ran deeper underground, the lights slowly started to disappear until there was no more. Naomi snapped her fingers and created a ball of light that lit around us.

"Stay close, we're in the unknown." She said as I followed behind her.

"Naomi.. what is the best way for me to regain my memories?" I asked knowing we'll be alone.

"Hm.." She said while starting to think.

"I guess through combat and pain. If we end up getting in fights, you will have no choice but to defend yourself at some point. What made you ask now?" She asked.

"My results from part a. I just want to crush Zero after his comment." I replied slightly annoyed.

"What did he say?" Naomi asked.

"Haha scrub." I said agitated.

Naomi started to laugh and looked back at me.

"I didn't expect that to get to you. Anyways, we're almost out of the tunnel." Naomi said with excitement.

The tunnel shook from behind and a faint laugh was heard behind us.

"I thought you said there will be no transportation in these simulations?" I questioned. Naomi stopped and took out her Warhammer.

"After all the studying I did, I'm not wrong. But, I sense dark energy behind us and it's creeping me out." I looked down to her hand shaking while holding her weapon and realized that whatever is behind us isn't friendly.

"How do you sense aura?" I asked.

"Think of it as the equivalent of staring. You usually can feel when someone stares at you and vise versa. So, when sensing aura, you are just looking for someone's life essence without being in front of them." Naomi stated.

I released my aura and tried to sense the dark aura Naomi was talking about. I felt a dark hatred coming towards me which gave me a familiar vibe.

"This dark energy seems to dislike me. I think this is…" I thought.

The sound of something flying grew louder along with the voice of someone laughing like a lunatic. The two culprits were Valery and Zero flying on a dark yellow broom. Zero sat behind his partner with an evil grin ripped across his face. His teeth were clattering from excitement as they gained distance towards our team.

"Haha, I can't believe it. How did you know they would be down here?" Zero said.

"That girl isn't the only smart one in the room. I did my research of the city the moment we came like we're supposed to. She also isn't good at hiding her aura just like you." Valery responded while raising her head high.

Zero shrugged his shoulders and looked away.

"Eh, I don't feel like it. Plus I forgot how to do it." He replied.

Valery shook her head and looked back at Zero.

"All you have to do is control your aura. Contain all your aura inside your body like a bottle. That way, people can't sense you easily." She said.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Zero replied.

She squinted her eyes before confirming it to be Naomi and I.

"Looks like we found our precious Team 3.." Valery said with a smirk.

Zero immediately stood up on the broom.

"Go faster!" Zero said as he started biting his fingers with excitement.

Valery sped up and stopped as soon as they were relatively close. Zero jumped off the broom and landed on the ground with his eyes fixed on me. Valery gently landed behind him and hugged him from behind and looked at Naomi.

"Mad that I found you both?" Valery said with an evil grin.

"I'll admit that I didn't think you would. Thought that slow brain of yours wouldn't know how to." Naomi responded.

Zero heard Naomi's remark and turned his attention towards her.

"Looks like you ain't so smart after all!" He said while his black aura slowly released from his body.

"Shut up, idiot. Let the grown ups talk." I barked. Valery stopped smiling and stared at me.

"Who the hell does he think he is? He doesn't know anything about Zero or what he's come from." Valery though.

"Don't you pester me, you brat!" Zero said while jumping into the air. Dark aura emerged from Zero's back and turned into a big dark hand.

"Guile!" he shouted.

I managed to raise my aura just in time to block the big hand and push him off.

Naomi took out her war hammer and ran towards me to aid in battle. However, multiple blasts of aura landed in front of her, stopping her tracks and forcing her to turn to Valery's direction. Valery's eye pupils have now formed into a wand and locked onto Naomi.

"Do you really think I would really let you interfere in their battle?!" Valery yelled as she pulled out her wand.

"Fine, I'll play." Naomi said as she faced Valery.