Error 2

Zero's guile figure clashed against my flames before the both of us jumped back.

"How long will you play defensively?" Zero yelled with frustration. "This guy is grieving our chances of success." I thought as I looked over to Naomi.

I watched as Naomi dodged Valery's attack leaving light trails behind her. Valery wore an angry expression as she struggled to hit Naomi.

"She makes it look so easy." I thought while sighing.

"Hey! Don't ignore me." Guile's hand closed in towards me and I jumped into the air to avoid it.

"Tsk." Zero said as he missed.

Suddenly, the tunnels started to shake and we all stopped what we were doing.

"Attention personnelle. Two teams have now found the golden door. The remaining teams have five minutes left before failing the second part. We have added the liberty of changing up the world to a more realistic approach to make the remaining teams quickly finish. Find the golden door to exit or die. Thank you." The female announcer stated.

"Shit." I said as I landed on the ground.

"Naomi, we have to go!" I yelled as I ran towards her direction. Zero jumped in front of me and kicked me into the wall knocking me out.

"Mordecai!" Naomi said while Zero ran towards my direction to beat on my body.

"Kami!" Valery said as blasts of aura shot out her wand towards Naomi. Naomi dodged the attacks and rushed towards Valery.

"Why you little!" Valery shouted while shooting more kami blasts at Naomi with increased speed.

Naomi dodged most of the attacks and jumped on the last one to launch herself into the air.

"I don't have time for this!" Naomi said while summoning her war hammer.

She dived towards Valery quickly and raised the hammer up into the air.

"Prepare yourself!" Naomi yelled..

Valery quickly put her wand in her pocket and opened both hands into the air.

"Olisa." She yelled.

A clear, while shield appeared in front of her hands. Naomi slammed her hammer into the shield and a burst of light clashed against the shield.

"Haha, my shield is just better." Valery said while laughing.

Naomi grit her teeth at Valery's remark and started to grin.

"Guess I'll have to bring the heat." Naomi barked while raising her aura causing the shield to crack.

"Huh?" Valery said as the shield rapidly started to break before her eyes.

"Impossible! No, No, NO!" Valery said as her shield broke.

Naomi slammed the hammer on Valery's left leg breaking it immediately with light hitting the rest of her body. Valery screamed and immediately fell to the ground as she lost balance. She looked up towards Naomi who held her hammer behind her back with pride.

"Idiot, you underestimated me." Naomi said looking down on Valery.

Valery's vision started to blur as tears filled her eyes from the excruciating pain.

"How dare you talk to me like that?" Valery said as she clenched her fists in anger. Zero looked over and saw his partner surrounded in blood.

"What?.." He said.

He looked at Naomi's hammer covered in blood and Valery on the floor.

"There are two minutes left in the exam. Please find the exit now. Or die. Your choice." The female announcer stated.

Zero rushed to Naomi and punched her away from Valery.

"You bitch. I will kill you quickly!" Zero covered his ears and stood in front of Valery like a guard.

"Dark Grasp!" He said while letting wavelengths out of his mouth into the tunnel. Screams of an unknown source entered the room disorienting Naomi's hearing. She fell to her knees as the screams started to forcefully enter her body as if they were directing screaming into her ear. Zero started to laugh as he walked towards Naomi who was still covering his ears. He began to kick her brutally while mocking her.

"Your precious partner won't save you. You will learn your place." He said while stepping on her face.

"Mordecai.." Naomi whispered as she looked at my unconscious body.

Zero kicked her in the stomach and laughed even more at her as he stopped dark grasp.

"What a desperate cry coming from a weakling herself."

On the other hand, I woke up in a dark room in front of the same little boy again.

"Hey mister." He said.

I looked up surprised at the little boy and rubbed my eyes.

"Hey kid." I responded.

"Can I play?" He asked.

I looked at him puzzled and started scratching my head.

"Can you what?" I questioned.

The kid started to pierce through his skin again and blood leaked out of his wounded body.

"Woah, woah." I said grabbing the kid's hands.

"Please let me play!" He said while suddenly hugging me.

"You can play, yeah?" I said while hugging him back.

Aura flowed from his body and began to surround my body. I woke up back into reality and slowly opened my eyes.

"Five seconds left. You guys are going to die." The female announcer stated in a muffled voice. I looked for Naomi and found her coughing blood while being kicked by Zero.

"No!" I said as I felt a sudden rush of pain.

My body forced itself up and charged towards Zero. I felt my aura travel inside my body like a river and realized I was controlling my aura.

"Three seconds." The announcer said.

Intense purple flames unleashed from the palm of my hand as I ran towards Zero swiftly. Zero turned around surprised from my recovery and took out his Guile.

"Today must be my lucky day! Now I get to kill two people for free!" He yelled as he unleashed Guile.

I dodged the guile's attack and.

"You gotta be kidding me." Zero said as he tried to guard but it was too late.

"One second left!" The announcer stated.

"Moyasu." I said as I grabbed his face and smashed it into the ground. Purple flames emerged from my palms and engulfed his face. Zero screams echoed into the darkness as the second part of the exam ended.

The four thors stood shocked at the monitors in front of them.

"What the hell did I just witness?" Obi said as he pressed a blue button on the table. Zero's screams were heard from the other room and everyone looked towards that direction.

"What is happening?" Yoru said with confusion. "Did you stop the simulation?" Night asked Obi with fear.

"Yes , I just pressed the button. Just get in there and find out what is happening!"

Dove and Night ran into the other room across the hall quickly. Anxiety hit Night like a train as he approached the room and opened the door. Night froze as he observed Mordecai across the room on top of Zero burning his face with his simulation goggles still on.

"Get off me fool!" Zero yelled. Everyone else was still at their stations unaware of what was happening. Dove moved Zero's hand and widened her eyes to discover Zero's left eye completely burned off.

"Get him to the hospital. Error 2 has happened." She said as she picked Zero up and handed him off for to Night. Night took Zero and knocked him out on the head by tapping his forehead.

"I'll take care of it." He said while leaving into the shadows. Dove looked at me astonished by what just happened.

"Who the hell is this kid?" She thought.

She took her phone out of her pocket and dialed a number.

A ring from Obi's phone broke the silence in the other room and he picked it up.

"Yeah?" He answered while smoking his cigarette.

"Code 2. Zero has been injured through the simulation."

"How bad?" Obi asked while exhaling the smoke.

Dove paused and took a deep breath.

"The kid lost his left eye. Night is taking him to the hospital now." Dove answered as she looked at Night.

"Hahaha. Karma's a bitch. Anyways, let's keep the exam going without him." Obi said before hanging up the phone.

The phone disconnected leaving Dove in the room with the rest of the participants.

"I should probably wake up that little brat and explain the situation." Dove said as she walked towards the center of the room where the computer is located.

She typed in a few commands before releasing Valery from the situation. Valery awoke immediately and started to take off her goggles.

"The exam is already over? I wasn't done fighting that other girl!" Valery said as she got off the chair.

"Listen kid. Zero is a victim of error 2." Dove said while walking towards her.

"It would help if you spoke english. It is the normal language around these parts." Valery said while shaking her head.

"Allow me to explain the three errors. Error one is when an interference has occurred within a simulation that could affect the operators. Error two is when an operator is injured outside the simulation. Error three is when someone dies outside of the simulation." Dove stated.

"What the hell happened to Zero!" Valery said as yellow aura surrounded her.

She clenched her fists in anger and walked towards Dove slowly.

"Relax, he's going to the hospital right--" Dove tried to finish but Valery dashed towards her with intent to kill.

Dove blinked in front of her and knee her into the stomach with brute force. Valery immediately fell to the floor and knocked out from the sudden pain.

"She really doesn't know when to quit. I like this kid." Dove said as she picked her up.

Dove opened her cell phone and called Obi again.

"Yes?" Obi answered.

"Valery won't be participating anymore. Some things came up…" Dove said.

"That makes sense. We were waiting for her to connect but something was interfering. Guess that something was you." He said as he inhaled his cigarette.

"Just continue the test. I'll be there in a few." Dove said as she hung up and left the room holding Valery's body.