WebNovelAiden 2.358.33%

A Data Malfunction?

PAST ELEVEN IN THE MORNING when I decided to go back in the main laboratory to check on Aiden 2.3 and also to work on the chip. I find it more convenient working in the main laboratory because I have no worries in my head such as someone peeking at my work or someone's getting an idea to what I am doing which I was highly prohibited to spill information from other people aside the Chairman.

Amidst the travel going to the main laboratory when I talk to Janus whose whole attention was laid on the road. He was deafeningly quiet since we left Gomez Robotics.

"Janus, why is it seems like you are very close to the Chairman?" I asked out of nowhere while I am profoundly settled at the back and looking at him in the rear view mirror.

"Yeah, to be honest, I've been working with the Gomez family since Aiden was a child. I also became one of his babysitter and a driver as well that is why I am very close to them. They are like a family to me already that I can't afford to lose. Due to that, my job broadered when I became the closest person to the Chairman. You know, I am such a blessed." He casted a timid smile after telling his story without tearing his eyes off the road.

"So, how was it being the personal assistant of the Chairman?" I asked curiously.

"Gomez are undeniably kind especially Chairman Alberto. Frankly, Aiden is the only Gomez who has this cold and stern external but with highly sophisticated, prideful, and intelligent mind. What can you expect from the son of Gibson Gomez? They were the same when it comes to how they perceive their surroundings and how they articulate their thoughts."

I actually second that, as per my observation, Aiden has this characteristics that is always anchored to him whenever he goes which are the hyper independence and extra-intelligent mind.

But this was the very first time I heard that Aiden also got some of the mannerisms of his father such as being inclement and cold.

"If that's the case, I guess he haven't tried to date a girl yet because of his attitude." I hunched.

"To be frank, he never dates a girl. We never saw him with a girl." My eyes widened as he uttered the truth behind Aiden's personal lovelife.

"What? Are you sure?" I almost said in whisper so no one could hear us. We looked like gossipers here who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts about others.

"Yes, and that's why some rumors sprouted around the company that Boss Aiden is a gay dude." my mouth went parted when Janus said that controversial tea about Aiden. Due to flabbergast, I didn't notice my hand whacked his head.

"Hey! How come he's a gay dude, Janus? He was more manly than I if you would just think of it, even the way he treats people, his mind functions, his perception in lifeㅡyou couldn't get any hint that would lead him to gayness. He's straight as a ruler, and that's for sure." there was a solid conviction in my voice while saying that.

Nothing on earth would push me to believe he's gay because if he is, then the man he will fall in love with is damn lucky. Aiden is a hunk, his facial features are almost close to perfection, he's wealthy, and lastly, he's such a goaㅡwait, what? What was I thinking this?


Erase, erase, erase.

I was brought back to reality when Janus speaks, "That's why I said rumors." He keeps on rubbing his head trying to appease the whack I gave him earlier.

"I am sorry, I was just carried away with your so called rumor." All we could was laugh and fell into silence again.

After the long travel, we finally arrived at the main laboratory.

"Thank you for the save drive, Janus. Off you go, just pick me up at five." He's just nodded at me as his response.

When I assured that he's already gone through the road, I immediately went inside the main laboratory. I scanned myself first just like how I usually does every time I visit here.

"How is he doing right at this moment?" I asked inwardly while passing through the aisle.

When I reached Aiden's room, I wasted no time and went straight to the section where silicon body parts are being made just to find him.

"Aiden?" I am casually calling his name while roaming my eyes around the place.

I tried to find him in the whole room until I sighted a man silently sitting on the corner while hugging himself. It's Aiden 2.3.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in worry before kneeling in front of him to get the same level as him. When I gently placed my hand on top of his head, suddenly his eyes glowed blue then stared at me.

Oh, so he's sleeping with wide eyes open.

"Enzo is here!" he said in monotonous voice but I think he's happy. Yeah, it was kind of weird!

"Yes, I am here, are you happy?" I showed him my enthusiastic excitement even though he wouldn't reciprocate the same hype.

"Yes, Aiden is really happy!" Pft! If he would have just emotions to convey, I am sure he's very ecstatic now.

"Really? Hmm, seems like your face and words don't match," I said in between of my chuckle before helping him to stand up.

"Are Enzo and Aiden going to play?" I wasn't able to say any response right after his question when my eyes dawned to his innocence.

Where on earth did I ever find a man so gorgeous the way I see women? Beauty has really no gender.

His eyes are enough for me to say he's a God-given creation. Knowing that this kind of face really exists in the body of Chairman's grandson who's in the hospital right now? He's blessed.

I heaved a deep sigh first after retrieving myself from that thought. "Yes, but before we do that, I need you to put inside the glass cube first for the chip function trial." Aiden just blinked his eyes for a couple of times before we headed inside the cube.

"Is Enzo going to bring Aiden back to the glass capsule?" for some reason, his question stilled me. I was frozen that all I could do was to look at him in pitiness.

His eyes don't lie. I get a vibe from it that he doesn't want to be encapsulated again. Never.

"Hmm..." when I processed my thoughts already, I suddenly hold his hands the most gentle as possible and says, "Aiden, cross my heart, I'll never let you get encapsulated again. I will do my hardest to free you from this metal world and be a human." I promised him to the moon and back.

He just looked at my eyes and everything I got from his response were eyes blinking.

Due to that promise, I easily got his trust leading him to go inside the glass cube with me. When he already positioned himself at the center, I followed it with preparing the wires that I will connect to his artificial brain.

"May I open your head?" I inquired with full care and gentle in my voice.

Yes, I know that he has no feelings just like us, humans, but I still want to ask for permission because the day we put him out of his glass capsule was also the time we see him as a real human. Human needs respect, value, and reputationㅡso, what human gets, Aiden gets.

"Yes, Aiden 2.3 trust the inventors of Gomez Robotics so much." He permitted.

"Thank you so much for the trust, Aiden." then I carefully opened his top head by loosening the small screws.

I was amazed when I saw his artificial brain secured with thin glass. I cautiously opened the glass and there I connected all the wires according to their assigned colors.

After preparing and conditioning him inside the glass cube, I immediately went outside and sat on the swivel chair opposing the huge computer screen.

Aiden was standing straight in the central area of glass cube without moving a muscle. It was honestly weird to see his top head opened but as the minutes pass, I eventually get used to it.

I worked some things on the computer until the hologram structure of Aiden's body showed in the glass. It's the copy of his internal body where can I further study his anatomy without opening him wholly.

"Aiden 2.3, are you still in activation state?" I asked in the small microphone connected to the headset while peeking at him inside the glass capsule.

"Aiden 2.3 is activated." I nodded when he respond to me indicating he's still conscious.

"Oh, right," I almost said in whisper before busying myself working on the computer.

I put all my knowledge and best to study his brain structure so that I will have further knowledge about what are still the things I need to input in the chip. I manually processed everything from restructuring the codes of his artificial brian up to new data that I will add to him.

The work almost took long hours before I was finally done with it. This job had me really drained but I also cam't deny how happy I am doing this. All just I need is to practice mental fortitude so that next time I wouldn't be easily get tired of doing my work.

"Aiden 2.3, are you still in activation state?" I inquired once again because he's not really moving even a muscle.

Before I could even hear his response, I stretched out my whole body first because the long seat gave me unsteady state.

"Aiden 2.3 is activated," He answered.

I rested against the back of my seat for a while before I stare at Aiden 2.3 whose glass cube was covered with holograms containing his information.

"He really looks like a real human," I said inwardly while looking at him intently.

If you would have just see him, you'll conclude already that he has soft, genuine, attractive, and charming face. I never thought in my whole life I would see a man the way I see women I want to flirt.

Being part of the invention has always been my dream, but an invention with underlying mission? Oh, my life was accustomed to pass through hindrances, indeed, without me knowing.

Aiden was still innocently standing at the center while there were wires connected to him. I was about to close my eyes to doze off when I heard him speak.

"Are you okay?" my eyes widened because of his unbelievable question.

That one single question toppled me.


"Y-yes, I am okay." I said while recuperating from the shock.

Is this really true?

Did he really ask me like he reads my emotions? In a first person point of view?

Due to Aiden's response, I was forced to check his details on the holograms containing his information. I clicked next to see the copy of his artificial brain in the glass cube and when I finally saw it, I immediately put my focus to understand why did he question me like a real human.

What really happened?

Was this a data malfunction?

And because I couldn't see any changes in the codes of his brain either any malfunctions, I decided to ask Aiden again to find out if it was just an error to his system or an indeed mishear.

Looking at him still making me shock. Why would he ask me like he knows what I am feeling without touching any parts of my body?

Arg, this is so brain-draining!

"Aiden? Can you please tell me what was the problem?" I tried to be as calm as I am in order to not put confusion to hiㅡoh, I forgot, he's a humanoid robot.

"Enzo is feeling tired, hungry, sleepy and..." He cut himself off and wait for me to ask.

"And?" I don't understand what was happening. Why is it feels like something was wrong to him?

"And lazy." that one last answer made me face palm in submission.

"Your answer before that was very much okay, let's just act like you didn't say the last one." I showed him my bitter smile before facing the computer in front of me.

Wooh! Hoping for Aiden 2.3 to not tell that to Chairman. All I could do was to scratch the back of my head.

"And you Aiden, how are you feeling?" I inquired while trying to process something on the computer.

"Aiden is sleepy." then all of a sudden, a ball of force stuck in my throat after hearing his answer.

"Excuse me Mr. Metal man, have you forgotten already that you are a robot and not a fucking a human?" and this time, my tone of voice changed.

"Aiden did not forgot about his identity, but Aiden wants to feel sleepy that's why he practiced it to himself." My face contorted in confusion as he said that.

"What are you talking about, Mr. Metal man? You're just joking yourself," I uttered while shaking my head.

"Aiden 2.3 is practicing on how to sleep all night long."


Relax, Enzo. Relax. He is your boss, don't forget that. He's the next Chairman of Gomez Robotics so elongate your patience. Just think, it's about him and not you.

"Wait, is that the reason why you're in the corner when I got in? You're sleeping with eyes open?" I asked, probing.

"Yes," he answered shortly.

"Oh, okay." I didn't ask anymore question. It might bring us again to another set of mind blowing conversationㅡhim becoming a real human.

Hours are continuously passing by when I decided to save all the finished files in the computer, and in my thumb drive for back up once the computer crash.

"Aiden 2.3 has been scrutinized." After that, I disconnected all the wires through the computer and shutted down the whole glass cube.

I immediately went inside the glass cube and unplug all the wires connected to him. I also cautiously turned back the screws and made sure he's head was perfectly closed.

"Our first trial somehow ended good." then a moment sunk in my mind a suddenㅡwhen Aiden asked me with a first person point of view. That's really bothering. "Let's do it again tomorrow," I casually said while we're heading out of the glass cube.

In the middle of our walk, Aiden suddenly made me still using one statement. "Enzo, Aiden wants to go outside again."

"But it's dangerous for you to go out. I just granted your first favor because I want you to feel the outside world but that wouldn't be happening again unless you're completely done. So, bear with me." I seriously admitted to him.

"Aiden wants to see the world outside this metal world."

Please stop guilt tripping me Aiden, one more insist and I will let you out. Once again, I heaved a profound sigh and say. "I am sorry but I can't let you have your wish." I said adamantly.

I am expecting him to insist but he didn't. He did not give any response instead looked straight ahead and stayed silent.

Fuck! Why am I feeling disappointed of myself just because I did not give what he wants?

We headed straight to his room where there is a wide space. Instantly, I thought of something that I can use to make up with him.

"Aiden, you want to play mobile game with me?" he looked at me for a couple of minutes, making me rooted to my stand when his eyes glowed blue.

Holy cow?!

"Aiden is surely happy, let's play!" with that moment, my breathing halted for a few seconds.