WebNovelAiden 2.362.50%

Invalid Petition


I WAS INSIPIDLY sitting on the couch while looking at Aiden who's unconsciously lying in the hospital bed. It has been days since he was admitted here and still showing no implications yet a sign of waking up from long sleep.

I hope this time my wish will be grantedㅡhope you find your peace in death and will never go back again.

"Chairman, what's your plan?" I asked authoritatively while freshly sitting down on the couch as if nobody's in the hospital hoping for his life to get back.

"What do you mean?" he questioned back and seemed emotionless looking at Aiden.

"Obviously, my younger brother is on his way to death. He will never wake up, trust me." My mom suddenly looked at me intently after hearing what I said.

"CK!" she scolded. Our stares were torn off when Chairman spat his words.

"CK, if you think that I will let Aiden to just pass away, you definitely check your way of thinking because you are perfectly wrong." the way he articulated his words seemed like he's very certain of Aiden's awakening which vexed me even more.

"Chairman, you should pass your position to me! What are you waiting for? I am here, grandpa, and I promise to you that I will do everything to make Gomez Robotics even more competitive and stays on top." My voice hinted an oath. Due to eagerness, I wasn't able to repress myself from standing up which added emphasis to my lines.

"Far from Aiden's ability to run the company," he said casually which makes me feel insulted. My vigorous rage intensified and it passed through my face.

"Then what will you do if your favorite grandson will die?" my speaking has a tone of provocation.

"And so as Gomez Robotics." my mouth went gaped when he unhesitantly answered my tricky question.

He's testing my patience.

He's pushing me through the limit.

You want me to be uncouth? Fine.

"What was wrong about me that pushes you to not trust me and inherit your position, huh?!" the grit and anger in my voice combined, resulting to another level of rudeness.

"There's nothing wrong with you, CK, always put that in your mind. It's just that you are not the right person to handle my position."

I can't hold those words anymore. My patience had thinned already. This is way beyond disappointing, it was very insulting and upsetting!

"I also hope your favorite grandson will wake up soon because as to what I am seeing right now? His recovery is next to impossible. Name all the saints all you want just to wake this motherfucker up! But I assure you, this man will never go back to his usual and normal life because the only thing that keeps him exist on earth are these stupid machineries. So, I wish you the best of luck." with my jaw tightened and teeth gritted, out of expectance, a loud slap whacked my face.

"Who do you think you are to raise your voice at me, huh? Who do you think you are to cast a curse on your younger brother?" still, the Chairman was immovable, but the restrained anger was clearly obvious.

In no seconds, I gradually feel the heat building up in my face where he hit me. Without saying any words, I stormed out of the room and leave them.

Fuck this damn life!

I hasn't walking away that far yet from the room when my cell phone inside my front pocket rings.

"Mr. Wang?" My brows arched the moment I saw his name flashed on the screen.

Consumed with confusion, I answered his urgent call immediately. Mr. Wang is one of the members of Board of Directors. He is also one of those directors who wants to oust Aiden and Chairman Alberto in the company. In short, he's on our side.

"Why did you call?" I asked insipidly the moment I took the call.

"Why did I call? Are you hearing yourself, CK, huh? Fine, to put you back in your sanityㅡhow was your mission to Aiden? Have you tell the boss already about the progress in your mission?" all I could do was heaved a sigh and massaged my temple to calm myself.

My mission was almost frozen.

"No progress yet. Just give me more months and I promise, I will make that weak and shameless bastard to transfer his position to my name." there's an irritation hinted in my voice because I can also feel my tardiness and failures.

"What?! Are you even aware that you only have remaining two months for this? Can you make this one faster?" the way his voice escalated and toned like he's demanding something from me, had me really triggered.

"Fuck you, Wang! I was trying to hold myself but you're pushing me to my limit! How dare you raise your voice to me like that?! Have you forgotten already that I am still the grandson of the owner of Gomez Robotics?!" I couldn't handle him bossing me around anymore.

"Stop making promises then, you spoiled brat! Your mission is so simple and yet still no progress? What kind of tardiness you have? What did you do with the last two years since boss had given your task? Make your balls bigger?! What a shame!" He exclaimed over the phone which agitated me more.

"Stop questioning me, Wang!" and there where I finally lost it. "What if we trade positions and let's see if you can do what are you imposing to me?!" I provoked.

"What if you didn't accept the mission? That was way better." his insults were fanning through my head and I hate it. "Talk to the boss, CK. Explain yourself to him not with me. Your anger won't any do good to you."

I was about to defend myself to him when he speak his ass again. "Before I end the call, the Board of Directors set a controversial meeting. They are all expecting you to attend to fully understand the whole plan."

"W-wait, what? Is Chairman even aware about this?" I asked, perplexed.

"Not yet, but we're planning to invite him so he will see himself how impatient we are to him. He will also witness us joining forces to file a petition for his resignation." I wasn't able to respond that quick due to flabbergast.

"I can't go to the meeting, I am grounded," was all I said to him.

"That's not our problem anymore, CK. Make ways! You're the grandson of Chairman, aren't you?" He ended the call without letting me defend myself once more.

Fuck it!

This man really had pushed me to my limit. I even exploded because of how he talked to me like I am some sort of ordinary person in the street. I will make you pay for treating me extremely bad, Mr. Wang. I said in my head.

If you were wondering who is this boss that Mr. Wang was pertaining about, to be very honest, I also have no idea who he is. It just happened that one day, there was an unregistered number called my personal cell and offered a deal. The deal in totality was all about convincing the Chairman to transfer his position to my name but it has been two years already since I tried my hardest but kept failing. Everytime I bring about the topic, all I got was confrontation telling I'll never inherit this company.

Due to the long delay in my mission, the boss had decided to change my assignment and that is killing my very own younger brother in order for the Chairman to be left alone with no choices but to pass the position to me.

Admittedly, I was flabbergasted when I heard the rumors about me being the main suspect behind Aiden's shooting in the middle of his launch but they can't reprehend their points with legal evidence that was why their accusation still remained false.

Yes, I really want to inherit my grandfather's company but not to the extent I will use my own barehands to end Aiden's life. I can only wish for his death but having the courage to kill him? No, I can't definitely do that.

One thing is for sureㅡI am acquittal to the crime happened in the launch.

I was about to go out of the hospital when I crossed paths with Enzo and Janus who were walking towards my direction.

"Where are you going?" I inquired the moment our distance narrowed.

My mouth went opened and my breath halted when this shameless bastard just passed by at me without answering my question.

"Oh, so the favorite employee of Chairman is uncouth?" that made him stop from walking away. We both looked back at each other, showing inclement faces.

"None of your business, Sir CK. I don't owe any explanation to you." they were about to leave again when I speak.

"Inform the Chairman that the Board of Directors will be having a meeting in Gomez Robotics this afternoon. Everyone's expecting him to be there." He didn't say anymore words instead he just bowed his head at me and stormed off.

"So, full of himself," I sneered inwardly.

I didn't waste any more time here at the hospital instead I headed straight to the parking lot and departed. It took almost twenty minutes upon arrival but before I could even set my foot outside the car, I dressed up first enough to cover my whole face. I may look suspicious but this was the least thing I could do.

I tried to be watchful and careful while passing by the lobby so no one could notice me. It was such a relief when I successfully arrived at the Board hall without being greeted by the employees. That simply means, no one familiarizes me while walking with them.

The moment I entered the room, the first thing I noticed was the vacant chair of Aidenㅡit was vacant for obvious reason and we know that. While everyone was having their own worlds talking to their co-directors, only Mr. Wang had noticed my arrival.

"It is so good of you to attend the meeting," He greeted me with his grin,ㅡa grin that upsets me.

"You son of a bitch, shut the fuck up," I muttered with my teeth gritted and jaw tightened. Showing him my deadliest stares. I didn't spend more time talking to that garbage man instead I sauntered to my chair.

Who's the real boss among us? Definitely, not him.

What did he expect? That I forgot already the words he said earlier when I am at the hospital? Ha, in his dreams, because I will not let that one slide.

I sat on the chair where my name was beautifully embroidered at the back of the seat. I flopped on the chair and nonchalantly wait for the whole meeting to commence.

The Head of the Board of Directors stood in front of us and take the spot on the podium. This meeting was uniquely unusual because whenever there is a formal meeting, normally, there are camera men taking videos as part of documentary but now was entirely different one. No media, no audience, only the internal employees.

"Good morning, everyone! I mustered all of you here for a controversial meeting about the petition of dethroning the current Chairman of Gomez Robotics. I know this is the day we are all waiting for the longest time. A petition that Chairman Alberto Gomez needs to sign in order to complete the whole process of his resignation." I heaved a profound sigh as part of preparing myself. I know this one will not go easy on us.

Mr. Wilhelm Harren, the Head of Board of Directors presented a white legal paper in front of us and continued his speech.

"According to his medical records, Chairman Gomez was showing implications in his heart. He has been visiting his doctor since 22nd of July to get himself check. This means, the Chairman should transfer his position as soon as possible." My face contorted in confusion after hearing the truth.

"Excuse me, Chairman has a heart disease?" I was buffering because I couldn't seem to digest the truths he had unraveled.

"Yes, and as much as possible, the transfer of position shall be done before his confinementㅡ" He hasn't yet finish to his line when Mr. Go butted in.

"It needs to be address instantly. I highly disagree to work under Aiden Gomez being the next chairman of Gomez Robotics. I couldn't stand a man who knows nothing but to look stern and only care about his trashy principles." He has got some balls telling those kinds of words.

"Add to that, Aiden is in critical condition now. It was impossible for him to wake up anymore. Nothing on earth would give him luck to wake up again. He should stay in the hospital, and let CK be our new chairman!" there was a hint of plasticity in his voice especially when he said I should be the next chairman of this company.

While they were having agreements and discussions about the Chairmanhood, I was just freshly sitting down on my chair while my arms crossed over my chest and stealthily watching them. It was so ecstatically satisfying to see people entrusting the full responsibility of Chairmanhood to me.

When the meeting was finally over, Mr. Harren ordered his secretary to work on the petition paper that will be use against Chairman Gomez. In order for the petition to be validated, it needs to get eight votes out of twelve directors but as to what I am seeing, the petition got eleven votes which means they all want me to be their next Chairman. The petition was about Chairman transferring his position to my name, only to my name.

"Chairman CK, own the moment by giving us a speech." everyone applauded me the moment I stood up from my sit.

This room was full of flattering faces that I never thought I would see once in my life. Although this was some kind of play and we were all still waiting for the Chairman's approval, I still want to experience being the highest head among the heads.

I stood up with a smug grin, acting like I am already their new Chairman. Before I could even step my right foot, I fixed the coat of my suit first.

I was about to go to the podium to give my facet about the said meeting when the double door of the Board hall suddenly opened and revealed Enzo, Mama, Chairman, and the rest of the security.

The guards were very alert to the surroundings in order to protect the highest person in the companyㅡChairman Alberto.

You can clearly see the rigorous rage in Chairman's face the moment he set foot inside the Board hall. He sauntered to the central area where everyone can see him while his securities were roaming and searching around the place.

"What is this stupid juggernaut for?!" for the very first time, I saw the Chairman in his anger state. His loud and terrifying shout made us fall into deafening silence in just a snap of a finger. "Who gave you all the rights to set a meeting inside my own company without my permission?!" then he pushed the podium forcibly leaving it with a whomp.

"Chairman, we're running out of time waiting for Director Aiden to wake up! You should pass your position to CK, he's a Gomez after all! What's the difference?" then the whispers started to engulf the whole Board hall until Chairman stood up in front of us steadily, saying nothing but send sharp and killing stares.

"You don't own any rights in this company for you to boss me around, do you understand me?" He said with jaw tightened and teeth gritted. You could feel the conviction in between of his words which send me shivers down my spine.

Mr. Harren bravely stood up with the petition paper on his hand. The projector screen suddenly turned on showing different images and allows everyone to see the content of it. Those images are stolen shots showing Chairman secretly visiting the hospital and the types of medicines he takes.

"You are having your dialysis and this paper will reprehend your heart disease! Chairman, you need to resign and pass your position to CK. Actually, the transfer of position under CK's name was backed up by the petition we madeㅡout of twelve directors, eleven agreed to the petition!" His voice was full of dedication and courage while discussing all of those accounts.

The Chairman didn't say anything but he sauntered to Mr. Harren to take the petition paper from his hand. Grandpa was being guided by Enzo from his behind to make sure his safety.

"As what I have always say, let's wait for Aiden's recovery to fully process everything. At the end of the day, we still have to follow the rules of the company. What are your expectances? That a transfer of position is as easy as giving one's name right after they gave birth? All of you are born delusionals, indeed." Right after the words of Chairman, he slowly torn off the paper into small pieces that leaves everyone in dire flabbergast. "You all must have forgotten already that a paper without the Chairman's approval considers invalid."

Upon hearing his words, my fist clenched eventually while my jaw tightened. His words had me really boiled my blood in great anger.

"Chairman, are you really insane?! You have to turn over your position as early as possible! We will not wait for Aiden's fucking recovery because that was just a waste of time!" I shouted on top of my lungs, making my veins bulged out.

"So, what do you want me to do now?!" the Chairman shouted back at me but I didn't budge a move.

Due to forced shout, the Chairman didn't avoid to clutch his chest where his heart is located underneath. Enzo on the other hand was to the rescue because he immediately gave the needs of the Chairman.

"Turn over your position to me, Chairman," I said in between of my persuaded words.

"I cannot give over my position to someone who doesn't have the right to own it. You are not Gomez, CK. You are just Gomez in papers but not by blood." everyone fell in confusion after hearing the Chairman's revelation.

That makes me rooted to my place as I was dumbfounded with what he revealed. Did he just say that I am not Gomez by blood? I don't understand what was happening. Was this reason why he doesn't want me to inherit his company? But I thought Gibson is my father?

Because of the revelation made by my own grandfather, there was a sudden cacophony inside the Board hallㅡthis time it's because of my truth being not a Gomez by blood.

To be honest, I couldn't even budge a move because I feel so embarrassed. I feel like I was betrayed all my life. The fact that I was forcing the Chairman to pass his seat to me then I would just find out that the reason why I can't inherit it was simply because I am not a Gomez.

It's scathing and disappointing!

"Papa, why did you do that?! You embarrassed my son!" even my mother was so upset because of the unexpected revelation.

What a great turn of events.

"Lorrie, I love CK, and I treat him as my own grandson but the way he treat me as his grandfather and chairman of this company? He's just always making me feel disappointed every single day!" I don't know what and who to believe now. "CK, you are grounded and yet you're here involving yourself with these abusers. You just proved to me that you really are not deserving to the seat." My mother immediately neared me to propitiate me because I was starting to shake in dire anger.

"Then, Chairman, what are your plans now?" what agitated me even more was when I saw the directors having a change of sides in an instant just because Chairman knows the truthㅡthere's a higher tendency they will be fire in their positions.

"Don't talk to me like you did not stab your knives in my back! You, Board of Directors, you also proved that Aiden was right with his accusations. ALL OF YOU ARE TRAITORS AND PARASITES OF MY COMPANY!" the way he gave emphasis to every words he says made it even more powerful and fearful.

"Chairman, the way you down the Board of Directors seem like we did nothing to upstand this company. Just to remind you, Chairman, we are the shareholders and we are also run this damn company!" Mr. Wang's voice was full of authority.

"Don't worry I won't forget the hardships and effort you put in my company but also don't forget that I am the higher person in this field, therefore, you must respect me! Because in just a blink of an eye, I can make you all meet your greatest downfall." right after he spat those face-slap reality words he stormed out of this Board hall.

"CK? Are you okay?" my mother asked worriedly but I didn't say any word.

I was left here with my clenched knuckles, jaw tightened, and face in great indignation. When I got the courage to move, I faced the directors and confronted them.

"You are just using me for your own benefit! But you are just like a dog. From now on, exclude me with your shit narratives." after saying that, I also went out of the Board hall with my mom behind me.

While we were passing by the wide hallway, my mother would always try to appease me from what happened earlier in the Board hall but it didn't do any changes in my feelings.

I went to the rooftop to get some fresh air there and also to ponder why this world is fucked up when it is about me. Why the world can't afford to give my wants?

"You are only Gomez in papers but not by blood." it was like a broken record that kept playing in my mind.

It was irritating.

It was painful.

I am so disappointed of myself.

I feel like they all betrayed me.

To be very honest, those words of Chairman left me scathed. Yes, I am not a Gomez by blood but he still reconsiders me as one so why did he do that? How can he see his grandson feeling all the shames? Fuck.

I just heaved a deep sigh to calm myself.

I inserted my hands in my front pocket and looked at the void with my sharp eyes and jaw tightened. After long years of being stern and stupid, my tears fall again. But now, in great anger and disappointment.

"If you really had no plan of transferring your Chairmanhood to my name, I swear to the motherfucking bones that I will make your lives miserable." I cursed on top of my grit and anger.