Chapter 19: Quite Early~

(1'st POV)

As I opened the door I saw that the classroom was...empty?

"I am quite early, I guess~," I said as I sat on the 5th seat from the right on the first row near the window~

[The classroom is divided into 5x5 parameters, that is 5 rows and 5 columns]

"Hmm, it seems the other students haven't arrived yet~, what should I do?" I mused as I sat on my seat

"Let me just take a small walk around the school's perimeter then~," I said as I stood up from my seat after leaving my bag there

(3'rd POV)

A tall and handsome blue-haired boy could be seen walking in one of the parks inside the perimeter of the Advance Nurturing High School, this was our protagonist Izayoi

[During School hours, students are required to stay inside the perimeters of the Advance Nurturing High School, after which they can go to the other places available in Elysium Isle but under no occasion are the students allowed to leave the perimeters of Elysium Isle]

[Elysium Isle is an isolated island located near the coast of Japan where many Educational Institution for many genres are present]

"Hmm, this park is quite nice~, it's clean and quite maintained though it seems the trees have been modified using special elixirs to make them release more mana in comparison to the average tree and long exposure of which can nurture the bodies and minds of the students and faculties present here, truly the best facilities of the country~," Izayoi said as he walked while looking at the trees and observing their mana veins (Through which mana from the air passes and circulates in one's body]

"Oh, is that a freshman that I see~" Izayoi heard a feminine voice say as he turned towards the direction of the voice

"I am indeed a freshman, and my name is Izayoi Zirechs from Class-D," Izayoi said to the older girl who was leisurely sitting on the bench

"Well now that you have introduced yourself, I should also introduce myself, my name is Fūka Kiryūin from Class 2-B," Kiryuin said as she stared at Izayoi

"So what are you doing here at this time, kiryuin-senpai?" Izayoi asked Kiryuin

"Well, I had arrived here quite early and was merely taking in some fresh air as it will take quite some time for the classes to begin~," kiryuin said as she stared at me

"Is that so, then I won't disturb you anymore senpai, I wish that you have a nice day ahead" Izayoi said as he started returning to his class

"Hooh~, what an interesting freshman~" Kiryuin muttered as she fell asleep on the bench amidst the birds~

Meanwhile, Izayoi was walking towards his class

"Well, there is still some time left, I may as well take a nap until the class starts~, "Izayoi said as he reached Class-D (1'st year)

"Oh, it seems there is someone else who came here before me, and this bag must belong to you right," A girl with long black hair and a pale complexion said To Izayoi

"Hm, well I had indeed arrived quite early, but who might you be?" Izayoi asked the girl although he quite knew who she was

"My name is Kirukiru Amou, but first," Kirukiru started saying as she used her ability 'Godspeed' and rushed at Izayoi and punched him

"Hm, you are quite impulsive I guess," Izayoi said as he immobilized her after deflecting the punch using his law of TIME

"Oh, it seems you have got some cards up your sleeve too," Kirukiru said as she struggled to move her limbs which were impossible as there was nobody in 'Little Garden' who could bypass Izayoi's authority over TIME, why? Cause he is the creator of TIME and its better to call him TIME himself

"Now before you do anything more foolish, why did you attack me?" Izayoi asked Kirukiru as he was really in dilemma as to why she attacked him

"Because you are interesting! When I first saw you my instincts were screaming that you were strong and even if they were wrong and you were not strong, you wouldn't have died from that attack~" Kirikiru said with a big smile which would scare most people but our MC isn't exactly what you would call normal...

"Well if you would like to have a spar with me, do you want to go to the training room as there is still some time left for classes to start, and what's your choice of weapon?" Izayoi asked Kirukiru who nodded and returned her expression to her normal self

"Well, I generally fight bare-handed but I am fairly proficient with a katana," Kirukiru said as we walked towards the training room

[Using your Innate abilities or higher grade magic inside the school's boundary is prohibited but only if someone reports you and if not, you can get away with it]

"Is that so, but a katana huh~" Izayoi mused as the pair walked towards the dojo,

'A katana is quite suitable for her as it will grant her more force as it is a one-sided blade and the curved circumference will help her lessen the drag when traveling at a speed of Mach20, though I doubt any katana which could be wielded by humans would be able to withstand the air pressure generated from traveling at 20x the speed of sound. Hm~, I guess that's the reason she fights barehanded' Izayoi thought in his mind while walking

"Well, now that we have reached the training room, let's take our positions and you could probably use the katana's present here for training purposes, I will be fighting barehanded," Izayoi said to which Kirukiru nodded and chose a wooden Katana which was enforced with magic to be more durable and took her stance

"Well, let's start~," Kirukiru said as she rushed towards Izayoi...


How was it~

And as always give me your power stones and I might do a mass release

Discord-chan's and patre*on kun's links are on the author's note~

And I didn't upload it yesterday cause the one made previously was rubbish and I had to remake it~

Anyway~ Sayonara and Peace out~

The next chapter will be tomorrow~