Chapter 20: Sae-sensei~

(1'st POV)

As Kirukiru rushed towards me she used her ability 'Godspeed' to increase her speed in an instant to Mach10 which she used to her advantage and struck towards my Flexor digitorum longus muscle (part of leg's muscle) which if would have been hit could immobilize a normal person for quite some time, though I just blocked it using my hands~

"Is that all you got, Amou-san~?" I said as I deflected another blow from her towards my rectus abdominis muscles (Muscles near the ribs)

After which she continued attacking me more fiercely and had also gradually increased her speed to her current limit which is Mach20 and I continued deflecting the blows aiming at my neck joints, Dorsal muscles, spinal cord, eyes, etc

(After an hour)

"Well, it seems we would have to stop now, Amou-san as classes will start in 10 minutes," I said to her as I deflected another one of her attacks to my lungs

"I won't stop before crushing you," She said as she continued her assault which according to my calculations will last for another 30 minutes before she runs out of stamina as she is moving at her top speed which is Mach20, and if not for the barrier I created would have already ripped the training room to shreds and injured everybody nearby merely by the force generated by the air pressure and drag of the atmosphere

"Welp~, time to finish I guess~," I said as I held her fist to prevent her from moving and used my law of TIME on her because of which she fell unconscious as I used my law of TIME to accelerate and bring the time when she would get exhausted which was supposed to be 30 minutes from now to this plane (3D)

[Basically, he made her exhaust herself earlier than she would have naturally, and in this case, it's 30 minutes earlier, and the plane is 3D cause time can't be derived in a 2D plane]

"Well, let's go then~, classes are gonna start in 9 minutes," I said as I looked at the unconscious Amou-san

"Well, let's get you healed~," I said as I used my law of LIFE to heal her though she still didn't wake up after I finished using it on her

"Hey, wake up~" I said to her as I poked her cheek as she was sleeping now

(After 10 minutes)

"Hey*poke* *poke* wake up!" I said to her for the umpteenth time and I finally got an response

"Let me sleep for a bit~, I am tired~" Amou-san said as she fell asleep again, and I knew quite well she wasn't tired cause I used my law of LIFE on her which is capable of even resurrecting a person easily and by easily I mean extremely easily, so she shouldn't feel any exhaustion at all!

"...." I didn't say anything as I picked her up in a princess carry and started walking towards the class, I was late anyway~, why should I rush at this point?

After walking for some time, I reached Class-D and at that exact moment...

"Oh, we reached the class? Thanks for carrying me here" Amou-san said as she left my embrace and started walking towards the class normally like she hadn't tried to kill me moments ago!

"Sigh!" I sighed as her behaviour was quite unique for even me the ORIGINAL, and opened the door and was greeted by the sight of Sae-sensei staring at me

"What were you both doing when you were supposed to be here?" Sae-sensei asked us sternly though I could sense slight confusion in her voice too

"Forgive us sensei, Amou-san wanted to spar with me and we couldn't keep track of the time, I apologize for that," I said to her who just nodded

After which we walked inside the class and seated ourselves on our respective seats and coincidentally Amoe-san was sitting right beside me

"Hello again! It seems we will be deskmates! Well I will properly introduce myself this time~, My name is Kirukiru Amou and I have taken an interest in you~" Amou-san said as she introduced herself though the last part gave me goosebumps

"Well, it's quite late for introductions, but my name is Izayoi Zirechs and It's nice to meet you Amou-san" I said to her as we ended our conversation and started paying attention to Sae-sensei

"Ahem, good morning new students. My name Chiyabashira Sae and I am in charge of class D this year. I teach Japanese history. This school doesn't rearrange the classes every year, so over the next three years, I hope I get to know all of you. Best regards. Although the entrance ceremony will be one hour from now in the gym, I will now distribute the list of special rules and your student ID's." Sae-sensei said as she handed out to us our S-card which acts like an ESECS card inside the boundaries of Elysium Isle where our ESECS card are not competent and can't be used, though I can still use mine as I have APOTHEOSIS-rank authority, but why though, it's not like I have to buy the entire school or something so I just placed my ESECS card inside my Dimensional Storage before coming here and I can use it whenever I need it, though I will mainly use my S-card and there are many ways to obtain points for my S-card anyway~

"Your student ID's or S-cards will act as your temporary ESECS card while in campus as those don't work inside Elysium Isle (For the general students) and currently your S-cards contain 100,000 points which is equivalent to 100,000 yen" Sae-sensei said which caused an uproar in the classroom

"Well then, I will meet you again at the gymnasium where the entrance ceremony will be held" Sae-sensei said as she walked out of the classroom...


Well, I didn't upload 'cause of my test and I had to research for this fic~

Anyway give me your powerstones and I might do a mass release eventually (Surprise)

And you know, it was really hard to write sae-senpai as my hand was itching to write sae-chan~

Anyway pic's are in discord whose links are in author's note~

Peace out~