
"Hmph. They sent some newbies again… Nothing noteworthy. I should report back to Captain Jade immediately." Stellar said as she walked away from the scene, her blonde ponytail swaying back and forth, following her movements. Before her were lifeless thugs sent from their nemesis organization.

Jade and Stellar were sent on a mission. Small time thugs were reported to have been disrupting their organization's minor activities like scouting and herb collection. It was forwarded to their division as an urgent request to remove the enemies and investigate their recent suspicious actions. Since Division Eight was the least busy at the moment, they were tasked to do this. 'Found him!' Stellar saw Jade and noticed that he was looking down at the slain enemy, most probably his doing.

"Captain Jade, I have finished cleaning up my side. Are you finished too? We should head back and discuss our findi-" Jade swiftly draw his blade and pierced it right through Stellar's lower abdomen.

Despite wearing her usual armor, Jade's blade immediately found it's way in as she was standing close to him. The right side of Stellar's small mouth appeared bloody, the blow was indeed lethal.

"Ha! You thought I was dead? WHAT'S WORSE IS YOU THOUGHT I WAS THIS JADE?!" The enemy who Stellar defeated earlier was now disguised as her Captain Jade. She embarrassingly let her guard down. 'Tsk. How could I?' Stellar bit her lips down. She took time to analyze her enemy. It seems like he utilizes some sort of illusion technique. Making him look like her superior. Now that she saw his true image, he looked slim with long hair and has quite a pallid appearance. His eyes were bloodshot and he talks loudly all the time exposing his ragged teeth.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA AS I THOUGHT! THOSE FROM SORA REALLY ARE STUUUUUPID!" The enemy spits to the ground, as if to mock Stellar further.

She stumbled away from the range of his sword. 'I'm losing a lot of blood from the stab wound. I have sustained a lot of damage. My internal organs were severely damage, most specially my liver. But if his power is just making illusions, then, I can take him down with me,' Stellar thought. "Stop mocking us. I'm going to make you pay for disrespecting Captain Jade and SORA!" Stellar readied herself. She knows it wouldn't mean much but she wanted to die with at least the honor of completing the mission and taking down at least one of them with her. He's not an ordinary soldier. 'My guess is he's at least an officer like me, or even a captain.' With this in mind, Stellar emanated an enormous light from her sword. 'My power - all of it. In attempts to kill this bastard, I will give everything. I… I will..!'




'…Where am I? But most importantly, I'm alive? The remnants of my memory were fuzzy.' Stellar stood up and looked around the area. She was lying on a red sofa cushion, covered with a white blanket. She noticed that her clothes were changed into a pink pajama with animal cartoonish design. The area was kind of spacious or maybe the lack of furniture made it seem like it. A few portraits were hanging by the wall. There was a small table on the center of the room with a vase of daisies and a picture frame. 'Humans. I'm in the human world,' Stellar concluded.

The dining room and kitchen seemed to be in the same area, a wooden square table, a refrigerator, electric stove and a rice cooker, a small sink and a dishwasher; everything was surprisingly moderate and clean.' Whoever lives here just bought what they generally need,' she thought. As she walked bare-footed across the living room she saw the bathroom's door in the left side of the living room and entered slowly. Her foot stepped inside a clear white tiled bathroom. The place was well kept and clean. It was quite spacious as she saw an adult sized bathtub, with shower divided with a clear shower curtain. There was also a toilet seat and just up front was the sink with a frame-less square mirror. Just above it, a small first aid kit cabinet can be observed. Stellar looked in the mirror, her face showed obvious signs of fatigue, her cerulean eyes does not have the usual shine in it.

As she was about to leave, she felt a painful tingling sensation on her back. Stellar exposed the upper portion of her back before the mirror and realized what happened. She started shedding. She figured that the event was inevitable so she sat on the bathroom floor, wishing for it to be over. Moment's later, Stellar heard a voice screaming for help coming outside the bathroom door.

"Kyaaa! Leon! Help!" Lean screamed in shock.

Leon was awakened by a scream. Was it Lean? Is she in danger? "Don't panic, Leon." Leon calmed himself and grabbed whatever that might be used as a weapon. Unluckily, it was a broom. It was the closest thing he can take hold of. 'I hope it's not what I think it is.. It's broad daylight for heaven's sake.' Leon shook his head in frustration.

Clutching the broom with both hands, he steeled his resolve and went downstairs carefully. It seems to have come from the bathroom. Lean must have noticed him from behind and spoke quietly,

"L-Leon look, the girl… she's shedding..?" Lean stuttered.

"Oh, come on! Don't tell me I woke up for this nonse-" Leon started angrily.

Leon threw the bathroom door wide open and to his surprise saw the blonde girl sitting in the middle of the bathroom. She was indeed shedding white feathers. 'Is she a chicken-human mixed breed that I don't know about? Has science transcended beyond my human comprehension? But, she looks human and the only thing that makes me think otherwise is that she's over there surrounded by white feathers that flows from her back to the floor.'

"This is crazy!" Leon exclaimed.