
A day has passed since Leon's recovery. He called in sick for a day and surprisingly, as he looked at the mirror, his bruises were gone. No trace of it can be seen, as if he wasn't beaten badly just the other day.

As if nothing abnormal happened to him, Leon proceeded with his life normally. He skipped morning exercises and all household chores as both Lean and Stellar insisted he just rest and let them do all the job.

As Leon finished preparing for school, he head downstairs and saw Stellar. He still hasn't gotten used to seeing her face but at least the awkwardness has reduced even a little bit.

Before both of them could speak, Lean greeted him, "Good morning, Leon! Here's your packed lunch." Lean handed it over to him as he went to the front door. Leon said goodbye to both of them before finally going out.

He got to his bicycle and rode to school.

'The house was fixed as if nothing happened. Even my bruises seemed like a joke. I have never been beaten as badly before but I never thought I could heal just like that. No visible marks too. Seems like the television dramas that Lean watches are all a lie after all…' Leon pondered as he pedaled his way to school.

Classes resumed as usual with a few of his classmates going over to ask what happened or to say that their glad that he's back.

He replied with a simple thank you and resumed reading his book, entitled Riding the Winds of Fate. River offered a copy of his notes for the classes Leon missed but since it was just the start of the semester, it was nothing more than introductory or summaries of the course outline throughout the semester.

Mr. Rex also offered his gratitude to Leon as he saw that he pulled through in cleaning the laboratory room. He promised to give Leon extra credits for it.

Nothing noteworthy happened until it was time to go home. Leon yawned as he reached out for his backpack, placing his books and notebooks inside as he prepared to leave.

'Damn, it's Thursday today…' Leon remembered that he was in Library Committee as well and it was his turn to do his duty.

Though his duty comprises of just checking if there are some overdue books and relaying it through the school bulletin board and doing physical labor when new books come and need to be arranged, it was still an admirable work for him since Leon personally liked library and books.

The school have it's own librarian but since most of them are elderly. Because of this, a small group of students formed a committee set to support them.

The library was located in the western building, overlooking both the school courtyard and an empty lot which is used as extra parking whenever there were inter-school events, etc.

As the librarian saw him, she just smiled and said that there's not much to do today. Relieved, Leon just sat and decided to continue reading for awhile as he let the crowd of students dissipate before he go home.

As he was immersed completely in the book, Mark Excelsior decided to play a prank on him.

Leon completely forgot about his surroundings and that made him vulnerable to Mark's antics. He approached from Leon's back and forcefully got a hold of Leon's book, surprising him.

Leon turned around, just realizing what happened. Before he could react, Mark threw the book towards the window which overlooked the empty lot.

"Oops! Can you get that book for me?" Mark smirked.

Leon just ignored Mark completely as he took a stride and went towards the empty lot. 'Sheesh. How childish.' Leon knew he needed to get it quickly as it was the school library's possession.

Any damage to it might be accounted to him as it was rented under his name. 'After this, I'll go home. My day is ruined. Sigh.' Leon thought as he reached his destination.

'I'm pretty sure it's here…' Leon had started to look around and saw that there was a student before him.

"Looking for this?" The senior student said as he held up the book Leon was looking for.

"Give it back." Leon commanded.

"Fine, here it is." With a lighter in hand, the senior student burned the book before throwing it on the ground.

"What a waste…" Leon said as he looked at the burning book right in front of the student's feet.

"What did you just say! You act high and almighty just because teachers like you. But in reality, you're just poor and weak." The senior started.

"It's not my fault that you're stupid and unlikable." Leon insulted.

"This is why we hate you!" The senior shouted.

Numerous students came from behind him and the senior student, completely surrounding him and blocking his escape.

"You're right, Mark. This kid is boastful. His existence is an insult." The senior said.

"I told you. I heard all the bad things this kid said about you the other day… Why don't you teach this guy a lesson. A lesson that he will always remember." Mark appeared out of nowhere. Cementing the fact that it was all set up by him.

"If that lesson can help me get me to college, sure why not." Leon taunted.

"Hmph. I'll have you pay for your defiance." Mark said as he flicked his fingers signaling the start of their assault.

The students came onto Leon at once. Holding both his arms as they all punched and kicked him all over his body. He didn't struggle. He knew it was useless anyway.

There were at least ten students participating in the whole fiasco. For him, it would be a waste of energy to try and fight back. Not like he can't, but his disadvantage is in numbers.

If it was a one-on-one, he could possibly beat one or two of them, seeing as they can only gang up and consider this a beating, he knew some of them were as weak as fly, only joining in to get throw a free punch or two.

It can't even be considered a fight at this point, just a one sided brawl. Though Leon felt the pain, he focused on remembering each and every faces of the people that joined in. After which, he just closed his eyes and let them be satisfied.

'These people are just looking for someone they can beat up in order to prove they are strong. A release from their mundane life. They seek thrill, yet they wanted it hidden, unknown to the world as it would ruin their so-called reputation. How utterly disappointing.' Leon thought.

After the students were satisfied with their work, they left him alone. Some of them laughed at his pathetic face, sneers, side commented how weak he was.

'Yes, I am weak. But you are all weaker than I am. Imagine getting ten people to beat a single target. Pfft. How pathetic.' Leon found himself chuckling.

Though his stomach hurts so bad, he can't help but laugh and pity them. His eyes were droopy, he felt sleepy. His head was probably concussed. As he lay flat on his back, he closed his eyes and eventually lost his consciousness.

"My, my. If only you just used your powers, Leon…" A lone man said as he picked up Leon's unconscious body.