Chapter 24: The Reunion

"Please, stay here and protect the humans in my place until I return."

His gentle voice echoes her mind as she recalled his warm smile.

Who would have thought a vampire, who came from a proud bloodline, would bow his head asking her to watch over the safety of humans. In her 9 years of hunting monsters, no one has ever done something as humiliating as that.

But for someone like Rae, he wouldn't care about physical appearances and status. He'll gladly lay down his sword to protect the ones he cared about. A dhampir who successfully managed to set his morality first before giving in to his vampiric instincts.

And the more she thinks about him, the more she feels this warm and fuzzy feeling on her chest. It was something she has never felt before. After all, it was always him who makes her experience these new and strange emotions that she thought she doesn't have. And before she knew it, she was already wishing for his safe return.

'Aria! Are you alright?'

'We're already here, you've been spacing out.'

The twins asked and the lass noticed they had indeed arrived in the Holy Ministry headquarters.

She came after receiving a call from her grandfather, asking for an assembly together with the other professional hunters, known as the Seraphim. Of course, he wouldn't ask for this meeting if the matter wasn't something to be taken seriously.

"Aria! I'm glad you made it in time." Gabriel cheered soon as he saw his grandchild. He jumped and was about to hug her but the lass was fast enough that she dodged the old man.

"Grandmaster!" Isaac came to his aid and helped the poor old man to get up.

"Still as cold as ever. Won't you care to welcome your grandpa with a warm embrace?"

"Lolo, I came for the meeting, not for a greeting," Aria replied without a hint of guilt.

"Isaac! Did you hear that? My Aria doesn't care about me anymore! At this rate, I'll die all alone!" The old man cried in his arms.

"There, there, Grandmaster." He gently patted the old man's back, "I'm sure Lady Aria's just being shy about it."

"Not in the slightest." the lass replied so casually.

A moment of silence has come and passed before the old man cried again.

"You could've just at least pretended, Lady Aria!"

She blinked, "Why would I do that?"

Isaac sighed in defeat, 'It's no use... Why do I even hope she'll gain emotions one day? She's been like that since she was born...'

"It's alright..." Gabriel said, "I'm still hoping someday, my Aria will be able to smile, cry, and laugh just like the others. Let's keep holding to that, Isaac!"

The man frowned, "I wonder when will that be?"

Instead of answering, the old man turned around and started walking.

"Let's head to the assembly hall, we shouldn't keep the others waiting."

'At least answer the damn question, Grandmaster!' He thought in which, he can't say out loud, of course.

At the end of the hall, the doors were automatically opened soon as they arrived. Inside, three men in black clothes can be found, all gathered on a rounded table. The one on the left has raven black hair with a lower braid. He has slit eyes which one would guess he's Chinese. But what's remarkable on this man is the scar on the right side of his forehead and the golden cross earrings on both sides, which serve as his Holy weapon.

"Well, well, look who's back... How's life in LA, Aria?" He asked with a playful grin.

"Much better than seeing your face, Zhaohui.*" The lass blurted without hesitation.

The man called Zhaohui grinned even more, "Ah, how I've missed that cold voice! You never fail to give me chills whenever you speak, it's breathtaking!"

A slam on the table suddenly came, "Quit it, Zhaohui! You sound like a creep!" A lad with fox orange hair glared, "We came for the assembly, not to flirt around."

Then, he gazed at the lass, pointing his index finger, "Long time no see, Aria! I presume you haven't forgotten our duel, eh?"

She sighed, "Fine if you badly wanted to get defeated again, Kyle."

"I won't be defeated this time, you'll see!"

"That's enough." said the huge guy sitting on the right, "We've come for the meeting, nothing more and nothing less." He glared at Zhaohui, "Not for flirting..." then his sharp gaze landed on Kyle, "...nor any personal matter. Do you understand?"

The two gentlemen sighed in defeat, "Fine."

"As expected of Mason, you can always handle them." Isaac praised.

The big guy sighed, "I just want to get this over with. Time is precious."

Aria nodded, "Agree."

Gabriel laughed, "How nostalgic! As much as I wanted to keep our conversation going, I believe we should direct to the point of this assembly."

Then, the old man's face suddenly turned serious.

"I've brought Isaac, the head of the Cherubim, to discuss the reason why you're all gathered here."

Isaac stepped forward, "Good day to everyone. I'm going to disclose about a series of incidents recently happening in our world." He took his tablet and swiped his finger before the screen flashed on them in a hologram.

Different pictures were presented to them, all taken from places across the world. The pictures may not be the same, but upon closer inspection, all of these have something in common: clothes and ashes are lying on the crime scenes.

"You might be wondering what these photos signify. But if you notice, these ashes and clothes lead to only one possibility..."

"Vampire corpses." Aria continued and she was certain about it.

"That is correct. Through tests and collecting data, our team confirmed these clues indeed belong to vampires." Isaac added.

"But... isn't that a good thing?" Zhaohui placed his chin on his palm, "Why do we need to concern ourselves on their death?"

'Straight to the point as always...' Isaac thought, knowing each of them for more than five years.

"It does concern each of you, Seraphim." He calmly responded, "As I've mentioned, our team gathered more information than we imagined. We've also learned what all these vampires have in common: they're all hybrids." His tone became serious while saying the last words.

Then, Isaac continued to explain, showing them the DNA of those vampires.

"If not dhampirs, there are those of half-wolf, half-witch, and half-demon - which is also in line with your field of expertise." He gazed at the three gentlemen.

"I don't quite understand," Kyle raised his hand, "Aren't we supposed to be happy about this news? After all, it's our job to exterminate these creatures."

"You indeed have a point, Sir Kyle." Isaac nodded, "We would have nothing to worry about if that's really the case. But aside from their hybrid DNAs, we also found one similar clue to all these incidents: a sign of a red skull was found beside the vampires' corpses. If not on the ground, this symbol is found on the walls, light posts, on a piece of paper - as long as it's near the victim's ashes. They're all painted in blood which we assumed came from the victims too."

Isaac then changed the screen to the map of the world, where there are red dots on certain parts and places.

"What's more, knowing these incidents happened in different places at almost the same time, I presume this is not a handiwork of someone working alone. I don't know how many, but I'm certain they're moving in groups." Then his face turned grave, "This is something we should be all alarmed of. We don't know whether this group is on our side or not, we're even clueless about their motive. That's why we should take this matter seriously."

A deafening silence has come and passed, all eyes are looking in the same direction, none other than to Gabriel Grosvenor. After all, his decision about what has been discussed is what matters the most.

"We wait for your orders, Grandmaster," Mason said as the old man gently caresses his beard.

"Hmm... If that's the case, then..." He glanced at each and everyone in the room, "Seraphim, this is your mission: investigate this matter thoroughly. Find their motive and if there's anything suspicious about them, don't hesitate to do what needs to be done."

They all rose from their seats and said in unison, "Understood."

And after that, the meeting has adjourned.

"I challenge you, Aria Grosvenor!" Kyle exclaimed, pointing his index finger at her, "Whoever gets the information first about this Red Skull, wins!"

"Don't you ever know when to give up, Kyle?" Zhaohui sighed, "Aria has defeated you a bunch of times and you haven't won a single match."

"That's why I'm more fired up, Zhaohui! Giving up isn't in my vocabulary! I'll make her acknowledge my strength and how powerful I've become!" Kyle proudly laughed.

Zhaohui sighed again, "It's really useless. He never listens when it comes to Aria."

"You can't blame him, though..." Mason said, "Aria is known as one of the most skillful hunters of the Ministry. She has learned how to use any weapon at an early age. Which makes me wonder if there's anyone else who could match her strength."

" that you mentioned it, I'm curious too." Zhaohui scooted closer to the lass, "Hey, hey, Aria! We've been together as Seraphim for so long, why don't you share with us a little secret? Has someone ever matched up with your power or is there anyone you find it hard to defeat?"

Kyle scoffed, "What kind of stupid question is that? Of course, there's no--"

"There is."

Her answer took them all by surprise that they stopped from their tracks.

"D-did I just... hear it wrong?"

"I've heard the same, Zhaohui."

Kyle retorted, "But that's impossible! I demand to know the name of this bastard!"

'Ah, he's jealous. How cute!' Zhaohui grinned teasingly.

Silence fell soon as they heard the answer from her lips.

"It's the Vampire King."

Mason raised an eyebrow, "You mean, Alucard?"

Aria shook her head, "The one who's rumored to be the next Dracula."

"I'm surprised there's a vampire who has escaped your clutches." Zhaohui held his chin as he found it amusing to think that someone like Aria, a huntress specialized in vampires, confessed this matter. It's a shame for a hunter if you look at it on the other side.

"B-but... how? How can this be?!" Kyle is still in shock at the news that he finds it hard for the information to sink in.

"You said it yourselves, gentlemen... He's someone who managed to match my strength. And when we meet again, I know he'll be more powerful." Then, Aria glanced at Kyle, "So if you want me to acknowledge your strength, then I guess you have to defeat him as well." She said before she turned away and left.

The three gentlemen were left dumbfounded, most especially Kyle who looked like he has lost another battle.

The silence was broken when Mason cleared his throat, "I can't believe she actually told us about that matter."

Zhaohui grinned playfully as he nodded, "Aria is indeed full of surprises. I'm always reminded how much I adore her so!"

Mason sighed, "I still wonder how I ended up with both of you." He mumbled and pulled the poor Kyle who was still in shock at what he has heard.

'It may not be obvious, but I know he's as curious as I about this Vampire King. I can't wait to meet him soon...' Zhaohui snickered at the thought.


The sun has already set when Aria returned to her apartment. But before she could enter inside, a familiar face greeted her.

"Ah, good evening Miss huntress!" Rin cheerfully smiled, "How have you been doing?"

The lass just nodded as a response. Then, a chuckle suddenly escaped from the female vampire's mouth.

"Oh I'm sorry, you just remind me so much of my big sister. You two behaved almost the same."

'Her sister? I believe I haven't met that vampire before. As far as I can recall, only she and the other male vampire lives with Mr. Celis. I wonder why the others are living away from them...' she solemnly thought.

But then, Rin continued, "Actually, I'm going to visit her now. Do you mind joining me?"

"I don't but I must ask, why are you asking me to accompany you? I'm sure you're well aware that I'm your kind's enemy."

Rin laughed awkwardly as she held her cheek, "To be honest, I wanted to thank you..."

'Thank me?' Aria echoed inside her head.

"You had a lot of chances, but you chose not to kill Young master nor any of us... That's why I wanted to know you more. Perhaps a chat like this?" she smiled awkwardly.

But the huntress knows better than anyone how this vampire expressed her true feelings.

'It's not that I spared him because I want to... I'm just finding a reason to do so, that's all...' She said to herself and gazed back at Rin.

"Fine. I'm Aria Grosvenor." she removed one of her rings before offering her hand to her.

Rin was surprised at first, but she happily shook the huntress's hand.

"I'm Rin, nice to meet you!"

Her hand is cold like someone came from a corpse. But it's soft like any other human hand. Then, she wears her ring once again after she withdrew her hand.

After introducing one another, they headed to the nearest bus station and ride the huge vehicle. They sat next to each other. It was an awkward feeling, never have Aria imagined she would be sitting beside a vampire. But she got to admit, she doesn't feel any ominous aura whenever she's with her nor any member from the Van Helsing. And she's not that certain if it applies to all of them.

'Still, don't let your guard down, Aria.' Artemis said, knowing what she's thinking.

'I know that.' The lass responded.

The silence between them was broken when Rin began to speak, "You must be thinking I'm the worst, right?" she scoffed, "Young master was doing his best out there to defeat that mean king and here I am... paying my sister a visit of all times..." Rin flashed a sad smile.

Not knowing how to comfort her, Aria just turned and glanced at the window beside her.

"That's not true..." she finally said, "It's not that we asked for it, neither do the Vampire King. We all wanted peace and in your case, only he can do it... He's the only one who could put an end to it." Then she turned to face Rin, "And we both know, you're hoping for his safe return which is the most powerful support anyone could give no matter how far the distance is. You're already doing your part, Rin. No need to underestimate yourself."

At that moment, even she's looking at her with that stoic expression, Rin felt warmth in her words that sent tears to her eyes.

"Thank you... You've done so much to help us, and here I am... having nothing to offer yet." She chuckled and wiped her tears away.

"It's fine. It's not that I'm expecting something from your kind."

"Well, maybe not today but someday. Who knows, maybe we'll grant you a huge favor one day." She grinned and then giggled.

"What is it?"

"I'm just glad Young master met a nice person like you! I wouldn't mind if you'll be his girlfriend in the future."

"That's nonsense." Aria looked away and pretended it was nothing. But her heart says the other, it keeps pounding so loud and hard for some unknown reason.

'It's just a joke. I shouldn't take it seriously...'

"Ah, we're here!" Rin announced and they got off the bus.

Good thing, the huntress managed to calm down when they reached their destination.

After dropping off at the station, they walked to the park nearby which was filled with bright lights and gaiety murmurs. But instead of going to crowded areas, they walked towards a woman who's sitting on a bench with two children. She looked exactly like Rin but doesn't wear the same cheerful expression as hers.

"Big sister!" Rin cheered and hugged her tightly.

"Auntie Rin!" the children greeted her as well.

"Trisha, Renzo! Long time no see!" she hugged them both and gently patted their heads.

The female vampire finally stopped when Ran called for her, referring to her companion.

"Ah, right... Sister Ran, this is Miss Aria. She's Young master's classmate in the university and I just asked her to accompany me."

Ran stepped forward and bowed her head politely, "I thank you for your time and patience towards my sister."

Aria bowed her head a little, "No, it was nothing."

Watching them, Rin can't help but giggle, seeing the similarities in their expressions.

Just then, the huntress felt someone pulling the hem of her clothes. Looking down, she saw the girl who's been gazing at her in awe. Aria crouched down to their level.

"Lady, you're so pretty, just like a model!" Trisha exclaimed and glanced at her brother, "Am I right, Renzo?"

The quiet boy just nodded in response and was blushing bashfully.

"Can we call you Miss Pretty? You really look like a princess!" She giggled.

Aria, who appears to be apathetic, said in a stoic expression, "Do as you wish."

The girl beamed, "Nice to meet you, Miss Pretty! I'm Trisha and I'm five!" Then she glanced at her brother.

"I-I'm... R-Renzo... I'm t-three... "

Aria nodded, "Nice to meet you two."

'If I'm not mistaken, kids usually love this...' Gently, she rubbed the top of their heads. And it seems like she's not mistaken after all.

While this is happening, Ran was talking to her sister while looking after her children.

"She's a hunter, right?"

Rin gently scratched the back of her head and laughed awkwardly, "It's amazing how you can tell it at first glance."

"I saw her golden rings. They're not ordinary. I can feel the power flowing from them." Then Ran's face became clouded, "What are you thinking bringing a hunter here?"

"Chill, sister. She's different than the others, just like that priest. Ms. Aria could've taken young master's life anytime she wants, but she didn't do it. She's nicer than she looks, trust me."

Seeing her sister's assuring smile, Ran sighed in defeat and chose to believe her words for now.

Just then, they heard loud cheerful sounds accompanied by drumbeats and trumpets, with cymbals and tambourines.

"It's starting, it's starting!" Trisha cheered and gazed at Ran, "Mom, the parade's here!"

The girl excitedly pulled her mother and brother's hand towards the huge crowd. Rin and Aria followed them afterward. People have gathered to watch the upbeat march with dancers in colorful costumes as well as their unique masks. Some throw confetti as they were shouting a cry of victory.

All these things amazed Trisha as she feasts her eyes on the lively celebration before her. But what made her heart leaped in excitement is when she saw some dancers breathing fire through their mouths. Some even danced with two fireballs on each side while doing some acrobatics.

"Renzo, look! I wanna know how they do that!"

The girl excitedly followed the marching dancers as she went into the crowd. Knowing his sister's heading alone, little Renzo wanted to follow her but was too afraid to get into the huge crowd.

Then, he gently pulled the hem of his mother's skirt.

"What's wrong?" Ran asked, "Where's your sister?"

The boy pointed to his sister from afar who was mesmerized by the fire dancers.

"Trisha!" Ran called but the music of instruments is louder, it interrupts their keen sense of hearing.

With that, Ran tried her best to get in the crowd, heading in her daughter's direction. Rin carried Renzo in her arms as she followed her. And Aria goes afterward.

Just then, a man in a black hood suddenly stepped forward and blocked Ran's way. Sensing his ominous aura, Rin paused from her tracks and handed the boy to the huntress.

"Take another route, Ms. Aria. I'm counting on you, please save Trisha." the desperation in her eyes tells that she's not bluffing at all.

The lass might be wondering why she has to entrust those little vampires in their enemy's hand. But she knows too well there's no time to waste. Better save that question for later.

Quickly, Aria took Renzo and carried him in her arms. She turned in another direction and saw another figure in the black hood who has taken Trisha away from the parade.

"Good evening, ladies." Greeted the man in a black hood, "Care to accompany this lonely vampire?" he grinned and showed his fangs.

"You're in my way." Ran coldly said as her eyes are slowly turning red.

"Oh? Are you seriously going to show yourself like that?" the vampire said who seemed to be unthreatened by her warning.

In a blink of an eye, Ran vanished as she jumped high to get away from the crowd. She quickly ran forward, heading towards where she last saw her daughter. But much to her surprise, the vampire in the black hood swiftly catches up with her speed. In fact, he's faster and he's now in front of her.

"Going somewhere?" he snickered and quickly throw a punch on her face, "You won't be able to see your daughter again, Miss."

He was about to attack her again when Rin came dashing.

"Get away from my sister!" With the help of the thick and big vines, she managed to hit him, or so she thought...

His body quickly vanished, only leaving the remnants of his tattered cloak. She saw him jumping and making a graceful landing. Facing his back on her, Rin saw a familiar symbol imprinted on his skin.

The Red Skull.

"So you're one of them." she glared at him.

"Oh my, what an honor that you know who we are." The vampire snickered.

"Oh yeah? How can I forget your friends who almost killed my niece and nephew back then?"

He held his chin and pretended to think, "Hmm... I don't know which of them are you referring to, but I guess I should introduce myself. How rude of me." Using his fingers, this male vampire combed a few strands of hair off of his face, "A pleasure to meet you, ladies... Call me Linnaeus."

"It won't make any difference but... I'm Rin!" Then, as she swung her arms, the vines moved forward and attacked this cunning vampire. He effortlessly dodged all of these like he was just dancing. But Rin took this opportunity as she swiftly rushed over to get near him. Thorns grew on her arms and were about to deliver a punch when Linnaeus's body turned into a swarm of bees.

"What?!" Quickly, Rin commanded her vines to defend her but everything happened so fast and she got a few stings from them.

'Quick! I need an antidote!' From the soil, she immediately calls for a herbal plant as it slowly grows.

While this is happening, the swarm of bees turned to hornets and charged towards Rin. Just in time, Ran came and delivered a sonic sound which sent the insects falling on the ground. Witnessing this, Linnaeus whistled in awe.

"So that's your power, huh? Are you seriously going to use that against me?" He scoffed, referring to the innocent people nearby.

Ran's brows furrowed, knowing what it means. Using such high-frequency sound will lead to people's death. She can't use that.

"How weird..." Linnaeus gently rubbed his nape, scoffing, "We vampires shouldn't care much about those pathetic humans... And yet here you are, both of you... worrying about their safety when they don't even care about us." His friendly facade suddenly shifted to a serious one.

"Why don't you join our side? The Red Skull cares nothing but our species." He smirked, trying to draw their attention away.

But much to his surprise, soon as he blinks, Ran appears in front of him.

"I don't care about such things... All I know is I can't waste any more time with you." This time, her fist landed on his face that sent him flying.

'I didn't even notice her presence!' He thought, but just as when he was about to strike back, Ran appeared before him again and kicked his stomach. A loud impact was made as the ground cracked and shook.

She was about to gauge his heart with her claws when Linnaeus quickly turned into spiders this time. And Ran was caught on thick strings of the web, restricting her limbs and even covering her mouth.

"As much as I want to hear your voice more, I just can't let you take my heart away, right?" He winked and smirked, "It already belongs to someone else."

Rin quickly recovered from the poison as her sister bought her some time. And now she's been captured, it's time for her to get back in action.

"Get away from her!" She released carnivorous plants and ate most of his spiders.

And when she had him distracted, Rin charged towards him and delivered a punch. Her arms were now filled with thorns that left some marks on Linnaeus.

"You shouldn't have done that..." Finally, his eyes turned bright red as if he has now become serious.

Suddenly, the spiders came together and formed into a huge one, stepping on her plants like it was nothing.

"Now, now, you have pissed my dear pets. It's time for them to show their greetings, right?" He smirked and released the gigantic spider.

Rin placed her hands on the ground, thick vines came out, wrapping all over the spider's thin legs to restrict it from moving. She was about to deliver her next attack when Linnaeus suddenly appeared behind her. Quickly, she released some sleeping dust, though, all they did was to make other insects fall asleep. Which means there is a lot more inside his body.

But this is a good opportunity since he's been preoccupied for a while. With that, Rin continued her plan and placed her hands once again on the ground. This time, thick spikes came out, piercing them in different parts of its huge body. The giant spider screamed in pain and turned back to small ones, getting eaten by the remaining carnivorous plants.

And with that, Ran was finally released from those thick and sticky webs.

"Rin, behind you!" she shouted but Linnaeus has already grabbed her neck.

"That's enough trouble for today, don't you think?" He glared and grinned menacingly, she can hear how he gritted his teeth.

Ran was about to move when he added, "If I were you, I'd better stay in my place. You don't want your sister to lose her head, right?"

She flinched when he found out what she's about to do. This time for sure, he's has gone angrier than before.

But Rin refused to stay put and so she moved her leg to kick his face. Unfortunately, he managed to grab it and tightened his grip like he's about to break it. This made her groan in pain.

"Looks like you wanted to die so bad..." Suddenly, chills ran down her spine as the swarm of insects roamed around them and surrounded Ran, preventing her to intervene.

"The Red Skull's working so hard to preserve our clan... But I guess killing one or two traitors wouldn't hurt, right?" He grinned devilishly and was about to pierce her chest with his claws when all of a sudden, he froze in his place.

A fly suddenly came and flew near his ear, whispering something.


Then, he released Rin from his grasp and quickly called for his swarm of insects, sweeping him away from the battle. The traces of anger on his face was quickly turned into fear and anxiety.

"Rin!" Ran rushed towards her sister's side who's gasping for air.

"Sister, we've got to follow him!"


After making a swift exit from the huge crowd in the parade, this other vampire in black hood jumped from roof to roof while carrying the unconscious girl in the arm. The plan to exterminate the dhampirs is still part of it but attracting attention from humans wasn't this vampire's style. Doing it in a secluded place where no one would come to save her is the most preferable way. But soon as this vampire was about to pass through the nearby post, the instinct of danger came and quickly dodged the golden bullet which almost hit the head. One wrong move and it will be the end for this vampire.

Turning around, the huntress can be seen standing on one roof while carrying little Renzo with her.

"This is the farthest you can go." She said with those cold golden eyes that can pierce anyone looking at them.

It felt familiar yet there's no time for this vampire to worry about that.

'How does she manage to keep up with my speed? She's just a human! No... there's nothing to fear about.'

Instead of listening to the huntress's warning, this vampire charged towards her with its sharp claws. But before it could ever reach her, the vampire sensed the danger from behind and quickly dodged another golden bullet.

'What!? How did she--!'

Aria took the opportunity of this distraction, she quickly grabbed Trisha and kicked the vampire on the stomach. The walls cracked from the impact as they fell from above. Swiftly, the huntress took the little dhampirs away from the battle.

"Take your sister and run as far as you can."

Little Renzo nodded and carried his sister. Before he left, he gazed at her and said, "B-be careful M-miss Pretty..."

She wasn't expecting him to call her that, but somehow, it left a warm feeling inside her heart. And with that, she nodded as a response.

Going back to the vampire, the smoke of dust covered her vision but she's still on alert anytime it attacks.

"I don't understand..." She heard its voice, and by listening, she can tell it's a female vampire.

"Why are you protecting your enemies?" The vampire stood and brushed the dust off of her coat.

"That's none of your..." Aria paused and was frozen when she saw her enemy's face.

Soon as the smoke faded, she saw her thick curly ginger red hair which are very much familiar to her. Not only that, this vampire's facial features strongly resemble someone she knew.


The vampire flinched and became flustered but then, it was swiftly shifted as she made a soft scoff, "I didn't expect the Ministry would care to remember our names. I applaud you for doing your homework!"

The vampire rushed towards her and swing its arm. She was fast enough that the reaction Aria could make is to block the attack with her arms. But much to her surprise, Griselda's arm became heavier as it turned to stone.

She swung another arm and punched her stomach, Aria was sent flying and trying to keep her composure as she landed on the ground.

Griselda followed her and walked towards her, "How's that?" She proudly said, "This is for all the vampires you killed!"

Griselda threw a strong punch on the ground that made a huge impact, making cracks and sending rocks flying towards Aria. An explosion came afterward, thinking the huntress has perished with that.

Just as when she was about to get complacent, she suddenly felt someone's presence behind her.

'H-how did she-!?'

A clutching sound was heard near her head as she hears a voice that sent shivers on her spine.

"You were saying?" Aria's cold golden eyes stared at her while pointing her golden gun.

"H-how... you should've had broken bones from that attack!"

"Are you referring to that punch?" the huntress asked, talking about the blow on her stomach, "I barely felt a thing."

"You-! Are you even human!?"

Aria blinked, "That's an odd question coming from a vampire."

Griselda flicked her tongue and made a swift turn to make a distance between them. But the huntress was fast as well that she already fired a shot. Good thing, she quickly evaded it and jumped high towards the lamp post. She touched its cables and absorbed the electricity inside. Then, her arms glowed and emitted electrical charges, blasting them towards the huntress. Aria quickly dodged her attacks, running as fast as she can. One wrong step and she'll be toasted in no time. Then, when she finally have the chance, she pulled the trigger and shot her golden bullet. But Griselda was fast enough that she dodged it.

"Ha! Where do you think you're--!"

She didn't get to finish her sentence when she felt a strong pang of pain on her shoulder. As she looked down, blood from it started to gush out as the wound started to sting so bad.

Griselda groaned, smoke started to smolder from the wound and could infect her whole body. She had no choice but to cut her right arm away. Then, it turned to ashes in no time. If she wasn't quick enough, she could've met the same fate as her poor arm.

But the battle doesn't end there. The chilling feeling came back as she felt the huntress's presence behind her.

"Stay away from me!" She made a swift turn to kick Aria but she quickly dodged it.

Griselda jumped backward, drawing a distance between them.

But since the pain of losing her arm from a holy weapon drained her energy, she lost her balance and fell to the ground.

"You might be wondering earlier why I know your name..." Aria said as she was walking closer to Griselda, "Perhaps, the name Nathalie would ring a bell to you."

She frowned, "Nathalie? Who the hell are you talking about?"

The huntress suddenly paused from her tracks, "You... don't you know any person in that name?"

"No, if you're saying that's your freaking name and I've done something bad to you in the past, then no, nothing rings a bell to me. And I don't freaking even know you!"

Then, silence came afterward. She can hear nothing but her breath panting from the pain this huntress caused her. But aside from that, there's something more. This lull silence could be perceived as something dangerous and scary. And the moment Aria gazed at her once again, it was something Griselda wished she has never seen. Her glowing golden eyes glared coldly at her sent shivers to every fiber of her being. And like a flash of lightning, this familiar feeling from her childhood came back to her.

She saw a young girl standing before her with those very same golden eyes that terrify her so. That same emotion made her whole body tremble and lost her ability to speak.

'W-what's happening to me?! Who... Who exactly is this girl?!'

"You..." Aria began to speak in a grave voice, "You might forget me, but... Nathalie, how can you forget her?!" She aimed both her guns and shoot two bullets at once.

Griselda thought it was the end of her when a swarm of insects appeared to deflect the attack. Then, Linnaeus came out of those swarms of insects.

"Griselda, are you alright?" Seeing how she trembled, his blood suddenly went rushing, "So she has done this to you, eh?" He said, referring to her lost arm.

Then, he turned to face the huntress and commanded a swarm of mosquitoes to attack her.

"You'll pay for this!"

In a nick of time, Aria managed to cast a protection spell that could hold up their attacks for the meantime. Slowly, the seal broke and the mosquitoes charged forward, only to find out the huntress is not there anymore.

"Where is that bitch!" When Linnaeus looked up, she saw Aria above, preparing for an attack.

She combined her two pistols, forming a shotgun. From it, golden light is starting to gather from the muzzles.

And by the looks of it, his vampiric instincts tell him how dangerous it can be. And with that, Linnaeus quickly took Griselda and dodged the golden beam in a nick of time. An explosion followed afterward that could turn every cell in their body into ashes.

'No ordinary hunter could possess that kind of holy weapon!' he thought, 'Don't tell me-!'

Upon realization, Linnaeus decided to fall back for now. Besides, Griselda's health is his top priority. He can't waste all his strength if he can't bring her back to safety. And with that, they quickly vanished as the golden light started to fade.

Aria put down her arms as the shotgun returned to pistols. She kneeled on one knee as she have used most of her energy from that attack.

"Miss Pretty!" Trisha called as the two dhampirs came running at her, crying, "Miss Pretty, are you alright? Are the bullies gone now?"

Aria gently patted their heads, "They're gone now... And if they ever come back, I'll deal with them."

Soon enough, Ran and Rin came and found them. They're not in good shape as well, but they managed to survive, thanks to Aria.

"Thank you for saving my children. Someday, I'll return this favor with my life." Ran bowed deeply to show her sincere gratitude.

"Don't... mention it..."

"I'm with sister!" Rin agreed, "We owe you our lives. If you ever need our help, we won't hesitate to come to your aid." she held the huntress's hands.

And for some reason, her hands aren't cold anymore like how she felt them earlier. Her hands are warm, just like how their sincere feelings show. And for the first time in her life, she didn't feel the urge to kill vampires.

How she felt glad she met them.


Author's Note:

*Zhaohui - pronounced as 'jaohwi'