Chapter 25: Death and Birth

Soon as he fluttered his eyes open, Rae found himself in a different place. There's a huge tree before him with its red and brownish leaves and its gray trunk and branches. The lad realized he was lying on the grass as he saw the grayish sky before him. There's no sun, but the weather's perfect and fine. These things can only be found in the place he knows very well: the Bleak Grave Hollows.

'What happened? Why am I here?' He thought as he slowly got up, holding his head, 'The last thing I remember... we came to find King Alucard, we managed to save Ciella and then... there's an explosion afterward... So why am I in this place?'

His thoughts were interrupted when someone suddenly came towards him, "Sera, are you alright?"

'Sera? Who's that?'

The young vampire boy became worried, "Oh no! Did you hit your head from the fall? I told you to be careful, even we're vampires, not all of us are immortals!"

But instead of listening to his naggings, Rae's gazes landed on the most noticeable thing on the vampire before him. He has emerald green eyes and silver-white hair, just like his. But why this young vampire didn't notice it at all?

"Hey! Are you even listening to me, Sera?"

'He called me that again. My name's not Sera, you must be mistaken.'

Rae was about to say that when he realized his inability to speak. No matter how hard he tried, no voice is coming out of his mouth.

He was getting all confused when suddenly, a soft voice called out.

"Sera, are you okay?"

A vampire girl came along with her long blood-red hair and purple eyes. For some reason, Rae sensed a familiarity on her face. It feels like he has seen her before but he doesn't know exactly when and where.

And soon as he met her gaze, his heart suddenly felt warm and fuzzy - a familiar feeling he thought would never come again. And before he knew it, he lifted his hand and gave her the hat.

The girl leaned closer with her worried expression, "I'm glad you brought it back, but promise me, please don't put yourself in danger again." She took it, gently brushing the dust off, "I do like this hat, but your life matters more."

Just seeing her smile sent his heart racing. The lad knows for sure, it wasn't his own feelings. But to someone who goes by the name of 'Sera'.

As much as he wanted to know more, knights in black armor suddenly came marching towards them.

"My lord, it's time to return to the castle." said one of them.

And without further ado, this little body got up and walked forward, heading straight to the carriage waiting for him. Rae can tell the sadness and regret for leaving his two friends behind. Even so, he flashed a smile in front of them before the carriage moved and left.

Gazing by the window, the lad noticed how they're heading towards a huge palace coated in black brick walls. But what took him by surprise is when he saw the symbol on the flags swaying at the top: a mighty lion with its bat wings, holding a sword - the emblem of the Alucard clan.

Rae didn't have much time to process things out as the knights brought him to a chamber where he was greeted by a vampire with the same face as Primo.

"Welcome back, Serafino..." this vampire's deep voice gave chills to his spine.

'Wait! Serafino? Then this vampire is-'

"It's time for your training." His eyes glowed in red as he slowly approached him.

All went blank and black. Even there's nothing to see in the vast darkness, there's only one thing that remains: Fear.

Rae gasped for air as he shot his eyes open. This time, he's no longer in Bleak Grave Hollows. Or he isn't even there to begin with.

Gazing above, all he could see is thick dark clouds forming all around. He could sense its ominous power just by looking at it. Getting up, the lad noticed something different and how his surroundings have completely changed. There are no signs of walls made of throbbing flesh. The floors were now replaced with navy blue crystals. Huge pieces were also scattered everywhere, and as he walked closer to one of those, he can see a dark mist inside of each crystal. And just by touching its thick-coated walls, he can already feel the heaviness and ominous power it carries.

Before he removes his hand on the surface of the crystal, he noticed his reflection, grinning menacingly at him.

'Where do you think you're going?' His reflection snickered and suddenly pulled his hand inside the crystal, 'You shouldn't have come here, to begin with... Now you'll have to join us!'

It feels like he's being pulled by ten or more vampires even he's only seeing his reflection. And as Rae drew closer to the crystal, different voices came out, speaking altogether.

Some are wailing, the others are laughing mockingly. There are also gibberish whispers while the worse ones are screaming in rage.

'These voices... Did they all come from the black mist inside the crystals?' The lad thought as he was struggling to pull himself out, 'It feels... suffocating! I can hardly breathe!'

Amid all the different noises, there's only one thing clear about what they say:

'Let's all kill Serafino...'

"ENOUGH!" Rae has managed to retrieve his arm as he made a clear distance between the crystal walls. He was panting, the more he indulge himself with those voices, the more his heartthrobs in pain. But now it's over, or so he thought...

A slow clapping sound echoed, the lad turned around and saw a male vampire in his mid-40s, snickering while gazing at him. For a moment, Rae thought he saw Orpheus in him. His jet black hair and sharp golden amber eyes tell it all. But he knew very well, who's this gentleman standing before him.

"King Alucard..."

"Bravo! You're indeed splendid as the rumors say... You've managed to take down my good-for-nothing children and caused so much trouble to me!"

The lad's brows twitched as he heard him say 'good-for-nothing children'. It makes him remember the battles and hardships he encountered because of them. Yet, they're just poor unfortunate souls being used as weapons, instead of treating as children.

It makes him mad... but what weighs heavier than that is pity and sadness.

"You're right..." He said in a serious tone and gazed at Alucard in the eyes, "And it's time for this trouble to end all your schemes now."

"How arrogant!" Alucard appeared before him and swung his arm. A huge wave came and made some pile of crystal shards flew in such impact. Fortunately, Rae managed to dodge his attack and came rushing this time. He threw a punch on his stomach and jumped to kick his chin. This sent the king flying and hit the other side of the crystal walls.

But in a blink of an eye, Alucard rushed before him and grabbed his neck.

"Is that all you've got? Pathetic punch like that won't bring me down!" He slammed the lad's body on the floor as hard as he could. Then, he stomped his face a bunch of times that made some cracks on the crystal floor.

Rae groaned in pain as he was struggling to breathe from Alucard's grasp.

"You're nothing but empty promises, boy! You disappoint me!" once again, he grabbed his head and threw him on the thick crystal shards scattered around. Its sharp edges pierced through his skin and flesh. And soon as blood came out, a red smoke suddenly smoldered from it. Rae has been reminded of the new powers he just obtained not long ago.

"Oh? Using Isabella's ability, eh? Her power cannot save you at this point."

"We'll see about that..." Rae forcefully pulled himself out and threw some blood orbs at Alucard. A series of explosions followed as the king dodged all of it effortlessly as he charged towards him.

"This is the end of you, Van Helsing!" Soon as he was about to gauge his heart, Rae stretched his arm, and all of a sudden, Alucard's heart throbbed in pain. It was beating so fast that it feels like it was about to explode. What's more, he can also feel pain in his veins like it was forcefully being twisted.

'W-what's this!?' Alucard froze in his place and kneeled in one knee, 'I-I can't breathe!'

"That's what you get for being complacent..."

When he held his head up, he was surprised to see a different yet familiar face standing before him.

"After all, kneeling suits you better, Serafino."

"Astrid!" He said in gritted teeth, "Do you really think I'll be swayed by seeing that wench's face!?"

The image of Astrid's face smirked, "No, but I think it would be nice to see your expression when I defeat you with this face."

"Damn you!" Alucard got up and charged towards Astrid, but she quickly dodged him, grabbed his arm, and tear it apart.

The king groaned in pain and glared at her, "You wrecked bitch!" His arm quickly regenerated and rushed towards him once again.

Rae in Astrid's image managed to read his movements and countered them with his attacks. Their speed can hardly catch up in the ordinary person's eyes. Explosions after explosions follow as their fists collide in such strength. But what irritates this old king is the smirk on the lips of his opponent. It was as if he was being mocked with, worse, with the face he despise the most in the world.

"Die, you bitch!" the veins inside his body suddenly turned black as they slowly are spreading inside his system.

Noticing this, Rae quickly made a strong blow on his stomach, sending him off on the crystal floors which now created huge cracks and shattered pieces.

The lad earned his energy in one palm, creating a strong blood orb on his hand as he jumped towards the king. But before he could reach him, a strong gust of wind came in between, it was as if he was being sucked away. For a brief moment, he saw Alucard snickering as those black veins glow, reaching on his neck.

And before he could be sucked in this strange vacuum wind, he threw his orb and it was swallowed instead. After that, Alucard stretched his hand and the explosion of the orb came back at him - sending him flying. Who would have thought his own attack will hurt him so bad. At least he knows it's strong enough.

But the battle doesn't end there, King Alucard jumped high at him and punch him as hard as he could. The lad's body flew and hit his back on the crystal wall. Knowing he's still coming after him, Rae used the crystals, forming into sharp blades before throwing them towards the king. But Alucard turned his body into black smoke in which the blades came to pass through him.

"What a fool!" He managed to grab the lad's neck once again, "This is the end of your arrogance, bastard of Van Helsing!"

With a strong blow, Alucard pushed Rae downwards and a sharp thick crystal pierced right through his chest. The crystal turned red as his blood-covered it. He coughed vigorously as if blood won't stop coming out of his body. The sole weakness of vampires has finally happened to him. And it happened in just a split second.

seeing how he struggled in pain, Alucard laughed like a mad man. It was as if he has done a great feat.

"This is what happens to foolish bastards like you, you're nothing but empty promises! After all, blood tainted like yours doesn't have a single place in both worlds. You'd better be off dead!"

He laughed again to his heart's content, "Ahh! I should show off your corpse to that wench before you turn to ashes. It would be a waste not to see her face in despair!

He was about to approach the lad's body when all of a sudden, his whole body aches in pain. It was as if his insides are being burned all throughout.

'W-what's happening to me!?' When he gazed at his arms, his veins started to get swollen and purple. And it was followed by a vigorous cough of blood as his visions started to get blurry.

"Not a single thing in your plan will ever happen, Serafino." Rae got up, looking fine and well. This sent chills to the King's spine as he saw his glowing red eyes and hair turning blood red.

"Your expression yearns to know how did I manage to stay alive after what happened, right? The answer is quite simple..." He chuckled, "Before the crystal's tip pierced through my skin, I immediately turned the portion of my blood into black iron and created a fake crystal outside using my own blood."

"B-black... iron?"

The lad nodded, "Yes. After all, your firstborn is my teacher. The last time I had my battle with him, I realized I am capable of doing his power too. Blood is made up of iron, right? I'm just lucky to learn the black one in a short period."

King Alucard coughed once again, "W-what... did you do... to me?!"

"Ah, that... is simply poison," he smirked.

"Nonsense! There's no way you could've to use that power! And if you can, chances during the battle are minimal to inflict it against me!"

"And that's what you thought, Serafino..." Rae's face became serious, "The good-for-nothing children you've been referring to earlier... They helped me to get back at you."

"What!?" Then, Alucard noticed the red smoke that's still coming out of his blood since earlier. That's when he realized the answer he's been seeking.

Noticing this, the lad snickered, "You're right... Using Princess Ciella's power, I combined it with Princess Isabella's. I tricked you, thinking I used it for making illusions. But you already managed to inhale the poison that's been slowly killing you inside." Then he gazed at the king, "You've separated them since childhood, even to death... But it didn't become a reason to bring you down to this point. After all, their bond is stronger and thicker than any blood!"

Even he's struggling to breathe, King Alucard still managed to laugh like a mad man.

"Nice speech, but this won't be enough to kill me!"

Suddenly, the strange vacuum wind came once again, sucking him as hard as it can.

"If I can't kill you with my own hands, I'll just make sure you won't be able to escape here alive!"

Rae grabbed the nearest crystal there is, but the way how these winds move is stronger than before. He won't last long and he can't stay hanging in the crystal forever. He has to do something!

As he quickly gazed around, his eyes landed on the black mist inside the crystals once again.

'Let's kill Serafino...'

The voices said altogether, though, in different expressions, the heaviness behind those words remains.

'Let us out!'

'I want to be free!'

'We don't wanna be in here anymore!'

The voices keep growing and louder. Some visions are flashing inside his head one after another, it feels like they're knocking hard to escape their prison. That's when Rae finally understood, these black mists aren't Serafino's power.

'They're the poor souls he tormented for so long...' he made a painful expression and slowly loosen his grasp on the crystal, facing his opponent with unyielding eyes.

"I won't let you win!"

Before the winds suck him in, he turned his blood into black iron and made a strong blow on the crystal floor. Huge cracks were made and the black mist slowly emerged, clouding all together as they finally have a taste of freedom.

"You imbecile!" Alucard tried to use this vacuum wind to swallow the thick mist, but due to the poison, his strength is draining, and can't keep up with the strong winds.

The black mists charged towards him, sweeping him away and eating him whole. Rae can hear their anger, sorrow, wailing, hatred, and madness whispering around as it was followed by the king's screaming voice.


Rae panted as his knees gave in. It was pretty intense, one wrong move and he'll be swallowed by the strong wind instead. But what bothers him the most is the dark black spot which keeps on appearing when Alucard uses that power. It feels like there's something more about it.

'You're not wrong about that, Dhampir.' A strange voice said amid the darkness.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" the lad got up as he looked around, being alert anytime something strikes in.

'Relaaaax, no need to be tense.' the voice said once again, 'I don't intend to hurt you. In fact, I'm here to thank you...'

"Thank me?" Rae echoed, "What do you mean?"

The voice chuckled, 'You've destroyed my last shell at last, in which, you have set me free. Although, I am already swallowing him with all his negative emotions, still, you made my freedom came faster than expected!'

The lad narrowed his eyes," You're welcome, I guess? But you're still suspicious even I can't see you."

'Heh! How rude of me! I forgot I don't have a physical appearance anymore! Hmm... Let me just do a little trick then...'

Dark purple eyes suddenly appeared glowing in the dark, with its gleaming menacing grin.

'How's this, young Dhampir? Even better?'

"Who are you?"

'Oh my, how serious... Looks like you're tired of games after that battle. Oh well, lemme introduce myself properly...' the entity snickered, 'I don't actually have a name like what you fools usually do... But for formality's sake, they call me... Blackhole.'

"Blackhole..." Rae mumbled and remembered the strong vacuum-like wind, "So it was you?"

The entity grinned from ear to ear, 'Bingo! You're not just smart, you're observant as well! I give credit to that.'

Rae gazed at him, "Would you answer me if I ask what are you exactly?"

'Hmm... Since you did me a favor, why not?' the entity giggled, 'I am the legendary power of the Alucard! You must've heard... this clan specializes in all kinds of negativity and dark energy, and I, Blackhole is their sole prowess from the beginning of time. And on each generation, my destructive ability has been passed on to every heir of the house. In short, I have several shells before I had this old Serafino.'

"What are you planning then, now that you're free?" the lad asked as his curiosity goes on.

The entity chuckled, 'What else? I'm going to find a new host.'


'You see, young Dhampir if I go on like this I'll be able to swallow a whole country...' Rae heard it snickered, 'or even better, the whole world!'

"Finding a host prevents your power from sucking everything, and feeds on the body instead..."

'Precisely! I like how you can easily catch up. But do take note that I only feed on all kinds of negative energy, the stronger, the better... Be it with my shell, or from the others.'

The lad's expression became clouded.

'Ah just like that! I can feel the anxiety in you! Too bad you don't fit to be my shell.'

"What do you mean?"

'As I've said before, from generation after generation, I've been passed on to the heir of Alucard. It's in their blood anyway to shoulder all the darkness there is. And if I'm not mistaken, there are still two children left in this house.' the entity giggled, 'I wonder who'll taste even better?'

"I won't let you!" Rae raised his voice. Just by hearing it say about the last two children, he knew for sure this entity was referring to Orpheus and Ciella.

"They've just regained their freedom. I won't let them be hostages ever again!"

'Oh? So what are you going to do then? Given your heroic nature, I bet you won't let me loose and swallow the whole world instead, right?'

The lad narrowed his eyes, he's facing a great dilemma indeed. He doesn't want either side to suffer, there has to be a way to get through this. And seems like Rae already has the answer to that.

He took a deep breath, "How about we make a deal, then?"

The entity gazed at him, getting interested in the next things he will say.

"Make me your next host!" He said with decisive eyes, which shows how serious he is.

'Oh? And why should I do that?'

"Just think about it... you said I'm not qualified to be your shell just because I'm not an Alucard. But I don't think that's the only reason..." Rae placed his hand on his chest, "It's because you don't sense much negative energy in me."

The entity grinned, 'That is correct. So why would you think I'll accept that deal of yours when we both know I'll be at a disadvantage.'

The lad smirked, "But don't you think it's worth a shot? To awaken my negative energy and make me a beast? After all, corruption and malice are your specialties as a legendary power of Alucard, right?" He gazed at it eye to eye, "Wouldn't it be the sweetest victory of all?"

There was a moment of silence before the entity called Blackhole crackled, 'Ah, young Dhampir! You never cease to amuse me!'

Then, the eyes glowed even brighter as it gazed at him, 'Taking a closer look, I can feel your power inside and it's quite intriguing... Your face isn't bad either... That is a tempting offer, indeed. But... are you certain of what you're saying right now? You're well aware of what it means, right?'

Rae nodded, "I do... And I have made up my mind. Whoever loses shall take over the other."

'That's precisely how I wanted... Now, give me your hand, young Dhampir...'

The lad raised his right hand, and like a greeting of shaking hands, Rae felt a chilling sensation on it as he was suddenly electrified. He groaned in pain as his heart throbbed furiously and heat rushed his entire system.

'It will only be painful for a while, don't worry... Make sure you're going to make things interesting from now on, young Dhampir!'

The crackles echoed inside his head as he felt suffocated by the black mist that surrounds him. Slowly, he's getting dizzy as his visions got blurry.

'I have... to keep... going...' He said before he closed his eyes.


He gasped for air soon as he shot his eyes open. The vast darkness is gone and now he's in a different place. He was lying on the ground with a broken sword beside him. What's more, he can feel the heavyweight of a great power inside his body. And speaking of which, as he gazed upon his hands, he noticed how small they are compared to when he last remembered them.

"Sera!" The vampire boy with silver-white hair came running at him, "Are you alright?"

'He called me Sera again... Does that mean...'

'Yes...' Rae heard the entity's voice, 'Now that we have become one, the memories of my last host have been transferred to you. Plus, your ability to see other's memories made it even stronger, you've managed to have the same view as Serafino.'

'I see... It feels like a dream, but I can feel what he does...'

'It may be so... But you cannot undo everything that's going to happen and what you're about to witness. After all, this isn't your memory, to begin with...'

'I understand...'

His thoughts were being disturbed when the vampire in front of him spoke, "How does it feel? I've heard Uncle Victor has already transferred that power to you."

"I feel light... Yet heavy inside..." said the young Serafino, "How about you? Have you succeeded in the trial as well?"

Young Anderson nodded, "Yes, but unlike you, Father doesn't use harsh methods against me. In fact, after I won in our battle, there's only one thing he asked of me..."

"And that is?"

"Please make a better world for our clan." Anderson looked down, "I know how much my father has grown weary of wars between other creatures... That's why, Sera, when I become the next king, I want to stop this war. Will you help me to achieve this?" He offered his hand and young Sera gladly shook it.

"Yes, let's end this war for the sake of our world."

These words came so easy yet so hard to fulfill. It wasn't that long when another war came, and this time, both of them are included.

'It will be alright...' Serafino said to himself, 'Once this is all over, I'll do whatever I can as the heir and will finally confess my feelings...'

He paused from his tracks when he saw that familiar long blood-red hair. But it seems like she wasn't alone.

'Selena... and Anderson?' He hid behind the wall and listened to their conversation.

"Before I go to the battlefield, I wanted to tell you something before it's too late..." Anderson said.

"I'm all ears." Selena nodded.

The young vampire gazed at her with sincere soft eyes, "I like you, Selena. I have feelings for you."

Those words pierced like a knife in his chest, but what comes next is way much heavier.

"I... feel the same." Selena softly said, "Please return to me safely."

"I will." Anderson smiled and they drew closer in each other's arms.

It was a moment of bliss and heavenly for them but not for Serafino. He immediately left soon as he heard her response. It feels like something inside him has shattered into thousand pieces. He has experienced two painful things that made it hard for him to breathe.



He was planning to confess as well after the war. If he had known this would happen, he could've planned to confess way earlier. But on the other hand, will Selena choose him if he confessed before Anderson does?

And as for his friend, he has never felt so much resentment.

'How can he do this to me?! He's my friend, he knows I'm in love with Selena and yet... How dare he took her away from me?!'

Rae felt this heavy feeling swallowing him inside. And if his eyes weren't playing tricks on him, he can see such darkness surrounding this body.

'These are...'

'Indeed...' the entity chuckled, 'Those are Serafino's negative energy. Little did he know, it became my food and became stronger to devour him sooner or later.'

"E-excuse me..."

Rae heard a soft voice coming from above. When he looked up, he saw a woman with silver-white hair gazing at him from the window, or to Serafino - to be precise.

'Carol... Anderson's younger sister...' Rae heard Serafino's voice as he was having that thought.

"Uh-uhm, p-please... return safely..." She bashfully said and threw a light green handkerchief to him.*

Her weak yet soft eyes show how much adoration she bears towards the vampire she's looking at. Rae can feel it but unfortunately, not Serafino. Because of the darkness in his heart, he didn't pay much attention to it and just took the handkerchief before they set up for the war.

Their horses line up as he stood beside his father.

"Serafino," he was cold in a grave cold voice, "Don't you dare disappoint me."

He gulped, "Yes, father."

At the sound of the trumpets, the war started. Loud battle cries were heard as well as the clashing of swords and spears. The smell of blood and sweat came after as corpses increased in numbers from different clans. Serafino was swinging his weapon, fighting different creatures from left and right. Also, with his new ability, he was able to defeat them quickly.

Gazing at the side, he spotted Anderson fighting the others. That made him remember the confession he did to Selena earlier and sent heat to his body.

'If I kill him right here and now, no one would suspect of it - even Selena. I'll make sure he wouldn't be able to return her side!' He crept slowly and silently, ready to pierce the tip of his blade right through his friend's heart. But before that happens, a loud roaring cry can be heard that made the ground shook violently.

"What was that?!" They rushed to where the sound came from. And before them, they witnessed how King Alucard was perished by the wolf lord's hand. And with that, Vincent, his uncle, was enraged and turned into a huge demon bat.

At that moment, he was supposed to be running. But his legs suddenly gave at the moment he saw how his father's corpse turned to ashes.

"Sera, let's get out of here!" Anderson pulled him by the arm and took him away from the battlefield.

Because of the strange appearance of the demon bat, the battle ended quickly. Creatures in every clan suffered and they're not an exception. Much to how it suddenly appeared, the giant demon bat disappeared as well without a trace - only the disaster it brought upon them. And they came back with grave expressions written all over their faces.

A funeral came afterward to give honor and respect to those vampires who fought for their clan. Everything happened so fast, but he has to deal with it. After he gave a brief speech, Serafino walked closer to the grave solely dedicated to his father, the previous king. After that destruction, it was expected that nothing was left for their fellow vampires on the battlefield, not even their ashes. That's why only these tombstones serve as their remembrance. And as part of their tradition, they would whisper words to their deceased loved ones before bidding them goodbye.

And with that, Serafino leaned forward and whispered, "Father, your death is so sudden even it is something you've been preparing to avoid for so long. I have lots of things to show and prove to you, hoping one day you'll praise me more than anyone else... I promise I won't forget any of your teachings and I will take care of our kingdom. That's why... Thank you for not existing anymore, now I'm finally free!" He grinned devilishly as Rae saw the dark aura gets thicker around him.

Then, he heard Serafino's voice as he gazed at Anderson and Selena from afar.

'Nothing can be undone and be changed if I kept dwelling on it. What I can do is to move forward and show Selena how much she has missed for choosing that bastard instead of me. That's right! I'll do anything I desire starting today! And someday, I'll take back what's mine, Anderson!'

A strong gust of wind came and Rae felt the passage of time. But as it goes on, the hatred, anger, and loneliness never depart from Serafino's heart.

'It still feels... heavy...' He thought and clutched his chest.

'I find it funny...' Blackhole said, 'Even he knows he's full of scars and wounds in his heart, he didn't find a cure for it. But rather, they became his drive towards madness. That's what I like about Serafino.'

If this entity has a physical form, Rae could already imagine him grinning.

'He married Anderson's sister and they had a son. But he gave no love towards those poor vampires.'

Rae heard a loud wailing of a child as he opened his eyes. Once again, he was standing in Serafino's point of view, seeing an infant with silver-gray strands of hair.

"How can this be...?" he mumbled, 'Why does this child didn't take after me?! Why does he have that silver hair? No! The Alucard bloodline must go on!'

He raised his hand and was about to strangle the poor child. But a knock suddenly came at the door.

"My lord, Queen Selena has arrived."

The moment he heard that name, the plot to end the infant's life slipped off of his mind. He quickly left the chamber and rushed towards the guest room.

There she is, standing so gracefully even from afar. Her wavy long blood-red hair can still captivate him.

'She looks just like mom...' Rae mumbled ad he gazed at her beauty as well.

"Ah, Sera!" she beamed when she met his gaze, she quickly walked towards him while carrying a basket, "I was supposed to visit Carol since she loves our native fruit. But I heard she just gave birth. Congratulations!"

Selena scooted closer and hugged him. Her sweet scent surrounds his nostrils as he drew her in his arms. It was just a brief moment, but how he wished she will forever be within his reach.

"Well then, good luck for being a father. I shall go to visit Carol." She chuckled and smoothly walked through the hallway. Serafino was about to stop her but he ended up retracting his hand.

"Someday, my love... Someday I'll take you away to that bastard..." he mumbled and clenched his fist.

Then, his surroundings became dark and cloudy as the entity came before the lad.

'We shall end the show here, we might forget the passage of time.'

"Wait, I want to see more." Rae insisted.

'Are you certain about that, young Dhampir?'

Rae nodded, "I'll handle it."

Blackhole snickered, 'Very well then...'

Thick clouds surrounded the lad as he was starting to see visions and hear voices. But Blackhole's ghastly voice remained dominant as new things starting to unfurl.

'For his strong desire to take away his beloved, Serafino secretly plotted an assassination to Anderson. He raised shadows of assassins that will do his bidding without fail. It took him a year to do that, much faster than gathering up forces and training an army.'

When the lad opened his eyes, he's once again inside Serafino's body.

"We shall proceed as planned. Make sure you won't fail me." He heard Serafino's deep voice, talking to one shadow assassin as he was facing the window.

"Make sure to bring me his head before he turned to ashes."

Before the assassins could leave, a loud knock came at the door.

"My lord, I've brought terrible news!" said his servant, wearing a grave expression.

"Speak." the king commanded, "Make sure it's worth my time."

He had no plans on looking at the servant's face, not until he muttered the name he solely live for.

"Q-queen Selena... is dead, my lord! She died after giving birth to the--"

The poor servant didn't manage to finish his words when Serafino quickly grabbed his neck.

"How dare you speak so ill mentioning her name! Liars like you should be burnt in the rays of the sun!"

"B-but I'm telling... the truth, my lord! Y-your spies told me so!"

Serafino threw the servant on the ground, "Out! Get out!"

In such fear, the poor servant quickly left the king's chamber with trembling knees. Then, he heard a loud wail next door as shattering glass came afterward. He tossed everything his hand could grasp, making loud noises as tears stream down his eyes.

As for Rae, he has never felt such sorrow like this. It was way heavier like his heart has grown swollen. It was beating so hard in anger, yet aching so much in pain of sadness. The clamor of the king echoed the halls as his thoughts echoed inside the lad's head.

'This can't be! I've worked so hard for this moment! Why is it nothing comes in my way!? Why does this thing have to happen!? Why! Just why!? Why do you have to take her away from me!? No! Noooo! This is all his fault! This is all Anderson's fault! I curse you, I loathe you from the bottom of my heart!'

The darkness within emerges and corrupted Serafino's body. Little by little, it's devouring his heart and soul. But all of those things don't matter now. After all, he had lost his sole purpose to live. It feels like he's now a dead and empty shell inside.

Thick dark clouds surrounded the lad, he gasped for air as it suffocates him. His body became heavy as he fell on his knees. The devastation of Serafino took an effect on him.

'You told me to keep going...' the entity snickered, 'Be careful of what you wish for. Now, feel his pain, his suffering, his greed, jealousy, lust, pride, hatred, and madness!'

Rae groaned in pain as he held his head. Gibberish words started whispering to his ear, speaking all together that he could go insane anytime. Also, fragments of Serafino's memories started to come after the other that it's filling his mind.

He saw Serafino throwing a fit in front of his friend. He was in a rage and Anderson just accepted all the punches he is giving.

The next thing he knew, Rae saw the young Astrid smiling at him. But instead of feeling warm and fuzzy, he felt bitterness and remorse. These feelings grew deeper as he witnessed how his mother became a fine young vampire. Looking at her, the resemblance of Queen Selena cannot be denied. And the more he can see her, the more he feels nauseous and disgusted about it. It was as if his stomach is being turned upside down.

The pain only subsided when he heard a familiar voice whispering to his left.

"This is the right moment, your majesty..." Edward said, "King Van Helsing is nothing but a weak vessel from the disappearance of the princess."

Then, Rae heard another voice whispering from the right.

"Once he's gone, you'll now be the Dracula... And we'll help you to achieve that..."

The lad gazed to his side to see that person's face. And he was surprised to see that familiar grin.

"Vulpine!" he frowned, 'What is he doing here?!' He has a lot of questions more than that.

But there's no way to answer any of them when another memory comes in.

Through Serafino's view, Rae saw him walking on the hall, heading towards Anderson's lifeless features.

"I came to visit you, my friend." He lied.

"Ah, Serafino... Thank you for your concern... Care to join me for a drink?"

"I would love that." They sat together, pouring each other's glass, "How was the search?"

Anderson became gloomier, much to his delight, "The same as ever. They still haven't found my daughter yet..."

"My bad... I shouldn't have asked-"

Anderson shook his head, "It's fine... It's not your fault..." Then, he rose from his seat and gazed at the window, "I'm still hoping... she'll come back here, safe and sound..."

"You're right. That's what I like about you, my friend. You're always full of hope." Serafino rose as well and rushed towards his back, "That's also what I dislike about you!"

The moment Anderson turned around, Serafino used his claws and gauged his friend's heart in one strike.

"Keep on dreaming, Anderson... You won't be able to see her after all!" Then, he smashed his heart with his bare fist, breaking it into tiny pieces.

His friend coughed in blood and grabbed the hem of his robe, "Thank you... for staying with me, my friend..." He said before he drew his last breath.

The sad smile on his face sent his blood rushing.

"Damn it!" He carried Anderson's body and threw it on the chair, "Why do you look so peaceful even if you died?! You don't deserve it at all!" He growled and took his sword.

"I despise you, did you hear me?! You took my happiness away! You're not worthy to be a Dracula because you're weak!" He snarled while slicing Anderson's limbs to pieces. Blood splattered and dripped on the floor.

He gasped and glared at his face, "How I've been hoping for your death, my friend... So long!"

Rae frowned as he watched how Serafino beheaded his own friend before his eyes. But the nightmare doesn't end. A few minutes after the ambush, Astrid discovered the body and fell on her knees. It was unexpected for her to return. But seeing her once again drove Serafino mad as he slowly approached the wailing vampire.

"I've always hated to see that face of yours. I should do the same to you!"

The lad looked away as he heard the sound of his mother's head, falling on the blood-stained floor.

After that, a loud crackle echoed around as Serafino laughed like a mad man.

"I did it! I killed them both! Now, I shall be King of all vampires!"

The heavy feeling of this dark mist came once again, suffocating Rae. But it wasn't for long when it was replaced by fear and anxiety.

"Not so fast, Serafino!" Astrid came forward, showing her blood-red hair and scarlet red eyes. Now she looks just like her mother, Queen Selena. The only difference is that it feels like her image is glaring directly at him.

'No! It can't be! How is this possible?!' Serafino panicked at her declaration of war. He was distracted by her appearance, which reminded him of his love.

'How dare she impersonates the face of my love! She'll pay for this!'

'It might look like he's going to win, but his fear is even greater, he fled like a foolish meacock.' Blackhole said.

Then, all of a sudden, Rae heard screams and wailing as his vision was surrounded by different women being beaten, abused, and harassed - all for Serafino's scheme in creating a perfect weapon to stand against Astrid.

The wailing was too much that the lad fell on his knees and screamed. And as if he felt the weight of their suffering, tears ran down his eyes as he breathes heavily.

'Ah, that's it! Feel their pain... feel their suffering... Feel the sorrow...' Blackhole said, 'Too bad you cannot lash out your anger to a dead being. But there are a lot of ways to release what you're feeling right now.'

"I know what you're trying to do..." Rae wiped the tears from his eyes, "But we're just getting started." He seriously said with eyes burning decisively.

The entity crackled, 'Amuse me more, young Dhampir! But, I must say, you do have potential darkness within you...'

After that, the symbol on his right hand glowed, and once again, he was electrified and lost his consciousness.

'Things might have turned out differently than what I expected...' Blackhole mumbled, 'My previous shell died earlier before I could drain all his life force. But it doesn't matter, the birth of my new host is much interesting... I can't wait to devour him as I slowly corrupt his soul!'


Author's Note:

*In medieval times, when a woman throws a light-green handkerchief to a knight, it means a love declaration. If the knight picks it up, it means he accepts the woman's confession.
