Chapter 26 More Apocrypha themes

"You know Mika-san, there is magic in your hands," Rex said munching food and emptied his nth plate.

"Kyoka told me that you didn't eat for days. From now on, you will eat with us." Mika said.

"Hah, smart but don't know how to take care of yourself," Kyotoku said.

"That's how you can eat food for free," Rex said.

After the day, he came back home with Kyoka. Kyoka's family was surprised to find out that Rex has been going to the same school of heroics that their daughter managed to get in. Not only that but Rex was recommended and gained the most points in the quirk apprehension test.

"Oh don't mind Rex-boy. After all you improved my cooking and after the Apocrypha theme was launched officially by our studio, we are more than happy to have you," Mika said.

They were able to recognize Rex from the theme and asked Rex to become the official singer. He knew that this will happen but he refused this. Rex asked Kyotoku that he could use the theme officially from the studio. It was like selling to an official studio then uploading it directly to the internet. He also gets some money which he wanted to refuse but he can't break Kyotoku's pride to he took the money.

"It hit 50m views and I know you haven't checked it yet," Kyoka said.

"And many worldwide music companies have been contacting me just to get your contract. Apocrypha was just a theme yet so famous that thousands of copies have already been sold out. It is most popular with heroes." Kyotoku said.

"Ugh… I even don't know what 50m is supposed to be. By the way, I have made three more soundtracks with the same theme. Let's hear this." Rex said and opened a holographic screen on the table.

"Three more soundtracks?! Man, what are you?" Kyotoku said.

"And when did you even made them?" Kyoka said with a pout.

"Hehe, it was on just a whim. Whenever I got the inspiration, just made them. I didn't upload them on the internet since I wanted to let you hear this.�� Rex said and Kyoka nodded with rosy cheeks. Mika and Kyotoku nodded at each other seeing their daughter. "First is called Apocrypha: Where it begins. Similar theme but just soft."

(Fate/Apocrypha OST#12 Where it begins

it started with the same theme before it died down. It started softly going into the main track mixed with soft flute and different instruments making it very interesting.

Kyoka felt that her first day at school was very interesting. She thought that this song is for new heroes who wanted to be pro.

Then the song ended and all of them were in a daze including Rex himself.

"Man, you are a gem," Kyotoku said.

"It's so inspiring that I thought I was young again," Mika said.

"Let's upload it. I bet most of our classmates will be thrilled to hear this." Kyoka said.

"Yeah, I am just hearing this second time and I gonna say that it is refreshing." Rex was also amazed by hearing this theme. "Let me make you editor, Kyoka. Make a timer post and upload this when we hear the rest of the songs." Rex said to Kyoka and made her editor.

"Whoa, thanks. I already made a post. Comments started to appear like crazy." Kyoka happily said.

"Let's hear the next two. These two are similar. The first is called Apocrypha: Savior. It is a banjo version. The second is called Apocrypha: Hope. It is made with the soft keys of a piano. Let's prepare your hearts, ladies, and old man." Rex said then played the next two songs.

(Fate/Apocrypha OST#26 Savior

Fate/Apocrypha OST#25 Hope

Similar to the first two songs, it started slowly. However, unlike those two, these two were soft and refreshing but sad too. They saw their heroes saying farewell to their people before flying to the heavens.

At the end of the songs, all of them were tears. Rex saw her mother in knight armor saying farewell to the public. Jiro family also saw their famous Japanese heroes who have taken their retirement or died saving them. it was a good reminder for remembering the heroes of their countries and shows their appreciation.

"Sniff* damn, they were amazing…" Kyotoku said embracing his wife.

"Yeah…" Kyoka said with wet eyes and saw Rex is a very sad expression. it was her first time she was seeing Rex with a sad face.

Rex was seeing himself when he was taking his last breath slowly dying in his previous life. He didn't even feel pain but glad that he was leaving a hell that he made after making it heaven. The only body part which remained human was his brain. His limbs were replaced by machines, even his heart was replaced by an antimatter reactor which he used to blow himself taking last world government agents with him.

"Hey, Rex, are you all right?"

"Huh?!" Rex woke up and saw the rest of the Jiro family was looking at him with concern. he sighed and smiled, "Yeah, I am fine. Just remembered that Santiago's death was memorable, hehe." Rex said with a wry smile then stood up, "I should be get going. Tomorrow is school so I don't want to be late. Kyoka, I have already sent files to upload them you see fit. Bye." Rex then left.

"Poor child. He was looking so pale, I hope he is okay." Mika said then went to her room.

Kyoka was in a daze and didn't know what to say to him. She thought that he was hiding something very important. She hoped that Rex is okay. She didn't know but she felt an ache in her heart when she saw Rex's sad expression.

Rex was about to enter his house when he saw the bright moon. He smiled then went to his lab.

"Jarvis, show me the results of mutations," Rex said and sat down on his chair.

[Nanites that you put in mouse subject 1 make a stable mutation whereas the rest of them became normal after they use their emitting powers.]

"Did they get healing effects?"

[Yes and no. I cut some mice with nanites in them. Nanites used themselves to heal mouse then died. I say they are still unstable.]

"Darn it. I still don't know how to shut quirk permanently." Rex said. "Have you caught any animal with quirk?"

[Yes sir but I am not going to let you experiment. You are highly dependent on nanites for your source of energy. If you continue to work without sleep or food, your nanites will get exhausted and may damage your body permanently. Sir, please rest since tomorrow will be another day where you have to use your quirk.]

"I guess you are right. Just last question, have you found traces of Omega-1 Nanite or any other Meta-Nanite?"

[No sir. You are still producing nanites from the food you eat.]

The Omega-1 Nanite, also known as the Control Nanite, is a large, silver nanite that was injected into Rex by Dr. Rylander in the original animated series. This nanite controls the active nanites within Rex's body and is responsible for the creation of Rex's new machines. It can also produce an unlimited supply of active nanites when necessary. Rex Salazar was able to make machines on a whim and just imagining them whereas Rex Kinzoku had to make all machines by planning them.

The Meta-Nanites, also known as Master-Control Nanites or Master Nanites, are extremely powerful nanites created to control the Dominion Code, or put simply the "God Code."

In the animated series, the project scientists accidentally discovered the Dominion Code during the original Nanite Project. As the name implies, the code could give its user control over the fabric of the universe. This code was stored inside five specialized nanites called Meta-Nanites, which were programmed to only obey Rex. All of the Meta-Nanites are required to have the complete code. When used individually, the Meta-Nanites can grant control over gravity, matter, and anti-matter, space-time, energy, and mechanics.

Purple: Technology

Blue: Elemental control

White: Gravity

Green: Space-Time

Orange: Matter and energy

Rex knew that he had Purple Meta-Nanite since he saw that in his memory. This nanite also provides Rex the ability to produce machines and control them but it didn't appear in his status which meant that it was either deactivated or destroyed. But he knew that God had something in mind before giving Rex a mission for saving this world. He knew that these nanites exist in this world or 'World Wide Cure' is not possible.


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