Chapter 27 All Might-sensei

"Hmm♫ hmm,♫" Kyoka was humming happily while walking towards the school.

"Wow, your voice is good, Kyoka."

"Kya~ Rex, don't scare me like this!" Kyoka said with a blushing face when she heard Rex's voice.

"Haha, sorry. But seriously, your voice is good. You should make a song." Rex said.

"What are you saying? My voice is not that great. Besides I don't even have time to make a song." Kyoka said with rosy cheeks. Rex smiled and thought that she was cute despite lacking any feminine charm. "Are you thinking something rude?" Kyoka asked.

"Nope, I am just thinking that you are cute when you blush," Rex said and chuckled.

"Oi baka! Don't say this early in the morning!" Kyoka said slapping his shoulders lightly with rosy cheeks. "So Mr. Genius, any news who is going to teach Hero Foundation Studies?" She asked changing the subject.

"Hmm, if I have to guess then the teacher will be All Might," Rex said.

"Wait? Don't joke Rex. How did you know?" Kyoka said surprised by this news.

"He is in the teacher department. I have seen him peeping at us in quirk apprehension test. I think he will be the best teaching that subject." Rex explained.

"Why didn't I saw him...? Anyway, we should hurry!" Kyoka said holding Rex's hand and started to run. Rex thought that this girl has become braver but he didn't dislike this.

"You are cute."

"S-stop it!"


"Man, I can't believe you can sleep in class with open eyes," Kirishima said to Rex.

"It is like standby mode. Hmm, this food is delicious." Rex said munching food.

After the regular classes, it was time for lunch. Rex was sitting with Kirishima, Jiro, Momo, Kaminari, Mina, Fumikage, and Toru. Midoriya, Ida, and Uraraka were sitting on their left side while two loner Todoroki and Bakugo were sitting together alone on the left side.

"Hey Rex-chan, why do your machines look like a familiar rabbit?" Tsuyu said.

"Yeah, I think, they look like the monster that appeared 10 years ago," Denki said. The rest of his classmates also averted their attention to Rex.

"And my favorite hero Bishamon took the retirement same day," Mina said.

"Well, Kaminari, Tsu-chan, it is because I am the same monster. And I am also the son of Bishamon. Because of me, she took retirement. Man, the rice is good." Rex revealed his past.

Everyone was shocked by this revelation except Momo and Todoroki. Todoroki knew this because his father, Endeavor fought mechanical monsters and Momo knew naturally since her family was evolved for cleaning the aftermath.

"I am sorry man, I didn't mean to pry on your past," Kaminari said looking a little apologetic. Tsuyu and Mina also looked sad.

"Don't be. It's not like I was hiding that. It is a matter of time before it came out." Rex said then continued, "Quirk never awaken normally. My quirk required me to be alone from the public so I become unresponsive at age of 4 then after a year, when I was kidnapped by villains and they took me to the hideout, my quirk awakened making me the mechanical mindless monster. It was like self-defense mode before I was overpowered by all the heroes and made me lose.

For this reason, my mom took retirement and focused all her attention on training me since it will be foolish if I run from it. That's the story." Rex explained.

"Whoa, I didn't know about this. I thought your quirk is amazing but I didn't know the cost it bears. That's manly." Kirishima said.

Todoroki felt envious of Rex. Both of their parents were top heroes yet one sacrificed her carrier for her child and the other sacrificed his child for his career.

"So you are the son of Bishamon. No wonder both of you have the same eyes. Can I get her autograph?" Mina said cheerfully.

"Yeah, I am also a fan of her," Toru said. Rex thought if she was a loner like Todoroki then she would have been long forgotten.

"No, you can't. She is in government and quite busy these days. Besides she was in Tokyo so unless she came here on business then you can't meet her." Rex said

Then Apocrypha: Hope started to play softly in the cafeteria and all of them were surprised.

"Ooo, this is new the new theme by Mech. I can't believe they are using it here." Kaminari said.

"This is a good melody to raise morale," Fumikage said.

"This theme is so good to hear~," Momo said then glanced at Kyoka smirking looking at Rex who was shaking his head. "Hey, did you know about this song?" Momo asked in a whisper.

"No, ask him," Kyoka said pointing at Rex. Momo thought that something was going on between them and she felt a little sad. Rex noticed her expression and decided to tell her later.


All his classmates were in class when-

"I AM HERE!" They heard a manly voice and a big man entered the room, "COMING FROM THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!"

"I can't believe he is really All Might!"

"So he is really here!"

"This year is totally gonna be awesome!"

"Look, is he wearing silver age costume?"

Everybody was shocked by the arrival of All Might who was walking like a cartoon. Rex thought that All Might's actions were funny yet so majestic and cool. He has to agree that all Might has good charisma. Everyone was cheering except a few including Shoto, Rex, and Momo. Jiro looked at Rex and nodded.

"Foundational hero studies! For this class, we'll be building up your hero foundation through various trials!" All Might said with his weird pose. "Let's jump right with this! THE TRIAL OF BATTLE!!"

All the students became excited. It was finally time they could pull some punches. Rex was also excited a little since he could battle again. He hated to fight in front when he was little but now he likes to fight using his big machines.

"But one of the keys to being a hero IS LOOKING GOOD!" All Might said pointing at the wall where four shelves emerged with numbers.

"These are designed based on your quirk registration form and request you put before school. Get yourself in a suit and meet me in Ground Beta!" All Might said and left.

Everyone started to pick their suit except Midoriya who has his suit in the bag. Rex turned to Momo and asked, "Did you get the costume that dad prepared?"

"Yeah, thanks, Rex. It is awesome. I didn't expect to get a costume without revealing my skin." Momo happily said.

"Good. I am also excited to wear mine." Rex said and went to the changing room.


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