
Just in time for Valentine's Day!


(The next day...)


Haru held his phone away from his ear as Monoma continued to scream at him from the other end.

It had barely been twelve hours since the events of the night before, but Haru had already received an urgent conference call from Monoma, Shiozaki, and Shinso. Monoma was completely enraged.

"I'm fine, guys," Haru tried to soothe his friends over the phone, "I'm just stuck in a wheelchair for a couple of days..."

Katsuki snorted in amusement as he pushed his brother down the hallway of I-Island's primary hospital, clearly finding his sibling's predicaments hilarious.

"You, shut up!" Haru snapped, turning his attention back to the phone, "No, not you, Monoma. I was talking to Katsuki."

[I'd hardly call putting yourself in a wheelchair an improvement,] Shinso said teasingly.

[Don't encourage him, Shinso!] Monoma snapped, "Haru, you need to stop getting bedridden every time you get in a fight."

"I didn't get bedridden during the finals!" Haru insisted.

[You know, and the rest of us know, that doesn't count,] Shiozaki dumped cold water on the excuse.

[Knowing you, you're probably going to check if other people are alright instead of resting,"]Monoma grumbled.


[I knew it! YOU ARE!]

Haru frantically waved his hand defensively, despite his friends being unable to see it, "I'm literally doing nothing! I'm not even pushing my own wheelchair!"

"Yeah, lazy bum," Katsuki snarked.

Haru shot a glare over his shoulder, "You stay out of this! No, not you Monoma!"

[Well we can't stop you and Kaminari is too stupid to help,] Monona sighed.

[And Jiro won't...] Shiozaki added.

[And my Quirk won't work through the phone,] Shinso yawned loudly on the other end, [Not that it would work for long.]

[You'd better rest later or we'll tie you up and hang you from the school when you get back,"]Monoma threatened.

Haru sighed, [Yes, mom...]


[Shut up, Shinso!]

Haru shook his head, chuckling as a verbal spat ensued, "I have to go now. See you guys when we get back."

[Have fun at the Expo!] Shiozaki spoke over the arguing pair on the call, [But don't overdo it.]

"I will," Haru promised, "And sorry that you went through the bother, I know you normally aren't allowed any devices on retreat."

Shiozaki laughed, [When they walked in this morning with an urgent call from Monoma, I thought someone had died.]

[Someone just might when a certain redhead returns home,] Shinso teased.

"Har har... don't remind me. My mom already sent me a list of ways I preferred to die," Haru replied with a deadpan expression.

Shinso snickered, earning another indiscernible rebuke from Monoma.

Haru gave a tired sigh as he realized he'd reached his destination, "See you guys later!"

He hung up as Katsuki pushed him towards the door of a hospital ward where two security guards stood on either side of the door,

The guards blocked their access, staring at them suspiciously.

"I'm sorry, but visitors outside of the patient's family are not allowed at this time."

Haru pulled out an identification card, revealing himself to be a licensed field doctor, "I'm the one who removed this patient's bullet last night. I'm here to check up on his progress. You can call the medical staff and confirm."

The officer grunted, speaking into a radio on his shoulder.

"That ID better not be fake," Katsuki hissed in Haru's ear.

"Unlike you, I don't need fake IDs to get what I want," Haru stated blandly, "Recovery Girl happily provided me a provisional medical license before vacation started."

Katsuki placed a smoking palm on Haru's shoulder, "Are you implying I use fake IDs?"

"Don't you?" Haru asked innocently. Too innocently.

"One more word and I roll you off the top of this building. See if you can fly then."

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Oh, wouldn't I?"

Their banter was cut off when the guard raised his head, "You're clear to go."

They opened the door and Katsuki began to push the wheelchair in but was stopped.

"Sorry kid, but only he can enter. Orders."

Katsuki popped a vein, "Who the ****–"

"Language!" Haru snapped, interrupting him sternly.

Katsuki growled, only changing his grammar, "Whom the ****–"

Haru slammed the heel of his palm under his older brother's chin, "No!" he massaged his temple, breathing out a sigh, "This is a private conversation. Just push me in and shut the door."

"Private?" Katsuki's eyes hardened as his grip on the wheelchair tightened.

Haru reached over his shoulder, squeezing his sibling's arm reassuringly, "It's not my secret to share, Katsuki. Please be patient."

The ash-blond detected a hint of regret in Haru's tone. It was clear that all the secrecy had taken a toll as more time passed, but Katsuki was also aware of how stubborn his younger brother was.

All he could do is trust him for now.

In complete silence, Katsuki did as he was told, pushing the chair in and closing the door as he left.

As the door shut behind him, Haru grabbed the wheels of his chair, rolling himself to the bedside of the room's patient.

"Doctor Shield..." he received no response except for the beeping of the heart monitor, "I see you're recovering well."

"Young Bakugo?" a skeleton-like figure sitting by the other side of the bed looked up in surprise.

Haru nodded in acknowledgment, "All Might..." he stopped his chair a short distance from the bed, "How are you?"

All Might's body expanded, revealing himself in his muscle form, "I am in perfect health!" he suddenly deflated, coughing blood, "...I'm not all right..." he admitted.

Haru shook his head, "You're not all right," he flashed the hero a closed-eyed smile, "You're All Might."

Dave coughed as he tried not to laugh at the pun, "He-he's got you there, Toshi."

All Might glowered a little, "Shouldn't a student show more respect in their teacher?"

"Shouldn't a teacher know how to teach?" Haru countered.

The Symbol of Peace conceded verbal defeat, "Touché."

Haru crossed his legs in a businesslike manner and pressed the tips of his fingers together, "Since you are both here, I think we need to compare notes. The crisis may have avoided the worst outcome, but there were too many coincidences for this to be random."

All Might let out a sigh already past the point of wondering why he was discussing serious matters with a student, "The villain leader said multiple parties were involved. I can confirm the identity of the one who gave him the second Quirk. All for One..."

Haru's expression turned solemn, "He's the one supposedly responsible for the creation of Nomu and the attacks on the USJ and Hosu you mentioned to me before? The power behind the League of Villains?"

"Yes. He's a major influence in the criminal underworld in Japan. His reach once extended around the world until I crushed his empire. Until a few months ago, we thought he was dead."

Dave stared at his friend in confusion, "Why don't I know about this? Why is the man's same so similar to the name of your Quirk?"

Haru raised an eyebrow, "He doesn't know?"

Dave looked between the two, "Know what?"

"Dave..." All Might opened his mouth to speak but hesitated, "I..."

"Whatever your reason's for secrecy before," Haru stated, "I think, for the safety of him and of I-Island, you need to tell him the full truth."

Dave reached out a hand towards his friend and the All Might grabbed it in a firm grip.

"Please, Toshi," Dave pleaded, "You know I've always trusted your decisions, but please don't leave me in the dark anymore. I won't blame you for your reasons for not telling me."

All Might sighed, "Listen, Dave, this is going to be a long conversation."

Dave smiled, "I have time."


(Sometime later...)

"I see..." Dave lowered his eyes in shame, "So, even if I gave you my invention, it wouldn't have worked. I'm sorry, for all the trouble I caused," he bowed in apology to Haru, "I saw what happened to your friends on the platform last night. I don't think any amount of apology would suffice."

Haru's face was painfully neutral, "If I'm being honest, I would really like to axe kick that creative head of yours to make sure you never think of such a thoughtless plan ever again."

"Young Bakugo!" All Might raised a hand in protest.

Haru raised his own hand for the hero to stop, "But when licensed as a field doctor, I took an oath never to harm a patient," he slowly blinked in Dave's direction, "As I performed treatment on you, you are my patient and will remain so until you heal. Also, because Melissa is such close friends with my classmates, I decided to let you off for her sake. I suggest you don't see me anytime soon after you've mended," he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Honestly though, did you think anything through about your plan? Didn't you consider that your daughter and coworkers wouldn't be suspect by association? Even if the people you hired really were actors, didn't you think putting a one-of-a-kind device that can sell for millions in their hands would be too great a temptation? Also, the reason why the Island is safe is that everyone thinks it is unbroachable. Didn't you even consider that exposing its weakness would provoke more attempts in the future?"

Dave wilted under the teenager's lecture, "I have no excuse."

"Damn straight, you don't!" Haru snapped before biting his lip, "Sorry. It's just... been a long twenty-four hours."

Dave nodded, signaling that everything was alright.

All Might leaned forward in concern, "Did something happen, Young Bakugo?" had noticed Haru's tenseness as if he was sitting near a bomb.

Haru crossed his arms over his chest in a subconscious attempt to protect himself, "I heard the statement that was released this morning. The investors of I-Island have been informed that a group of villains managed to bypass the island's security under cover of the I-Expo. David Shield and Samuel Abraham were coerced into allowing the villains access to the Island's security and the vault of the Central Tower. Thankfully the situation was reversed with the help of All Might and a few students. Considering the situation, no charges will be pressed against the doctor and his assistant, but they will be placed under careful watch and never allowed to work together again," Haru raised a finger, "That is the story they chose."

Dave hung his head, "Sam and I know too much about the island's secrets to be allowed to leave, but they don't want to lose our skills or offend Japan's number one hero... In other words, they'll just give me a slap on the wrist."

Haru leaned forward giving the scientist an intense stare, "You have many friends who stood up for you, Doctor. You were given an opportunity to fix things with this second chance. Not every parent gets that."

All Might looked at Haru, a look of sympathy in his eyes, "Young Bakugo..."

"–Which is why I've decided to trust you."

All Might froze, almost rising to his feet as he realized what Haru meant, "What? You aren't..."

Haru leaned back again, "I have reasons. Let me start from the beginning."

He revealed his true identity and origin to Dave, leaving nothing out.

Dave was understandably dazed at the newly revealed existence of alternate dimensions. It wasn't an unheard-of theory, considering the numbers of Quirks and their potential grew every year, but seeing living proof of life beyond a single plane of existence was hard to swallow. If All Might wasn't there to confirm that everything the boy said was true, Dave would be highly skeptical.

He was also well aware of why this wasn't public knowledge. The idea of another world and beings of superior average power existing in a space beyond normal reality was too terrifying a fact for most people to handle. True the alleged first contact was successful... mostly... but this fact could change how the world viewed things.

Having explained in brief detail the concepts of chakra and shinobi, Haru continued to explain in detail what had happened in his fight against the two members of the Golden Phoenix and their deliberate targeting of himself, a member of the Uzumaki Clan.

"The Order of the Golden Phoenix?" All Might repeated, "I've never heard of them before."

"I've already notified Best Jeanist and the Hero Public Safety Commission of the situation," Haru informed them, "They are investigating all possibilities as we speak."

"But why reveal your identity to me?" Dave questioned, "You said you'll trust me, but you have no reason to. Especially after what I've done."

Haru clenched his fists, "Actually, there is a reason. A much bigger threat has appeared. Someone on par with All for One or possibly worse."

All Might stiffened, "What?"

Haru's hands trembled from where they rested on his knees, "One of the villains mentioned a name. The name of the person who may be pulling the strings behind everything."

The two men's eyes widened, sensing the unease and reluctance in the boy's demeanor. It was as if he was afraid that by saying the words the threat would become real.

"Madara Uchiha..."

All Might sucked in a sharp breath, having heard the name several times before.

In the past few months, at the request of Best Jeanist, the teachers at UA had been made familiar with the records of Haru's memories. The ones that had been written down that is. Among the many things revealed in the records, the name of Madara Uchiha had appeared constantly throughout. The legend of the man was enough to convey the seriousness of the situation.

"But I thought your last memory of your mother told you she'd laid a trap to kill him!" All Might exclaimed, "We all know she was an S-ranked fighter."

"My mother died from her wounds after fighting a powerful enemy," Haru replied, recalling what he'd been told from the night he'd appeared in this world, something that never showed in his memory, "I always suspected he was responsible, but never had proof."

Dave furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "That still doesn't mean that this person really is the real Madara."

Haru shook his head, "Either way, this means one thing for certain," he lowered his voice, speaking so his voice only reached the other two's ears, "I never even had knowledge of the name until three years ago. That means someone from my universe, someone besides me, has crossed over. He is involved with at least one villain organization. This person uses the name Madara Uchiha in a world where only I could possibly know about it thanks to my parents' seal. The power required to come here could only be caused by a fluke, like in my case or from a powerful individual," he laced his fingers together, resting his elbows on his knees, "And this person has been in this world for at least a decade. To make things worse, he knew I'd hear about him eventually. He's issued a challenge; a taunt."

A sudden chilling sensation traveled up everyone's spines. A powerful individual with the patience to wait in hiding all these years wasn't an enjoyable concept to ponder. What his goals weren't known to them or precisely how strong he was. In other words, he was an unknown factor that could dramatically change the course of history for better or worse.

"If he's been targeting you all this time," All Might started, "Why hasn't he succeeded or tried again after that first attempt?"

Haru instinctively touched his forehead, "I briefly remember him snatching his hand away when he tried to touch me ten years ago."

Dave suddenly connected the dots from Haru's previous explanation, "Your seal!"

Haru nodded, "My parents must have caused it to react to certain people to protect me. Even a master of Sealing Jutsu would struggle to deal with something like that," he raised an arm, shifting it into paper and rotating it as a scroll extended from his palm, "And it is this small fact that we learn of our advantage."

All Might's eyes widened, "Is that?"

Haru held out the scroll towards Dave, "I've thought about it. You're one of the most brilliant minds in Quirk-related research. At this point in time, Fuinjutsu is only capable of being activated with the use of chakra, a power this world's laws do not allow any of you to use. According to shinobi legend, the art of Ninshu was taught to the world by the Sage of Six Paths, but how he did that and who he really was, has long been lost. Considering how powerful these techniques are, it could cause international strife if I'm the only one able to access them."

"But, you can't give them to just anyone," Dave finished for him, "So you wish me to officially research the potentials of Sealing Jutsu and alternative ways to power it in order to aid our fight against enemies like Madara..."

Haru saw the man's sudden reluctance on being asked to develop weapons. It was understandable, the Adamantine Chains alone were powerful enough to subdue beings equivalent to Kaiju monsters like Godzilla.

But the man's fears were unfounded.

The crimson-haired teen raised his hand, "Heal,"

A pale light enshrouded Dave's body as a seal appeared on Haru's palm.

The scientist's eye widened, feeling his minor pains fading as new energy filled his body, "This...!"

"Fuinjutsu has a unique trait that allows it to be used in many ways," Haru stated, "With my Clan's natural affinity for Yang chakra, I was able to create a seal that applies simple healing."

Understanding dawned on Dave's features, "So, you're not asking me to make weapons? Is your government alright with this?"

Haru shook his head in a very firm no, "After seeing the last weapon, I'd prefer more supplementary and everyday use types, thank you very much," Dave let out an embarrassed chuckle, "As for the government..." Haru pressed his index fingers together with a guilty expression, "They may or may not know about the research or the full potential of Fuinjutsu in the first place. We have been having bad leaks about me before, so where this came from may be under the radar until further notice."

There was an awkward silence. What Haru was basically asking was illegal, a bold thing to ask in front of a pro hero and his best friend, but it technically fell into a loophole of an anonymous donor requesting research on a particular subject.

Haru held out the scroll towards the scientist, "With a specialist officially exploring this, the governments of the world can slowly be reassured of the helpful potentials of these techniques. It will also provide an extra shield against people like Madara. Would you do it, Doctor?"

Dave held out a hand, grasping the scroll, "I'll do my best. I may not fully understand who Madara is or the danger's involved, but if Toshi feels there is room for concern, I think I should try and help however I can."

Haru nodded, releasing custody of the scroll.

"This scroll was created to react to your DNA, it is probably the safest storage I can conjure up out of the blue."

All Might coughed, "His DNA?"

Haru shrugged, "It wasn't hard to get. I performed surgery on you after all. There's no rule in my oath about taking blood samples if necessary."

Dave sweatdropped, "I see...", he slowly opened the scroll, revealing a seal with two hand-shaped outlines on either side.

"Place your hands in the outlines and the scroll will activate," Haru instructed, "Inside is a data chip with a program Principal Nezu of UA and I created. You will be able to share your research findings with him and any other who has access to the program. It's heavily encrypted and possesses a highly advanced database. The details of our research goals are inside," Haru rolled his chair back to take his leave, "Now that that is taken care of, I must go. I promised to see the Expo with some friends today."


(A week later...)

The I-Expo had continued without a hitch. I-Island had discreetly heightened security to ensure safety, but none of it was needed. No villain dared risk going near the place after the press release covering the villain invasion.

Of course, by the time they finished rehashing it, the event was mostly based around All Might saving the day. The students involved were credited with helping restore the security system, but the details on what happened on the highest pinnacle of the island and its private hangers were kept vague.

Luckily, no charges were placed on anyone for the damage. Haru could only picture the insurance companies' reaction to the budget required for repair.

Melissa had been granted a full scholarship for any program of her choice for her part in the rescue. She tried to refuse it, but her newly made friends convinced her to take it.

The other students involved were given lifetime passes to the future I-Expo events on the island.

What All Might and the other pro heroes who helped ended up being offered was unknown to the students, but they didn't bother prying as it wasn't their business.

Mother Teresa had left the island the day following the attack, only leaving a written message to Haru saying she had work in places that needed her. Her final words thanked the boy for his courage and promised him that he'd discover the answers to his questions in time.

She also left a warning, stating that the lamp must remain lit in the gathering darkness.

Unsure about her words, Haru had filed them to the back of his mind, leaving them for another time.

During the week, he'd spent time with his friends, enjoying all the sights and activities they could find. In a mere two days, he'd been allowed back on his feet, but he'd been forced to take it easy for another two.

It was now the last day before they'd all head home. Haru, Katsuki, Izuku, Kirishima, Todoroki, Uraraka, Kyoka, Kaminari, Mineta, Yaoyorozu, and Iida had been joined by Ashido, Hagakure, Tsuyu, Shoji, Tokoyami, Ojiro, Sero, Koda, and Aoyama. In short, the whole class had gotten together.

Raku, Chitoge, and Shu had already left a couple of days before. Their plans had only included a brief visit anyway, so to them, the added excitement had been a major bonus. They'd bonded really well with the rest of the class during their time together (being sure to keep their affiliation with the yakuza a secret from the majority of the group) and promised to keep in touch.

Chitoge had been especially thrilled as she'd made several normal female friends, quite a feat considering her status as a gangster's heiress.

Now the entirety of Class 1A was enjoying a special barbeque provided especially for them by none other than All Might himself.

"NOW! EAT TO YOUR HEARTS CONTENT, YOUNG HEROES!" the Symbol of Peace smiled brightly at his cheering students, "THERE IS PLENTY MORE WHERE THIS CAME FROM! NOW LET'S HEAR IT!"


The loud cries echoed across the lake they had chosen to gather at.

All memory of the dark happening on the night of the preview had all but vanished during the week, leaving them all in a state of cheerfulness and relaxation.

Haru sat by the water, absentmindedly chewing on a skewer of meat and vegetables. He gave his silent approval. Who knew that All Might was a master at the grill. He still would have preferred a little more spice.

His chewing slowly came to as top as he got lost in thought, staring out over the lake with a vacant expression.

A sudden stream of water shot him from behind, hitting the back of his head and soaking his hair and t-shirt.

He spun around, a vein prominently standing out on his forehead as he threw a glare in the culprit's direction.

Kaminari grinned evilly, shooting another stream of water at Haru's face, "Got you!"

Haru dodged the shot, getting to his feet with an evil smirk, "Oh, you don't want to challenge me."

He was instantly faced by three more water guns (provided by Yaoyorozu) as Kirishima, Sero, and Ojiro joined the one-sided battle.

Haru sank into a Dān Biān stance, his left wrist hooked behind him while his right palm faced forward, "Bring it!"

The other four boys spayed long streams of water in Haru's direction, aiming to drench him

The redhead quickly moved his arms in a series of fluid movements telekinetically taking control of the water as it made contact with his hands and bending it into a series of flowing streams that began to flow around him.

"Hey, no fair!" Sero protested.

"Too late to make rules!" Haru yelled, fusing the water together into a long whip, lashing out in Kaminari's direction.

The electric blond jumped to the side as the whip flicked past him, only to gasp in horror when it slapped Katsuki on the back of the head.


Everyone involved pointed at Haru, "He did it!"

Katsuki's aura darkened as he snatched the water gun from Kirishima, "Prepare to eat shit, paper doll..." he blasted himself into the air, shooting his weapon with terrifying accuracy, "DIE"

Haru kicked off his shoes and took to his heels, his now bare feet pattering along the surface of the lake as Katsuki flew after him.

Kaminari shared a rueful grin with his partners in crime, "Oops."

Ojiro suddenly grinned, slapping his tail on the water to splash his classmate.

"OJIRO!" Hagakure squealed as she got hit by accident, causing the tailed boy to panic and try to apologize.

This only gave Kaminari a chance to tackle him into the lake, starting a splash fight between them.

Soon, several more members of the class got caught in the crossfire and everyone joined in.

Yaoyorozu created several more water guns and the fight quickly escalated into a battle

Even Iida held off his scolding, only making sure to remove his glasses before joining in.

Haru and Katsuki had circled around again as the former tried to lose the latter among the others.

This ended up failing as a straight shot to the face caused him to lose balance, falling back into the water with a massive slash.

He shot up again, sputtering, shaking the water from his eyes to see Kyoka laughing at him.

Closing his eyes in a hearty laugh, he splashed her back, causing her to squeak as she tried to avoid him.

The water fight eventually died down after All Might ran in, carrying towels for them all to dry off. Luckily it was a warm day so they didn't bear the risk of catching a cold.

As they dried off, they all discussed their plans for their last night on the island.

To make up for the ruined reception from the night, Melissa had invited them all to attend her school's annual dance on the final night of the Expo. Of course, they'd all accepted.

Haru stood off to the side, trying hard to remove the water from his hair with his towel.

"Nice to see you've cheered up!" Kaminari commented as he walked up, holding out a bottled tea towards Haru, "You looked a little out of it. Was it the brush with death?"

Haru chuckled, "You call it a brush with death. I call it a vibe check with the afterlife," he said jokingly, trying to avoid Kaminari's inquiring look.


"I can't get over it..." Haru admitted, unable to contain himself anymore, "I can still..."

His breathing quickened and became erratic until Kaminari gripped his shoulder firmly.

"Calm down, dude," the electric blond led Haru to a nearby tree, sitting him down, "Tell me about it."

"It's Jiro..." Haru hung his head, "When the villain nearly killed us on the tower, I barely managed to save you all," he tangled his hands in his hair, "And when I felt her heart stop, I felt something die in me."

Kaminari didn't remove his hand, only giving his friend a sad smile, "Seems to me that you really like her, man."

Haru's face heated up and he pulled his legs to his chest, hiding his face in his knees, "I guess..."

Kaminari chuckled, "Damn, you've got it bad."

Haru peeked up at the subject of their conversation, watching her as she talked with her friends, the way she wrapped her finger around her jacks, the way her eyes squinted when she laughed, the quiet presence that brightened his school days in unexpected ways.

"You know, I asked her out a couple of months ago," Kaminari said, causing Haru to stiffen, "She turned me down, of course. I never stood a chance," the electric blond placed his hand behind his head, flopping onto his back to stare at the sky.

Haru did the same, "Sorry," he said, his voice barely a murmur.

"Don't worry over it. We talked it over already and moved on," Kaminari replied lightly, "Maybe if I'd met her a month earlier, I might have stood a chance, but you beat me to the punch without realizing it."

Haru turned his head, his amber-colored eyes peering at his friend carefully, "Do you think I have a chance?"

"Pffffffffff!" Kaminari snorted suddenly laughing out loud, attracting the attention of several of their classmates.

Haru turned as red as his hair as he sat up, rolling Kaminari on his stomach as he whined in embarrassment, "Kaminari~ Shut up~!

Kaminari pushed himself up, spitting grass, "Do you have a chance?" he repeated, shaking his head in amusement, "Are you serious? Everyone in the class can see how you guys act around each other. You guys even have matching friend bracelets for crying out loud! Not a normal friendship for people who've barely known each other for six months, Haru."

Haru lay on his back again with a groan, "I guess..."

He fondled the lapis lazuli bracelet on his wrist, remembering a certain promise of the future from several months ago.

"You have to confess to her eventually," Kaminari said seriously, turning his head to look at the younger Bakugo, "If you aren't clear about your intentions it will only hurt the both of you."

Haru returned the stare, a look of hesitation hidden in his eyes, "But... Can I even ask her? I'm barely qualified to live in normal society."

Kaminari huffed, "The Haru I know is strong enough to deal with anything he puts his mind to. If she's not safe on your watch, then she's not safe anywhere," when Haru remained silent, he continued, "Look, Haru. I care for you guys as my closest friends. I may not know everyone in our group as well as I'd like, but I'd know that you'd regret letting her go without saying anything than if something bad happened down the line."

Haru stared at his friend in wonder, "Kaminari..." his expression became determined, "Okay," the two of them sat up, as Haru gave the other boy a serious look, "Just promise me one thing."

Kaminari nodded, a resolute expression on his face, "Name it."

"If something... anything happens to me. Watch over her."

Kaminari grinned, ruffling Haru's hair while sparking him with static, "You idiot! I don't need to promise that! I'll always protect my friends! Just don't let that happen and you never have to worry."

"Thanks, Kami."

"No problem."

"And if I hurt her..."

"I'll hit you square in the jaw."



Haru entered the hall I-Island's academy had saved for the dance, instantly get hit by the deep bass of the music being played.

Since his formal clothing had avoided damage during the villain incident, he had gone the easy path and chosen that. A deep crimson shirt, a black vest, black dress pants, and his hair tied back from his face. Most of the class was already there, either dancing, socializing, or enjoying the food.


He stopped at the sound of Kyoka's voice, turning to face her with a smile.

The smile froze as he beheld her, his eyes widening as his breath seemed to rush from his lungs.

Kyoka flushed in embarrassment at his stare. Yaoyorozu had helped her out again, but this time she'd gone for a different look, opting for a black, V-neck, silk party gown with full-length black lace sleeves. Ashido had helped her with her makeup while Hagakure helped with her hair. The other girls had helped her accessorize and pick out her jewelry, a simple choker and earrings, and a pair of matching shoes.

The outfit wasn't anything special but to Haru, it made the girl in front of him more stunning than he could ever imagine.

"Y-you look..." Haru's mouth felt dry as he tried to squeeze out the word, "Beautiful!"

Kyoka's face turned a bright red, "Uh, thanks..."

They stood awkwardly for a moment, unsure of what to say.

"Hey, lovebirds!" Ashido popped up between them, dragging them to the floor, "Quit flirting and join the dance!"

Kyoka opened her mouth, "We're not..." she stopped noticing Haru's lack of protest. She even suspected he liked it, "Wait. Did you just flirt with me?"

Haru leaned in, speaking so only she could hear, "Have been for months... thanks for noticing."

He flinched as she stabbed her earplug into his ear, but suddenly realized he wasn't in pain.

A rhythmic thumping pounded in his ear, causing him to blink

'Is that her heartbeat?'

The girl clicked her tongue, pulling her jack away, "Tch... don't say stuff like that. It's weird."

Haru placed a hand over his mouth as he hid a smile.



(Play: Macarena (Dance Version))


The music changed to a mind-dominating tune, causing several of the dancers to move together, moving to the music.

♪ When I dance, they call me Macarena ♪

♪ And the boys, they say que soy buena ♪

♪ They all want me ♪

♪ They can't have me ♪

♪ So they all come and dance beside me ♪

Kyoka looked lost, watching several people performing a repeated series of simple dance moves.

"I never learned this!" she called out trying to get help from Ashido, but the girl had long moved to the other end of the dancefloor.

Haru tapped her shoulder, "Just do what I do!" he told her stepping back and joining the other dancers, singing along with them."

♪ Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Macarena ♪

♪ Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegría y cosa buena ♪

♪ Dale a tu cuerpo alegría, Macarena ♪

♪ Hey Macarena, ay ♪

♪ Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Macarena ♪

♪ Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegría y cosa buena ♪

♪ Dale a tu cuerpo alegría, Macarena ♪

♪ Hey Macarena, ay ♪

It was far from a graceful dance and there were several collisions, but everyone had fun breaking the ice.

The music suddenly stopped.


The familiar voice over the microphone caused Haru and Kyoka to snap their heads in the direction of the DJ station and realized that it had been commandeered by none other than Ashido. She was closely surrounded by Melissa, Uraraka, and Hagakure who all poured over the music list.

"Oh no, they hijacked the music," Haru groaned.

Their worst fears came to reality as Ashido flipped down a pair of shades, bouncing her head to the rhythmic opening to a song that they instantly regretted hearing.


(Listen with caution: May get stuck in your head)

(Play: Lego Movie Soundtrack: Catchy Song)


♪ This song's gonna get stuck inside yo' ♪

♪ This song's gonna get stuck inside yo' ♪

♪ This song's gonna get stuck inside yo' he-e-ad~ ♪

Everyone else in the room stopped dead in their tracks all of them thinking the same thought

'Oh no!'

Kyoka glared at the pink girl, "Mina, no!"

Ashido pulled down her eyelid in an akabane, sticking out her tongue, "Mina, yes!" she yelled, pumping her fist to the beat.

♪ This song's gonna get stuck inside yo' ♪

♪ This song's gonna get stuck inside yo' ♪

♪ This song's gonna get stuck inside yo' he-e-ad~ ♪

♪ This song's gonna get stuck inside yo' ♪

♪ This song's gonna get stuck inside yo' ♪

♪ This song's gonna get stuck inside yo' he-e-ad~ ♪

Uraraka, Hagakure, and Melissa all began jump-dancing to the bass, singing along with the lyrics.

♪ 'Cause it's so catchy, catchy ♪

♪ It's such a catchy song ♪

♪ Gonna make you happy, happy ♪

♪ Don't try to fight it, sing along ♪

♪ This song's gonna get stuck inside yo' (Head) ♪

♪ This song's gonna get stuck inside yo' (Head) ♪

♪ This song's gonna get stuck inside yo' he-e-ad~ ♪

Haru covered Kyoka's ears, rushing her out of the room to one of the balconies outside as pandemonium broke out.

"Damn it!" he muttered, uncovering her ears as he glowered through the glass door to the party inside, "Everyone's going to go crazy after this."

Kyoka gave a sigh of relief on avoiding the pain of having the song play of repeat for the rest of the night.

Nope, now that she was thinking about it, it failed.

"Looks like we won't sleep soundly tonight," she sighed.

Haru rubbed the back of his head ruefully, "Looks like it."

They both paused, realizing that they were both completely alone.

"Well it seems that we only need to wait a few minutes," Kyoka nervously turned away, staring out over the view of the city, she looked over her shoulder, smiling at Haru, "While we wait, we can-"

The image of her unconscious face overlapped with her smiling one in Haru's vision, causing his body to move instinctually.

Kyoka's eyes widened on feeling a pair of arms wrapped around her in a protective hug as Haru buried his face in her shoulder, "Wha?"

"Sorry..." Haru muttered in apology, "Just... let me stand here for a moment."

Kyoka went silent, turning to gaze at the stars as the sound of Haru's breathing calmed her racing heart.

"I heard from Melissa what had happened on the tower..." she said, "I felt so ashamed for scaring you, I didn't say anything," rested a hand on her forehead, "I should have considered how that would affect you."


(Play: Koi to Uso OST - Track 15 (Confession theme) - Love and Lies)


Haru hummed lightly, not moving from his chosen position.

A tiny smile tugged at Kyoka's lips as began to talk to fill the silence, "Originally I never considered becoming a hero," she admitted, "Growing up, my whole life was music. Just like my parents, I thought I wanted to be a musician. I guess my dream changed in the most cliché trope you could hear about. I was watching the news one day and saw someone risking his life to save another. He looked so calm and cool. Even when it looked like he would die, he never backed down. At that moment, I realized helping out others and making them happy... that's what I wanted to do. I was torn and scared for a while since I'd liked my music so much and my parents were looking forward to me being a musician... but they supported me... They told me to choose what I thought would make me happy. After that, I decided that I'd go to UA no matter what. I don't know why, but I felt deep down that the person who inspired me would be there. At the entrance exams, I actually did end up seeing him again. He saved me when I was in trouble. He looked so confident and strong; I wanted to be just like him," Haru felt his heart thump louder in his chest as she quietly whispered the next words, "...That person was you."

There was complete silence as the crimson-haired boy processed the information.

"Jiro... Kyoka..." he spoke in a low voice, raising his head as he stepped back, turning the girl around to face him, "I... I like you..."

Kyoka suddenly broke down into tears, covering her eyes as she looked away.

Haru stood, unable to react properly, the amount of willpower from his confession sapping him of energy.

Kyoka clutched Haru's shirt, trying to calm herself, "Sorry, I just..."

"It's okay," Haru answered calmly, "Just take your time. I'm listening."

The crying girl leaned her head against his chest, catching a whiff of Haru's calming scent of rainfall and the woodsy musk of vanilla.

"I-I don't know if I can handle it anymore..." she sobbed, "I know being a hero is all about sacrificing ourselves to protect others, but... whenever you get injured... it's like I feel my heart is breaking... The thought of seeing you die... is... What scares me the most is that whenever you were closest to death you have that look of peace in your eyes as if you want it to happen. You use yourself as a shield over and over again without regard to your own body. It's like you want to leave everyone behind."

She continued to cry unable to contain herself.

"I'm sorry.

Kyoka snapped her head up, her breath catching in her throat.

Haru smiled at her, the night breeze causing his loose hairs to sway slightly, "I'm sorry for making you cry."

'What is he saying?'

"I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble."

'That's not what I meant?'

"I'm sorry for pushing you without thinking about how you felt. I realize I didn't understand what you wanted and upset you."

'You don't understand...'

"Just know, no matter what. My feelings won't change."

'My feelings...'

"I will respect whatever decision you make."

'Will you hear them?'

"I like you."

The sudden outburst caught the redhead off guard, "What?

Kyoka raised her hand, placing them on either side of the Haru's head and she forced him to look at her, "I. Like. You. Haruko. Uzumaki."

Haru felt an eruption of pure joy in his chest as his knees suddenly buckled. He sank down, curling into a tight ball, letting out a loud sigh, alarming Kyoka.


"Sorry. I'm just so happy," he breathed out, hardly able to speak.

She looked away, blushing, "How did you think I felt?"

"I thought you were going to turn me down..."

Kyoka blinked in stunned surprise, "Turn you... What? What made you think...?" she stopped, "Oh..."

Haru chuckled slightly, causing her to hide her face in her arms

"Stop it! It's embarrassing!"

She refused to look at home for several moments until she felt his hand slide foreword, cupped her cheek.

"Every time you get embarrassed you look away from me. I feel like I've never gotten to know this side of you properly," he spoke tenderly, "Please... let me look..."

She lowered her arms, revealing her reddened face to see he was identically red.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Kyoka?"

A silent thrill ran through the girl on hearing him call her by her first name.


Her body trembled slightly from nervousness, and so did his, but they barely noticed at the moment as they crouched together on the silent balcony.

Haru leaned his head forward, pressing his forehead against her, "Kyoka... I want to become the pillar that holds up the next symbol of peace. I want to help build a future where we can all live happily and not need to live in fear. I can't promise you I will never take hits, but I promise you, I won't die."

Kyoka giggled suddenly, "That's kind of dumb promise to make."

They both shared a chuckle.

They leaned closer, their breaths mingling as their lips drew nearer.

Kyoka's eyes flew open as she felt Haru press a finger to her nose, pushing her away as he pulled back, a scarlet hue still present on his face.

"Not yet. If we kiss now, I don't know if I can hold back."

Kyoka smirked, "Considering that your clan is known for high stamina, that might be the best idea."

Haru choked on air, now unable to look into his girlfriend's eyes, "K-Kyoka! What the hell?"


Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima were hanging out together near the DJ station, sharing some guy talk.

"Hey, I haven't seen Class Rep around for a little while," Kirishima suddenly realized.

Kaminari's eyebrows shot up realizing he hadn't seen Haru or Kyoka for some time now, "Wait, is it happening already?"

Sero tilted his head in confusion, "Has what happened?"

Kaminari scanned the room, finally catching sight of Haru's distinctive hair color, "That son of a... biscuit eater..."

Kirishima looked confused, "What's up, man?

Kaminari grabbed his two friends' shoulders, shaking them roughly in excitement, "It's happening guys! It's really happening!"

Sero pulled away, following Kaminari's gaze, "What is?" he suddenly caught sight of the newly established pair holding hands. Not the regular hand-holding but the fully interlocked hand holding belonging couples, "OH SHIT! OH SHIT!" the raven-haired teen completely lost it, screaming at the top of his lungs.

Kirishima suddenly picked up on what was happening to raise his arms in a cheer, "You're the man, Class Rep!"

The sudden yelling drew the attention of several people nearby.

"What's that all about?" Hagakure asked no one in particular.

Tsuyu smiled slightly, having already discovered the cause of the scene, "Maybe it's because a ship finally sailed."

Ashido suddenly went full alert, "It did? Where? Which one?" she caught sight of Haru and Kyoka, [OH MY GOSH! THEY FINALLY GOT TOGETHER!]

Complete silence filled the hall as Ashido's declaration accidentally got picked up by the microphone, alerting everyone in the room.

"MINA!" both Haru and Kyoka screamed at the girl at the top of their lungs, accidentally giving themselves away.

Katsuki's voice suddenly pealed out from the back of the room, "HAH! I WIN THE BET ICY-HOT!"

Haru went livid with anger, as killing intent darkened the atmosphere around him, "You were holding bet about us?"

Realizing that the scene was about to turn into a bloodbath, Ashido grabbed the microphone again.

[Sorry for the outburst, everyone. We got excited because...] she paused, realizing that no one had verbally confirmed yet, "Are you?" she mouthed.

Kyoka had the sudden urge to say no, just to throw her over-excitable friend under the bus.

Haru had different plans, placing an arm around his girlfriend's shoulder and pulling her to his chest.

[I think that's our answer!] Ashido yelled, [It seems that Class 1A of UA High just got its first couple of the year!]

'Wait? First?'

There were several whistles and catcalls from the surrounding crowd and for a moment, that seemed to be it.

[How about we have our new couple celebrate their first dance as boyfriend and girlfriend?] Ashido added sadistically, [I heard they're good.]

This was met by several cheers of approval. Good dancing was always appreciated entertainment.

Haru opened his mouth in protest, but Kyoka stopped him.

"How about we play along and take revenge later?" she whispered.

An amused light appeared in Haru's eyes, "I'm up for it if you are."

They held hands, making their way out to the center of the dance floor as everyone else cleared out of the way.

Kyoka took a deep breath, "I know I practiced this in middle school, but I'm a bit rusty."

Haru grabbed her other hand, "Just let me take the lead," he calmed her, "I'll help you along."

A sudden warmth flowed into Kyoka's hand, streaking through his body like a wildfire.

"What is this?" she gasped.

"I'm sharing my chakra with you to improve our synchronization," Haru told her, "It only works when we remain in contact, but it'll help you keep up.

"It's hot...

Haru suddenly turned a beet red for the hundredth time that night, "W-what?

Kyoka stared back at him, blank-faced, "Your chakra, it feels hot... like fire".

Haru calmed himself, letting out a nervous breath, "O-oh... I thought you meant..."

"What did you think I meant?" she asked curiously.


She leaned closer, "Did you want it to mean something else?"

"I wouldn't mind..."

Kyoka felt he wasn't playing fair.

Haru smirked, now regaining his sense of control, "Feeling shy?"

Kyoka glared at him, "Just shut up and dance."


(Play: Shut Up and Dance)


The music started playing and Haru deadpanned, "What do you know, you called it."

A vortex of origami petals swirled around them, moving in time as Haru spun Kyoka around while secretly removing their shoes so they could dance more comfortably.

The opening lyrics pealed out, as Haru began using his experience in swing dance to guide them both in time with the music

♪ Oh don't you dare look back ♪

♪ Just keep your eyes on me ♪

♪ I said you're holding back ♪

♪ She said shut up and dance with me ♪

♪ This woman is my destiny ♪

♪ She said oh oh oh~ ♪

♪ Shut up and dance with me ♪

It was a good thing that Kyoka was just as flexible as Haru or several of the moves he used would have been impossible. While the two of them didn't go for anything particularly fancy, the smooth grace they both radiated entranced everyone.

♪ We were victims of the night ♪

♪ The chemical, physical, kryptonite ♪♪ Helpless to the bass and the fading light ♪♪ Oh we were bound to get together ♪♪ Bound to get together ♪

Spinning, dipping, double spins, they did them all, flowing from one dance step to the next without stopping like a flow of water.

♪ She took my arm ♪

They both looked away from each other for a moment, before snapping their head to face each other in the time with the music.

♪ I don't know how it happened ♪

They rotated in another spin before Haru flipped her over his arm.

♪ We took the floor and she said~ ♪

Haru and Kyoka pressed their foreheads together, moving their feet in perfect timing before Kyoka spread her arms clapping them over her head as they slid across the dance floor.

♪ Oh don't you dare look back ♪

♪ Just keep your eyes on me ♪

♪ I said you're holding back ♪

♪ She said shut up and dance with me ♪

♪ This woman is my destiny ♪

♪ She said oh oh oh~ ♪

♪ Shut up and dance with me ♪

They moved in a series of twists and turn, weaving around the floor.

♪ Deep in her eyes ♪

♪ I think I see the future ♪

♪ I realize this is my last chance ♪

Haru dipped Kyoka until she nearly touched the ground. He swung her up, and she gripped his arm, swinging outwards in a wide rotating spin as they leaned back, increasing their speed.

♪ She took my arm ♪

♪ I don't know how it happened ♪♪ We took the floor and she said~ ♪

They pressed their heads together again, their dancing getting closer and they lost perspective of everyone watching them/

♪ Oh don't you dare look back ♪

♪ Just keep your eyes on me ♪

♪ I said you're holding back ♪

♪ She said shut up and dance with me ♪

♪ This woman is my destiny ♪

♪ She said oh oh oh~ ♪

♪ Shut up and dance with me ♪

As the music finally faded, Haru twirled Kyoka in one last spin, ending with her wrapped in his arms as he leaned her back.

Applause erupted from the crowd, as Ashido screamed her approval.

Haru's eyes were firmly locked with Kyoka's, his amber-gold meeting her obsidian black-colored orbs in a trance.
