Chapter I

Date - Saturday, 5th of October, 2018.

Time - 13:28:06

Location - The outskirts of Armull, Co. Meath of the West, Ireland.

"Daddy? Where are we going," says a young boy, while looking out the window.

"That's a surprise, Isaac," the father replies before breaking into gentle chuckles.

"I bet it won't be much fun anyway..." comments the second child in the car.

The father sighs before glancing back at his eldest child who is on his phone via the rearview mirror. "Jameson, you should really get off your phone..." the father begins.

"But what will I do then, dad?" Jameson asks.

"Well, I'll tell you something that I wouldn't have to do if you get off that phone. That is cleaning up your vomit from the seats. Remember what has happened the last time when you didn't listen to me when I told you to get off your phone. Your breakfast ended up everywhere in the back. I don't want such reoccurrence happening again," the father replies.

With a sigh, the eldest son puts his electrical device back into his pocket.

"But in my defence, your fast driving was also another cause in me getting car sick," Jameson responds.

Then, silence ruled the car. The motor of the car was the only sound audible. The radio was of no use, was broken for a while now. If they were to turn it on now, the agonizing screams in the sound of static energy would be emitted from the radio as it tried its hardest to allow music to play.

"I want us all to socialise with one another," the father speaks. "This..." he holds up his phone. "This thing right here is a distraction, which is another reason for me wanting to bring you two with me. I want us all to experience something that we can all look back upon. That we can all laugh about. That we will all be willing to do something like this once again.".

The father hitches a breath before his eyes land on a picture of his wife as it hung around the rear-view mirror.

'Things would be so much different if you were still here, darling...' he thinks to himself.

With that thought, he shifts his eyes back out the windshield. He applies a bit more pressure onto the gas pedal.

"Are we there yet, daddy?" Isaac asks.

"Not just yet! We will be there in a few minutes," the father replies. "But, do you want to play a game? I am sure by the time we finish it, we will be there.".

"Yes! Yes, please, daddy!!" Isaac replies.

"Jameson, you in?" the father asks.

Jameson replies with a sigh, followed by an eye roll. "I-I guess...".


The car slows down before turning into a car park. Driving for a few more moments, the car stops at a space.

The father turns off the engine before pulling up the hand brake.

"Are you guys ready?" The father asks.

"Yes! Yes!!" replies Isaac.

"Wait... where are we, dad?" Jameson asks.

"We are in a forest - as you can see - where we will be camping tonight and maybe tomorrow night too!" the father responds.

"Wait, camping??" Jameson questions - fear obvious in his voice.

"You sound scared, Jameson. But I can reassure you, everything will be fine. Okay?".

Jameson nods.

"Alright, who is gonna help me with carrying all the stuff out of the trunk?" the father asks.

"Me! Me! Me!" Isaac exclaims.

"Alright, Alright there, bud" the dad chuckles as he opens the trunk of the car. "What about you, soldier?" he asks, referring to Jameson, to which his eyes light up ever so slightly.


"You want to be a soldier, right?". Although the father knows what his answer will be, he still made his decision of asking.

"Yes..." Jameson begins. "Yes, dad. Very much..." he adds.

"Then show me how good of a soldier you are so far. Don't let fear get to you. Fear is our biggest weakness, son" his father says.

"Y-yes, dad," he replies.

"Alright soldier, you lead the way!".

"But dad, I don't know where to stop..." Jameson says.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you where to go. You just lead us to where I am telling you to go, okay?" the father responds.

"Alright, dad.".

"Okay. Are we ready?".

"Yes! Yes, daddy!" Issac responds immediately.

Their father looks at Jameson, looking for a reply. He receives a nod.

"Alright then... let's go!".


The trio walks through the dense, deciduous forest. Following a barely noticeable, worn-out yellowy-orange pathway, they are forced to pass through branches that stick out, scraping their faces, clothes, hands, anything exposed.

"Are we there yet, father?" Jameson questions.

"Not yet. Almost.".

"Please don't tell me we have more to walk. Do we, daddy?" Isaac asks.

The father turns around at looks down at Isaac. A smile grows across his face. "We are getting there. Don't worry. We are getting closer.".

"Dad? I must ask." Jameson begins.


"How do you know where we are going. I mean, we are in a forest and yet you still know where this place is, how far it is. How is that so?" Jameson questions.

"That's a good question," the father begins. "I used to travel to this place to camp a lot when I was younger. I remember my first camping trip, I was about Isaac's age when I went with my father and my uncle while my mother and my aunt stayed at home.".

"I see..." Jameson said. "And? Did you enjoy it?".

"Yes. Very much. Which is why I wanted to bring you two now with me on this trip. I want you to see if you two like camping.".

"You don't have to worry about me, daddy. I already like it!" Isaac replies. To which the father chuckles.

"I can see so myself!" the father replies. "Anyways. A few more minutes and we are there...".