
Saturday, 13th August 2018.

Time - 18:00:01

*Jillian POV*

The news comes on...

"Good evening and welcome. Last night, there has been an increase in the number infected with the newly found disease, the PET Virus - which abbreviated to Pallidus Expuli Tussim Virus. This is the current name the epidemiologists have given this virus. And, as it has been claimed, more research is needed into looking whether or not this virus had evolved from an already existing disease. But as we heard, microbiologists say that the PET Virus is unlike any virus that they have ever seen under a microscope. Scientists are looking into a probable cause of this epidemic being the increased amounts of space debris entering the Earth's atmosphere. But this theory still needs further testing and refinement, as announced by the leading scientist in this investigation, Scientist Fabian Cox. The symptoms are shown to be those similar of the common flu. If you have any of these following symptoms - a high fever, runny and blocked nose, intense stomach pain and diarrhoea, coughing, nausea, vomiting and headaches, you are advised to stay at home in order to protect those who may be vulnerable to this virus...".

Symptoms of the common flu, eh? Little did we know it would be so much more than that.

As August rolled by, the infections only escalated. Each day, the number of infected would beat that one of the day previous.

By then end of August...

"... We have received the news that last night the very first deaths caused by PET Virus have occurred. People are asked to cooperate, be and to stay responsible...".

And then, a few days later...

"... famous Astronaut Christopher Russell, aged 36, who - earlier last year - has returned from his space mission to Planet Ziva, passed away last night, the reason for death is said to be the PET Virus...".

Not long after that, the news spread that the rest of the team that went on the space mission to Planet Ziva were also diagnosed with the PET Virus. But, miraculously, within a few days, they all managed to recover.

The death toll and the amount infected continued to grow gradually through the first half of September. But... Something happened in the second half...

The cases skyrocketed...

On Monday of one week near the end of September, the number of cases was in around 300. By Friday, that number grew to 1,600 new infections on that day alone.

It wasn't only the cases that skyrocketed, the number of deaths also took off.

And from then, we go onto October...

Monday, October the 7th 2018. I'll never forget that day...

Quite similar can be said for Friday, October the 11th 2018...

That's the day my life has been turned upside down...

That's the day my life changed... forever...