Chapter 2

Shade Williams

okay so I just got to the venue of the party which is my bestie Ademide Wakis house. Coming down from my benez which was driven by my driver, I gasped as I took in the sight before me. common who knew that ademide's house be as beautiful as this.

Do not get me wrong here, it is not that her house isn't beautiful but gosh I never expected it to be as beautiful as this.

My classmates must have really out done themselves for this party .

I soon spotted my friend chilling with the rest of the class guys as I made my way into the house.

hey guys, I called.

wish this place is really looking beautiful. I said to them.

I wonder where aTofunmi and Cynthia my other best friends were since I didn't see them with Ademide.

As I took in the whole place, my eyes stopped when I spotted a particular person.

Michael Adebowale.

Gosh I do much hated that guy.

He is the most annoying human being I have ever come across. Forget his handsome face and his position of the sport perfect and all of that, I just really hated the boy.

sitting with Michael on a sofa was Alexander Jones my dream sweetheart.

The only guy that I have been having a crush since like forever.

The gentleman but yet snobbish boy of the set as people say. A guy who always has a long face but seems to be really nice and caring.

This guy is just my dream guy.

Next to Alexander is the set twins, Amina and her Aziza Kofowora.

who always were carefree and really jovial with their boyish behviour.

I don't know why, but the set really adores this two twins, well they are really cute and adorable if I must confess, so who wouldn't like them.

Wait wait ooo is my eyes deciving ne, isn't that John Arinze, the person who we tag as the pastor of the set sitting beside the twins.

I wonder what he is looking for in this party.

Gosh that guy is like the purest in our set, always taking things too holy even on the assembly when he starts to pray, you did think he was out of his freaking mind.

I thought his parents never allows him to come to parties as saich as this, so what is he looking for here.

Well probably they feel he is all grown up now and as such is allowed to attend parties now.

If I may add though, the boy is really well behaved and kind so he asked always been on my good side.

looking ahead I can also spot Ife Awotola, the set bitch, who likes to steal people's boyfriends, use them and afterwards dump them.

Forget her beauty, seriously the girl as no brain.

She is as dumb as anything and apart from michael, she is the next one my hate list. She also disprises me so we are even.

she is always rubbing herself on Alexander trying so bad to get his attention, but knowing Alex, I probably would always snob her so good for me, I do not have to worry about she stealing my sweetheart.

Shade! I heard a voice call to me.

looking toward the direction where the voice came from, I spotted Tomisin and Cynthia coming towards me.

Hey girls wassup I had asked them.

we are good babe, why did you arrive late, said tomi.

well so sorry about that, I just really had somethings to take care of I lied.

oh no problem about that tomi said.

do you want anything to drink Cynthia has asked

yea just a bottle of cola would do I replied.

okay be right back soon, they both said leaving me to myself again.

Thinking about it now, I wonder why I am friends with this two.

like literally, they are so different from I and ademide.

Always been the reserved and calm ones in our group, even though we are basically besties, we are so different, I must say.

Well were is ademid now.

Even though the party hasn't officially started, I might as well just go and look for Ade while awaiting my bottle of cola.