Chapter 3

It is now 6 o'clock and the party is about to start. I am situated beside ademide, tomisin and Cynthia gisting and smiling with them but my heart is actually were Alexander is sitting using the corner of my eyes to step glances at him.

Hello people, I heard as my eyes trace straight to were the noise came from.

It was the sets triple s talking on the stage( not a real stage, just a place designed information of a stage). Yea where was I the sets triple s. That is Simon, Sanya and Sony.

Those guys were tagged triple s by the sets because ever since I can remember, they have been practically bestfriends. like I even envy them a lot, what can I say even with their funny attitude and life style they still manage to always stay true to themselves.

Anyways back to the matter on hand.

Hello people wasssup, I heard sony asked

hope you all are looking forward to this night exciting and introducing party.asked simon.

yes!!!!we all shouted

so guys sanya began, we are going to start off with the opening prayer so our pastor here in our mist in the person of john azine wouldn't say we didn't thank God first.

we all laughed hearing that but still agreed with him.

So without much delay I call on our one and only most spiritual, the purestest of the set, the person of John Arinze... finished the triple s togther.

Applauses was heard all around as john made his way to the position while laughing along with everyone else.

As he got there about to collect the mike from Santa, I over heard something telling him to be quick with the prayer as it is ment to be a short one.

with a nod of his head, john began his prayer.

some few minutes later, the prayer was done and the final shout of Amen was heard.

Applauding again john made his way to his seat.

Pastor Jones thanks for that powerful prayer said Sony who took the mic from him.

So we are going to continue by having the dancing competition first.

so guys if you can dance pls step forward, said Sony.

I spotted so many girls who claim to know how to dance in my set already getting up from their sits, even the set bitch.

I know most of them are only getting up just to flaunt their buttocks to the guys but do I care, no I don't.

Ademide also stood up along with Cynthia heading to the front were the rest were.

I just sat down there with Tomisin, face stuff as hell and head held up high.

Even some guys also stood up, the likes of Michael, Luke Arajoba the Mr popularity himself, Abijoba Emmanuel know as emma the set best dancer ad a host of other whose Amen I really cannot remember.

So people, we would be going in pairs said simon. Now if you are a girl, you are to choose a guy and if you are a boy make sure you choose a boy.he continued.

I saw everyone as they rushed to choose who they wanted as their dance partner . Ade chose michael whie Cynthia chose luke the best dancer male. Gosh how can Cynthia do that.

Cynthia was like the best female dancer in the entire set so she choosing luke was like we already know who would win.

I know she asked a crush on luke but trust Cynthia to be who she is na, choosing the best dancer boy.

As well were about to begin the dance off section, everywhere suddenly went quiet, as well spotted a white limosin pull up.

We all know who it was, Daniel Chris the super rich teen model of the century if I might add.

I am telling you, that guy was so breath takingly handsome. The one and only son of the Chris family. omo baba olowo 1 of lagos, through not proud, he surely is the sweetheart of almost all the girls in my set and all other classes in school.

Tomisin's one and only boyfriend from her dream.

Dressed in a white shirt and black tuxedo, he stood out working gracious to the party arena, with his body guards behind him following his every step.

out of the corner of my eyes, I spotted tomisin opening and closing her mouth while taking in his appearance.

if only this guy could just ask her out already.

Daniel made his way to the couch the other guys sat after sending his greetings to most people in the place. making his self comfortable beside Alexander his bestie.

I always wonder how the two even became bestie along with john and michael but who am I to question that, they were are free to choose who we want ad our friends.

The party went on after the short interruption preceding the entrance of Daniel. Gosh that guy can command attention without even noticing it.

The dance commenced with ziba and one guy starting it . well ziba won it after everybody saw her treck with that her high back side.

it went on and on until it got to Cynthia and Luke's turn. we were all nervous to see who would win .

Danicing like there was no tomorrow, I watched as Cynthia seized every opportunity she got to touch luke here and there.

Even rocking him for that matter.

At the end of the day , the both had won as every one didn't know who to choose as the winner.

Simon came in stage shortly after to announce the fashion parade coming next. This one wasn't a competition, just that every one has to come out and flint their dresses and beauty.

At 9 o'clock sharp, the party came to and as every one had drank and got marry, some where even drunk, and doing things that they wouldn't do if they were not drunk.

I just called up my driver and patiently waited his arrival.

I sat outside and a moment later I saw Alexander make his way to were I sat.

Hey shade, he said.

hmm hello I replied trying to hide my blush just because he spoke to me.

hmm mm can I sit, he asked.

of course you may I told him.

so.. you look beautiful, he complimented

Thank you i said.

hmm shade I have been meaning to ask, would you like to go on a date with me, he said

I was dumb founded I thought he had never noticed me. As per what I had to ask...

he laughed a little and said as a friend. don't worry I mean no harm.

For the first time since that, I actually laughed like sincerely I laughed.

okay then, when I said

may be next week Saturday he said.

then it is a date. I finally.

we continued talking lightly until I got a call from my driver stating that he was around.

I bade Alexander good bye while causing the driver in my mind before going.

I didn't bother to look for my friends because I knew their driver had come to pick them since and for Ade, I knew she was somewhere in the house but I decided to leave anyways I will see her when school resumes on monday.

with that, I finally left the house, going into my awaiting drive home.