
"This is the end of the road for you kid."

"Tell us everything you know."

Look at this good for nothing pigs, first they hold you captive then sooner or later they now demand you to speak. These fuckers think I'm stupid, for the record I'm not stupid for free.

"Tangina, you guys do know this is not the best set-up to talk things over, right?"

The officers are puzzled with the confidence this fugitive is releasing.

"I suggest, you take these cuffs off, and let's drive to the nearest coffee shop... Or or or, command the lower ranked pigs to buy us some alcohol and a pack of peanuts. Fun fact I'm a beerman myself. We can drink here, this table is great for drinking sessions you know."

Why the fuck am I joking with this pigs? One bullet in my head and I'm done for, they wouldn't get the cherry though. Wait, how did they I get here? Oh right...

The stars above are visible just for this night. A skidding motorcycle tire breaks the silence of the empty highway, it was Alon's.

Why do I even bother to save these poor souls? If there's anything I learn from my line of job, that is too expect death and nothing but death. Why is this thought keep bugging me! For Christ's sake Alon he's your son.

The gaining noise of police sirens alerted Alon, he wrings the throttle to it's maximum and flashed through the swerving uphill.

Great... I'm guessing that's for me too. What, Batik is not enough for a threat so reinforcements of his own pigs is necessary too? I swear to god I'll put a bullet in his head when I see him with my both eyes.

Dashing through the hill, he saw one of the mobiles in his front. He momentarily lost his focus and slowed his pace. He made a turn and enter a dark alley.

Quickly grabbing his phone and called someone.

"I'VE BEEN MADE! Make sure to leave no trace and leave the city. ALL OF YOU. This is probably the last time you'll hear from me, be safe."

As soon as he hung up the phone he received a phone call.

"If something wrong happens to my son you'll end up in hell with me, remember that!"

"Calm down kid, you're forgetting who has the power here. I hope you'll catch up, we both know how clean Batik works."

"Face me you fucking pussy, don't hide in that little dollhouse of yours."

Before the other can hang up, Alon snapped his phone in half and throw it off the ground.

Is this it? With just one sloppy mistake everything is going shit.

He head straight to a fancy executive village, and to the house where his son is. Fully aware that the police are after him, he entered the house from the back.

Nothing is visible inside, only the flashing blue and red lights outside aids Alon in searching this dark space.

"Erpats...Erpats." set in a neutrally quiet tone of a child.

The voice of the boy helps Alon in finding their location. Before going, he grope in one of the secret drawer by the staircase, in there a taped .45 that gives him a fair chance in saving them.

*CHKCHK* Alon cocks the guns a little too loud.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Put that down kid, I wouldn't hurt them, you know that."

"Listen to him Alon." A wallowing cry made by the mother of his son.

"Just stay down Mirasol, I'll get both of you in safety I promise."

In terms of plan I don't have one, but I know Batik, he'll listen for what I'll say.

The neighborhood is intrigued as more forces gather in front of Alon's house in the middle of the night. A megaphone echoes a high-pitch noise as Detective Lobo opens it.

"Alon! This is Lobo we have strong evidences leading to you and your arrest, I'm giving you 2 minutes to surrender or else we'll force our way in, do you understand?!"

Meanwhile, Alon still points the gun at Batik, and Batik still has his son by the neck with a butterfly knife licking out the internal vein.

"You do know you'll also be behind bars if they saw you here right?"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'm fully aware of that. That's why we need to end..."


Out of nowhere a flower vase breaks in Batik's head, Mirasol hits him with it making an opening for Alon to shoot his shoulder.


The officers outside was alarmed by the gunshot that they've heard.

"Prepare the men tell them we're going in!" Said by the worrying Detective.

The knife drops and his child ran towards him. He hugged his son tightly and whispered.

"Take care of your nanay for me, erpat's gonna be gone for a while. I love you Alab."

As soon as he put down his son, Mirasol grabs its hand and hide at Alab's back.

"I could've killed you easily, you know that. After all, you're the one who taught me how to use this."

"Tangina, don't use that excuse, we all know you're a pussy when it comes to this kinds of things."

"Are you sure? I'm only keeping you alive because I want my friend to wake up with you beside her. I don't want her to lost another family."

Alon kicks the butterfly down the closet, he then picks up Batik and put pressure at the wound.

"Here is the key to my motorcycle, use the back door that this pigs didn't know. Take my family with you, never let Buaya know that you saw them."

Alon escorted them until downstairs, he blew a kiss in his son's forehead before heading in front of the living room. After he made sure that the three escaped he sits down the couch and opened the television.


"We're going in!"


"What the fuck guys should have knocked, It's rude to slam another man's door, you fellas know that, right?"

Now I remember...And THAT BASTARD PIG seating next to me in the car kept on hitting me 'till I pass out.

"Tangina chief, one of your guys beat me up in the car."

Detective Lobo sits quietly in the corner, knowing Alon is referring to her.

"Tell us everything, how you operate, produce, ship, everything!" Stretched by the annoyed officer.

"Well my lawyer won't be here for the next 12 hours. I however, can tell you how I end up here."

I can't believe this bastard wants me to open up to him on our first date. Oh well, there's nothing else to do. If this situation will be adapted as a motion picture, they shall name it 'project gateway'.