Early sun ray cooks out the face of Alon as it peeks at the window by his room. Alon's somnolence was for sure gone because of it.
*Knock Knock*
"Who is it?" Asked by the irritated sleepyhead.
"Wake up son, I bought breakfast."
"Hold on a second."
Alon opens the door, revealing his father on the other side. Alon completely ignored him and went straight to the bathroom.
"Be quick motherfucker."
Alon quickly seated at the prepared dinner table right after he got out of the bathroom.
Was this supposed to impress me? We both know he can't cook, damn I remember learning it the hard way. Why did he buy all of these though...
Alon roams his eyes and saw the living room trashed.
This motherfucker did it again, I thought we stopped this episode a year ago?
"What happened to you, last night buddy?"
"You want some of these fried rice buddies?"
"No. No, you can't do that to me, what happened?"
"I got a little too happy, that's all. We both know I stopped a year ago."
I get that he mourns for his wife's death but this is overkill now. This motherfucker has a MILF of his own.
"There's a reason why I woke you up early buddy."
"I know everything in you comes with a reward."
"Well, you know miss Marikit right? She and her daughter is coming over for lunch."
"No shit! We have a guest today? THEN WHY THE FUCK DID YOU TRASHED OUR HOUSE!"
"I told you, I got a little too excited"
I never would've thought I'm meeting the person that's responsible for my father's happiness. There's nothing else I want to ask for but my father's eternal happiness. But what he did is still unacceptable.
"You start cleaning the living room, I just need to grab a few things at the farmer's market. DON'T PLAY MY VINYL WHEN I'M NOT HERE YET."
Alon left his father with the mess it made and run his little errand. After that, he comes home to cook one of his speciality, and helps with the house cleaning. They both kept cleaning for hours.
"We did it, buddy, now go upstairs and clean up."
Alon turns off the stove and tastes his cooking. After a little fix in seasoning, he grabbed the house keys and left the house.
I can't believe we ran out of soda...
Someone slap Alon's nape out of nowhere. The person responsible for this started laughing hard.
Alon rubs his reddish nape while notoriously looking at the person.
"Who the fuck gives you permission to do that?"
Alon grabs her by her arm and locked her by his elbow. And without hesitation, Alon gave the small girl a noogie.
"s t o p." Said by the person who started this ruckus in the first place.
Sampaguita, the most awful woman that ever came to my life. Up until this day, I still don't know why a lot of dumbass courts her, they don't even mind courting at the same time.
"Have you eaten? I cooked your favourite."
"No way, you made beef stew just for me?" She made an adorable face and a high-pitch voice to match what she said.
"Fuck no, why would I do that. We have guests coming."
"Really, who?"
"MARIKIT!" She said excitedly "We finally got to meet her huh."
They stopped at an alley behind the convenience store. Alon grabs his wallet and gave Sampaguita some cash.
"Here, buy some soda for later."
"Why can't you...? Oh, I see. Okay." In a bubbly tone.
Sampaguita enters the store so cheerfully.
"That stupid bitch." Alon softly said while clenching his fist.
He runs like the wind just to get out of the danger of facing his ex. On his way back to their house, he saw a car parking in front. He watched at the distance as he saw his fully-groomed father fetching their guest outside their house. Ensured that the guests are inside the house, he texted Sampaguita 'the eagle has landed' noting her to speed up.
At this rate, I might just have a flat line and collapse at this concrete. I've never had my chest pump like this, what the fuck is this feeling? Is it just nervousness? Happiness? Excitement? Sadness? Or perhaps Anger? Why would I be angry in the first place, this is how my father restarted his life for fuck sake. WHAT IS THIS FEELING.
Time flies as Alon's head is occupied with abstract thoughts and feelings on what is happening. As he sniped in his peripheral, he saw the neatly-dressed Sampaguita entering their home.
Why the fuck is she overdressed? Well, I guess that's my cue.
Duke stood as steady as a tree when he saw an unfamiliar face answered the door for him. She's the most magnificent being he encountered, the closest to heaven that he'll ever be.
Sampaguita widens the opening to welcome Alon.
"May I present you, the most beautiful human ever lived. Mirasol of Nozueq City."
"I'm flattered but I kinda don't see myself like that, hi I'm Mirasol daughter of your father's girlfriend. And you are?"
"A...A...Alon." Stated by the surprised now fool-looking Alon.
Marikit takes a good look of the kids bonding with each other. Makisig hugs her in the back and said.
"Are you ready for that kind of setting?"
"Oh please, their teenagers, they'll be easy to handle," she replied.
Why the fuck did I stutter? Stop thinking like that Alon she's literally the DAUGHTER OF YOUR FATHER'S GIRLFRIEND.