what happened last night pt.2

Oh I know that look, that's the same look he made when he finds a person attractive. How do I know? He made that same look at me when we were kids. If he spots me looking at him, that motherfucker will blush as red as a tomato.

"Uh, where have you been? You texted me telling..."

Just before Sampaguita can finish her sentence, Alon covered her lips and whispered.

"Tangina not now, we'll talk later."

"Well, the table is prepared, let's not make the food wait," Makisig stated.

The five of them made their way at the dining. They started banquet and introducing each other. And from the looks of it, they're off to a good start.

"You know, Makisig mentions you a lot madam, but I do not recall him saying you have a daughter."

"I never thought you guys would like to know that information, so I didn't bother."

"Alon would like to know that for sure." Sampaguita smirks as he looks at Alon from across the table.

Alon blows the water he's drinking knowing what Sampaguita meant. Mirasol secretly glares at him in a lewd manner. Alon and Mirasol's eyes accidentally met in a split second their faces turned red and broke the bond of their eyes meeting.

"Can you join me in the kitchen, Sampaguita, we're just getting something."

Sampaguita gets up with no objection.

"Hope you're enjoying the food."

Was that stare for real? I'm not assuming at all, I mean humans tend to tease for their humor, I mean, I do that a lot. But what the actual fuck was that? You're just delusional Alon that's all.

Sampaguita grabs Alon's hand rushing to go to the kitchen. She pulled him and slammed into the counter making a loud noise.


"Yow, what the fuck was that? I was just teasing you, but her stare? Tangina you got real problems here."

"I DON'T KNOW! Do I look like I'm enjoying this?" Said by the blushing skeptical Alon.

"Shut the fuck up, we both know what you're thinking."

"Open the fridge."

Sampaguita's eyes widen after seeing her favorite dessert. She pulled it out and poke the middle of it.


"I told you to make me one couple days ago right?"

"I remember that but we're serving it to them!"

Without other choices, Alon grabs a bunch of dessert plate and quickly slice the cheesecake, making portions for everyone. They bring it to the table and serve to their guest.

"This is incredible, who made this?" Said by Marikit as she savour every bite.

"Alon made it, what did I say? I told you my boy is full of surprises."

"You know, I can sell this in my pub, it's a win-win for us, what do you think?"

After my mother's death, buddy would always come home late and trash our place. I'll wake up, clean the house, prep for school, leave a couple of Advils at the coffee table, and leave, that was my routine for 2 years after she left us. But, That changed when buddy met Marikit, apparently she's the pub owner near my father's workplace, and a couple of drinks later, they fell involve with each other. I never hold a grudge for her, she's a miracle for me an angel in disguise.

"Yeah, sure! That sounds like a good idea."

"Nice! We'll talk about it later but for now..."

"We have an announcement to make." Makisig cuts off Marikit out of nervousness.

"How would you like to live in one roof? Because we're getting married!"

The kids are in shock after receiving the news. Marikit shows them the engagement ring and kissed Makisig in front of them.

"OMG, I'm happy for both of you! When's the wedding?" Sampaguita answers with a mouthful of dessert.

"In 2 months. He wants us to be married before I go to this convention in Ubec."

"We must do the preparations then. Tell me what I need to do."

"Nothing, we got all things worked out if there's something we'll let you know. And you know what, take Mirasol for a stroll, we'll clean this up."

Makisig and Mirasol push the kids to the door and slam it in their faces.

They'll definitely fuck on the kitchen floor. He thought I didn't saw by I caught buddy slipping a pack of condom up the cupboards.

"Let's get my car, and drive somewhere."

Ah yes, underage driving, the perks of growing up as a rich kid. I can't believe that my millionaire friend steals our food and has my Netflix password. This motherfucker is the cheapest person I know.

The three of them drove off to one of the most beautiful overlooking spots in Olopitna.

In another timeline, a phone vibrates loudly on top of a gas stove in Alon's residence. It was Marikit's blowing up with text messages about a little situation with her pub. She stands up from being laid down in the kitchen floor. Makisig joins her and points her where the bathroom is. They both laugh at the moist their body heat and sweat made at the floor tile, pointing out how silly of what they've done.

Alon and Mirasol's phone rung at the same time. Both of them received a message telling that they're parents are gone for the rest of the day and will be back tomorrow morning.

"You got the message too?"

Alon nods in agreement.

"Do you guys drink? Let's drink for tonight, NO PARENTS!"

Sampaguita and Alon smirks and looked at each other, Sampaguita pulled out in front of a convenience store. She and Alon get-off the car leaving Mirasol behind. Within a minute entering the store the leave with a handful of alcohol and snacks.

They went back to Alon's place to drink and mingle with their guest.

"I haVe hiGh AlcOhol tOlerAnce, tEel her wAVe." said by drunk slurring Sampaguita.

If there's one thing people don't know about Sampaguita, that is her being an Alcoholic at age sixteen. I can't blame it to her after all her family has a very shady line of business... Why are they whispering? Is she looking at me?

"I alMost fOrgoT I NeeD to gO HoMe, mY brOtHer hOsTed A paRty bOth of YoU aRe Not inViteD."

"Can you go home?" Mirasol being genuinely worried.

Sampaguita stands up trembling for a bit, she finally got balance and walked-off of her own, she looks at Alon winks and mouthed "congrats" before she leaves.

Congrats? What the fuck does that even mean.

"Uh, what did you tell her?"

"Nothing, I told her to get in the couch and catch a nap, that's all. Why did she leave?"

"She didn't drink enough to black or pass out, there's no need to follow her, trust me she's influential here."

The room is filled with silence, as both of them refuse to engage in talking. Alon is feeling the kick now. Luckily, Mirasol gained the confidence to open her mouth with a help of a little booze. She notices the vinyl records that Alon has collected.

"Can you play a little music? I might just go crazy with the silence."

Alon grants her request without hesitation, he opens the turntable and puts on a record. He sways smoothly and

invited Mirasol to dance with him.

"Wicked Games? Not gonna lie you got taste."

These drunk teenagers are now enjoying themselves. Mirasol clings around Alon's body. Alon's mind is now practically a tabula rasa, he doesn't mind Mirasol sticking up her ass in his crotch. Mirasol slowly stops dancing and so is Alon.

"Now, let's put this music to good use."

Mirasol pushed Alon to the couch making him seat there. She quickly jumped at him and started making out, she grinds on him smoothly and bit his bottom lip before taking his shirt off. Alon roams his hand swiftly in every corner of Mirasol's skin, pulling up her skirt, and squeezing the softest ass he's ever touched.

Alon stood up carrying Mirasol with her, they travel around the house and crash at every wall they can lean on before going inside of Alon's room that they already forgot to close. Did they sin? The night strongly disagrees as it shines the brightest moon for thy.

The next morning, Alon's Face is being burnt by the morning light once again.

Tangina, I need that fucking window tinted. Ooh, what is this major headache! Who is this girl? don't tell me it's Lirya. Well, this tits are bigger than hers, oh shit don't tell me it's. Tangina Alon what have you done! This is ethically wrong motherfucker fucker. And stop touching her tits for Christ sake. Just what the actual fuck happened last night?