engagement party

How could you stoop so low? This feels like cheating on buddy, but I'm proud of you for scoring this sheesh. Let me spoon for a bit before getting up. 1, 2, 3, 4, holy shit she truly is majestic, and this bosom, 5. Okay motherfucker that's enough. For the record, you're not a player you're a creep.

Alon dress himself up and leave the room, from there he's welcomed by the messiest house he's ever seen, every frames and furniture got knocked up, he's vinyl are scattered everywhere, shards of broken beer bottles filled up the floor. He grabs the broom and starts cleaning, went to the kitchen and opened the stove from there he melted butter and start cooking pancakes. Before flipping these batch, he received a text message coming from buddy saying "Surprise engagement party today, get ready." Mirasol got teased by the lovely fragrance that these fresh cakes releasing. She got up and head straight to the kitchen.

"What are we having this morning?" Said by the hungover lady.

I can't believe this situation I'm in, do I really have to turn my head and answer? Of course dumbass, it's your nature. And holy shit what do we have here... Why is she wearing my shirt, is she only in her underwear? Oh god, this is not blessing this is a massacre.

"Pancakes... Can I ask a question? Did we last night?"

"Uh yes, mister big package." she sinisterly winks as she answers.


"No, I found your balloon stash by the desk clock."

Alon sighs in relief and gets back to cooking. Mirasol hugs him from behind and grabbed his balls. He's now starting to lose his mind, will he stop her or will he give in? He turns off the stove and faced Mirasol. He gave Mirasol a kiss and stroke her hair.

"You do know this is wrong right?" Alon whispered to her.

"You're innocent until proven guilty honey. Besides, what's wrong with what we're doing?" she replied.

Is this how bad I want this woman? This sounds fucking weird but our parents fucked in this surface too. Should I tell her that or it would freak her out? Goddamn these fucking thoughts in my head, focus on what's in front of Alon, instead of pancakes you're having McFucking for breakfast. You must hurry though you need to arrange that party. But not too fast you son of a bitch show endurance.

Both of them finished and made a mess, Mirasol quickly stood up and lit the cigarette she's been saving earlier.

"Didn't know you smoke." Said by Alon while catching his breath.

"Just occasionally, when sex is good."

"Hurry up and get dressed, we have things to do, the engagement party is today."

They both ran errands together, happily, like a couple straight outta honeymoon. Being good at cooking, Alon took care of the food, Mirasol decorated the house, and well, Sampaguita has now entered the vicinity.


"So, how are my two favorite people in the world doing?" Stil,l the usual bubbly but groaning tone of Sampaguita was heard around the house.

"Great, you're here, tell your father that there's an engagement party for buddy today, you too Mirasol, tell to your mother's friends, AND IT'S A SURPRISE REMEMBER!" yelled by Alon.

"Do you want me to invite Lirya too?" Sampaguita mocks.

"PUTANGINA MO!" Alon replied.

They've finished all the work and now guests are starting to show up one by one. Mirasol greets them at the front gate. Alon texted Makisig, signaling him that they are now ready for them.

Marikit's car is parked outside, Makisig got-off from the driver's seat, he opened the passenger seat where Marikit is blindfolded. He escorted her inside the house and made her took off her blindfold.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone said in unison.

"What is this?!" Marikit asked.

"It's our engagement party, the kids helped me out in executing this. It's not much but I hope you appreciate it."

Marikit burst into tears and kissed Makisig. She also hugged the two kids. Everyone is enjoying themselves, congratulating the newly engaged couple. Alon saw an unfamiliar face arriving fashionably late. Sampaguita and Alon approaches her and offered a drink.

"Hello, I was told a man named Makisig lives here." Questioned by the woman in her thirties.

"Yeah he lives here, give me a second."

Alon looks for Makisig and points him the guest. His eyes widen as he saw the woman by the door, he approached and embrace her. Visible in his actions that he is genuinely happy in seeing this woman.

"Wait, let me introduce you to them. This is Alon my son, Marikit my future wife and her daughter Mirasol. Everyone this is Lobo. Lobo this is everyone"

"Hi, how do you guys know each other?" Asked by the curious Alon.

"Your father and I go way back. We were partners when he was working in the feds." Lobo replied.

Ooh, I recall that timeline, my father was born and raised in the US by two Pinoy immigrants mamang and papang, he then became an FBI agent and saved this woman from a human trafficking syndicate and fell in love with her. They return to the girls' motherland, gave birth to a useless piece of shit and then lived happily ever after. From then on he became a private investigator famous on catching politicians' mistresses.

"You haven't told me the real reason why you're here in the Philippines, what brings you here?" Asked by Makisig.

"The feds put up Drug Force, a group that focuses at war on drugs. Our latest information leads us to a bigtime syndicate here. But anyway, it looks like you're having a blast here."

"Yeah, it's my engagement party with this lovely gal here." Replied by Makisig before blowing a kiss to Marikit.

A man full of tattoos approach them and joined in the chain of conversation.

"There you are, I've been looking around for you!" Said by the man full of tattoos.

"Wait let me introduce you, Lobo this is Batik. Batik this is Lobo, she's my partner when I was a fed agent."

The two shook hands and locked eyes. They keep staring at each other until Sampaguita untangle them.

"That's enough dad, she's too fine of a lady for you." Said by Sampaguita.

"Oh, by the way, Makisig, let me be your godfather. I'll take care of all the expenses for you.."

"No shit, you don't need to do that."

"Please let me be, I don't want to step on your pride but I just want to repay you for taking good care of my daughter, you and your son."

"We'll talk later pare, for now, enjoy the party there's plenty of food and booze for everyone. I'll just need to catch up with my friend whom I miss so much."

Everyone breaks out the circle and went on their separate ways. Alon takes care of the guests, Sampaguita went to Alon's room and drink on her own, Mirasol joined her but left afterwards. After hours of mingling around, Batik went outside and lit a cigarette, Lobo joined him.

"You seem lonely."

"I'm not just the mingling type, I get sick with people and the bullshit they're showing as front."

"Wanna go somewhere else?" Asked quietly by Lobo.

Batik grabs her hand and drags her around. They hop on his car and went off for the night. The party ends and everyone is now leaving one-by-one. Every single one is drunk mostly the engaged couple, Alon went to his room swerving, he passed out in his bedroom floor.

Ugh, I'm starting to hate this fuzz, if I keep on waking up like this, I might end up like Sampaguita someday, god I hope she stops drinking. Wait... Why the fuck am I naked? And who is this... TANGINA NOT AGAIN!