Chapter 3 – One Down, One More to Go

Meng Yu studied the person in front her carefully. That person had deep black eyes that will stir one's heart, thick brows that seemed to carve a strong personality, and a luscious red lips that drew attention from people unwittingly, especially how it contrasted with the fair skin of the owner. At one glance, the outlook of this person will give off the perception of a fragile young lady.

Who would have believed it?

Who would have thought about the possibilities?

That was also the sole reason why she was stuck in such a weird circumstance. Looking at the person reflected in the mirror, she could barely recognize the once proud and cold Mo Xing Hong Yu (Scarlet Emperor) whose name itself could instill fear and chaos in the people's heart. The cruel emperor who had once trampled over countless bodies with his hands drenched in the blood of innocent during his eleven years of reign. Looking at that innocent face of hers now, who could have guessed the truth?

Of course, no one would have known that the last Scarlet Emperor was actually a female. After all, she had been living her entire life as a male. In fact, she felt that the only difference between her and any ordinary man out there was that she had a female body. Everything else felt the same. She had lived as a man and died as a man. She had long accepted this fate of hers.

However, it seemed that Heaven had another arrangement for her. Fulfilling her fate to live as a glorious man was not enough. Now she had to begin a new life as an ordinary woman. It was just one lifetime, yet it already felt like an endless dream to Meng Yu.

It had been two weeks since she woke up in this foreign place with partial missing memory of the recent events. She was conflicted at first, because things that she did not plan happened. When she thought she had reached the end of her path, she did not die when she should have. The situation had spiraled out of her control, and for the first time in her life, she was at a loss. Waking up and finding out that when her old identity and life was gone, an opportunity was presented to her to start anew again.

A new name and a new life. Her secret will be buried forever together with the perished empire.

She was not sure about this decision, but she decided to go with the flow first and see what else fate had in stored for her. After all, an ordinary life was too unfamiliar to her.

Meng Yu diverted her thoughts back to her current reality. Still sitting in front of the dressing table, and staring back at her reflection in the small round mirror, she let out a sigh in exasperation. Her gaze landed on her unrestrained long hair.

When was the last time she had tied her own hair? That… she did not remember.

Eyes filled with determination, she tried to tie her hair again and again, but it was obviously a futile attempt when you can only use one hand. Frustrated, she threw the comb on the floor. She took a deep breath and muttered to herself, "You can do this… You can do this…"

Glaring at the comb lying a few steps away from her, she tried to bend down to get it. Her entire body froze up when she felt a sharp stabbing pain in her stomach. Her face turned pale imperceptibly as she took a sharp inward breath.

No good, no good. My wounds are going to tear up again.

Her eyes could only stare helplessly at the comb laying a few steps away from her reach. So far yet so near. Biting her lips in vexation, she decided to give up and straightened her body. Her gaze landed on her bandaged left arm. She was obviously seriously injured in the previous battle, but she seemed to have no recollection on how she broke her left arm. Meng Yu could not be bothered with it now since there were too many unfilled blanks in her memory now. They will come back to her gradually according to Qing Yao, and maybe by that time, she will find out how she had survived in the first place.

Realizing the sun had long risen; she quickly stood up and staggered out of the room.

She headed to the main hall. The servants who were dressed immaculately tidy were lining up obediently as Mu Yin assigned their chores. "… Ah Rong, Ah Lei, both of you will be responsible for the laundry. That is all for today's morning briefing. Everyone else can proceed with their chores now." The servants were dismissed, and they quickly dispersed.

Meng Yu furrowed her brows when she realized she was late, and on top of that, her appearance was messy. She quickly walked up to Mu Yin whom had noticed her arrival.

"Good morning, Miss Meng." Mu Yin greeted her politely.

Meng Yu was still not used to casual greeting, so she just nodded back awkwardly.

"I… Is there anything I can do today?"

This was not the first time Meng Yu had asked such question, so Mu Yin immediately understood her intention. Mu Yin shook her head disapprovingly, and quickly replied, "Miss Meng, as I have told you before, your injuries are not completely healed yet. You cannot overstrain them. I understand your intention, but you must wait until you get better before you can start working. My master has instructed me to take care of you, so please go back to your room to rest."

Meng Yu glared at Mu Yin in exasperation. She had somehow felt that this head of maid really resembled her house master a lot. They had the same expression and the same conduct of manners. When she was facing with the people in this household, she felt it was even more tiring than facing those hungry power ministers in the court.

Why is she so annoying like her master?

Meng Yu cleared her throats and spoke as politely as she could, "Yesterday, and the day before, you had told me the same thing. I feel a lot better now, and it is your master who had agreed to let me work for my living here. So please don't be bothered by such minor injuries and treat me just like the rest of the servants."

Mu Yin saw the unwavering determination in her eyes and shook her head disapprovingly. After a brief pause, she finally replied, "If that is what Miss Meng insists… Then I shall find you something suitable to do. Please come with me."

Meng Yu remained stoned face as she nodded to Mu Yin, but as soon as Mu Yin turned around, Meng Yu surreptitiously smirked proudly to herself.


Meng Yu eyed the bright young girl standing excitedly next to her. Xiao Yun grinned widely as she continued to grind the ink stick on the ink stone. Meng Yu looked at the brush in her hand and sighed. Mu Yin's word flashed through her mind.

"You cannot touch water, and you cannot do heavy lifting. You cannot even move your left arm. There is only one thing you can do. Since you are literate, you can help me to copy these medicine books. Xiao Yun will grind the ink for you."

There was a time when Qing Yao was writing a prescription for her. The prescription was for Mu Yin to prepare the medicine for Meng Yu's daily consumption, but due to curiosity, Meng Yu unconsciously read along the name of herbs written in it. It was unexpected but that was how Qing Yao and Mu Yin knew she was literate. That was also how she ended up in the study room today.

Meng Yu glared at the pile of books in front of her. She knew Mu Yin had purposely given her some easy tasks to keep her from further bugging her. She even arranged Xiao Yun to assist her since it would be impossible for her to grind ink with only one hand. In the end, she felt like she was being tricked but there was nothing she could do.

Well, I guess it is better than doing nothing. Bear with it, bear with it…

Thus, she began copying the notes. She did not know how long the time had passed until she heard Xiao Yun talking to her. "Your writing is so beautiful! It can be compared to master's writing!" Meng Yu looked at the chatty little girl expressionlessly and nodded slightly before shifting her attention back to her work.

She wrote and wrote, until she heard Xiao Yun talking again. "Do you know how to read all these words? They look so complicated." Meng Yu turned to look at her again and moved her gaze back to the paper in front of her.

They are just medicines name, what is there not to understand?

So, Meng Yu just nodded nonchalantly to Xiao Yun before going back to her writing again.

She wrote and wrote, and then she heard Xiao Yun talking again. "Sister Meng, you are so smart. I don't even understand a single word on it." Meng Yu sighed in her heart. She realized this little girl here was not going to let her finish her work quietly.

She placed down the ink brush and turned to face Xiao Yun. She opened her mouth to say something, but Xiao Yun cut her off.

"Sister Meng, how can you be so smart and so pretty at the same time? I wish I can grow up to be like you." Xiao Yun grinned at her. Meng Yu closed her mouth and paused for a moment, deep in contemplation. She stared solemnly at Xiao Yun.

"What is it so good to be pretty?" Meng Yu asked.

"Isn't it good to be pretty? Many people will like you if you are pretty!" Xiao Yun replied innocently.

Meng Yu smiled wanly at Xiao Yun.

"Xiao Yun, do you know that being beautiful could be a sin too?" Xiao Yun looked perplexedly at Meng Yu.

"Xiao Yun, you know that I am from Mo Country, right?" At first Xiao Yun nodded obediently, but she suddenly clasped her mouth tightly and shook her head vigorously. The guiltiness on her face was palpable. Meng Yu chuckled at her flustered reaction as she realized Xiao Yun must have been warned not to mention her origin to anyone.

Clearing her throat, Meng Yu spoke again with a hint of amusement, "It is alright. I know your master has ordered you not to speak to anyone about my origin. Since there are only two of us here, let me tell you a story."

Xiao Yun nodded excitedly at Meng Yu as she was always filled with curiosity.

"In the Mo Country, there is an extremely beautiful lady. People called her the world number one beauty, Yang Nu, as in the daughter of the Sun. Her beauty even entranced the Scarlet Emperor, who fell in love with her at first sight. He forced her to marry him at the age of seventeen, and since then, she had never set foot out from the inner harem. She spent her entire life in the palace, locked like a bird in a golden cage. People say being loved by the emperor is a blessing, but I say being loved by the wrong person is a curse. Her fate ended in tragic when the Scarlet Emperor lost his sanity and stabbed her through her heart."

Xiao Yun looked like she was on the verge of tear, as if she had just heard the most horrifying story. Meng Yu looked at the shaken Xiao Yun and paused for a moment. Suddenly a glint of evilness flickered through her eyes. She reached out her hand to caress Xiao Yun's cheek gently.

Meng Yu drawled with a low voice, "Xiao Yun, do you know what the emperor like the most? Sweet and bright girl like you. You are very pretty too. If the Scarlet Emperor sees you, he will definitely make you his concubine."

Xiao Yun burst into tears, as she cried out, "No, no! I do not want to be a concubine! I don't want!" She sobbed uncontrollably and ran off.

Meng Yu watched the tiny figure fled from the room and smirked satisfyingly. Finally, she can have some peace. She was so proud of herself. Now no one will disturb her. Meng Yu turned her attention back to her copying, but she barely wrote another word when she heard another voice interrupting her again.

"It is nice to see this side of you." His voice was gentle as usual with a hint of mirth.

Meng Yu looked up in surprise. Wearing his formal blue robe, he walked briskly toward her and stopped in front of the desk. Meng Yu's face immediately turned stone cold as her gaze landed on Qing Yao who had just walked in.