Chapter 4 – The Pride of an Emperor

One finally gone, but another came. These Yin people just cannot leave me alone, but when did he arrived? I did not sense his presence at all. It must be those pain killers. Not only did they make my pain numb, but they also make my senses dull!

Meng Yu was lost in her deep thoughts, and unconsciously furrowed her brows. Qing Yao noticed her expression and could not hide his amusement. He broke into a small smile as he wondered what she was thinking to be so lost in her thoughts. He just stood patiently in front of her and waited for her response. It was not long before Meng Yu snapped out of her reverie and noticed his amused expression, as if he was looking at an interesting animal.

"You… Why are you here?" She shot him a cold look.

Qing Yao was summoned into the palace late at night yesterday. The royal guards came and made quite a ruckus that even Meng Yu who did not care about anything was aware of it. Mu Yin said that he will be staying out for a few days to settle some important matters.

"Things are done for the day, so I came back." He tried to answer nonchalantly, but it was obvious he was trying to refrain from laughing. He was amused by her question that even Meng Yu realized it was very stupid to ask. She regretted immediately for even asking in the first place.

This is his home. Of course he comes home after getting his work done.

He noticed her discomfort, so he changed the topic swiftly.

"So, Mu Yin made you copy these?"

Seeing her lack of response, Qing Yao continued, "Well, it is good since they are already piling up, but Mu Yin is too busy to help me clear them." Meng Yu tilted her head to one side and thought to herself.

Are you done talking?

She shook her head and returned to her writing. She was not one who talk a lot, so Qing Yao just smiled at her response. Meng Yu was planning to ignore him, and focus on completing her work on hand, but when she turned to dip her brush into the ink slab, she realized that it was already drying up while she was busy scaring Xiao Yun off. She looked at her bandaged left arm, and then back to the ink slab.


Qing Yao watched her frustrated expression and chuckled to himself.

"Let me help you," he did not wait for her to reply and picked up the ink stick. Meng Yu stared at him wordlessly as he started grinding efficiently. She silently debated in her heart.

I cannot move my arm and he has nothing better to do. So just let him do it then!

Grudgingly, she nodded approvingly before going back to her writing. Both of them worked silently, as one grinded the ink slab attentively, the other wrote diligently. The wind was quite strong in the afternoon. Her long black hair danced lightly in the wind and a few strands kept falling over her face. She tried to push them back with her occupied right hand but found herself unable to concentrate with her task on hand. She bit her lips in frustration.

I knew I should have tied them up.

Meng Yu placed her brush down, but before she could do anything else, she felt a pair of hand gently pulling her messy hair back.

"Let me help you." She heard Qing Yao's voice from behind her.

Meng Yu paused for a moment, and finally nodded reluctantly. Qing Yao combed her hair with his hand and took off a blue ribbon from his own hair to fasten Meng Yu's hair skillfully.


"Thanks," Meng Yu muttered softly as she picked up her brush.

Qing Yao just smiled at her awkward response. "You are welcome," he replied cheerfully before picking up a book and sat at the corner of the room to read quietly. Meng Yu glanced at him surreptitiously from the corner of her eyes.

He is not planning to leave yet?

Seeing him completely immersed into his book, she concluded that he will be sticking around for some time. She decided to just ignore him and pretended that he was a part of the wallpaper. At least he was better than the chatterbox Xiao Yun. He does not talk nonstop like her!

After a long quiet moment, Qing Yao suddenly spoke, "That story about Yang Nu… I have heard of it too. I always wonder if it is true that Yang Nu is as beautiful as the legend said."

Meng Yu did not reply immediately. She was focusing intensively on her writing, so Qing Yao did not urge her either. He went back to his reading. Meng Yu, who had finally done copying the last sentence, placed her brush down.

"She is even more beautiful than what the people described," Meng Yu replied in monotone. She began working on the next book.

"She is not only beautiful on the outside, but also possessed a heart of gold."

Qing Yao just listened to her words quietly. She did not say anything anymore afterwards. Both of them sat silently till the evening, and only stopped when she finished the last book for the day. Meng Yu tried to arrange the books she had finished neatly in a stack but found it difficult with just one hand. However, she was very stubborn, and refused to give up despite a few failed attempts. At first Qing Yao wanted to give her a hand, but after contemplating for a moment, he hesitated and just stand aside.

From what he had observed during these past few weeks, he came to understand her a little. She had a willful pride and was a strong headed person. So, he decided to let her to continue with her struggles and watched in amusement as she resorted to arranging the books one by one. After a long while, she finally did it with just her right hand. Her furrowed brows were completely lifted, and Qing Yao saw a glint of satisfaction in her eyes despite her aloof exterior. Somehow, he felt that she actually enjoyed the mundane task in her own way.

Meng Yu stood up and turned to exit the study room when she suddenly stopped in her pace. Qing Yao was perplexed, and asked, "What is it?" Meng Yu did not answer. She turned around abruptly and went to push the opened window wider. It was drizzling lightly outside. Her stoic façade slowly relaxed in an instant as she watched the droplets of water falling from the darkening sky.

Qing Yao caught the same faint smile she had when they were talking at the corridor and watched the pouring rain a few days ago. Instinctively, she held out her hand again to try to catch the raindrops. Like a child, her eyes were brimming with excitement as she played with the droplets of water on her hand. However, it was only for a moment before the excitement was gone, replaced with a hint of sorrow in her eyes. Qing Yao noticed the changes in her mood too.

Oblivious of the other's attention on her, Meng Yu was immersed in her own thought. It was because every time when it rained, her mind will always think of a certain someone.

It is raining again today, Yang Yi.

Back in her room, Qing Yao looked disapprovingly at Meng Yu. He stared at the remaining last pill in the palm size box.

"I prescribed you with a week of pain killers, but there is only one last pill left after two days," he stated solemnly.

"They aren't working well, so I doubled the dosage." She admitted shamelessly.

Qing Yao furrowed his brows. "I purposely give you something mild to lessen your pain. It is not to make you feel nothing at all so that you can push your body to work."

She rolled her eyes at him and earned his angry glare.

He called out sternly, "Mu Yin, come in here."

Mu Yin walked inside the room and bowed respectfully.

"Mu Yin, from today onward, you will be responsible for Miss Meng's medication. Unless she is hurting until she could not leave her bed, do not give her any pain killer. If she really needs it, then only give her one as prescribed. Nothing more, nothing less." He particularly stressed on the word 'one'.

Mu Yin frowned as she gave a quick glance at Meng Yu. She did not try to hide her unwillingness, but as a loyal servant, she received her orders obediently, "I understand."

Meng Yu glared at him murderously. Qing Yao ignored her as he continued to talk to Mu Yin, "I am going out again. Prepare the carriage, Mu Yin."

Mu Yin eyes widen in surprise as she repeated Qing Yao's word. "Going out again?"

"Yes. I still feel it is better for me to stay a few days to keep watch. Just in case…" his voice trailed off. His eyes darken, and seeing his grave expression, Mu Yin did not dare to probe any further. She bowed respectfully before backing out of the room again.

Qing Yao turned his attention back to Meng Yu. He looked at the remaining pill in the small box and shook his head again. He closed the lid and intended to keep it in his pocket when another hand reached out to grab tightly onto the little box. She was swift, but he was quicker. He tightened his grip, as she futilely tried to pry the box away. He had two strong hands holding firmly onto it, while she only had one. Her right hand was not weak, but it was not enough to overtake his strength. He glanced disapprovingly at her, as she scowled back at him, all the while biting her lips defiantly.

"Let go," he commanded calmly.

She refused. She did not speak, but the determination in her eyes revealed her thoughts.

This is the last pain killer I can get my hands on! I am not letting go!

As if he read her thoughts, he warned, "A misbehaving patient will be punished severely. I can give you this now, but don't expect to even leave this room from now on."

His voice was calm, but Meng Yu knew he was obviously threatening her. She knew she had no choice. She struggled to let go of her hand and glowered furiously. No one had ever threatened her before!

Just you wait, just you wait… Once I get better and paid off my debts to you, I will leave here immediately! Until then I shall bear with you!

He let out a soft sigh. "Bear with it. You will get well very soon if you follow my instruction and rest well… Unless… you don't want to get well?" He teased lightly.

Meng Yu turned away and looked out of the window. He smiled at her rebellious response and stood up.

"I will be away for a few days… and probably won't have time to stop by home like today to check on you. So, do not misbehave, alright?" He turned and walked to the door.

"Good night, Meng Yu."

Meng Yu sat quietly on her bed, as she leaned against the window and watched the moon in the dark sky. After a rainy day, the sky was especially clear, and the moon was very bright. Very soon, she heard the carriage leaving the mansion.