Chapter 20 - Yun Shang Xing Yu (Part 1)

The bidding price escalated quickly, thanks to the lady in veil who kept doubling the price ruthlessly. Very soon, the bid rocketed sky high so that no one else dared to compete with the special guest in the second-floor private room. Meng Yu harrumphed coldly as she watched the host on the stage announcing the winner of the bid. Not only her, but the other guests had also noticed the flamboyant bidder who spent lavishly over a mere painting. It seemed like Jing Yun Sheng was determined to obtain this painting. He did not even care if his action attracted too much unwanted attention.

While Meng Yu was deep in her own thoughts, someone else was observing her from the highest floor private room. Hiding behind sheer curtains, he wore an exquisite black mask with his chin resting lightly on his hand. His eyes were shrouded with haze, deep and unreadable, as he carefully studied the lone figure standing at the lowest floor.

"Aiya, I really give up. If I keep competing, I might need to sell a few streets of shops to compensate for my loss today. The mysterious guest on the second floor is truly ruthless." Another young man who was dressed in delicate silk robe joked light-heartedly.

However, seeing the other person who was still in deep thought and completely ignoring him, he coughed lightly in annoyance.

"I say, usually you are not interested in this kind of event, yet today, you insisted on coming along. Now that you are here, you are not even paying attention to the main attraction of the event. What are you thinking?"

The other person finally turned his head to look at his friend. His lips curled upward slightly, revealing a mischievous smile. "En? Who says I am not paying attention? Ren Zhong Yu, just because you lost the bid over your favourite painting, you shouldn't release your dissatisfaction on me."

Finally getting some response, Ren Zhong Yu laughed heartily.

"I guess in the end, I value my money more than a piece of painting."

Ren Zhong Yu was the Yin capital wealthiest merchant. In fact, most of the stores in the capital city was owned by the Ren clan. Despite his young age, he was already an astute businessman, thus after his succession as the clan leader, their business continued to flourish throughout the empire. Despite being born with a silver spoon in the mouth, Ren Zhong Yu had a very carefree and easy-going temperament.

Notwithstanding their polar opposite attitude, the person sitting in front of him was his best friend of many years. They had studied together under the same teacher during their youth.

"You are just too materialistic." Yin He mocked coldly, as he stretched his body lazily.

"Tsk, tsk. My dear friend, can you not be so straightforward? You will hurt my fragile heart." Pursing his lips, Ren Zhong Yu pretended to be hurt by Yin He's sarcasm, but the other party just rolled his eyes at him, before turning his attention back to the lone figure on the lowest floor.

From his seat, he had a very clear view of the ground floor. He perked up slightly like a child being offered his favourite candy when he saw something interesting unfolding right before his eyes.

A group of men was approaching Meng Yu cautiously.

Yin He was not the only one who had noticed these men. Meng Yu herself felt their chilling gazes on her the moment they stepped in. She knew they were coming for her, but she just stood firmly on her spot. Her hand lightly caressed the emblem hanging by her waist.

"Our boss wishes to see you."

Lao Qi said as he surreptitiously glanced at the white swallow emblem hanging on her waist. There was no mistake about it. It was one of the emblems crafted by their Red Lantern Manor and it was given to a rich western merchant by the name of Wu. However, Merchant Wu was supposed to be a rotund man in his late forties. This young lad in front of him was tall and slender and did not have any resemblance to that man at all.

The end of Meng Yu's lips curled upward, revealing a smile that did not feel like a smile at all. Her eyes hiding behind the mask were like a dark abyss, revealing nothing at all. However, Lao Qi had followed Xia Hei for so many years, and had met all kind of people. He did not lose his composure as he waited patiently for the other person's response.

"Do lead the way then."

Lao Qi initially thought the fellow would resist; therefore, he had brought along a few skilful guards with him. However, to his surprise, the other party actually agreed easily, and followed him without any questions. It was as if this person had expected it in the first place.

Since the event was still ongoing, Lao Qi main priority was not to make a scene and spoiled the atmosphere for the other guests. He shrugged off his doubt. No matter who this person and what his intention was, his duty was to act according to his master's instruction.

Meng Yu followed Lao Qi's lead as they exited the hall. Since they were suspicious of her, there should not be so little guards escorting her. Her suspicion was confirmed as soon as they stepped out of the hall. She could sense at least more than a dozen of men hiding in the shadow, watching her like a hawk.

Her cold smile deepened, as her eyes flickered with anticipation. It seemed like one must not underestimate the Red Lantern Manor. Fortunately, they did not act brashly in the hall as she did not want to make a ruckus and end up alerting Jing Yun Sheng's people. If possible, she did not want this man to find out that she was still alive.

While Meng Yu left with the group of men, the Purple Heaven painting was being delivered to the private room on the second floor.

"Thank you," Lian Xi expressed her gratitude as she received the painting with both hands.

"There is no need to thank me. It is after all a fair business transaction, and Sir Jing has been very generous. I should be the one to express my gratitude instead." Xia Hei remarked casually.

Listening to Xia Hei's words, an unfathomable smile formed on Lian Xi's face, but she did not speak further.

A man servant lightly called out to Xia Hei from the outside of the room and interrupted their conversation in a timely manner. Xia Hei nodded to the servant, before turning back to speak a few words to Lian Xi.

"I have something important to attend to, so please excuse me."

Lian Xi lightly nodded her head as she replied, "Please go ahead. The auction is quite interesting, so I hope you will not mind if we stay for a little while before leaving."

Xia Hei was surprised, but he did not let his emotion showed. He thought Jing Yun Sheng's goal was this Purple Heaven painting. Funnily enough, after obtaining it, his servant did not rush back to report their achievement, and instead wanted to linger longer. However, he had no reason to object without looking suspicious.

"Of course not. Please enjoy yourself." Xia Hei smiled pleasantly in reply.

However, the smile immediately slid off his face as soon as he was out of view. Furrowing his brow, he instructed his servant to keep an eye on Lian Xi. This woman seemed delicate and sweet from the outside, but no woman associated to Jing Yun Sheng can be as simple as that. He already had enough problem on his plate. Not knowing what she was planning, he could only take precaution. Shaking his head in exasperation, he wondered why there were so many prestigious guests to handle today.

Entering a private courtyard far away from all the lively environment just now, Lao Qi led Meng Yu to wait in a lounge room. Meng Yu carefully inspected her surroundings. There was no other people in the room, but outside, it was guarded so heavily that even a fly would have difficulty to fly out. There is no doubt that she would not be able to escape unscathed this time. From the moment she decided to come for the painting, she had already expected this much.

Even though Meng Yu had given up her old identity and life, there was still something that she could not let go. That is, there was a very important thing that was missing after she was rescued by Zheng Qing Yao.

This item was too precious that she could not let it fall into the possession of the Yin Empire. Even if she had to risk her life, she must retrieve it. Although she had long suspected that the thing might be in the Red Lantern Manor, and that it could be laden with traps, she still could not let go of such a good opportunity.

Nevertheless, she was confident that Xia Hei would meet her tonight.

Why? Because she had ignited his curiosity.

As expected, after waiting for a while, Xia Hei finally appeared.

Xia Hei walked into the lounge room and saw the masked young man had pulled a chair out in the middle of the room. Directly facing the doorway, the person sat with one of his ankles resting on his other knee. His body leaned forward in a lazy posture with one arm was supporting his sharp chin. The bottomless dark eyes hiding behind the mask, stared straight at Xia Hei without any reservation. Lips lifted up in a cold sneer, his disposition was absolutely unruly and arrogant.

Xia Hei's brow creased deeply as he saw the other person's provoking attitude. He had seen all kind of people and faced all kind of situation in his life before. However, this was the first time someone had openly challenged his authority, despite knowing who he was, right in his very own manor! His territory!

Without any hesitation, he also pulled another chair from the side, and dragged it all the way to the middle of the room. He sat down right opposite of the other person, with his back facing the doorway of the room. His cold pupils gazed intimidatingly back at the arrogant young man. The room fell into a dead silence, as both parties sized each other up carefully.

Now that Meng Yu had gotten a better look at this so-called big boss of the black-market, she noticed he had a very distinctive feature. He had a very eye-catching tanned skin, chiselled face, and thick brows. Rumours had it that this person came from the far eastern land, and seeing it personally today, she realized the rumours were probably true.

There was also a faintly discernible long scar from the top of his right forehead that traced down across his right ear, before continuing further down to his neck. Hiding beneath his high collar robe, Meng Yu could only guess that the scar extended even further down to his body as well. Judging from the faint scar, it was probably a very old wound, and not to mention a life-threatening one. This person with such a cold-blooded aura, could only be a person who had been to the gate of Hell once.

She can be sure of it, because she too, had been there before.

Deeply frowning, Xia Hei was the first to break the silence.

"Who do you think you are, to intrude my Red Lantern Manor?"

His voice was frigid, domineering, and filled with hidden threats. His displease was palpable.

A cold laughter broke out and filled the entire solemn hall. The voice was melodious to the ears, yet inevitably brought chill to one's heart. Meng Yu threw her head back as she laughed without restraint. Her body rested backward on the chair, her head slightly tilted, and her eyes narrowed into a beautiful crescent shape. Her rosy lips faintly opened, and precisely four words escaped from her mouth.

"Yun Shang Xing Yu."