Chapter 21 – Yun Shang Xing Yu (Part 2)


"Yun Shang Xing Yu?"

Meng Yu's eyes lighted up with curiosity. Tilting her head to the side, a loose strand of hair fell over as she looked at the man standing next to her. He lifted the tip of the brush from the purple azalea painting, and the four words written at the bottom corner of the painting gleamed alluringly under the sunlight.

That year, he was only seventeen years old. An undeniable handsome young youth. His presence was always filled with nobility, and every little action of his was simply graceful, even when he was merely turning his head to meet her gaze. Under the thick eyelashes, there was a trace of gentleness in his deep black eyes. His soft lips curled up into a beautiful smile as his slender finger tucked the loose strand of hair behind her ear.

His action was overly intimate, and the usual her would have coldly reprimanded him. Instead, she found herself staring at him in a daze. Perhaps her mind was distracted, or her heart was confused.

"Yun Shang (Above Cloud)."

A soothing voice escaped from his thin lips as his gaze turned toward the clear blue sky. Subconsciously, Meng Yu's eyes followed his gaze.

"Xing Yu (Shooting Stars)."

Hearing the last two words, she turned back to look at him, and met his intense gaze. Their eyes interlocked and her heart carelessly skipped a beat. His gaze was deep and endless, just like the bottom of the ocean.

Shooting stars above the cloud. It sounded like an exquisite alias, but it was actually layered with hidden meaning. In between the lines hid a subtle hint of provocation.

When dealing with a man who was wise beyond his age, she had to put in more efforts. After all, she had come across many talented people who was significantly older than him but were no match to his wit. This kind of genius was like a double edge sword. He could be a strong ally, but also a great threat at the same time.

This young man was Jing Yun Sheng.

His personality was aloof while his actions were unpredictable. After knowing him for a period of time, she still could not decipher his intention.

Meng Yu eyes grew cold as she contemplated. Since the other party had taken the initiative to come forth, then she should not let him leave empty handed. She gently waved to the servants behind them.

"Leave us."

Her instruction was curt and firm. The servants complied and retreated to a far distance away.

Jing Yun Sheng watched the young girl in front of him carefully. She sat in a straight posture with her head held high. She was only thirteen years old, yet her temperament does not exude the childishness most people had around this age. Instead, she gave off the feeling of a dignified and lofty well-bred lady. She had beautifully carved brows, crystal clear eyes and luscious red lips. It would easily mislead others to see her as a sweet and tender young girl. Contrary to the look she was born with, she was actually a very proud and wilful lady.

She was Mo Empire's third princess, Mo Xing Yu (Shooting Star).

She was also the twin sister of the fourth prince, Mo Lie Yun (Cloud), who was bestowed the tittle of crown prince not long ago.

This pair of twins resembled each other so much that it was almost impossible to differentiate between them, especially during their tender age. Even their birth mother, the Empress had mistaken them as the others before. However, their features became much more distinguished as they grew older. Perhaps, a few more years later, the difference would be more apparent.

Even someone as sharp as Jing Yun Sheng had difficulties in telling them apart. Yes, he had even mistook them once during their first encounter.

Over the years, he had unexpectedly paid more attention to this pair of twins, and now, he could slowly distinguish them. Both inherited their mother's bewitching pair of eyes, yet one of them had a steady and mature gaze, while the other could never hide the willfulness in her eyes.

Jing Yun Sheng looked straight into the little girl's eyes in front of him. It was precisely this pair of eyes that aroused his attention from very the beginning.

Meng Yu frowned at his unreserved gaze.

"Lord Jing, please watch your manners."

Her tone was cold and intimidating. At that moment, Jing Yun Sheng could not help but felt that out of all the children of the current Emperor, the third princess was the one who resembled him the most. Such ruthless and domineering aura.

If she was not born as a female, then she would definitely be one of the strong contenders for the throne. Even if she was to pit against her formidable twin brother, Mo Lie Yun.

Jing Yun Sheng's heart was unexpectedly stirred by the thought of it. He slowly revealed an ambiguous smile as he lowered his eyes.

"Forgive my rudeness, Your Highness." There was no trace of guilt in his voice.

Meng Yu coldly harrumphed. She stood up and walked to the edge of the pavilion. The weather was sunny and breezy. It was almost the end of Spring, and the purple azaleas in the garden was blooming to their fullest. A couple of butterflies could be seen fluttering about in the garden.

"It seems like there is something troubling Lord Jing?" She asked.

"Not really troubling. I am just curious. During the morning court, the Crown Prince suddenly proposed to call back Minister Chen from the Southern Region."

"Ah?" She drawled lightly, as she turned around to look at Jing Yun Sheng, but there was no trace of surprise on her face.

"Minister Chen? So, did Royal Father agreed to it?"

"What do Your Highness think?"

Jing Yun Sheng stared at her with probing eyes. Meng Yu saw his questioning eyes and let out a low chuckle. Her voice was sweet to the ears.

"I am just a princess who stays in the inner harem all day long. I do not really understand politics, but I heard that Lord Chen is a capable man. Staying in the Southern Region would have wasted his potential."

"Oh? Is that so? I still remember the year before he was sent to the Southern Region, he was one of the ministers who greatly opposed the appointment of His Highness as the Crown Prince. However, after a year, His Highness actually took the initiative to propose for his return. It seems like someone had suggested something to His Highness."

Meng Yu lowered her eyes, and a bright smile emerged from her lips.

"If I remember correctly, didn't Lord Jing once told me that in the world of politics, there is no forever enemy? If there is benefit, even an enemy can turn into an ally. Not to mention…"

She slightly paused and raised her head again. Her eyes glimmered brightly, as she walked towards Jing Yun Sheng. Leaning closer, she whispered softly into his ear.

"An enemy's enemy is my friend. This is what you teach me."

Jing Yun Sheng did not say anything, but merely turned side way to look at her. They were standing very close, so close that she could even feel his warm breath tickling her skin. He was a head taller than her, so Meng Yu had to raise her head to look at him. Those pair of deep black eyes gently rippled but revealed nothing of his thoughts. No doubt, no anger, no despise.

"I see." He finally answered. His lips gently curved, revealing a soft smile.

Meng Yu coldly sneered in her heart. She had expected more from him. After all, he was the one who schemed to dispose Minister Chen to the Southern Region a year ago. She thought he came to question her action, yet now, it looked like he did not care.

Since it was not proper for a female and male to stand too close, she retreated a few steps, and looked away. She did not even bother to hide the frustration from her face.

This was because she could not understand Jing Yun Sheng's goal. Sometimes his action seemed to indicate that he sided with them, yet sometimes it felt like he was not. She had tried multiple times to sound him out, but each time, he would never reveal his intentions. This time was the same.

Seeing her disinterest to continue the conversation, Jing Yun Sheng casually changed the topic. He carefully picked up the painting on the table.

"Your Highness definitely have a pair of fine hands. The purple azaleas are even livelier than the real flowers. Yi Er will definitely like it very much."

The Yi Er he mentioned was no other than his current fiancée, Yang Yi. Since they grew up together, Jing Yun Sheng was used to called her by her nickname, Yi Er. The tone in his voice was especially tender when the name Yi Er came out of his mouth.

"Do you think so?" There was a slight anticipation in her voice.

Jing Yun Sheng noticed the corner of her rosy lips curling up slightly into a genuine smile. There was a flicker of gentleness in her previously cold façade. It was like watching the sun coming out from behind the cloud after the storm.

Even outsiders could tell that she cared a lot about Yang Yi. His heart constricted slightly. Jing Yun Sheng did not like this kind of feeling though. His deep black eyes were like a surging dark whirlpool, overwhelming with unfathomable emotions.

Meng Yu noticed it too. It was the first time Jing Yun Sheng worn such expression in front of her. Before Meng Yu could dwell further on it, he had turned to look away.

"I shall not disturb your Highness any longer."

Jing Yun Sheng did not directly look into her eyes again as he politely bided his farewell. That was the end of their conversation that day. Be it intentional or not, she had also begun to paint using the alias of Yun Shang Xing Yu, even though, this was the name given by him.