Chapter Six: Welcome to Neverland, and Cuts 3

The two of them looked at the sun setting off, engulfing their world in a complete darkness. Anne didn't knew what to feel. It was darkness again. And the thought of a whole pack lurking around the woodland isn't soothing either.

But her paranoia subsided when she felt a hand holding her left hand. She stared at hers and Toto's hand together, and slowly nodded with a sigh.

They both walked, hand in hand, in the forest. It was dark but Anne felt safe in Toto's presence. Little did she know that Toto felt calm with Anne's presence as well. For the first time in his life, Toto felt in peace. And he kinda love it amidst the world he was in. He knew the calmness would end soon and the thought daunts him. He somehow wish he never obeyed. But if he did not, he won't felt this — he will not have Anne in his side.

Toto spotted a safe spot to stay the night. He then let go of Anne's hand to get some woods. Anne felt her hand got weird for a moment after Toto let go. She then tried to toughen her self for she know she could not rely on Toto — forever.

Toto felt his hand becoming unusual after he had let go of Anne's hand, but he continued to find a wood that would sustain the night anyway.

Anne stayed silently there on her spot. A moment had passed but Toto still didn't emerge on her sight. Anne was getting worried but she also tried slowing her breaths. She didn't find anything odd about her demeanor, like she knew the paranoia have been a part of her.

A minute went by so fast and Anne heard heavy footsteps coming. Anne let out a sigh in relief and turned to see the incoming person with a smile. The smile instantly fade as the person's appearance started to appear; from the tight grey boots, then emerged a portion of its grey robes. The figure halted on his movements and Anne was slightly taken aback. She stepped backwards as her breathing have hitched. But her entire person stood frozen when a pair of bright yellow eyes intently gazed at her.

Anne immediately knew she was in danger and she ought to warn Toto. But she felt like there was a lump on her throat and no words had come out. The person's mouth twitched in a grin and he step out to let the woman see his face. He knew very well that the woman was gonna call the traitor but he didn't let her so.

Anne felt a sharp smack at the back of her neck and her consciousness started slipping away. But before she became completely unconscious, she had managed to utter Toto's name.

Soon, Toto got a pile of enough lumbers and started taking his way towards the place he left Anne earlier. He thought he heard Anne called out his name but he later shrugged it as he thought he was crossing the line. He then swept the ground and arrange the stones in a circular manner. After that, he made a fire and settled the blanket beside the warm source.

He reached out for his pocket to give Anne the glass container, but to his surprised, Anne was not around. The place was in eeriely tranquil and Toto stood up as he looked around the trees. He could feel that Anne was not around and before he started to worry, a familiar scent came across his nose. Toto clenched his jaw as he felt the veins in his head popping out. He went away silently as headed out to Anne's captor, his blood boiling, his heart enraged.

Anne wake up and felt her neck numb in cold. She was sitting in an uncomfortable position on the floor, she then realized that her hand and feet were bound with ropes. And not only that, her mouth was held shut with a cloth place between her lips. And when she tried to yell, she only made a gagging noise.

Knowing that her efforts were futile, she saved her breath and looked around the place. There was a torch emitting a red-orange coloured light attached on a rough cemented wall. With her keen senses, she heard a sound of footsteps from above. She then thought she was somehow in an underground prison.

"Shut up, Jaime!" Anne heard a voice from above. Though the voice weren't that clear because of the distance, she could still try to point out each of them and understand.

Then a loud laughing sound emerged on her ear. It seems like the group had been pleasuring themselves — some were howling in delight.

"Wolfstrus seems to mind." Anne listened attentively and the chattering continued. She found them nonsensical and later averted her attention on a plan for an escape.

Then Anne's interest piqued as she heard one of the group says, "Jacob, checked the lady downstairs."

Upon hearing the name, Anne felt a spark on her chest. The name 'Jacob' sounded familiar but she can't seem to point it out. Anne snapped out from her reverie when the sound of incoming heavy footsteps was getting closer. Then the steps halted and the gate in front of Anne swung open, revealing a young man seemingly around Anne's age.

Anne recognized the grey robe and the matching grey boots that the man was wearing. Then the dots were then connected — she was kidnapped by the man standing in front of her, and he is a wolf!

The man walked closer to Anne but halted and ensured a safe distance between him and her.

"Look, I'm sorry." the man sincerely apologized with his head lowered.

Anne, who couldn't freely move, glared at him as she attempted to break free. The time she had spent with Toto, back then, was well serene and a moment later had became the opposition, though Toto was not around.

"Let me out of here!" Anne yelled, of course she was gagged — incoherent noises were coming from her mouth.

But even if the wolf man couldn't understood her by the words she was speaking, he was sure of something. And that something is that she wanted to break free from here.