Chapter Five: Welcome to Neverland, and Cuts 2

"Did Toto had sent a dove yet?" her Majesty asked in the most soothing voice ever — should mistaken that she's calm as she was currently not.

"Your majesty, worry not, the saviour is in the safe hands of Toto. As soon as the tenth day arrives she'll be on the castle's front gate, and safe." the Queen's royal confidant, Olga the elf, reassured.

"I'm in distress. The vampires had darkened Neverland and -----" responded by the Queen but was cutted off by the elf.

"And they hadn't took over Mycrathineia yet. Alone, Mycrathineia is the heart of Neverland. Their victory is, when this place have been exterminated." the Elf stated.

"And we won't allow that to happen." the general arrives.

"May Toto arrive here safely." the Queen pleaded and stared at her jade.


It was still dawn when Toto opened his eyes. He saw the saviour sleeping peacefully on his arms. He then looked up and saw the stars above. The stars aren't there spontaneously at night time.

But they would appear an hour or two before the sun rises.

He felt the movement of the girl beside him. He knew then that she was awake.

"Looked." croaked the man, his voice hoarse.

Anne opened her eyes in confusion and it widened completely when she saw what's ahead of her. Thousands of beautiful twinkling stars embraced the skies, and Anne couldn't believe her eyes.

"What time is it?" she asked without taking her gaze away from the stars.

"It's nearly four." answered the man.

Anne nodded and continued to watch the stars. Then she looked at the man.

"Hey..." Anne croaked.

"What?" asked the man, his gaze was on the stars as well. He knew Anne could never see his face, excluding his lips.

"What should I call you?" she asked.

The man thought for a moment. Then he hesitated. He then shrugged off a thought and answered.

"Call me Toto. I'm the guardian of the forestry." said Toto, his voice trailing away.

"Great. What should I call myself then?" Anne asked feeling a bit delighted.

"Anne. Call yourself Anne." said Toto emotionlessly.

"Oh alright.... I'm Anne." Anne said. The name was great. Maybe, she thought, that would fit as her name till she remembered her real one.

Another moment of silence had passed and Toto broke it off.

"I think we should get going." He said and Anne instantly moved in a sitting position.

Toto sated as well and later stood up and so did Anne. He folded the blanket till it had fitted in his pocket.

Toto stomped on the fire and it had been quenched. The two of them started walking again. Before proceeding, Anne turned around to where the blanket was once being placed as a smile crept on her lips. She then turned her head and focused on where Toto was heading.

They continued going down till the sun started to crept out of the horizon. Toto rested his back for a while on a tree as Anne was coming behind him. They both watched the sky being embraced by a mixture of colours, of dark orange and purple. The sun rised slowly as it emitted a warm energy around them.

Anne turned towards Toto's side and smiled at the sight of him. Toto caught a glance of her smiling and stared at her. He smiled to himself while his lips remained motionless. Toto then turned away and began walking again.

"Come on. We got a flight to catch to." he joked and felt drained.

"Coming!" said Anne and she followed him.

The two continued to walked till late afternoon. They had only halted when Toto felt alarmed.

"Stop." he whispered with a hand gesture. Anne, feeling bewildered, obeyed.

She felt the vicinity they were in, then felt alarmed as well. The tension broke off when there was a sound of a broken twig and Toto jerked his hooded head to where the sound came from.

"Stay close to me." He said warily as he took his sword. Anne felt more alarm as the silence was deafening.

Suddenly, out of the silence, a sudden swish sound occured and there appeared three wolves, big ones, on sight. Toto attacked each one of them with great speed with his sword on his hand.

"Slash, Slash, Slash,"

The wolves became ashes then.

There was only one wolf left. It had got away as it was moving faster than Toto.

But Toto could move faster than the wolf, but he had chosen to not, not in front of Anne. He was hiding it and he shall not do anything that would ruin and could ruin Anne's trust.

Finally, with normal speed, he managed to caught up with the wolf and defeated it with his swordmanship skills. But Anne's yelp made him turned directly to Anne's way.

Toto cursed himself as there was an another wolf in its human form taking Anne as a hostage.

"Well, well, how dare you kill Isyael you little trait-----" the wolf didn't managed to finish what he ought to say when Toto moved in a snap and killed him on his back.

The wolf froze and then glow. His furry body became visible as it then turned to ashes.

With her eyes widened, Anne felt horrified at the sight.

"Are you okay?" Toto asked as he steadied himself on the ground, the hem of his robes drifted back in place.

Anne barely nodded. She didn't expected it but Toto had embraced her. Anne hugged him back as well. She closed her eyes for a moment as tears were rolling out of her eyes in tension.

She never knew why she was crying. The only reason she had was maybe she could never get out of this place. And that horrifies her.

Her anxiety subsided really quick when Toto started patting her back. After awhile, the two broke off from their hug and stared at each other's eyes. But Anne was just staring at Toto's blank face. But even so, Anne smiled at him. And Toto's lips formed a smile in return.