Chapter Four: Welcome To Neverland, and cuts

Anne's heart sank as she watched the whole place. They were on the top of a slope, and the place had a lake on the center. The water reflected millions of stars from the above. But the creepiest thing was, it was dark. But on the lake's circular range, it wasn't!

On the other side, there was a slope as well. She had then realized that the sides were in circle. Then on her sight emerged trees — black ones. And before she knew it, the trees were everywhere to be found.

"Did you see that?" the man asked as he pointed his index finger on the lake, interrupting Anne's trance.

"Yeah," Anne answered with a nod.

"We're going there. The lake is a some kind of way that would help you get out of here." explained the man curtly.

Anne looked at him with a hesitant look, then she shrugged the suspicion and perkily said, "Then what are we waiting for?"

"Nothing. Let's go." the man shook his hooded head and walked forward.

Anne could barely see his silhouette with all the darkness around. She quickly followed him as she was afraid to get lost.

"We'll be there on ten days." He interrupted.

Anne snapped as her eyes went wide.

"Are you kidding me?!" she reacted.

"No. But we can get there on the seventh day or eighth.... if we can." the man retaliated in assurance.

Anne heaved in disbelief. But she thought what was wrong about getting there on the tenth day, she wasn't in a hurry anyway. Anne was just awake with the thought of getting out of there. And she will be out of there soon.

Being overhead with the giant branches of the trees, the man and Anne started walking away. They avoided branches, and sometimes the man would break through them with his sword. After a what seem like a long walk going down, the man paused in his track — the never ending series of giant black trees that comes in varieties of length surrounds them.

The man walked in a circular manner like he was checking the place. Anne stood there, confused. Her eyes were following the careful movements of the man as he was peering between the trees.

Finally, he walk in the center of the space and patted the pattern of leaves on the ground. He then stood up and beckoned Anne to come over.

"We'll spend the rest of the night here." he said and turned around. He began to cut a branch of a tree and slice it in a number of three lumbers.

"Wait.. we're sleeping here?" Anne reacted in disbelief.

"Yes. What are you expecting, a fancy room at a hotel?" he asked sarcastically.

Anne thought for a moment.

"Wait,... what's a hotel?" she asked.

"Seriously?!" the man reacted with his voice low as he got a hold of the woods he had piled up.

"Forget it." said the man while sighing.

He swept away the leaves, and leave a circular space, exposing the land's bare ground. He began placing stones and made a fire with the woods.

Their vicinity lit up and Anne walked languidly towards him. He placed a small blanket on the ground, which she never knew where it came from. The man then settled himself as he sat on the blanket. He searched his pocket and handed Anne a small glass container containing a light blue substance.

"Here. Chug a bit of it." he said.

"What's this?" Anne asked as she accepted the glass bottle.

"It won't make you feel hungry.... Just a small drop." He explained.

Anne looked at the bottle then the man. She arched her eyebrow and held the cover open. She unhesitatingly swallowed a drop of the liquid. The substance took affect sooner than she had expected. She felt the empty space on her midsection fades and was occupied by the liquid — she felt full already!

Anne handed back the container to the man and he kept it on his pocket. The man placed his sword on the space, on the right, next to him. Then he lied down.

He placed his right arm over his head. And a brief moment later, his head turned to Anne who was still standing on his left side.

"What are you waiting for? Sleep already." He snapped.

Anne immediately nodded and lied down beside him. Her eyes were wide open as she slightly turned her head towards the man.

The man must have noticed her as he turned around to her direction as well.

The man's lips then moved as he talked, "Pillow?"

Anne looked at him intently without saying anything. The man sighed and spread out his left arm. Anne moved her head upward as the man's arm settled over her head.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Sleep." He commanded.

Anne looked at him again as she was uncertain in what she'll do. The man's right hand gently pushed her forehead till she felt the man's left arm over her head.

"Goodnight." said the man and turned his blank face away. Anne looked at the darkness above and became sleepy after. She was nearly falling asleep when she felt the man moved and pulled her closer to him. Anne then fell asleep on his embrace.


On the same night, Anthony and Victor, in their haven, made a little argument.

"I wonder how's Jake doing." talked Victor while sitting on a chair he owned. His hand was clutching a wineglass. As he attempted to drink, the door sprang opened revealing Valentino on his black suit.

Anthony and Victor looked at Valentino on the same black suit they were wearing.

"Maybe I should go there as well." offered Anthony, taking a sip on his own wine.

"No. We can't go there and risk everything. Let Jake do his job. He'll never let us down." interfered Valentino and went on the table where Victor and Anthony were settling with their midnight wines.

"After all, we had took over Neverland. Soon we will rule over Mycrathineia." Valentino talked as he was being poured by Victor a glass of wine. Valentino accepted the drink with pleasure and drank a mouthful of wine.

"Their saviour ... We'll just have to wait for her." said Anthony, his white fangs being visible in the light of the moonlight coming from the window.

Victor and Valentino nodded in agreement — their eyes illuminated an intense colour of blood.
