¬Chapter 1¬

Once there was a young scientist by the name of Laila. On one fine evening, Laila was testing on a radio-active liquid found in space. It was a purple-ish and blue-ish substance no one knew what it was so they decided to name it 'Spacellaria'. (A/n, i don't know what to name the liquid thingy so... yeah. hehe.)

After awhile, Laila decided to go out for lunch. As she was getting ready for lunch she accidentally hit a test-tube that was placed near the edge of the table and broke it. As she was just picking up the glass test-tube's broken pieces she realized that the test-tube she broke contained the Spacellaria and as she was about to panic she felt something weird as her finger was hurt by the glass and some of the liquid has touched her wound and she lost her consciousnesses. After 20 minutes, her lunch break was over and she regained her consciousnesses she still had that weird feeling but somehow it felt good it was just like she had just took a 20 minutes nap.

As she was trying to get up from the floor she used the table as support but somehow in someway the table just broke it was just like as if she had super strength but Laila shook that thought out of her head as it was not logical and thought that the table might just be too old and lost its strength. She then took a deep breathe and let it out. However when she let out her deep breathe , the chair suddenly turned into a chair Popsicle. Hoping that that was just a dream she pinched herself and let out a faint scream but after 5 seconds the pain she felt was gone and she also never knew that her pinch was that strong. After her small little thoughts in her big little brain she came back to reality and wondered how this happened and as soon as she realize it she then reached out for her phone and called her best friend who was a big superhero fan. Her best friend's name is Kaylie.

.......the conversation in the phone call........

Laila: "Uhmmm.... Kaylie can we meet at your house later when I'm done with my work at 3 p.m later...?"

Kaylie:" Okay. Why? What's wrong?"

Laila:" I'll tell you later"


Laila: "I promise"

Kaylie:" Okay then! See ya later! And don't forget your promise"

Laila:"Fine. I'll remember... Bye! Gotta work"

............End of phone call................

Laila again, forgetting that the broken glass shards of the test-tube had some of the Spacellaria, she touched it again and as soon as she realizes it, she then got into position to prepare her when she lose conscious but her efforts were in vain as after 5 minutes she still hasn't lost her consciousness and she was confused. Fortunately for her she had a laboratory for herself as she was one of the best scientists and a forgetful one but nobody realizes it except for her best friend. Fortunately for her, No one saw her making a fool of herself. Then she saw the broken table and decided to buy a new one and redecorate her lab while she's at it. After she cleaned up, she did some hypothesis and some other scientist stuff, she went to her best friend's house.