¬Chapter 2¬

'Ding dong' the door bell at Kaylie's house rang. Kaylie was busy reading her book when she heard the door bell rang thats why she was startled. Afterwards, she ran to the door,then look through the door hole to see who it was. She then opened the door and welcomed her friend in. Afterwards, they went to the living room.

In the living room, Kaylie told Laila to sit down on the couch while she run to the kitchen to get them some snacks. Laila then told her about what happened in the laboratory. At first Kaylie didn't want to believe her best friend but after rethinking she thought 'Laila couldn't be lying...right? I mean it's not like her to talk about having super powers as she is always saying that its not logical and possible when i wanted to discuss the topic with her... Well then I guess she's telling the truth' her deep thought were cut off by a loud clapping sound from Laila. She then told her that they should test out her powers in her basement so nobody could see them. As worried as Kaylie, she is still excited that her friend now has powers and maybe, if Laila wants to...she could be a superhero!

In the basement, Laila didn't know what to do and that is the same for Kaylie. I mean it's not their fault they don't know what to do as they have never accounted with a superhero. Then Kaylie remembered about her comic books and maybe it could tell them a little bit of what they were supposed to do. After 3 days of this and that, they finally know what Laila's powers were. Her powers were super strength,ice breathe and invincibility. They knew about her super strength by the table Laila accidentally broke but it's been replaced and the chair she froze. It is also replaced with a new one that Laila had ordered online. Her invincibility was discovered when Kaylie threw a plastic box at her hoping she had laser eyes but instead it crashed to Laila she screamed in pain for 5 seconds and suddenly stopped as the pain was gone.

After they had finished with the testing the two best friends decided to watch a movie together and have a sleep over as it was a Friday and Laila and Kaylie don't usually go to work on weekends unless if there was an emergency .

However, little did they know... someone was watching them.
