nothing and as you see

Chetty: Go, it can't end so there are some things you need to clear up.

He nods and goes out behind her.

Tina: you say that?

Chetty: No, he won't leave her I know my brother and very good so until he has to, Aurora's real face won't leave her.

Tina: the real face what do you mean?

Chetty: Don't tell me you don't understand?

Tina: what?

Chetty: You're older than me but I see you think like a child.

Tina: Can you tell me what I didn't understand?

Chetty: That Aurora is with him for money not love.

Tina: So what do you do?

Chetty: I have an idea call Bobby we need help.

She nods, in time Jacob and Aurora were no longer arguing, on the contrary, they started kissing breathlessly, Bobby arrived and we laid out everything we had to do.

Jacob and Aurora are at the pool me, Tina and Bobby go to them, we sit at their table.

Chetty: Are you over?

Jacob: Yes, it was a good fight.

Chetty: Excuse me first Aurora I didn't want to hope you will forgive me?

Jacob: Chetty ???

Aurora: Don't worry all past but be careful next time.

Chetty: I'll do it, if it's a next time.

Aurora: what did you say?

Chetty: Nothing, then Jacob what to do? Let's do the ...

Jacob: 'of course you said that we go and so we do !!!!

Aurora: it's true too.

Chetty ,: wauuu, I'm happy but Aurora

Can I steal your boyfriend from you now?

She looks at me and nods.

Jacob got up and I took his hand and pulled him as far as possible.

Jacob: what happens?

Chetty: Jacob I know what I'm looking for will be difficult but please trust me you are my brother and I love you, even if I haven't been next to you for long, we have the same blood.

Jacob: Are you scaring me that this is happening?

Chetty: I know you care a lot about her I mean Aurora but do you know if she really loves you? Jacob: What do you mean?

Chetty: I talked to your friends.

They told me that they haven't gotten along with her from the beginning and I think there is a reason.

Jacob: yes it's true but what about friends?

Chetty: as soon as I got here I got along well with them because I saw that they love you and you love them.

Jacob: I still don't understand. ???

Chetty: they don't answer to her for you, because I know that it is not nice for them to fight and so they keep quiet, but Jacob what is the use of friends if I can't talk I joke with your beloved? Why do you have to stay away, why do you always have to choose, today for example she wanted you to choose between me and her, sure that even without giving them an answer she went away, then she makes you do what you want, doesn't it seem a bit strange?

Jacob: yes you are right but why?

Chetty: Because he has to lose if he loses you. Jacob: You say that ....

Chetty: I'm sure, more than sure, that's why I made a plan with Tina and Bobby.

Jacob: Do you think it works?

Chetty: Yeah but you play my game and trust me.

Jacob: ok We go towards them and Aurora looks at us suspiciously.

Chetty: So guys what time are we going? Tina: chetty? Excuse me but can I talk to you? Chetty: Of course He takes me by the hand and we stand by the pool.

Bobby: Jacob please can you walk me to the car I have to show you something.

Jacob: Okay let's go, Aurora I'm only coming a minute and back.

Tina and I were talking when we realize that Aurora was hearing us.

Chetty: I understand Tina please don't tell Jacob. Tina: and my best friend I can't hide from them a betrayal of this

Chetty: But sorry that you care

Tina: no money but you're lying

Chetty: listen Tina I'm sorry but I want it all and I'll tell them to my face when the time comes but not now.

Tina: tell them now if he will accept it is fine for me too.

We turn and see Aurora inside us, but before we open our mouth she escapes from Jacob, she jumps them almost desperately.

Aurora: 'Jacob your sister !!!

Jacob: What is it with my sister.?

Aurora: isn't your sister what she seems? Jacob: What do you mean?

Aurora: she came here for the money not for you.

Jacob: It can't be!?!

Aurora takes him by the hand and leads him to us Aurora: now speak tell the truth.

Tina: Chetty?

Chetty: Listen Jacob I'm sorry but I need more than you already gave me.

Jacob: what do you want?

Chetty: I want everything to myself, you have had everything for all these years now it's my turn and I'm sorry but I want everything. Jacob: if I give you everything ...

Chetty: Call the lawyer, pass everything on my name and then I'll think about staying here or leaving.

Jacob: and me what ...

Chetty: I give you the opportunity to forgive for what you did as a child you tell me are you there? Jacob looks down

Jacob: Okay I'll do it.

Aurora: but you are crazy that you take what you will do without ...

Jacob: I will always have you and my sister right?

Aurora: you're crazy I won't let you give everything to your sister

Jacob: and why not?

Aurora: you can't do it what will you have left? Jacob: I have you right?

Aurora: no, no my dear if you do this madness with me indoors !!

Jacob: Excuse me? Why do you say that ? You do not love me.?

Aurora: yes I love you but a starving person won't make me feel good that you think I can do by your side without money?

Jacob: So you're staying with me for my money?

Aurora: Money is very important and I have a reputation to defend.

Jacob: you have a nice reputation, but if nobody shits you when you are alone, if they see you with me they greet you, but you think that without me they know you, well I inform you that without me you are nobody.

Aurora: You too will be nobody if your sister takes everything.

Bobby: At this point you have to be a sister not a brother anymore, but as far as I know chetty likes men not women so I don't know what's going on.

Tina; Chetty ????

Chetty: What did I tell you?

Jacob: you were right I was a fool to believe he loved me, he just wanted my money. Aurora: what?

Jacob: yes, you got it right and all a fake a plan made by my sister who unfortunately was not right.

She wanted it to be so but apparently yes, you know I'm sorry that for all this time I ignored my friends who do not for them my money is important but my feelings.

Aurora looked at me with a mischievous look Aurora: So it was you?

Up to now I have been around these stupid friends of Jacob, don't look at me like that !! Yes it's true I was with him for his money and you pieces of shit didn't realize at all what fucking friends you are you are not worth a penny to me, but you little wretch found me out, you know I'm glad you missed all this luxury and love from your biological parents, I'm glad you didn't have this brother by your side when you needed it most, you are an orphan and you will stay like that forever ... Didn't let him finish I went up to her and slapped him after all he deserved it, and he falls to the ground.

Chetty: This is for my brother, I don't care what you say I think about me but don't try to mention my brother's name you're just a huge bitch.

She gets off the ground and I raise my hand to slap me, but Tina stops him.

Tina: and no, don't use to touch it I lowered my hand and pushed him away from me Aurora: so the little bitch has the balls eeeee ?????

Tina: Aurora, go away before I lose my patience and believe me that as long as I have kept in me what you did to Jacob the ambulance will have to come and get you from here.

Aurora: Chetty I'll make you pay don't forget and then you're a great motherfucker. I wanted to get closer to her but Jacob rushes me, takes her by the arm and forcibly throws her out before she closed the door Jacob: if you just try to touch a strand of their hair you are dead and I'm not kidding you try and you will see the lion you have never seen in me.

She closes the door and comes to me and holds me in her arms.

Jacob: I will not let her hurt you I promise neither her nor anyone else, thank you for being here, thank you for doing the sister I always wanted to find, thank you for everything, I'm lucky that you are back in my life.

Chetty: Duty my brother, I did my duty, and honestly ???? I also had a great desire to get rid of her.

He stops by the hug looks at me and pinches me on my cheek.

Chetty: heiiii ,,,,, and this why?

Jacob: why ???? I just checked if you are true I only have a dream.

Tina: it's not a dream and just her in front of you, and your beloved little sister.

She comes close to us and hugs both of us, even Bobby comes in our hug.

Jacob: enough guys you are choking me Chetty: Are you okay?

He looked down and nods.

Jacob: I want to be alone for a while we stand still without answering, maybe a little alone will do them well, jacob went to his room, Bobby went to take a bath in the pool and Tina went to the kitchen and I followed him. Chetty: Hey, are you okay? What are you doing?

Tina: I'm fine thanks, I'll make something sweet maybe it takes.

Chetty: Yeah, you're right, I forgot did Mickey tell you?

Tina: yes, she was going to visit an old friend. Chetty: A friend? Hmmmm to me he said he has to solve some personal problems out of quotes. !!!

Tina: I don't know what she really does, I don't know what she said to you

Chetty: Okay bon it matters.