
We have changed parliament. The second day we went parachuting, then the third day we did some karate lessons, the fourth day we went to a football game. It's been 4 days and I didn't know anything about Mickey, Jacob didn't make us understand that he is sick but you could see that he really cared a lot about that bitch Aurora. We have decided that we will leave for the weekend on Friday night, we have prepared everything myself, Bobby and Tina were in the living room and waiting for Jacob.

Chetty: Guys I think it is better to ring the start tonight and we better go tomorrow morning

Tina: yes it's better, being close to Jacob needs.

Chetty: I'll do it don't worry.

Tina and Bobby went home, I went upstairs, knocked on Jacob's door.

Chetty: Jacob can I come in?

Jacob: I'm ready

He comes to open the door for me and he wasn't looking at me, he looked down but I could see that he had red eyes.

I sit on the corner of the bed and watch him as he put the last few things in his suitcase, he did everything but look at me.

Chetty: Jacob ???

Come over here to me He looks at me in amazement, I motioned them to come near me, he nods and sits down next to me, I take their hand and pin it hard, and with the other hand I gently touch his hair, arranging it.

Chetty: You know Jacob .....

Jacob: But we have to .....

Chetty: no, let's not go anymore tonight, I talked to the guys tomorrow morning let's go, then don't worry.

Jacob: I didn't feel like leaving tonight, and how did you understand it?

Chetty: Jacob you are my brother I know we haven't known each other for long but we are still brothers, I saw that these days you did everything to make me happy, but I saw your forced smile, it wasn't you and I just met you mine I liked your sincere smile, but these days I don't see it and I feel very guilty because being your sister I can't do anything to make you feel good, I don't know what to do, but please tell me what I have to do to make you feel better, I'm bad to see you so I do not support seeing these beautiful eyes red from tears.

Jacob: little sister do not feel guilty, look do not think that these tears are for Aurora, they are because I am angry with myself I have given too much importance to her that my friends, parents and even you, I have to thank you for opening me eyes if not who knows how the story ended.

I hug him tightly, he gently stroked my hair

Jacob: listen chetty, I was sick but I promise you that from tomorrow I will be the one I was before I promise you, with you by my side I will make the most beautiful smile in the world.

Chetty: I know it's not easy to get upstairs but we are brave and whatever happens we will be together we won't let anyone divide us again.

Jacob: This is my biggest fear.

Chetty: my family my teacher that family comes first, together we can deal with everything and everyone, but you have to promise me that you won't leave me alone again.

Jacob: I'll never leave you.

Chetty: Now sleep, we'll wake up early tomorrow.

I get up and go to the door and turn to him Chetty: I love you little brother.

He gives me his beautiful smile.

The next morning we woke up early Jacob and I were in the living room and Bobby comes immediately too

Bobby: Are you ready to face this new adventure?

Jacob: Bobby we're ready but Tina where is she?

Bobby: She and at home she told me to tell you that we have to go and pick her up at her house.

Jacob: ok then let's go We got into the car and went to Tina's house and saw him in front of her house with some suitcases, we stopped and Jacob went down to help you with the suitcases, suddenly I heard Jacob talking to someone the voice was very well known and I was right it was Mickey.

I was placed in the back next to Bobby, I turned to see him but I didn't get out of the car, Bobby jumped out immediately to say hello but I didn't want to see him I didn't want to I was mad at him he lied to me and told me shit and then he didn't give no sign of life not even a message.

Bobby: Hey, little devil how are you?

Welcome back to us dear friend.

I could hear Bobby talking to him but I wasn't looking at him.

Tina: let's get in the car talk in the car it's getting late move.

Jacob if put in the driver's seat, Tina in front with him, Bobby in the back on my left I was in the middle and Mickey if put on my right, as soon as he got into the car Mickey greeted me.

Mickey: Hey baby? How are you?

Chetty: Well, what about you?

Mickey: I'm not complaining.

Chetty: Well for you, do you want to congratulate me now?

I answered them badly and didn't even look at him.

Jacob and Tina looked at each other

Jacob: this morning my little sister is a bit sour, I meant maybe irritated and by the fact that she is up very early.

Mickey: I don't want your best wishes but thanks anyway.

Chetty: You're welcome

Mickey: Don't pray we're not in the church Chetty: Ahahhaha, how funny you are today, but I'm not in the mood to laugh when you make your fucking jokes.

Amazed, he moves his head and looks out the window.

Mickey: I didn't joke at all.

Jacob: hey guys the journey is very long so stay calm please.

Tina: Yeah and then Mickey shut up chetty isn't in her shoes, so leave her alone for now don't screw it up as usual.

Mickey: look, I didn't start it, ok I joked, can't you joke anymore?

Guys, what happened to you?

Jacob: no Mickey tell me how did these days go?

Mickey: everything went well a little heavy but already outdated.

I looked at him and I started laughing under my mustache, he notices but he said nothing. We had come a long way and Jacob was tired so he asked Mickey to drive him.

I stop the car Mickey got out of the car and if put to the wheel, Tina got out too.

Tina: Bobby can you go up front with Mickey please so I'll be back to remarry too.

Bobby: but I also want to sleep and I can't do it in front of me that Mickey always beats me when he fell asleep I know him well and then he plays tricks on me so I don't move from here.

Chetty: Don't worry I'm going to the front. Tina: thank you very much I stood next to Mickey he looked at me and gave me a mischievous smile.

Chetty: What is it? Why are you laughing under your breath?

Mickey: You are really tough.

Chetty: Yeah.

He started driving after a while, all three of them were asleep behind them.

Mickey: We didn't have time to talk just the two of us had a fight, how did the last few days go?

Chetty: Well we did a few things.

Mickey: How would that be?

Chetty: A little karate, we jumped with the parachute and last we went to a football game.

Mickey: nice you sure have fun, no?

Chetty: let's say yes even if ...

Mickey: And did you still have fun without me?

Chetty: Yes it is.

Mickey: Why don't you look at me when you talk to me? Sorry did I do something to you? Are you angry with me?

Chetty; you haven't done anything to me and I'm not mad at you, just hiding with you and that's it.

Mickey: So you understand something, don't you?

Chetty: Yes something is starting to think, and now please stop the car.

Mickey: why?

Chetty: because I'm very tired and you too have come a long way even though we haven't conversed but time has passed so let's switch.

Mickey: ok

A stopped the car and we woke up Jacob and Tina, they are put in front and we got behind Bobby he didn't move at all God but how much this guy sleeps scares me we walk this morning and now it's almost afternoon but Bobby is strange he always sleeps every now and then he wakes up says a few words and collapses again. Mickey and I fell asleep too, all of a sudden we arrived at the destination I felt that the car stopped and I realized that I have to wake up but when I opened my eyes I saw the face of Mickey who was still sleeping I was in his arms tight to his chest and I was embarrassed I raised my face to him and saw his gaze staring at me I blushed, I withdrew and I immediately got out of the car. We all stopped in front of the box that Jacob had rented it was very nice but a bit small for all five.

Jacob: she is very beautiful but she is a bit small.

Chetty: It doesn't matter, important that she has a kitchen, bathroom and something to sleep on.

Mickey: Chetty is right let's go inside Once inside the house it was beautiful but really small the bathroom, kitchen, living room and two bedrooms upstairs.

I started to cook something everyone was hungry and so she was the only one who knew how to cook, Tina prepared the table was ready we started to eat.

Jacob: congratulations chetty and very good dinner.

Bobby: Yes, it looks like normal food.

Tina: yes and all very good.

Mickey: where did you learn to cook so well? Chetty: First of all, I always helped my mother in the kitchen, then I worked as a cook's assistant.

The life of the poor forces you to learn many useful things.

Mickey: it's true this good, luckily you're here otherwise I don't know how we did it, here there are no butlers and not even restaurants for the rich or the poor.

Bobby: I haven't eaten this well in a long time thanks Chetty.

He came and hugged me, everyone gasped. Jacob: wau, Bobby who has you with?

Bobby: Since you've been here with us, life is so much better and we are very comfortable with you thanks for coming into our lives. Mickey: Let's have a toast to our chetty thank you for being in our lives.

Everyone raised their glasses and said "to chetty" I was very embarrassed.

We were very tired after we cleaned the kitchen we decided to go to sleep.

Jacob: Now let's see how we settle down. Bobby: Girls and boys together? How about everyone sleeping in the living room? Let's put the mattresses on the floor so we are all together, what do you say?

Jacob: It's a good idea guys let's go get the mattresses upstairs.

They got everything ready and we all got down on the mattresses.

Jacob and put Bobby on the left side in the middle Tina is placed between Bobby and Jacob and then it was me and Mickey, we looked at each other and we stood next to Bobby.

Bobby: Good night guys.

Jacob: night.

Tina: sweet dreams to everyone.

Chetty: Good night.

Mickey: night.